Curious George 🐡 Cooking with George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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hey just in time uh could you grate the carrots into the batter and put it in the oven while i changed my shirt i guess they should make aprons that cover your arms [Music] yeah that's great uh then would you slice the cucumbers into the soup and put the apples in the fruit bowl thanks george [Music] okay i think we finally have things under control [Music] what is that awful smell [Music] george uh thanks for finishing the soup it smells strange huh is this a cucumber it tastes like eggplant it is eggplant so what did you put in the carrot cake [Music] is it is this some kind of radish radish cake and eggplant soup and a smelly fruit bowl interesting [Music] george couldn't understand it how could something that tasted so good in the store tastes so bad in the soup i'm sure you could make a good soup with eggplant but this was a recipe for cucumber soup well we still have oh ten minutes oh well i guess we should just order takeout huh [Music] where are you going george [Music] customer number one you are back and i think i know why you dropped this on your last visit ah correct me if i'm wrong but aren't these pictures of carrots cucumbers and apples yeah i see it now way to go dad tell me my friend are those the vegetables you have been looking for on your visits let me get them for you [Music] you don't want them [Music] oh [Music] ah nothing like a hard day of analyzing carbon isotope ratios to give a girl an appetite hmm something smells weird oh that's my radish cake really yum george perfect timing george is that your name uh huh hello i am win huang an owner of the hua mai grocery and takeout this is my wife hua and daughter mai oh well hello hi he named the store after us it means peach blossom is that the new vietnamese grocery on inn avenue i've been looking forward to your opening oh me too is all this from your store it is we thought we should help george carry in his order we've brought you eggplant curry [Music] with nook yum a fish sauce with daikon radish oh i love that sauce bitter melon soup sahatlu which is pomegranate seeds in coconut cream and durian shakes it all looks great and there's so much would you join us huh we would be honored a few days later george headed back to huamai [Music] here you go [Music] hi look at all our takeout customers someone's been talking me i told everyone i know about how great the food is and i know a lot of people but don't worry george you'll always be customer number one [Music] everything that comes into the wastewater treatment plant gets sorted into three categories [Music] oils mostly from car and truck engines sand and grit from construction or sand used on icy roads in winter and solids that means pretty much anything else that ends up in the water old shoes spare parts boots boats they'd all be right here wait your boat's not here it's raining but the sanitation worker said everything that goes down the drain goes here it does except during heavy rains the system can't handle all the storm water and it overflows right now the pipes and tanks are backed up so anything on its way here isn't going to get here there it goes down the river to the ocean the ocean how am i gonna find my history homework in the ocean if your history of homework is out here we could find it the albatross is a skimmer boat she patrols the harbor for floatables like that floatables are what we call trash in the water that bypass the treatment plant [Music] there sure is a lot of it and it's almost all from people littering on the street you see the trash gets washed out here when it rains that plastic ring has got a bird [Music] don't worry we'll help her out and then release her [Music] [Applause] my boat [Music] at least i think that's my boat [Music] there you are good as new [Music] ah i wish i could say the same for my boat [Music] my is never gonna believe my homework went down a storm drain and got destroyed well i think i've used that excuse before [Music] and then we went to the filtration plant but the boat wasn't there because it was raining really hard and when that happens the storm water and wastewater never even makes it to the plant ah it all goes right to the ocean trash out there is called floatables and this thing called a skimmer vessel goes and tries to clean everything up so in conclusion that's why my project is dirty and smelly oh and ancient egyptians use them and stuff so when it rains everything goes into the ocean ah that's awful somebody ought to figure out a way to warn people yeah they should paint a model boat with an x through it on the street drains so some other kid doesn't lose his history homework like i did and while they're at it they should paint like birds and fish and and little wavy things for water on the street drains and then like paint a coffee cup with an x through it so people know not to litter because it'll end up in the ocean [Music] that's a very good idea steve it is um i mean yeah it is uh does this mean i get extra credit perhaps [Music] this was a terrific idea for a class project steve ah thanks of course the bad news is you won't get to be in history class with betsy next year all right [Music] he was going to need a bigger windmill luckily george knew a perfect place for finding things the recycling room [Music] now what did mr keyote say if you're building a windmill you need sails [Music] a sturdy base [Music] something for the sails to spin around and something to make the scarecrow move [Music] now that he had the windmill parts he just had to put them together [Music] time to take those sails for a spin but his windmill stopped short so george gave his windmill a leg up four of them [Music] when you're making a windmill [Music] it's easy to get wrapped up in your work so george gave his sails a trim [Music] his sails moved but his windmill didn't oh [Music] what was he missing when the wind blows it