Create A Sci-Fi Tube with Camera Shake in Blender 2.92 & Eevee

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to make this really cool sci-fi tunnel loop we're gonna have some nodes we're gonna have some modeling we're gonna do some camera shake so let's get straight into making that all right so we are in a blank document here what we're gonna do shift a let's go ahead and get a cylinder i'm gonna i'm gonna hit rx90 and then sy8 so that's the size we're going to keep it at i'm going to go ahead and hit tab we're going to go here to the edge select i mean sorry the loop cut click here and i'm going to give it 80 cuts so that will give you nice square faces here in your loop cutting so that's really nice let's go ahead and remain in edit mode we're gonna click the face select i'm gonna click this guy i'm gonna hit x and uh delete the face and i'm gonna hit this guy hit x and click faces now we're gonna have this empty area so first off what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hit shift d and duplicate this so we have a duplicate and then we'll go here to the this cylinder tab hit a to make sure everything is selected right click subdivide and we're going to bring this smoothness up to one and that's all we want to do for that and we can right click and shade smooth so let's go ahead and do a little now what i'm going to do is hit shift a go to curve go to circle i'm hitting r x 90 so now we have this guy let's go here to the curve settings and bring this resolution and render preview all the way to 64. here in the geometry i'm going to bring my depth pretty far up scale this in now we have that nice little tube here and we can adjust that later so what i'm going to do here is hit alt d so now we're making a instance of this object now i'm going to hit control and so it does grid snapping alt d go right here to the middle and then alt d go here to the middle and that should that should be enough for our tunnel here now let's go ahead and get this cylinder right here and we have this new cylinder nice topology here what i'm going to do is here in the transform settings on the scale i'm going to scale it in so something like scaled in right around there i'm going to go ahead and copy that copy this right here ctrl c and then right here on the y control v so now it's scaled in a little bit because we're going to do a little bit of decimation magic so what we're going to do is do some modifier magic to take away some of this geometry to make it look like it's sort of degrading or falling apart and then we're going to add a wireframe modifier to it and we're going to get this really cool surface so first thing we need to do is hit edit i mean go to edit mode hit a to make sure all the faces are selected i'm going to go here to the object data properties click plus on the vertex group and making sure everything is selected click assign now we've made a vertex group that's super important because we're going to use that in the modifiers that we're going to do next so this is just a weird convoluted mess of buttons we're clicking but just try to remember it and you're going to get a really cool thing but essentially we're going to make a mask and cut holes into this so add modifier vertex weight edit we're going to go ahead and select that vertex group click group add group remove on falloff go to custom curve and then we'll bring this down and then we'll bring this up just like that and then here on influence we're going to click new now we're going to make a texture so go to your textures and then click on image of movie go to clouds we're going to bring that depth down click on colors bring that contrast way up now we have that so now we've created this whole texture in the vertex weight edit and what that's going to do now is when we add in a mask modifier so go to the mask click on the vertex group now we've activated the um the mask so to explain what happened in cases sort of flew over your head we made a texture here told the vertex group to be speaking through it with this texture so now you're seeing this whole thing basically made a texture and then in here we used a mask to cut holes and so what's really cool about that is if we go and play with the texture it will add or remove different faces so now we can go and exploit that really quickly with a wireframe so let's go ahead and get our wireframe here and then i need to control a apply scale so now we have all these little things here i'm going to add a bevel modifier to kind of mess with a little bit of the modeling and i'm going to click on boundary so that everything looks nice and so now we have our interior i do want to play with that texture just a little bit i don't like the small amount of faces being shown here so it's really up to your preference what you like i like this a lot right here this is pretty nice so now we can go ahead and start looking and animating and shading so now what we're going to do is start shading this so let's go right here into shading and then i'm going to click on our little circle here what's really cool about these circles since we did alt d and created instances when we add the material the metallic material adds it to all of them we're going to make it pretty dark here because we're going to get pretty crazy with the lighting accidentally use the subsurface go to the base color and bring that color pretty far down let's make a quick roughness so col color ramp here plug the color ramp into the roughness so that we can manipulate it with everything else behind it we're going to get a noise texture if you have the node wrangler add-on enabled it comes with blender by default you'll hit ctrl t i'm hitting g to move it up go to the object coordinate and use the factor so now let's kind of zoom in on one of these tubes and just try to look at our texture here so i'm going to bring my detail to 12 bring my roughness up pretty far bring this black portion of the color ramp in so now we get a little bit