Create a Sci-Fi Room in under 60 mins

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[Music] hey guys uh so today i'm going to show you how to create this kind of a sci-fi white room in under an hour actually it should go really fast and one of the reasons why it goes really fast is because i've done a lot of the work for you in some of these areas and i'm going to share that work with you for instance these capsules are kid ops inserts these ones on the sides here these these little places uh and so is this little character in here in fact a lot of the stuff that you're looking at is actually kid ops inserts including the decals including the robot including the floor plane the handle here so there's a lot of stuff that'll show you how to use and in particular you don't need kid ops pro you can use kit ops free to do this in fact all you're going to need is this k pack that i'm going to share with you and here's the k pack it's going to come as white room master folder zip and if you open it up you'll see it's got the decals that you're going to need it's got the capsules that you're going to need it's got the floor and the handle the man and some of the light fixtures and that's really all there is to it and let me show you how easy it is to install it into uh kit ops real quick so go to preferences you'll of course use free or kit ops pro and you'll scroll on to the file pass and you hit plus like this and you're going to choose a file path and you'll go to that white room master folder and that's it you open that once and inside here all your things so you always go all the way you know drill all the way down till you get to your objects and your thumbnails go up one level and accept it and then once you've done that we hit the end key over here and we're in kit ops and we'll see down here we have white room and here are all the inserts that you'll need to create everything that you're seeing here so uh the one other thing is to get that you just subscribe to my patreon it's one dollar a month it's not a lot and there's a ton of stuff i've got all kinds of materials and and other kinds of inserts i've got lots of different kind of training videos and there's also a whole set of characters of human scale lots of different things a lot of different props that you can use also in scenes so just jump on my patreon and i only have one membership level it's a buck a month and you'll be able to download all these files and there's just there's literally a ton of posts i mean if you go down here i think i've got like 40 or 50 posts already up there each one with some different stuff up there so anyway check it out okay let's get on with the let's get on with the show shall we okay hey guys i'm going to do this uh new kind of a white clean room sci-fi interior that i've been talking about and so let's get started i'm going to hit a x i'm going to delete everything i can a ax up here so we have we're really starting with nothing in fact i'm going to go into the worlds right now and i'm going to basically delete that too so we have no world so if i hit z and i render this thing it's just all black so and then i'll shift a and i'll do a mesh and i'll put a plane in here and then i'm going to tap into that and i'm going to e and move it up and over in the extrude i'm going to make this maybe about a 10 foot ceiling so 10 foot and that's up there so that's a little high let's try it it's an eight foot ceiling okay there's an eight foot ceiling and just to make sure i know what i'm doing here let's go ahead and add in my ergo guy here's a 50 man right there select turn everything off selecting just hit add insert and and uh oops i don't want him selected add insert there we go so let's move him to the front one there's the front gy move him out so he's out here somewhere so there we have it so now you say why didn't you just add a cube well the reason why is this way i can adjust the height as i would as i want to by just dragging this and i don't adjust everything about it so so the next thing i want to do is i'm going to go on my item and i'm going to set the width of it so i think the width of the room which is the x direction 25 feet there we go okay so there's the width of the room and i don't know maybe maybe it needs to be a little bit let's try instead of 25 let's say 20 feet okay so there's there's the width and then uh the depth is the y dimension let's make it about if that was 20 let's make it about 30 feet deep and for those of you that are metric sorry i just grew up in with the english system so that's that's what we're doing anyway so now we have this is kind of our main room look at it yeah maybe actually maybe just a little bit more like that so i'm going to take i put them in the middle of it somewhere so so there we have our main room uh that we're ready to get started with and so what i'm going to do is with this i'll call this one main and with it called main let's just shift d and go x actually if i yeah and move it y and let's just scale hit s scale and then hit shift z and i'll just scale it around these so this is this works pretty good so i'll do this and i'll extend it out a little bit so i have this one little corridor going off to this side like so i'm going to shift and if i go to the top view i can of course just go go top view and turn on orthographic projections so that we're just seeing this i can just shifty move it around like this and again if i scale now notice i'm going smaller in the z so i want