Curious George 🐡 George makes a metal detector 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] using the detector George found lots of metal things [Music] but none of them was your bow [Music] no the batteries are dead I have to recharge them but I'll bring this back tomorrow in case you're still looking bye now thank you [Music] George couldn't wait for tomorrow he had to find yerbo before he rusted [Music] that's probably Professor Wiseman maybe she can think of something [Music] hey guys hi I heard there was a storm so I thought I'd check in oh what's wrong well George can't find his robot it's buried in the sand is it made of metal you could try using a metal detector we borrowed one but it ran out of batteries no metal detectors are easy to make huh sure First grab the portable radio from the Shelf okay AM FM radio check next find the calculator a bottom drawer on the desk [Music] then get some tape a top drawer on the desk now take the radio and switch it to am okay then turn the knob all the way to the highest radio station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio fantastic you see the radio and calculator act as a magnet when it finds things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps [Music] oh yeah that's amazing I can't believe you knew that well how do you think I won first place in my second grade science fair George was confused he had already searched half the beach but which half if only the beach were smaller then George remembered to take Tac Toe he could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tic-tac-toe board if George could mark off the squares he searched then he'd know where he'd looked and where he needed to look ah hi George you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search oh great idea George [Music] all set let me know if you need anything [Music] if George searched every Square then he'd be sure to find your bow in square number four George found a trumpet in square six George found a front grille to a 57 Cadillac but by square number eight there was still no sign of yorubo no luck huh yorbo had to be in this last Square he had to laugh [Music] [Music] way to go George you found him your ball is great yes [Music] [Music] have fun well I guess this means I can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book oh well wait for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] it worked and George figured if it worked for blueberries it should also work for coconut [Music] George's creation worked like a vending machine but it didn't look like one foreign [Music] as the saying goes one person's refrigerator box is another monkey's vending machine [Music] George finished his Machine by making a serving slot for the bowls [Music] [Applause] all right everything looked great but who would turn the wheels [Music] even after a great psghetti meal the two groups were still poles apart we've got to get both groups to relax and Mingle maybe the after dinner entertainment will help oops I uh I forgot all about that sorry [Music] right dessert yes George we're ready [Music] may I have everyone's attention please I want to thank Professor Chila de winter and Professor Dewey Frieza I represent the North Pole of course the one on top of the world it all depends on how you hold the map yes um well thank you for joining us tonight and may I just say what is that is that a vending machine wow [Music] George's special dessert started with a special coin gnocchi's love of toys was exactly what the george-o-matic needed [Music] thank you oh why this is snow on a mountain my mommy used to make that one two oh what do you mean you forgot the entertainment this is perfect [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's like the Arctic in here now I'd say more like the Antarctic oh frostbite an icicle snow is snow right right put her there happy to well George thanks to you operation snow go is go going George as for George he was busy perfecting his plans for the next Georgia Matic [Music] I'm afraid I'll have to wait till next year I got them all shorn at the fair oh hmm maybe some other animal grew hair that George could turn into yarn but Leslie's Hair was much too short pigs had hardly any hair [Music] the chickens have feathers instead of hair [Music] oh don't worry George hey maybe there's a pilot with a plane who can fly us over the whole country so we can look around for a sheep with hair Ally Mr rankins come to the house cousin Ida's on the phone I'll be right back George and I'll bring my bike so we can start looking for Pilots George figured he'd pass the time watching the sheep eat grass a lot of grass oh no sheep was escaping [Music] the Beau didn't seem to understand monkey [Music] but he did understand this now what was the whistle for help runaway sheep George didn't know so he guessed [Music] [Applause] wrong yes now George wondered how to whistle come back [Applause] another wrong guess George was suddenly wishing he'd paid more attention at the Sheepdog competition [Music] [Applause] looks like every whistle he could think of to get Bo to turn the Sheep around none of them was right [Music] been a slow day today [Music] [Applause] you were saying never mind the Sheep ended up at George's house [Music] hi George anything interesting happened while I was gone oh No George [Music] [Applause] don't worry Mr rankins yes we have your sheep and they're all