of shininess but we're going to cut that out bring the color amp up so now we get not quite so shiny bring this in so we get more contrast and now we have a really nice metallic material what i'm going to do now is hit a control l click materials and that applied that material to everything you can see how the noise texture is really stretched out and that's because we forgot to apply scale on this big tube so i'm going to click on the tube ctrl a and now we have nice even looking material here so now we've done the shading i do need to however get i do need to go back here to layout shift a click on mesh circle i'm going to go from fill type to ngon rx90 what this thing is going to do is be that light at the end of the tunnel so that's all that's going to serve and we do need to add the light so we'll go here click on the material preview go down here to the little go down here to materials click new principled go to emission and make it not so bright something like this and now we have our sci-fi tube let's go ahead and get our camera shift a camera ctrl alt 0 snap it to view now this is our camera view in the camera settings we're going to go and bring our focal length pretty far back something like this so now if you click on the camera and hit r twice you can kind of play with how this is going to be looking looks pretty cool already now we can continue working on the shading so let's click click on this big tube on the outside hit zero to go back to the camera view and go to the shading actually hitting zero so we need to add some more things to this tube to get those really cool light streaks so that's what we're going to design now so what we're going to do is i'm ahead highlight these hit g to go up and we're going to be utilizing this emission strength here on the tube so now everything washes out so what we're going to do is shift a search get a color ramp here plug that into the emission of our principled here now let's get a voronoi vor voronoi texture i'm going to get ctrl t and get a new set up here because we're going to manipulate it use the object coordinate and plug and plug color into factor we're going to go here to chebychev for our shape so now if you bring this color ramp in now we have these shapes doing some fun stuff so i'm going to go from linear to constant so we get a hard edge here on our color amp brings it in like that how do we make those streaks well it's done here in the mapping so if we take the z here let's see which one is it so if we take the z here and we just stretch it out and go closer to zero now we're starting to stretch out our pieces here so let's go ahead and in your ev settings if you haven't already turn on ambient occlusion turn on bloom screen space reflection super important and motion blur so i'm going to bring i'm going to go from 3d to 4d so we can kind of play with the random seed here scale put it at 25 and we can go ahead and go back here to stretching out so for me it looks like 0.007 on the um z scale here works and then we'll be animating it and then we'll be animating it here on the y rotation and now you get this stuff of course it's not glowing because we need to go to the emission strength and make it glow and so now we can see this animation already coming through looks really really cool let's go ahead and manipulate a little bit of color so let's bring this closer to a blue here something like that let's click on this really big emission material and also make it close to that blue so something like this we want them to match so now we have something really cool so one thing you'll notice is even on the wire frame that same material is happening i made a mistake so what i'm going to do here is if you ever make that mistake where you made you were editing material and you meant it to be a little bit different than all the other ones what you can do is click on the main material here i'm going to hit that button there to make a duplicate and then i'm going to go ahead and click on the material that the wireframe and these tubes are on and i'm just going to disconnect this right here so now they're back to not having that weirdness on them bring that emission strength to zero so now only this outer material has the emission plugged into it so i made that mistake but it is a super super easy fix now we can also add some color if you go here to the color ramp hit the plus icon bring this over bring this all the way to white give you a nice fiery orange and then i can bring this in to decrease the amount of them and then again we can go ahead hit zero to go to the camera view and we can see how this is looking now let's play with the look if you if mine looks a little bit different than yours quite it might be your color management so if you click on the little camera icon go down here to color management go to filmic and very high contrast and then for me i'm going to go to my bloom settings and bring the intensity down it's a little bit much for me it's kind of covering everything up and then we can also we can bring that brightness down a little bit if we want and now we have something really really cool let me show you how to do some camera shake but first let's go ahead and animate this these materials so i'm going to go ahead and bring up a new timeline go here to uh go here to the timeline i'm going to give myself 500 frames the reason being it's hard to kind of animate this correctly to make it slower fast 500 was a really good medium for me and because it's eevee it should be a pretty quick render so let's go ahead and zero out this y we'll go to the very end go back to the frame zero i'm going to use my scroll wheel and kind of get this timeline to be the size i want it to be so first i'm going to go to my edit preferences and make sure that my default interpolation on my animation is set to linear super super important set it to linear right click insert keyframe we'll go to the very end and then we'll do 360. gives you a perfect loop oops