Blender - Easy Infinite Loop animation in Eevee Blender 2.81

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okay so I posted this render on Instagram and immediately got tons of requests for a tutorial for it so in today's tutorial I'm gonna be teaching how to make this infinite loop really cool let's get into it alright so first let's make that grid pattern so I'm gonna hit shift a plane I'm gonna hit s8 and make sure you hit s8 specifically because when we do run the camera through we got to make sure that it is a seamless infinite loop so make sure you stay within this bounding box alright so I'm gonna hit tab here right click i'ma hit subdivide then I know that under this subdivide I'm gonna hit 30 that's how many blocks we're gonna get all right next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to tab I'm gonna hit f3 and type in edge and go to edge split so that's gonna split these edges so when we go to the smooth modifier right over here it splits them up alright next we're gonna do is take it and add in a solidify modifier and then click it a couple times also make sure you hit control a and apply scale forgot to do that so we get some accurate displacement once we get to that part so just click it tell you when it is thick as you want I want them to be very very much boxes so I'm just gonna click it it's pretty boxy alright the cool thing about the smooth is that if you take this repeat you can make it smaller or you can take the factor make it bigger or smaller so it's pretty cool and flexible when it comes to this type of look alright next thing we're gonna do we're just gonna make this very high poly once we start animating it so you are gonna get some slow stuff until we disable it but let's get in the bevel so once we've beveled it let's go down here on the width and just bevel it to however you'd like I'm gonna go to there and I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it three segments so just like that now we have these nice beveled cubes and all we can do is shade smooth and so now we have a bunch of really interesting cubes but we need to displace it so let's go ahead add modifier add displacement now let's make sure I'm gonna go ahead and collapse all of these and just bring this displacement all the way up above everything so that this displacement doesn't mess with those modifiers make sure the hierarchy is correct so I'm gonna click new click this little button here image or movie I'm gonna go to clouds and I don't like that some go bring the depth all the way down to zero and the size I mean the size up to say three so now we have these nice wavy things you can see when I was playing with it was very laggy and that's because we are working with a hundred thousand tries the fifty one thousand faces things like that so as you're working just take the bevel click this little computer icon and I'm gonna go back to shade flat and that will disabled and so now we're we're just working with eleven thousand tries so now we have this super easy super cool let's animate it let's go to the empty plane axis and say I'm just gonna just for visibility I'm gonna hit G and just bring them up and then make sure you have this guy I'm just gonna name him move because it's gonna make everything move so go back to displacement here right on local go to object and click that empty so that now when we move it it moves everything so I'm gonna give myself 120 frames for its animation for now no go up to the edit preferences and make sure in my animation tab here that default default interpolation is set to linear now let's animate so here on the on the empty let's see which way I want to animate it say let's do this so a lot of people actually thought I used the wave modifier which is pretty common but I just use displacement that kind of looks like a wave so it's a pretty cool hack alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit the back arrow to go to frame 0 the reason we're doing that is because we want to use motion blur so first let's go and switch to the Eevee render engine and right here make sure motion blur is selected and the reason why we're going to frame 0 is cuz we start here and the animation starts here we will have a one frame of no motion blur and then this frame will have motion blur so go back to frame 0 that'll start there so go back to the controls here hit the little keyframe go to the very end and type in three six zero 360 degrees which will make this a looping animation and now we have this so it looks pretty nice let's go ahead and keep working we need to make sure that this will be a seamless loop so right now if we were to just take this and say add it to a new collection call it collection two and then go to collection and since and bring like this what you're gonna notice is you're gonna see a seam right here you can see where that connects you can see where it starts and we don't want that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make this a seamless displacement so let's go ahead and get an empty ad the plane axis and hold down control so that it snaps to the grid goes to the very edge of our composition here our displacement that's very very important for seamless looping now we're gonna take this guy here collapse a displacement and I'm gonna go ahead and add in a mirror modifier select the new empty so I'm just gonna name that empty I'm gonna double click and call a mirror go back to displacement we've got mirror selected uncheck X and click Y and now you can see you can't really tell where the displacement stops and then what we'll do is we'll go back to the collection instance collection - and we'll bring it all the way to the end and you can see you can't tell when it stops so it's really nice when you work going through is to be able to not be able to see those seems very obviously obviously if you look really hard you can see it stops there because it's mirroring but when we actually flying through it it'll be invisible all right now let's go ahead and add in our