safe George could you get those sheep away from the tuba go go boy am I grateful that storm blew a bunch of trees down in the pasture if George hadn't found shelter for the Sheep they might have gotten hurt huh you hear that George you're a hero monkey [Music] we went to a friend's to get a thank you gift Ali knew just what you wanted whoa and lots of it we can dye it any color you want [Music] I'll teach you how to knit you'll have a new scarf in no time that was how George not only made a new scar for himself but also one for the Man with the Yellow Hat [Music] the right color [Music] [Applause] now that George was a numbers Pro he was having a great time keeping score watching the game Marco to hit a home run [Music] the pit looks like it could get out of here it's going going up and offender that was the third out now the tiger babies sorry hungry people my mom's on the phone and I have to talk to her I wish there was someone who could help you but there is it really you can help awesome but but first I have to see if you're qualified [Music] oh it fits you got the job good news people this very nice monkey is taking my place number seven so eight is next hey Mom what's up after seven comes eight then nine then ten this was going to be easy [Music] foreign George had no idea what number came after that it was me I'm number 16. I should get my drink before 17 gets his pretzel hold on you can't serve 16 before you serve 14. huh 11 13 monkey uh 12 Cuts before 13. uh 11 is next calm down people what's the problem he's serving us out of order seriously do you know your numbers [Music] cool so what comes after 10. well I'll show you it's easy just cover the first part of the number with your hand and look at the second part C one two so eleven then twelve foreign [Music] do you want me to take over how fun as it was to hand out popcorn George was eager to get back to the game Hey kid where you been um I'll never mind that it's clutch time it's the last inning bottom of the ninth the score is tied four to four there are two outs and Marco's up to bat but he hurt his foot playing shortstop and now he can't run can you run the bases for him huh so if I hit the ball will you run for me thanks kid let's go this is it folks after two Scholars Innings it's the Cubby Bear's Last Chance to break the tie wish me luck George here I come on [Applause] here right two just a reminder folks three strikes and you're out [Music] [Applause] Marco home run I did [Music] it oops run George run his faces were like everything else then George should run them in order first base first second base second and third base third bring it home kit bring it home [Applause] [Music] and I couldn't have done it without you George we're so proud that was a fine hit Marco and a fine run kid there he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] citizens of Prairieville welcome to the ceremony for the joining of the Rails and to drive in the last pin Sheriff doorman [Music] what oh dear I've lost the bin [Music] sorry excuse me oh no [Music] this was awful Hundley had to find that pin [Music] need a hand partner we feel just awful about losing the PIN [Music] um name this is hopeless the deputy thought she might be right there was too much sand then the stranger realized all they needed was a sifter something with holes that would let the dirt out but keep the pin in who's hungry after all what's a western without them [Music] perfect a really big sifter [Music] the deputy hoped the Holy Bull would save the day [Music] only it didn't the holes were too big to keep the small pin inside any luck finding the pin last piece of pie I'm sure you don't want some oh suddenly The Stranger knew what to do if he wanted a sifter with holes the right size huh he'd have to make it himself luckily he knew how big the holes needed to be [Music] ah this was bigger than the pin from the box if the stranger used it to make holes the pin would fall through them but this was a perfect size nail it would make a hole that would let the dirt out but keep the pin in [Music] great job deputy whoa hey there it is way to go on Lee you've got the best sifter of all yeah your nose oh now who should put it in the pin we don't want to lose it again hey my town it's all set up [Music] ah and you save the last pin for me [Music] Hundley was happy the train was back on track this is great and I've got the perfect name for it hundleyville what do you think of that Hundley uh Hundley [Music] foreign [Music] George explained that he was the owner of this body and Toots and the germets would have to go go why should we go we like it here I'm making you feel sick oh well in that case I'll be on my way I'll just get myself I'm never leaving [Music] but you are cheers [Music] [Music] George knew he wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go [Music] the lungs George and Yoki agreed to try his lungs first [Music] looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] [Music] [Music] now this look more like a lung when the walls moved out air came in when the walls moved in air rushed out George was watching himself breathe [Music] this was George's chance so where should we go next uh the throat maybe the ease [Music] [Applause] [Music] George couldn't believe how hard it was to get rid of one measly germ huh hahaha [Music] hey hey what are you doing let me go George didn't have a feather but he did have 