Curious George 🐵 George Builds a Igloo 🧊❄️ Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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on sunny snowy days [Music] george usually got up bright and early [Music] but this day he discovered that bill had gotten up even brighter and earlier hey george [Music] snow blocks i'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is igloo yep i'm trying to earn my sprout badge in winter camping and to do that i have to build an igloo and sleep in it overnight suddenly that was exactly what george wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like bill [Music] you want to help me and sleep in the igloo too uh why not let's get started [Music] george that's not the proper technique guess i better show you city kids probably don't know much about non-mortar construction [Music] see the first thing you do is mark a circle in the snow that's your foundation then you take the biggest blocks and fit them together like this bill showed george how to build up the igloo walls block by block making sure that the top layer overlapped the bottom [Music] yep and when we're all done we can just smooth out the inside [Music] as they built it up the igloo started to look like a volleyball cut in half see we keep shaping these blocks and put them all the way around until there's just a small hole left in the center [Music] and we fill that with a large block called a keystone you have to cram it in so it'll hold the walls in place [Music] now i'll just make a few air holes and once we fill all these cracks of snow it'll stay pretty warm yep we're done let's go check it out [Music] george was so excited he had never been in an igloo before the inside of the igloo was smaller than george thought [Music] he had wanted a funny glue one that was big enough for a bed and a tuba and his friends sort of like his room only better [Music] you want to build your own igloo sure i wish i could help you but i gotta fill up these cracks and then do my chores so george started on his second igloo of the day with help from the man with the yellow cap but this time he built it wider [Music] and taller and brought in some furniture [Music] wow good window are you sure you want to spend the night in here george okeydoke i guess it's time to make the cocoa hey george how's it whoa this is huge you put a bed in here and a sofa oh wow the only thing is it might get cold at night the bigger the igloo the colder it gets george wasn't worried he figured he'd just wear his coat to bed when the man with the yellow hat told george he was bringing home a wondrous animal called a chameleon george decided to surprise it with a gift hi george [Music] that's terrific it looks just like jade take a look [Music] yeah professor wiseman and i rescued her when she lost her jungle [Music] home she's uh there see huh look she's changing color chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her jade but under the sun's rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch [Music] chameleons change color when the temperature changes [Music] and sometimes when their mood changes too anyway today jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if i can convince dr chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for oh yep i've already prepared my speech now i just need to pick up some posters hey do you want to feed jade while i'm gone [Music] oh great her food's on the table uh just drop in a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks george bye-bye [Music] jade had an amazing tongue [Music] george wondered if he could get his tongue to work like that [Music] george had left the cage open [Music] and now jade was gone [Music] huh [Music] there was no way for george to get to jade he'd have to find a way to get jade to come to him [Music] introducing squeaky what chameleon could resist [Music] nothing brought out the puppy in hundley like a squeaky toy the squeaks were coming from george's apartment [Music] george hoped that squeaky would lure jade back to her cage all he could do now was wait quietly [Music] it's just a little rain i'll get you an umbrella [Music] i know let's check the attic [Applause] [Music] i knew i had an umbrella [Music] george thought the cart was wonderful it would be perfect for carrying stuff huh i really should get rid of some of this [Music] you want that oh sure [Music] my first yellow hat now that's a keeper [Music] george loved his new cart now all he needed was something to put in it it was too small for a [Music] cow it could hold a ton of coconuts but there were no coconut trees around that's what george could put in it interesting sticks [Music] by the time george got out of the woods he had quite a collection [Music] hiya george hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that i picked myself apple cider [Music] do you want a whole bottle [Music] that'll be 350 please why don't you and ally make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids [Music] hmm i like it but i don't want to trade for a stick oh i like the cart though george wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious [Music] now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for keeps we know hey and it squeaks too here you go george by the next morning george had finished all the cider ah and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like playing hide and seek [Music] or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something