pushes the sails and then george realized these were too loose so he got more sticks and attached the sails with tape [Music] [Applause] [Music] george could push his sails but the wind couldn't mr coyote's sails were stiff maybe that gave the wind more to push against [Music] so george made his sail stiff [Music] [Applause] all his windmill needed now was a scarecrow mover [Music] at last his windmill was finished and it was a good thing too huh because he was out of tape now he just had to wait for the wind [Music] and get a wait for his windmill [Music] george had done it he made his scarecrow move but he did feel bad for compass and his friends [Music] [Music] now the pigeons could eat their food while george grew his oh no hunley picked up a pepper he needs water [Music] oh coming right up george our pinata doesn't look like a donkey marco was right a donkey didn't have an extra long body in short stubby legs but hundley did that's it thank you for posing for us hundley hundley was thrilled dachshunds were getting the attention they deserved [Music] oops and he was even happier to help in the kitchen [Music] oh this looks great now we just have to wait for everything to bake yes but this would be even better if we had mommy's serving bowls in sarapis but how will you get them without mommy noticing we think that since mommy loves walks you could take her for a longer walk in the park before coming to an avenue [Music] now everything looks just the way mommy likes it we should have gotten her flowers hmm we can make some [Music] it won't be long now ah everything smells so good what's this tasty looking stuff [Music] oh glue water i i need something to get that taste out of my mouth maybe a pickle [Music] oh no look they'll think it's the signal [Music] i miss the kids why don't we go get them now we'll go to a nice [Music] they're restaurant [Music] quick everyone hide george wait oh okay [Music] oh my what a wonderful surprise happy mother's day mommy and look we made your pinata it is beautiful it was a masterpiece [Music] just missed just a little bit more [Music] ah this is the best mother's day ever and i couldn't have done it without george [Music] it needs more squish [Music] if one sleeping bag was good two were even better because when you're somersaulting you need a soft spot to land okay we've got our mat what do we make next i know hey leslie can we borrow some of your fence for our balance beam oh don't worry we're gonna put it on the ground that way you can do gymnastics too [Music] a balance beam shouldn't tip [Music] when george learned to ride a bike and it tipped over the man put on training wheels [Music] maybe his beam needed training wheels too [Music] only without the wheels [Music] now if only we had some rings [Music] some rings were too small and some were too big [Music] but some rings were just right [Music] huh where did the towels go [Music] [Music] maybe you should do abominable exercises they make your muscles stronger [Music] eight nine ten one more than ten two more than ten now we need [Music] that was gonna be a tough one [Music] it'd have to be the right height too short too tall and it shouldn't tilt [Music] once george had a handle on things [Music] he added padding because safety is one of the three s's [Music] yes way to go george wow you guys built this yourselves well it was george's idea he's pretty smart for a city kid yeah wait till mrs somersault sees us next week we're gonna be so jam-tastic at the next class george couldn't wait to show the teacher what they had learned you guys are amazing are we gymtastic you certainly are but how [Music] we found another gym yeah and it's open every day every day do you think maybe we could have classes there [Music] oh yeah we know the owner and he's a natural at gymnastics [Music] lake wanasync lake is a very popular place in the summer [Music] wait for me you got a really hot day george's little legs couldn't get him to the end of the dock fast enough [Music] we have a saying on the dark son look before you leave hey what happened to all the water well the dry spells lowered the lake quite a bit don't you know not a good time to dive off the dock but a great time to want a prophet that sounds like a big job do you want a hand well if you're offering i'm sure not saying no [Music] hmm if the water was gone [Music] where were the fish uh i don't know where they are [Music] oh yeah uh mr yellow pants we have to go find the fish okey doke be a good little monkey and girl [Music] we found them hiya fish [Music] what's he doing here [Music] look at that george he's so lonely we have to save him oh you're right we should move him to the big lake so he can be with his family [Music] honey sally just cracked a tooth and i have to take her to the vet you want to come sorry i'm in the middle of rescuing a fish oh well i don't think sally can wait all right well i'll come back as soon as i can bye [Music] for some reason the lonely little fish didn't want to be rescued by a monkey [Music] smooth strokes you see nice and thick so the water can't get in [Music] looks simple enough good fill your bucket you can start over there where's where's my bucket well you forgot where you put it already i um hmm that's odd [Music] hmm [Music] this fish wanted nothing to do with monkeys or buckets [Music] if only there wasn't so much dirt the fish could swim to the big lake all by himself [Music] ordinarily monkeys don't go to school so when an opportunity arose to go to dog school george was very excited for most dogs it was easy to learn hand signals from their owners then there was charkie [Music] you try george [Music] even the stay command wasn't as easy as it looked i wish charkie would get it i'm worried she won't pass her obedience test of course she'll pass you are the best puppy in the world yes you are there's a new rule in our building that says all dogs must have an obedience certificate as if charkie needed such a thing [Music] anyway thank you for filling in for