20 fingers foreign had done it toots was gone [Music] you're awake how do you feel George felt great he could even smell again for an important call I have the most amazing exciting thing to tell you can you come over oh right we're in bed okay then meet me at the clubhouse tomorrow right away and don't forget bye [Music] the next morning George raced to the clubhouse hey hi George are you ready to hear this are you ready it's kind of unbelievable and I don't think you'll even believe it are you ready okay I am going to the garden [Music] huh kindergarten is where you go when you're big and you need to learn stuff like how to write your name in eight plus two ah ah and I want you to come with me to get all my school tools so can you come can you come [Music] it was a good thing George went shopping with Ali because cause she needed a monkey's eye [Music] okay which backpack The Lion The Witch or the or it's the one I wanted to because it holds the most stuff the kindergarten you need exactly three rulers and a cowboy belt and binoculars and pipe cleaners wow kindergarten sure sounded like fun where else would you need three rulers in a cowboy belt guess what these are two two for one oh would you like a backpack George [Music] the next day George wondered how Ali was doing in kindergarten George kindergarten was great and guess what I told my teacher I was best friends with a monkey and she said you could come to school with me tomorrow [Music] yeah you'll be our official guest monkey [Music] here's your lunch huh your snack and just for luck a brand new yellow pencil hmm wow a school tool [Music] have fun be a good little guest monkey George discovered that just going to school was exciting first there was waiting for the bus [Music] then there was being on the bus then there was getting off the bus [Music] this is it George kindergarten [Music] foreign and you must be George all right class time to take your seats now we're not gonna create any more work for Professor Wiseman right okay come on come on come on come on come on [Music] you too fun relaxation ducks okay here I go [Laughter] George careful uh no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks but you're hat is waddling away oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't I I should okay how aha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water I just need a hook [Music] Perfect Choice [Music] okay wanna toss it George foreign we need more weight okay try again [Music] oh yeah oh huh aha see that branch we can use it to lift the Hat we can hmm [Music] [Music] fantastic oh thank you thank you ah this wasn't what I planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what I had a very relaxing day relaxing exactly Hands-On problem solving not like work where I just answer questions and Shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting oh sure come on George I think it's time for a nap George knew he had to keep Yoki away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it [Music] now George had an accurate way to measure the building this tape measure could measure anything [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall how much more [Music] now how was George going to measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape [Music] of course George had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long [Music] hey aren't you Jenny the world record book lady you are correct oh I've been a fan of yours for years well thank you I'm here looking for I know what you're looking for Jeff spaghettis is this way oh [Music] there's bischetti's restaurant and here's Chef is getting strong of spaghetti I have got to get a picture of this George could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building [Music] how could he measure the difference [Music] foreign at the top of his head the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti Strand and one George tall [Music] oh yes oh this is going to be spectacular love this Stevie why you don't come back in the middle oh your genie the world record book lady and you must be Chef piscotti yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph I just took of it wow does that start a world record Jenny oh I'm afraid not here's the picture I took of Alfonso Dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the Leaning Tower of Pisa [Music] now I'm never gonna get in the world to record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tallies three stories I got a call Nettie and tell her the building next door is a three-story stall [Music] finally got to play with the spaghetti and Chef biscotti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Applause] George always liked to visit the men with the yellow hats old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where I saw my very first movie oh [Music] aha oh this used to be a great old theater maybe some days someone will fix it up [Music] hey hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure I planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down tap down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful Lobby this beach is what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and run down it's a hopeless broken old theater hopeless he'd seen the Man with the Yellow Hat fix things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater too [Music] repair the theater us a hmm you're right