it if i scale i want to be sure that i hit that scale s shift z or i can just use these little things and these will work fine for us so let's put that one here then let's take this again and shift d move it over here and we'll scale this out like something like this and g something like that so this is going to be a little cut in i think this will be cut in and then let's make a the and we're going to put a this is going to be the window the window area so i'm going to actually uh make that a little lower and up so that's going to be the area that we're our camera can look through is really what that's going to be so we'll move it out like something like that actually i'll just make it really big it just covers that so that would be uh we'll cut that off at the end so the next thing i want to do is i'm going to take this and this and this and with the middle one centered last control plus because we're using bull tools and edit preferences yeah bull tools are turned on so control plus is going to give us a union of these things so if i zoom in here we'll see that we're inside it we can see that we're actually inside and that works good actually let's go ahead and turn off the face orientation for now okay then with this selected i'm gonna i'm gonna select this and this last and control minus and that's going to give me this this area right here this little thing and then finally i'm going to say shift a and i want to create a cylinder and let's give it i don't know 32 is probably good maybe radius all right let's move the radius [Music] so i want to poke it in and out like that something like that and the radius maybe something like this let's see yeah this is going to be a kind of a hibernation chamber for our robot so i'm going to leave that here so there we have that and i'm going to hit g and move it around somewhere where i think it might work well for us okay and then with that selected and this selected i'm gonna hit control minus also and that's negative so now let's finally go in here and take this object and subtract this at the very last piece and there oop not quite big enough let's keep undo let's grab this guy and make it a little bigger undo there we go and drop it down okay so that's that's uh going to be our hole so let's go look at our modifier stack for this guys there's a lot of stuff in here and i'm going to collapse them all and i'm going to add a modifier called a solidify you guys know what that does and i'm going to make it kind of large and i'm going to you know let's do alt z so we can see what's going on let's just do a something like this so we can see what's going on there's our solidify so i've made it a positive so that if i look at this it's actually going down below the ground i'm going to make it even thickness i'm not even sure how well that works but i don't know i did it and we'll see if we may need to turn that off later but uh now that's done that's solidify now this last boolean needs to go outside of that so now we have the hole right so we can see that now with this last one it cuts it out we can kind of kind of start to see what we're looking at and you can see that in this case i don't see anything in this back room right here so i'll come back in here and i'll keep clicking on here until i get my uh not that object not that object not that object not that let's see is this one oh it's on the inside that's what it is okay there it is so with that selected and i'm gonna go in and just kind of set up a view so of this and i can move this so you can see as i'm moving this i'm actually adjusting the walls as i go which is nice about this kind of a design so let's go ahead and set up the camera now so i'm going to ship a and add a camera and with the camera selected i'll hit command shift zero like this and then i'm gonna go into the camera settings and i'm gonna set it to something really small maybe like 25 and then i will go into my view and i will say camera to view now i map this to a q key so you can see i have a camera view and i actually have even a shortcut set for it so then i can zero and there's our camera there's our camera select an object in the middle and we can start to see that our camera is need to be 25 not 250 i thought that was a little strange so there we have it so there's our camera and i'm going to move it a little bit more like this so you can see uh here's our our negative so we might want to pull him back just a little bit and see something around that corner so the whole idea here is that what we're trying to do at this point is create ourselves a camera view that's going to work for us and in fact i'm going to go back into my render settings and i'm going to use 2350 by a thousand and that's kind of the standard cinema aspect ratio so that gives us a little bit more to work with and so as i move around on that i can start to see i might actually go back to our camera again and make it 20 give us a little bit more so we can see a little more what's going on there we go so i think that's pretty good now the only other thing i might do is take this and see why let's move it forward a little bit more since it's going to be kind of a center of what we're doing i'm going to put it right on top of our guy and yeah it looks pretty good so okay and then of course we got to shade smooth it and then say cue and auto smooth let's do the same with our object q uh auto smooth uh cue shade smooth so that that's even though we don't need it right this second once i have