something ali would like [Music] it was george's first spring day back in the country and already he was starring in a movie hiya mr rankins yes hi bill george okay george you go in first and see if there are any baby ducks running around [Music] i'll follow with my camcorder this will make a great scene for my science project about baby animals this is bill bringing you baby ducks live from the rankin's barn [Music] hey [Music] we're in luck the ducklings haven't hatched yet they're still inside their eggs [Music] sure george look you and me and other mammals come into the world as babies but birds ducks for example come as eggs oh yep dumplings babies will hatch from these eggs as long as she sits on them to keep them warm sprouts on her george if she doesn't sit on them they'll get cold and never hatch ah oh my battery died i'll have to get another one don't let the eggs hatch without me okay [Music] where was dumpling going she was supposed to be keeping her eggs warm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] the eggs were still warm but if dumpling didn't come back soon [Music] george decided that if dumpling wasn't going to sit on her eggs he'd have to do it [Music] carefully [Music] well sitting on a nest hatching eggs is actually pretty boring [Music] thanks for loaning me a battery sir no problem i think that's great you're filming a duck hatching no this i've got to get on tape bill here bringing you a city kid sitting on a nest of duck eggs george why are you sitting on a nest of duck eggs [Music] it looks like he's trying to keep dumplings eggs warm [Music] wow i don't believe it a duck is hatching right before my very eyes on camera uh mr mrs rankins you don't want to miss this your ducks are hatching we'll be right there [Music] boring super boring mega boring bingo [Music] now for the paint [Music] that billboard is kind of high uh george how about you paint and i'll supervise from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture [Music] when george got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together that's it start from the center neatness counts i'm here for you buddy [Music] score hey george are you done [Music] uh george [Music] did you paint the picture on the billboard the same size as this ah that explains it you painted too small i'll show you [Music] you can't see small stuff from far away [Music] so george resolved to paint big he'd cover every last inch of that [Music] billboard oh hi george how'd you do huh it looks like you painted only part of the picture did you run out of room george wondered how he could get a small picture onto a big billboard then he noticed something [Music] the full marks on the picture were just like the rectangles on the billboard [Music] oh i get it match the rectangles here with the rectangles there that'll work here i'll make it easier six rectangles paint one at a time and you're good to go [Music] this time george was sure he'd get it right [Music] what george come down here quick [Music] look you're painting the rectangles out of order [Music] george was trying his best not to wake up the man with the yellow hat but today was saturday and the man was taking george to the zoo to see a dragon okay they weren't really going to see a fire breathing dragon they were going to see a komodo dragon which is more like a giant lizard [Music] morning george excited about seeing a dragon so a subway is a huge network of trains that runs under the ground yeah there's a subway right below our feet it takes thousands of people and the occasional monkey to places all around the city like the zoo and the entrance is right down those stairs hey wait up dude george stop we have to pay sorry about that officer it's his first time on the subway oh not to worry on my watch monkeys ride free oh thanks george was confused where were the trains [Music] don't worry george the train should be here any minute would you like to look at the map [Music] we're here at endless park station and we're going to take the subway all the way to the zoo oh along the way we'll pass the puerto del sol station that's the neighborhood where marco lives in chinatown where we go for chinese food [Music] reginald b farnsworth the third [Music] where are you lads headed we're going to the zoo to see a komodo dragon no need to travel that far my good man when you can see a komodo dragon right here eh yes i know it's a giraffe it's the only animal i know how to make a toodaloo [Music] okay then hey george would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here i'll be right back [Music] george couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't [Music] oh good the train's here now where's george george [Music] wait uh here you go george i'm i'm out [Applause] [Music] wait my monkey's on the train george get off at the next station and wait for me there [Music] oh boy careful another giraffe [Music] oh hey there i've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how i drive this thing [Music] oh maybe you'd even like to help [Music] from here i control the train's speed brakes and doors okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn [Music] now move the lever forward easy and get this trainer rolling [Music] and here we are at our next stop puerto del sol great job you can drive my train anytime bye now [Music] on a hot day it's a good idea if both you and your garden get plenty to drink that's why the man with the yellow hat was making