George if we don't do it who will how about it Mr glass let us put on a special screening we'll show you that this theater is worth preserving I don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother [Applause] but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm ha you're a monkey aren't you uh-huh okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show I'll save the theater Mr glass I promise we'll knock your socks off [Music] ah maybe this is hopeless well let's see it with the lights on [Music] yeah see it just needs a little TLC tender Lobby care you know it'll take some work but I bet we can put on a good show cleaning up a movie theater was a major production thanks [Music] we've never played for a movie before [Music] cool [Music] here it is Isle of dinosaurs one of Mr glass's favorite movies [Music] hey great work you two can't believe this is the same theater wow lots of Puddles a rubber ball and one happy monkey perfect recipe for fun on a rainy day in the country [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had lost his ball but he had found something he'd never noticed before cave George didn't know much about caves but he knew one thing about being in the dark you can't really see anything how would he find the ball now [Music] I've got that oh hey George you want to help me bake my famous banana walnut cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] George invited jumpy squirrel to help him find the ball in the cave [Music] that squirrel didn't know what he was missing by being so jumpy [Music] foreign [Music] was like a new playground for George [Music] [Music] oh with just a flashlight he could bring Shadows to life [Music] [Applause] and turn himself into a Fearless Giant [Music] suddenly the cave seemed very different [Music] for the very first time George was truly afraid of the dark [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] George was happy he knew he never had to go back to that spooky cave again [Music] good night George [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] George is that you huh I guess I forgot to turn off the lights [Music] did I forget to turn off all of these lights too huh [Music] [Music] hmm when Mrs Quint asked for help setting up a surprise party for Mr quint's birthday [Music] George was almost ready [Music] he practiced yelling surprise until he was really good at it but he wanted to be the best so he kept practicing you ever thrown a surprise party for Mr Quint before well it's the only way to give him a party because you're such a big family exactly I'm watching for Mr Quinn's boat no sign of him oh you don't have to watch yet Bill he won't be back for at least two hours foreign [Music] it's not my birthday George I'm not supposed to get surprised he's home early no what do we do no take him to your house and keep him there till party time questions come on not yet George well hey there young fellas [Music] who looks like you sprung a leak bad luck today huh not all bad got to see part of the river I never saw before the bottom well I got a change of massager socks don't I mean come to our house we want to build a fish pond and need expert advice about fish well sure well let me just get some dry clothes yeah dry clothes go help him all right mother if you say so huh no quit can resist fish crackers they may come in handy okay goodbye have fun [Music] so George and the man with a yellow hat kept Mr Quint busy with lots of questions what do you think well if you make a pond that big you can have almost any size fish as George was about to ask exactly how many whales he could have Mr quint's brother Flint Quint showed up [Music] George it's Mr quint's brother the train station Master hey Clint happy birthday hey Flynn happy birthday oh didn't you know the Quince were born together so Flint can't know about the party either okay the Quints were twins now George had two people to yell surprise at it couldn't get any better Eli said you needed help so I came right over well this is fish business not trained so you can weigh anchor I'll meet you back at my house enjoy the don't go we want to know about running a train around the pond we're planning I'll be right back hello oh it's Mrs Quint disaster the bakery trap wrote down so they can't deliver the birthday cake don't worry I can go pick it up oh thank you it's Mr pescado's Bakery over in Franklin Square you can't run tracks across the pond it'll scare the fish well then we'll just have to Tunnel guys could you monkey sit for me while I run an errand uh sure we'll just figure out the pond while you're gone [Music] George it's your job to keep the Quince here so the surprise isn't wrecked okay [Music] laughs George knew this would be easy because the Quint brothers would probably argue about the pond for hours well we've got it all worked out the perfect Pond and train so we'll monkey set you at my house where we could draw up plans [Music] George had to keep the Quince here it was important the surprise [Music] fish crackers it was a nice summer morning so George was walking the man with a yellow hat to the subway sorry I'm walking so fast George but I can't be late George well he was when they started George had seen something so amazing he had to stop oh there you are did you see a toy you want you already have a dinosaur just like that um you want an oven [Music] George never had a toy that could