betsy she's playing in a concert tonight so we have to leave here george she's all yours so long my little sweetie oh time to go betsy we mustn't be late thanks again george oh i almost forgot those are her favorite dog biscuits bye bye all right i'll just be over there sketching [Music] for the final exam each of you will use hand signals for jump go up and pause to guide your dog through various obstacles your dog will have one minute to complete the course failure means no diploma [Music] and now to show you how it's done may i present the course record holder and my best student ever hundley [Music] [Applause] george in a dog obedience class first we have jump through the tire steel belt of perfection now onto the seesaw [Music] such footwork the pause table your dog must remain absolutely still for five full seconds good the a-frame nailed it and one last hurdle [Music] pedigreed pooch perfection thank you hundley class dismissed good luck tomorrow you'll need it i'm afraid huh [Music] george liked playing with charkie because she could run faster than anyone and she was the best flipper too thanks for dog sitting sharky while i go to the museum george here's her leash and her favorite toys she loves to play fetch [Music] he never gets tired of running and chasing [Music] hi i've got a package for you from mabel's oh i'll take it here bye everyone have a nice dog yeah i mean have a nice day [Music] sharky please if this falls it'll break she knows what it is she can smell it huh see bath oils in my favorite glass bottles oh charkie just loves their aroma don't you girl shark you didn't want to break anything she just wanted a whiff george still couldn't smell it i better hide these really well if she gets her paws on them i'll have bath oil all over the place [Music] charkie even smelled it through the door that dog had one powerful nose [Music] oh no he didn't deliver my second package if the delivery man returns could you set the package inside for me thanks george i'll be back soon [Music] hey there i forgot to deliver the lady's other package is she still there you can accept it [Music] oh thanks can you sign right here this must have been more of that easy to break stuff george couldn't smell it but charkie sure seemed to [Music] charkie was the fastest runner but she couldn't resist a puddle [Music] there was no chance george could outrun charkie so he had to find a way to protect that box fast [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] this bell would ring if anyone bothered the box [Music] now that the box was safe george had to figure out how to get it back to aunt margaret's place even a little monkey knows when it's the hottest day of summer [Music] it's when birds walk in shadows dogs leave their tongues out all day [Music] and men with hats use them as fans ah we've been listening some cool sounds you know monday was the hottest day in five years well today's gonna even be hotter too hot for the park huh sun's so strong today the air conditioner needs a helping hand [Music] another sign of hot weather blackouts [Music] when too many air conditioners run at once they can cause the power to shut down i should call the electric company so they know we have no power [Music] oh i forgot to put the phone on its battery charger again where did i leave it now [Music] the battery's not charged we're due at the museum we can call from there [Music] oh good thing the power came back on we almost forgot to turn everything off before we left [Music] george [Music] [Music] huh huh oh no another blackout nope watch this are we ready dr levitt ready i wanted you to be the first to see to see that the lights work [Music] you just witnessed the first test of the solar panels i installed to power the museum we're unveiling them at a party tonight we're a solar museum wow usually electricity is made far away and sent in on wires but now the museum makes its own power ah solar panels turn the sun's rays into electricity which is then stored in these batteries [Music] it's dr levitt's birthday during the party for the solar panels i'd like to give her a surprise oh i could make one of my famous birthday lasagnas precisely what i was thinking these batteries are a lot like the ones in toys flashlights or cordless phones and they get all their power from the sun george never knew the sun could charge batteries i'm gonna be busy with my lasagna so i can't play now okay [Music] a remote control spaceship is the perfect hot weather toy until the batteries run out [Music] george didn't want to bother the man with the yellow hat in mid lasagna but he needed batteries then he remembered how the museum batteries got power from the sun so why not let the sun charge up his batteries too there was something else with batteries that needed charging [Music] oh wow leaving power of dessert i think my oven rack is off balance by 35 degrees i'd say it looks delicious even or not oh just something i threw together baking is so creative well if you'd like another project there's a bake sale this week at betsy and steve school oh i'd love to help out [Music] george's mouth felt glued shut george are you okay i think it's the cake my cake [Music] george [Music] it it seems a bit sticky oh dear well a scientist isn't discouraged by a minor setback i'll be extra creative when i cook for the bake sale uh [Music] weird professor wiseman is a genius but she can't bake a cake uh that doesn't bode well for the bake sale [Music] what could have gone wrong with the cake george didn't know enough about cooking to even guess but chef pisghetti knew about cooking [Music] oh sure let's stop in and say hi [Music] hello how are you george headed for the kitchen to watch the master in action hello giorgio [Music] the first thing george noticed was all the chef's cooking tools some spoons were very deep others had holes in them some pants were big some small [Music] that looked like a saw [Music] maybe some vegetables were tougher than others [Music] the chef seemed