orange juice while george watered the garden [Music] [Music] hey george george [Music] [Music] how about taking a bath to wash all that mud off [Music] huh [Music] george was puzzled did the bathtub run out of water [Music] hey george i'm not getting any water downstairs how about you hmm i'd better call mr quint george didn't understand why not having any water led to mr quint digging up their yard seeing is how i can't offer water how about some fresh oj oh wouldn't say no to that [Music] so how's it look mr quint did our well run dry oh no no no just a broken pump you got plenty of water down there huh there's water under the dirt george oh yeah [Music] now this here is your house that's the water and to get to it all you have to do is dig a well yep a well see a well is just a hole in the ground that's deep enough to reach water and a pump like that one there suctions the water up and out i sort of like the way you're using that straw every time you suck on it you're pulling the orange juice up out of your glass see this is actually an old pump george years ago people either did their washing here or used buckets to carry water inside water would get sucked into this pipe and then come out here [Music] yeah just like that except you're not allowed to play with your food [Music] nowadays an electric pump sucks up the water and sends it through a long pipe straight into our house [Music] easier than buckets huh well your house won't be seeing water for a few more days i'm afraid i have to order you a new pump a few days well i guess that means we're going back to the city george some of us still need a bath [Music] there are those who appreciate a clean lobby and then there's george [Music] okay go straight in and run a bath george hello oh professor wiseman oh yes that does sound serious [Music] only one octopus [Music] hey george i have to go help professor wiseman don't forget about that bath [Music] george decided that the best thing to do was to put all his toys in the tub [Music] hi leave a message when you hear the george hello is anyone there i just wanted to make sure you saw that orange flyer slipped under your door we have to shut off all the water at four o'clock which is now no secret that monkeys like cars all kinds of cars [Music] ready get set and go [Music] oops [Music] nice wipeout that reminds me you should have seen me almost wipe out at the derby i was coming down the hill accelerating to maximum gravitational pull and then i lost a wheel huh i think bill is talking about a soapbox derby george it's where kids build and race their own cars ah and there's a derby today on boysenberry hill oh check it out [Music] bill that is one nice looking vehicle did you build it yourself i sure did it's got rear wheel steering caliper brakes and a parachute you have a parachute in there it pays to be prepared me too i want to build a car like that and almost wipe out on a hill you kids want to enter the soapbox derby [Music] if you're serious then you'll need the rule book it pretty much tells you everything you need and how to put it together hey you want some help i was a pretty mean derby racer in my day sorry but that's against the rules contestants have to build their own cars oh yeah okay well you're welcome to borrow anything you see around the house [Music] you can keep that i don't need it anymore the race starts at 2 p.m sharp see you there [Music] bill was right the book could tell them everything huh if only they knew how to read the car something something car something car this book needs more pictures [Music] a picture this looked like something they'd need the part to sit in they also needed that a steering wheel just like on the man's car and wheels for the car to sit on [Music] hey george you see how that thingy there is stopping the wheel i bet that's a break ah a break maybe this book could show them how to build a car oh yeah let's just follow the pictures one two three and four let's go look in our barn grandpa has all kinds of stuff in there [Music] oh yeah good idea let's take the wagon maybe we'll find car stuff by the way [Music] oops wasn't the wagon right here yeah ah these flowers will look beautiful in that old kayak hiya mrs quint guess what georgia me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need are car parts well if you see any car parts lying around just help yourself [Music] ah must have left my gloves inside [Music] the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike [Music] they're almost totally exactly the same and and and look it it already has two seats one for you and one for me [Music] saturday was a day when monkeys and men with yellow hats return books and get new ones a whole building full of books what could be better than that huh george [Music] are you excited to get a new book george hmm adventurous henry is one of my favorites too maybe you should check it out again it's called renewing a book people do it all the time george was thrilled no because the man with the yellow hat had only read the book to him 18 times [Music] that's strange i don't see the librarian mrs dewey huh i'm right here oh there you are sorry for the mess my work keeps stacking up uh george would like to renew a book please i sure wish i had someone help out today [Music] something tells me george is available that's stupendous thank you george george i have some research to do will you be all right here by yourself well then i'll be back in a few hours