insert keyframe and now we have our really cool sci-fi tunnel craziness and if this is too many streaks or lines for you you can always just bring this in and then bring this in and now you have fewer streaks and lines a good contrast um always looks really nice for this so this looks like a really nice medium um so let's bring this white in now this looks pretty cool again all right so i mentioned camera shake how do you do some camera shake let's figure how to do that out i'm gonna teach you a really cool trick to use modifiers with animation so let's go to our camera and figure out kind of what axes do we want the camera shake to be and for me that's kind of on all rotate all three rotation axes so let's start on the x-axis so this is the first camera shake movement i want so i'm going to right click insert single keyframe go to the very end right click insert single keyframe and then right here on the middle i'm going to say i want it to go down right about that much for my camera shake and then we'll insert that keyframe so now we have over 500 frames at doing that you might say oh that's extremely slow well don't worry when we go to the modifier section we're going to really expound on all this craziness so now what i'm going to do is take that same idea for the right right here so insert keyframe go to the very end insert keyframe right here in the middle we're going to bring it something like this insert that keyframe so now we have kind of that and then we'll do the same thing for this last axis so left and right so click keyframe keyframe and then right here in the middle we'll just kind of move it somewhere over here keyframe so now it's doing that but don't worry now we're going to add some randomness to these animations so let's click on the animation tab 0 key and we'll just stay we don't even need to see it rendered out right here i'm going to hit the down arrow and go to the graph editor and this is where you can manipulate and play with your keyframes so i'm going to click on the camera here and right over here you can see this drop down these are the changes we've made the animations we've made right here you can view them so we're going to go on x euler and rotation whatever however you want to pronounce that and we're going to scroll this up so we can see those keyframes that we created which looks like they are right here so you can see your three keyframes right here i'm going to highlight them so that you can actually see them so i'm going to hold down shift and click all three so let's go here and click on modifiers you're going to see this little window right here click on modifier it's add modifier and click noise so now oh it's doing all this craziness so you can start to play with that speed so you right here you have scale so i'm going to go ahead and bring that scale up so now you have a more of a smooth motion in the noisiness so we applied a noise to that motion and really went crazy with it now in strength that's when you can actually play with the amount of shake so right here looks like a pretty fair amount of shake and then we can bring that scale up some more make it not quite so movie because we do have three other axes to play with so let's do the same thing on y euleria a little bit why euler animation i'm saying it wrong but you know what i mean so the y rotation here i'm going to click all of these modifier add noise now it's doing that craziness again bring that scale up and then bring that strength down and we can bring that scale up some more so now we're having this craziness so it's very organic looking very slow very organic and that's what we want maybe bring up that strength somewhere i want to see okay so it's the right and left okay cool now for the last z so i'm going to go ahead and select all of our pieces here add modifier noise bring that scale pretty far up bring that strength down and now look at this we have a very nice looking kind of handheld camera look that when we go back to the layout look at the animation you have this very organic feel to your animation it's very subtle it kind of springs in with that motion so it looks very organic looks like something's happening and you can expound on it make it crazier make it more subtle but now you added a level a really nice level of detail to your animation last thing we're going to do is add in some motion not motion blur some depth of field so we're going to click on our camera go down here to uh depth of field click on the green camera depth of field apply it i'm going to bring my f-stop way down so i can see exactly where it's focusing so it looks like right over there i'll bring my f-stop up a little because it's little heavy and i want it to be focused oh that's a bit much so let's see focus distance focus right about there maybe closer to the middle and then we can bring that f-stop back up and so we can just kind of have motion blur right there and now when we press play look at this we've made a really cool a really crazy looking sci-fi tube animation you can do anything with tons of fun stuff here thank you guys for watching i hope you learned something oh i did forget how i was in the middle of my outro i forgot to show you how to render it so we'll click on the little printer icon if you want to do a png sequence just select where you want to save it put it in folder you can just deal with your png sequence if you just want blender to compile a video for you you don't have to do any other stuff you'll go from png to ffmpeg video encoding of course save where you want to save it go from this to mp4 perceptual medium quality to perceptually lossless and you're ready to go render render animation so there you go thank you guys for watching i hope you learned something and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 45,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: -Eli_Au3ao8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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