camera so shift a add in the camera holding down control just bring him to the very back of our scene and bringing up a little bit your placement will on the Y we want to be 8 there to make sure it's at the very edge of your scene now let's go ahead and just bring them up so 80 degrees zero negative 180 now he is pointing perfectly straight and then let's animate him as well so start at frame 0 hit the keyframe on Y go to the very end and go to let's see negative 24 I think it'll be hold on see bring him forward yes so negative 24 I believe is with the position we want so negative 2 4 and that puts him at the very edge of our new composition so that will make it loopable so click on him insert the keyframe and let's go ahead and add in a collection instance and test out to see if it seamlessly let's do one more just to see it work and then let's watch the animation or the very end and okay cool it loops seamlessly alright next thing we're gonna do is on our camera settings we want it to be pretty wide angle so we ran it on the focal length I'm gonna say 24 and then once we do that it will seem faster so we might need to lower our frames but we'll do that later next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna add another collection and bring him up so we want a really cool look to this so we want the camera to be super close to the ground and the sky to be super close to the camera which gives it that really dynamic look so lets we're gonna bring the camera down a little bit and we should be set on how that's gonna look cool alright now let's just go ahead and start duplicating stuff in making our scene okay so now we have this so what I like to do just compositionally its take the camera hit R and just bring it like that and that just kind of gives it this really cool effect when we're going sideways and let's just preview how it looks with that bevel back in place shading smooth so that's how this looks and if we hit Z and go to render view here and Evi can't see much so that's what we're gonna do next all right so what we're gonna do next is add in lighting and material so we don't actually have to add any lights just materials because we're going to be using the one of the materials as a light as you'll see so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit a new and I'm gonna go ahead and add a basic metallic shader and make him fairly dark and then what I'm gonna do here is add in another material click new and make an emission material which will be a light I'm gonna give it a strength of 34 now and make him blue all right now that it we have that we need to select faces and we need to select them randomly so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up here's face select here collect select one right up here and select right down here on select random just do that and then that's too many we wanted to just be very minimal so we'll take this percent here and just play with it until we like the amount of faces we have selected which will be our lights in the scene this looks pretty nice so what I'll do is I'll hit the material we want and click assign and it's going to sign that to that material and then we hit Z and rendered you're gonna see BAM we have lots of nice light so in my world settings here I'm going to go up to the world settings click that and bring it all the way down to black alright so will improve lighting later let's go ahead and mess go back and mess with the displacement to make it look a little bit better so right here let's go ahead and make it nice and big and then go in there and say imma give it a displacement at four and then we'll go back and check that cool it's looking really crazy alright so I'm gonna bring my camera down a little bit to get closer to the floor and we have this alright cool so this is how we have it looking right now let's go to the bloom settings here and bring our bloom down a little bit cause it's a little bit too intense and then we have that alright so what would add some red here so we're just gonna do the same thing I'm gonna go ahead back to my materials add in another material they get new make an emission shader give it a strength of 10 I'm gonna give it 10 for now make it nice and orange go back to random selection click one select random I'm gonna give it a even smaller selection base here hit the seed and I'll assign and so once we go back to rendered view now we get some really good light so if you don't like how intense these lights are which I don't currently first off you can go ahead to your metallic and bring it down so that your C isn't quite so bright I'm gonna press play here I'm gonna get some major lag currently running a laptop but in about a week upgrading the laptop we won't have any more lag I apologize for the lag but this is how it's gonna look for now let's go ahead and add that bevel back in and give so there you go so if we want to make sure just one last time to make sure this runs through nice and seamlessly and repeat so so it's perfect its seamless it works we have a really nice look we'll go back to render view and just pop through some of these frames and see how it looks and it looks super cool and you can play with the lighting see how it looks sometimes you just go ahead and play with different lighting compositions sometimes green is a really cool option just completely changes the look and yeah so if you want to export it go down to this little camera icon select where you want to save it go from PNG to ffmpeg video encoding change to mp4 and change from medium quality to perceptually lossless and then go to render or render animation so there you go I hope you guys enjoyed this you go to my Instagram if you see some stuff that you want to see me make I post stuff on there all the time so there you go thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 716,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: W9eAVW4G8ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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