make cake sweet delicious cake [Music] [Applause] sorry George that's expensive and I I just bought you an expensive toy last week [Music] George can we please talk about this later I'm late for work [Music] I'm sorry George but I can't buy every toy you see be a good little monkey [Music] but the yellow hat couldn't buy it George would have to buy it himself all he needed was to get a job and start earning money [Music] Mr glass didn't need a window washer today hmm [Music] Chef bisquetty didn't need a dish dryer [Music] it was one of those days when nobody needed a monkey's help [Music] the new summer 's dad the palm tree goes there beach balls on the wall and Hawaiian lays everywhere I like it good work son it'll take me a few hours to pick up everything we'll set it up when I get back I could use two more hands while you're gone if you had two more hands you'd be like George I only wish I could get an employee with four hands huh [Music] an employee with four hands here was someone who really needed a monkey [Music] grocer would be so happy with monkey help George would probably earn that whole oven in one day [Music] perfect I need to choose bananas could you help me they need to be super sweet I'm baking a banana cream pie for my mom [Music] George knew one sure way to find the sweetest tasting bananas these bananas belonged under the counter not on top how about the bunch behind you [Music] not the bananas in front of you the ones behind [Music] try the bananas behind that foreign [Music] thanks this is the best service I've ever had in any store [Music] go go Good morning George I'm gonna sleep five more minutes okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] sorry this hair roller coaster whips and snaps your own hairpin turns at 70 miles per hour so come on down to see the island and ride the turbo python 3000 that's Captain's orders oh well that looks uh very exciting George anyway we have a lot of errands to run today foreign like I was saying I'll get dressed so we can spend a fun day at zany Island riding the turbo python 3000. [Music] [Applause] [Music] now don't eat all that licorice at once okay George huh hi Steve Betsy hi George hey have you guys been on the turbo python 3000 we've been on nine times already that's the record ah is it um fun he screamed his head off nine times we're gonna ride it all day wanna come [Music] [Applause] everyone was excited about riding the turbo python 3000. except the Man with the Yellow Hat he was afraid of roller coasters and remember the first and last time he rode a roller coaster it was so long ago he was just the boy with the Yellow Hat [Music] and since that day roller coasters upset him okay I'm a grown man I have no reason to fear a roller coaster [Applause] uh enjoy the ride George I am thirsty [Music] excuse me I'm sorry but you can't ride the turbo python 3000 [Music] oh you have to be as tall as this sign to ride and uh you're not sorry pal that goes for you too son [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh yeah oh [Music] my God [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sorry I measured to the top of a head not the top of a hat [Music] you're gonna have to really grow before you can ride there little fella George wondered exactly how much he had to grow but when he measured with his hand he was the same height as the sign he must have grown already you're not measuring right I wish I had a ruler or something it's just not see ya one two three four five well the sinus five licorice whips tall and you are one two three four licorice whips tall [Music] you can come back when you're growing one more Licorice Whip tall and until then enjoy the rest of the park [Music] George was conducting an important experiment testing the bounce factor of the living room furniture [Music] couch made a different sound ah that wasn't the couch it sounded big it sounded heavy and it came from up there huh [Laughter] [Music] you must have heard our new neighbor walking around he moved in last week huh what George had heard seemed heavier than footsteps what are you doing [Music] George you must have heard our neighbor walking that's all it could be it's not like he's got some wild animal up there [Music] the man with a yellow hat lived with George so why couldn't the new neighbor live with an animal but what kind [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] of course the new neighbor had brought home an elephant [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat had to hear this George [Music] you you dreamed about an elephant [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] um no more nature books before you go to sleep George they're obviously giving you strange dreams this is better bedtime reading the happy sleepy monkey good night [Music] [Laughter] this new sound certainly wasn't an elephant walking around it was an elephant that was doing what [Music] [Music] foreign boy I didn't sleep at all last night [Music] huh [Music] George never realized there were so many sounds in the world he'd never listened hard enough wow [Music] that was the balcony to the apartment upstairs where the new neighbor lived with his elephant
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 679,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: r4b2UsmWgEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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