Make A MOVIE READY Sci-Fi Scene in Blender (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it go guys so in today's tutorial working to making this really sci-fi looking kind of icy not really sure how to describe it but we're gonna be making that but before we do let me shout out today's sponsor so today's sponsor is brought to you by a radical it's a really really cool innovative software where you basically film yourself dancing or really doing any kind of motion and then it takes that it can the AI sees what you're doing converts that to a rig and then you can take that rig and apply it to a character that's already made and then that character is moving around doing whatever motion you are doing you can use any consumer-grade camera for this and put simply you film yourself or you can even find footage of the Internet of someone dancing whatever you want and you can run it through the radical software it sees what's happening makes the rig and applies it to your character also very soon they're gonna be releasing an addon that helps the re target process from the rig to the character sometimes a bit of a process that's gonna make it super easy also and under a month they're going to be releasing radical studio which is going to be a non-print solution and give you unlimited visualization time as well they also have a free trial for you to use in the top leg of the description there is a link to bring you to their website and there is a 15% discount code for you guys to use so if this is something you're interested in check it out now let's get on to the tutorial alright so first step we're going to do is hit shift a we're gonna add in an eco sphere typically has around that many faces if you click the drop-down click that just like that we're gonna go ahead a we're gonna add in a plane we're gonna give it s 9 to make it pretty big and then we'll just go and take this guy and bring him up I'm a shift D and duplicate him and they'll hit H to hide that guy for now and we're gonna start developing the wireframe for this guy alright so go to the modifiers add in a wireframe make it pretty thick something like something right around here then what I'm going to do is add in a bevel so that's gonna do this really cool number I'm gonna go ahead and add in another wireframe so now we have this really cool stuff happening you can go ahead and play with that bevel get some new shapes if you like but I really like how this circle comes through and then next thing we're gonna do is add in a subdivision surface and then I'm gonna give it a subdivision surface of two on the viewport keep the render at 2 as well and then you and go ahead and subdivide smooth this if you want this to be thicker just go ahead and play with different wireframe settings like this by personally like this thickness right here it's really cool really nice and organic whenever we go and add in that metal texture which we will be doing later on one thing I'm going to do is bring that wireframe I mean the ichael sphere back and I'm gonna take these two guys and really this is up to preference how you like your thing to be but I'm gonna hit R twice and just sort of level him out here and then place him on the ground just like that in like just like my just like my render I'm gonna go to the front view and now we're gonna be playing it with the lake of that I'm gonna take this inner ICO sphere and make him a bit smaller so he fits in just like that now let's go ahead and start lighting and texturing the guy now let's start lighting this now the light that's going to be on the inside of this sort of ice ball is another eco sphere so I'm gonna shift D hit s and make him pretty small something like that and then we'll worry about him later let's go ahead and start shading this so I'm gonna hit period to go here and I'm just gonna remove that from the view it's kind of hurting my eyes actually I'm gonna hit H and remove that as well let's go ahead click new give it a transmission here and then don't worry about the roughness we're gonna be doing all the roughness right now get a color ramp here and we'll plug the color ramp into the roughness we'll get in a noise texture right here plug the noise texture into the roughness I'm gonna if you have the node Wrangler add-on enabled ctrl T and bring the object coordinate here I'm gonna go ahead and bring the detail kind of down keep the scale there and we're gonna bring this we're gonna make it very blobby and then we're gonna use another node to kind of break it up so if I go here and I'm gonna switch on over to the cycles engine I want to see how light is interacting with the blob so I like that that's how I like it let's go ahead and make it a bit smaller or something like this then we go back to the render view so I want it to be very shiny here and very glossy there so now we're gonna go ahead and combine it with another node so we're gonna get a musk and we're gonna plug this mapping into the musgrave and then let's go ahead and just replace this for now so we can get a visual example of what's going on bring the dimension down bring the detail up now we have all this crazy stuff and what I want is for this very rough looking very sandy looking thing to interact with this a globular looking thing so they both kind of interact so I'm gonna get in so the way to do that is to get a mix RGB right here plug that there plug this musgrave into there and then they're not really gonna be doing much it really just looks like this guys controlling so you bring the factor over and just kind of do that and what that's going to do for us now is this and it once we get the light on the inside working you really see it interact but it's a very cool effect now the next thing I want to do here is have one more texture interacting with all this craziness which is a Voronoi so I'm gonna for a non vor or in our texture bring it down here and I'm gonna plug the distance here into the color ramp and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and actually hit ctrl T again because this one's gonna need to have a separate texture set up use the object coordinate and on f1 and on f1 go to distance to edge and that's gonna give us some fun stuff once we start playing with this color ramp here so it looks like I'm going to need to flip my color ramp just like that and that we get these really cool lines actually I'm gonna give it so something like this you get these crazy lines with this cool horno texture which is what we're going for and then now I want them to be less straight up and down right angle looking we're gonna do a really quick trick which is the vector line trick so this right here this is the vector line what this is going to do is distort the Voronoi shape so if you plug that there you now you see the Voronoi shape is distorted I don't want that much distortion so we're gonna go and get one of these mix our jeebies here and we are going to head that so we can just limit so put the object coordinate into color to what this is going to do is just kind of limit it a little bit bring that detail up I do want to bring this the the size of it significantly farther down so something like this and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring this down here these are all their own little group so I'm just gonna hit G to highlight all of them bring them down and then we're gonna get a new color amp Co L color ramp for all of these guys to interact with so I'm gonna plug