to put in whatever he wanted [Music] in any amount he wanted [Music] all anyone needed to cook were the right tools so george decided to draw them george knew professor wiseman had scientific tools but did she own the right cooking tools oh hi george [Music] george wasn't finding many tools [Music] the cookbook oh that was there when i moved in i never use it if one is truly creative there's no need for a cookbook but it looks like you've been studying cooking hey wanna come help me buy ingredients for the muffins i'm making for the bake sale [Music] we're making carrot muffin so we'll need carrots what do you think one carrot per muffin [Music] oh we have everything we need to make a nice pan of muffins [Music] no secret that monkeys like cars all kinds of cars [Music] ready get set and go [Music] whoops [Music] nice wipeout that reminds me you should have seen me almost wipe out at the derby i was coming down the hill accelerating to maximum gravitational pull and then i lost a wheel huh i think bill is talking about a soapbox derby george it's where kids build and race their own cars ah and there's a derby today on boysenberry hill oh check it out [Music] bill that is one nice looking vehicle did you build it yourself i sure did it's got rear wheel steering caliper brakes and a parachute you have a parachute in there it pays to be prepared me too i want to build a car like that and almost wipe out on a hill you kids want to enter the soapbox derby [Music] if you're serious then you'll need the rule book it pretty much tells you everything you need and how to put it together hey you want some help i was a pretty mean derby racer in my day sorry that's against the rules contestants have to build their own cars oh yeah okay well you're welcome to borrow anything you see around the house you can keep that i don't need it anymore the race starts at 2 p.m sharp see you there [Music] bill was right the book could tell them everything huh if only they knew how to read the car something something car something car this book needs more pictures [Music] a picture this looked like something they'd need the part to sit in [Music] they also needed that a steering wheel just like on the man's car and wheels for the car to sit on [Music] hey george you see how that thingy there is stopping the wheel i bet that's a break [Music] a break maybe this book could show them how to build a car oh yeah let's just follow the pictures one two three and four uh huh let's go look in our barn grandpa has all kinds of stuff in there oh yeah good idea let's take the wagon maybe we'll find car stuff [Music] oops wasn't the wagon right here yeah ah these flowers will look beautiful in that old kayak hiya mrs quint guess what georgia me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need are car parts well if you see any car parks lying around just help yourself must have left my gloves inside [Music] the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike [Music] they're almost totally exactly the same and and and look it it already has two seats one for you and one for me saturday was a day when monkeys and men with yellow hats return books and get new ones a whole building full of books what could be better than that huh george [Music] are you excited to get a new book george adventurous henry is one of my favorites too maybe you should check it out again it's called renewing a book people do it all the time george was thrilled no because the man with the yellow hat had only read the book to him 18 times [Music] that's strange i don't see the librarian mrs dewey huh i'm right here oh there you are sorry for the mess my work keeps stacking up uh george would like to renew a book please i sure wish i had someone help out today [Music] something tells me george is available that's stupendous thank you george george i have some research to do will you be all right here by yourself well then i'll be back in a few hours be a good little monkey librarian [Music] okay george [Music] would you mind going through this pile and separating out the dvds george soon discovered that he was a super fast movie grabber and a super fast book scanner [Music] and a super fast pencil sharpener mrs stewie please report to the main library immediately five book clubs have arrived all at once oh dear i'll be back as soon as i can george until then it looks like you're in charge huh you're a terrific helper george was in charge of a library [Music] hmm george wondered if he should put the rest of the books away [Music] it seemed like something a monkey in charge would do [Music] george had put the books away in record time [Music] this librarian stuff was easy hi george where's the librarian oh i see can you help me find hundley's favorite book it's called dachshunds and dandelions it's a small yellow book it's usually on this shelf a yellow book no problem george was very familiar with that color [Music] nope not it hmm [Music] nope and nope [Music] hmm [Music] there were a lot of yellow books [Music] no no no that said dachshunds and dandelions see thanks george i'll check this out in the main library goodbye [Music] finding books was hard [Music] george was trying his best not to wake up the man with the yellow hat but today was saturday and the man was taking george to the zoo to see a dragon okay they weren't really going to see a fire breathing dragon they were going to see a komodo dragon which is more like a giant lizard [Music] morning george excited about seeing a dragon so a subway is a huge network of trains that runs under the ground yeah there's a subway right below our feet it takes thousands of people and the occasional monkey to places all around the city like the zoo and the entrance is right down those stairs hey wait up dude george stop we have to pay sorry about that officer it's his first time on the subway oh not to worry on my watch monkey's ride free oh thanks george was confused where were the trains [Music] don't worry george the train should be here any minute