be a good little monkey librarian [Music] okay george [Music] would you mind going through this pile and separating out the george dvds discovered that he was a super fast movie grabber and a super fast book scanner [Music] and a super fast pencil sharpener mrs stewie please report to the main library immediately five book clubs have arrived all at once oh dear i'll be back as soon as i can george until then it looks like you're in charge huh you're a terrific helper george was in charge of a library [Music] hmm george wondered if he should put the rest of the books away [Music] seemed like something a monkey in charge would do [Music] george had put the books away in record time [Music] this librarian stuff was easy hi george where's the librarian oh i see can you help me find hundley's favorite book it's called dachshunds and dandelions it's a small yellow book it's usually on this shelf a yellow book no problem george was very familiar with that color [Music] nope not it [Music] nope and nope [Music] hmm [Music] there were a lot of yellow books [Music] no no no that said dachshunds and dandelions see thanks george i'll check this out in the main library goodbye [Music] finding books was hard few things captured the attention of a curious little monkey i wonder what this could be okay oh it's from my mother happy birthday love mom oh that's so sweet is today your birthday it is and george and i are going to celebrate i'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you george i'll be back at seven and then we'll celebrate [Music] bye george if it was my birthday i'd have a party you want to have a party [Music] a surprise party even better you know how i throw a party it's as easy as a b c d all you need is a an apartment b your buddies c a cake and d decorations [Music] a b c d that didn't sound hard at all [Music] the man with the yellow hat would be back at seven george had only four hours to get the party ready he already had an apartment and the man's buddies were listed in this book so that took care of a and b but george still needed c and d a cake and decorations you want me to invite the people in his address book all of them okay seven oh you mean seven o'clock got it [Music] since you invited me to your party i'm gonna give you my special all-fruit frozen cake on the house just pick a size giorgio [Music] a big party needed a big cake i had the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday yeah say i could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration just pick a size normal huge or jumbo madness [Music] jumbo madness it is [Music] [Music] [Music] hiya george everyone's coming i just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes [Music] oh i'll take that stuff upstairs maybe you want to get a stepladder to hang the star [Music] george thought the small ladder looked about right five o'clock oh i gotta get back to work hundley can stay though see you at the party [Music] george had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer [Music] luckily it was cold out on the balcony that took care of c cake now for d decorations [Music] george had also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder [Music] maybe the muffins would taste better than they looked oh dear [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i'm a terrible cook i must not have a creative bone in my body george was confused they had the right tools why didn't the muffins turn out i have nothing for the bake sale oh i'll have to buy some cookies at pisghetti's [Music] perhaps chef pisghetti would know what went wrong with the muffins [Music] i will make you a favorite dish of my grandmother timbalo delgatobaldo sicilian pie let me just check the recipe and i will begin recipe what okay the chef used a recipe oh would you two like to help me prepare [Music] maybe we should just go get some hamburgers hey that's not a bad idea prepare well isn't cooking just throwing things together getting creative ah perhaps once you've memorized your recipe but until then you must follow it precisely you know like a formula for well it tells you exactly what to put in the dish how to measure it uh how long to cook it everything well that sounds like science [Music] like this [Music] oh i see oh [Music] thanks a million [Music] so that's what that thing was for [Music] i think this is my best timbala ever thanks to my new assistants hmm torta di karote oh that sounds good whatever it is carrot cake george and the professor had the same thought at the same time fake fake the kitchen is yours and maybe we should just go pick up donuts yeah donuts yeah that sounds good um that sure looks good uh professor wiseman made it oh uh-huh wow look at that cake we made two one for the bake sale and one for rescue squad 86. i want to try some of these formulas i mean recipes they seem so easy now like gene splitting now that george knew all about cooking he didn't need to ask the chef about the failed muffins [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] i didn't even hear that car drive up that's because solar-powered engines are quiet bye [Music] thanks george five o'clock if i put it in the oven right now it'll be ready in plenty of time hey while it cooks we have time to play [Music] another blackout george the oven's electric my lasagna won't cook i'd better warn professor wiseman we may be late or worse lasagna-less oh where did i leave it now [Music] there's no way on earth to cook without