this here and then we need another mix RGB so mix RGB and then we're gonna plug this color ramp into this we're gonna plug this mix RGB into this and plug this into this so you might be confused at this point let me help you understand a little bit these two guys are interacting together and this mix RGB is allowing these two guys to interact this whole section right here is their their own little thing and so they're going to need their own new mix RGB that's plugged into this set to go here so I'm gonna go and head and flip this color amp so now we have this really cool texture in here so it's like this weird turtle kind of thing that um I really really like if we go to the rendered view here we get this craziness and I'm a big fan of it alright next thing I'm gonna do is click on that little IKOS fear in the middle click new and I'm just going to delete and I'm gonna go over here and go from principle to emission and then make that very bright here in the middle and give it kind of a blue look and now we have that going on I'm gonna bring this big ICO sphere back go back to shading I'm gonna click on the wireframe click new we're just going to do a very simple texture here get a color ramp here all right there make sure this is metallic make it fairly dark and then we're gonna get when I plug the color into the roughness get a musgrave right here click ctrl T for the texture coordinate stuff and then we're gonna plug the musgrave into the color ramp and then what I'm gonna do is bring dimension down detail up and then here on the black portion bring it up as well so now we get this really nice metal that's what which is what we're going for for this yeah all right cool I'm in the middle of recording something yes have you interrupted me and I worked and I won't forget a bit so now we have all this fun stuff going on here I'm gonna go I'm gonna go here and bring this guy and then we're gonna do pretty much the same texture here on the bottom but we're gonna have it a little bit more reflective so click new we're gonna get a metallic we're gonna make it pretty dark because we are gonna have some pretty bright lights going on here in a little bit get in a color ramp Co L color ramp oops wrong one color ramp and then roughness Musgrave texture control T and then let's great texture we're gonna bring dimension down detail up and we're going to leave it there which is nice about this is it's very reflective and I like that a lot bring my scale down to three okay so now let's go ahead and start lighting it I'm gonna hit the front tilde key get my camera control alt zero snap it to view and I do want to give it a hundred millimeter focal length so one zero zero right down here this little green I can't click on your camera green icon 100 millimeter and we're gonna bring it over and then I kind of want to bring it just to make a little bit more interest right there and then I'm gonna bring it down sort of figure out my composition how do I want it to look something like this I do want it to look very weird and very ominous so we're gonna give it right about that and then I'll bring my floor a little bit farther back all right so now we have this as our render looks cool but we can take this further with a little bit of volume so what I want to do is just get a box that encompasses the whole thing s9 control a apply scale and then I'll just take them and then maybe make it a little bit bigger so the cameras inside the whole box what I'm gonna do is now give it a new material which is going to be a principled volume head on over here to shading and then make and put this into the volume socket I'm not sure why that's not there by default but that's just where it needs to be we're gonna give it a density of 0.1 and then we're gonna use scene 0.1 and then let's get a light which is my favorite thing to use is an area light so we're gonna bring this up here we're gonna make it pretty bright and we're gonna make it that nice ominous kind of blue and you can see when we render this here how much better it makes the scene look better reflections better volume it's just much much nice so we're gonna bring this power of the light much brighter something like this because we are gonna do a little bit of Photoshop to this and here we go this is the render so far and my render the wireframe was a bit thicker so you can just do that on the first thickness here and now you have that but of course now we need to bring it up a little bit no big problem and now we have this now let's go ahead and render this guy I don't want to use denoising for this because I do kind of like the grittiness of noise I'm gonna give this around 500 to 800 samples I'm gonna give it 500 render that out and we're gonna head on over to some compositing when we're finished here alright now it's finished rendering let's head on over to compositing click use nodes shift a add a viewer node here so we can see what's going on in the background I'm gonna go ahead and get in a glare node which is the most important thing here pop that there and use fog glow now we're just gonna stick there maybe add the mix down down by 3 that looks about right now we're done here make sure to plug the glare into the composite and then in rendering we have this really cool thing going on I'm gonna save it save the image here I'm just going to give it a random box2 simple name and then we're gonna save the image and let's head on over to photoshop now I'm using Photoshop and I know a lot of blender users do not like Adobe products and the other ones have these same features I'm gonna be talking about so whatever I'm doing it's easily copyable might just be called something different in the program that you want to use but I use Photoshop I've been doing graphic design for years and the Adobe suite is suited to my needs so let's go ahead and I'm gonna get so what I'm gonna do here is pop in and place embedded a a dust texture so this guy right here if you just go on the internet and look up free dust texture this will show up or you know just there's a there's a lot of these I just picked the first one that I saw it doesn't matter whatever one you want to work I'm gonna scale it up here and I'm gonna go here to the Camera Raw filter and I'm gonna get in here give it a blue tint just like the scene is we're gonna bring the contrast down and then here on the curves I am going to bring it down some more so now I like this I'm gonna click OK the reason I did those changes is when I go over here into the screen mode it's gonna do this but I don't like it it looks like snow it doesn't look like you know it doesn't look like the kind of look I'm going for so I'm gonna go here to the filter to the blur gallery I mean here to the blur and get in a motion blur now what that's going to do for me is when I bring it up this happens and this is way more what I'm looking for adds a really nice effect add some excitement add some motion which is exactly what I'm looking for for this design good and the design here is finished the renders finished this looks awesome you can sell this you can use a wall paper whatever you want to do it's a really cool fun design and yeah thank you guys for watching and hope you learned something
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 144,643
Rating: 4.935945 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: PAmfRqaNzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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