would you like to look at the map [Music] we're here at endless park station and we're going to take the subway all the way to the zoo oh along the way we'll pass the puerto del sol station that's the neighborhood where marco lives and chinatown where we go for chinese food [Music] reginald b farnsworth the third professional clown at your service [Music] oh where are you lads headed we're going to the zoo to see a komodo dragon no need to travel that far my good man when you can see a komodo dragon right here eh yes i know it's a giraffe it's the only animal i know how to make a toodaloo [Music] okay then hey george would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here i'll be right back [Music] george couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't oh good the train's here now where's george george [Music] wait uh here you go george i'm i'm out [Applause] [Music] wait my monkey's on the train george get off at the next station and wait for me there [Music] oh boy careful another giraffe [Music] oh hey there i've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how i drive this thing [Music] oh maybe you'd even like to help from here i control the train's speed brakes and doors okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn now move the lever forward easy and get this trainer rolling [Music] and here we are at our next stop puerto del sol great job you can drive my train anytime bye now [Music] on a hot day it's a good idea if both you and your garden get plenty to drink that's why the man with the yellow hat was making orange juice while george watered the garden [Music] [Music] hey george george [Music] [Music] how about taking a bath to wash all that mud off [Music] huh [Music] george was puzzled did the bathtub run out of water [Music] hey george i'm not getting any water downstairs how about you hmm i'd better call mr quint george didn't understand why not having any water led to mr quint digging up their yard seeing as how i can't offer water how about some fresh o.j oh wouldn't say no to that [Music] so how's it look mr quint did our well run dry oh no no no just a broken pump you got plenty of water down there huh there's water under the dirt george oh yeah [Music] now this here is your house that's the water and to get to it all you have to do is dig a well yep a well see a well is just a hole in the ground that's deep enough to reach water and a pump like that one there suctions the water up and out i sort of like the way you're using that straw every time you suck on it you're pulling the orange juice up out of your glass see this is actually an old pump george years ago people either did their washing here or used buckets to carry water inside water would get sucked into this pipe and then come out here [Music] yeah just like that except you're not allowed to play with your food [Music] nowadays an electric pump sucks up the water and sends it through a long pipe straight into our house [Music] easier than buckets huh well your house won't be seeing water for a few more days i'm afraid i have to order you a new pump a few days well i guess that means we're going back to the city george some of us still need a bath [Music] there are those who appreciate a clean lobby and then there's george [Music] okay go straight in and run a bath george hello oh professor wiseman oh yes that does sound serious [Music] only one octopus [Music] hey george i have to go help professor wiseman don't forget about that bath [Music] george decided that the best thing to do was to put all his toys in the tub hi leave a message when you hear the george hello is anyone there i just wanted to make sure you saw that orange flyer slipped under your door we have to shut off all the water at four o'clock which is now few things captured the attention of a curious little monkey i wonder what this could be okay oh it's from my mother happy birthday love mom oh that's so sweet is today your birthday it is and george and i are going to celebrate i'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you george i'll be back at seven and then we'll celebrate bye george if it was my birthday i'd have a party you want to have a party oh [Music] a surprise party even better you know how i throw a party it's as easy as a b c d all you need is a an apartment b your buddies c a cake and d decorations [Music] a b c d that didn't sound hard at all [Music] the man with the yellow hat would be back at seven george had only four hours to get the party ready he already had an apartment [Music] and the man's buddies were listed in this book so that took care of a and b but george still needed c and d a cake and decorations you want me to invite the people in his address book all of them okay [Music] seven oh you mean seven o'clock got it [Music] since you invited me to your party i'm gonna give you my special all-fruit frozen cake on the house just pick a size giorgio [Music] a big party needed a big cake i had the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday yeah say i could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration just pick a size normal huge or jumbo madness [Music] jumbo madness it is [Music] [Music] [Music] hiya george everyone's coming i just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes [Music] oh i'll take that stuff upstairs maybe you want to get a stepladder to hang the star [Music] george thought the small ladder looked about right five o'clock oh i gotta get back to work hundley can stay though see you at the party [Music] george had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer luckily it was cold out on the balcony [Music] that took care of c cake now for d decorations [Music] george had also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 6,433,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: zX3Z14F5y4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 56sec (4196 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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