power [Music] george that reflected sun is hot that reflected sun is hot george you may be a genius yes a pizza box keeps pizza warm so it'll hold the heat [Music] a hole to let the sun in glue on some plastic wrap to keep the heat from getting out again and shiny aluminum foil to direct the sun's heat into the box [Music] fantastic angle it so the sun hits the lasagna if the power comes back on we can put it in the oven but if it doesn't i think it'll cook [Music] hours later guests arrived at the museum which was the only building in the whole city with electricity ah how do you have a lights and air conditioning the whole city is without electricity ah the museum is now solar powered blackouts can't affect us i'm sorry our power has been out all afternoon i couldn't make a dessert i know poor dr levitt won't have her favorite birthday things excuse me chef monkey finger [Music] it's hot it's cooked we made a solar cooker thank george and the sun oh thank you nothing could make this birthday more special than a solar lasagna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was nice of you to teach him to drive the solar car i thought you taught him george [Music] george george come back with that expensive piece of car dude [Music] wow [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing charkie never got tired of chasing her toys [Music] with all these boxes how would george ever find the right one [Music] george picked out all the boxes that looked like his but which box was his they all look the same what else was special about his box the smell [Music] if anything could find the right box it was charkie's nose [Music] wow [Music] hey george wow thanks for straightening out all my boxes you need a lift hop on after all i'm a delivery man [Music] have a nice day [Music] hi george did my package arrived [Music] george was proud to give aunt margaret her package safe and sound well i see you took good care of it thank you oh easy girl after i left i remembered what was in this box you didn't have to protect this one from charkie [Music] these are the new dog toys i ordered for her [Music] this was the greatest ending to the greatest game charkie had ever played all thanks to george [Music] so how did obedience training go george [Applause] [Music] wow i bet she'd do anything for one of these biscuits would charkie really do anything yeah [Music] the next morning charkie did everything perfectly thanks to george and the biscuits [Music] hi george i'm back from the concert how's turkey doing [Music] george you did it who says you can't teach a new dog old tricks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're next turkey [Music] 40 seconds excellent and now our final student this should be interesting [Music] five seconds the dog biscuits were all gone what was george going to do [Music] oh no i can't look a tennis ball maybe that would work [Music] [Music] 20 seconds oh that's my puppy [Music] three four five seconds i don't believe it whoa only two more obstacles to go nothing could go wrong now [Music] 40 seconds [Music] oh no pigeons george couldn't compete with pigeons unless [Music] oh you did it you finished the course good girl good girl do you think she was fast enough chunky i have no choice but to award you this diploma you are now officially obedient 59.9 seconds [Music] your techniques were rather uh unusual george but perfectly acceptable good work [Music] that's my charkie so obedient how could anyone think otherwise [Music] all george wanted to do was move one little fish well now six george looked at bill's diagram now bill said gates were the key to moving something from one water level to another without gates the water comes in too fast one gate blocked the water but it also blocked the fish but with a second gate behind the fish the water stayed still and the fish swam home [Music] [Music] now george just had to get the fish into his canal no matter how exciting he made it look the fish wouldn't go if only he had some sort of fish treat to lure them in [Music] [Music] as much as little monkeys [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] well job well done i must say let's get in the canoe and see how it looks from the lake great oh well you uh already ate your lunch huh no i i [Music] when did i eat my lunch [Music] say did you uh take the paddles huh i always leave him on the seat i i don't know listen something very peculiar is going on around here you're telling me believe me i am normally a very organized and unforgetful man [Music] ah i should have known looks like i'm a forgetful one i forgot how much mischief a monkey can make [Music] well what have we here it looks like a fish canal ah you are some smart monkey [Music] i'm back [Music] [Applause] and we saved sally's tooth did you save the fish george had saved five fish wow that's great george wait the lonely fish is still there [Music] you know i think we should just chase him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we did it the fish found his family nice job everyone well we've accomplished quite a bit today a fish rescue and a dark repair only one thing left to do go swimming the last one is [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,292,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: abk9-k0Pogk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 28sec (3988 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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