this locked and loaded i'm gonna go ahead and turn this off so that way i can't lose that anymore so now i've basically got a pretty nice environment that's gonna work for us now the next thing let's go into kit ops and let's add a material so i'm going to go into the free materials and you won't have this new material but i i'm going to update it it'll be included in the file if you want to play around this all the patreon members get this file you'll have this as well as all the inserts that come with it so i'm going to sit here and say add material and now when we look at you'll see that material has been added to this object so it's that white material and then with this object selected i'm going to go into here and i'm going to add one more modifier i'm going to add a bevel modifier and that bevel modifier i'm going to pull up before the solidify i want to bring him up in here like this and as you can see as i move this up nothing is happening so i'm going to make that let's say 0.5 and absolutely nothing's happening so what's going on well we're kind of limited right now to where it's at so if i take i can start to take some of these move them around and see what happens actually let's go into this this view and just see what happens as i move them around you're starting to see things move in and out and that's because of the way that the geometry is setting this up in fact if i go into my modifier list of here and here's that cylinder and i turn that off you'll see that's no longer affecting anything and that in fact that bevel if i go to one yeah it's probably we're probably at the max matter of fact i can look at this and see this is probably part of the problem too if i move him in yeah we're going to get a little bigger bigger right there and is there anything else that's actually clipping on this thing i don't think so but let's take this again and let's move him oops let's move him in you know like around here and i think that's a pretty good bevel right now we're a pretty good thing oh the other thing i need to do is ctrl a and let's adjust the scale so once we put the scale in that's going to help quite a bit meaning we're taking the original object let's go back and look at that item our original scale is off remember we changed the the dimensions and everything so let's do ctrl a scale and that's going to change things quite a bit and it does it does in fact now we uh our bevels might even be a little too long so let me just move them back a little bit let's just give them let's keep moving them there we go something like that might be a good a good place to start so with the bevels set right there now i'm going to go ahead and add like 10 segments and go back into my view here and uh let's shift a we're going to add a light let's see let's add a uh a set of sunlight i'm gonna go into this view and i'm gonna say use the scene lights in the scene world and with the sunlight on i'm gonna move him you know move it up and i can hit rr and start moving around and you're starting to see you know where that sun's going to hit so i'm going to bring it in something like this and i'll give the sun about i don't know strength of maybe five yeah something like that and then i'm going to go and go in the cycles and we're going to see that it's actually rendering i'm going to go ahead in cycles and turn off this render region so it's actually rendering that stuff pretty good and i can hit r again and just move around and you know move the lighting around i can see what's going on and this is the basis for what we're doing now there's one thing i want to show and that is this see this little angle here first of all you'll see that we have some facets here and so what's going on there well the reason for that is because we need to select all these objects okay and right right click and say shade smooth and then auto smooth and then when we go back in here and look at them you'll see that we're in better shape but we do have this like kind of crease here so what's going on with that well let's take our main object and we'll go back into our bevel and under geometry on the miter outer i'm going to set this to patch and when i set the patch it does that nice nice radius in here and that's exactly what we want so that's been solved quite nicely for us and again if i go back into my cycles i've got this rendering so that's really not the lighting i want to use but what is nice about that is that it does kind of show kind of nicely what it is we're doing now i am getting this little i'm getting this little rip right here so i'm going to take this object and just move them a little bit and see if he affects that rip and it looks like it does a little bit so as i look at this and the smoothing artifacts if i go if i actually go out of here and look you'll see i've got all kinds of smoothie art artifacts going on i'm looking thinking why is that oh i know why it was because if i click on these objects remember i selected them all and i shaded smooth them and what i didn't do and let's just go into here and let's you know let's hit a and under let's just uh use that one we'll go into normals and it wasn't auto smooth even though we did so if i hold the alt key down and i click auto smooth here now every single one is going to be set so that's a little bit different than uh just selecting them all and using that q key so that's just lets us know that when we go back into here now you know we're going to get a little better job of managing the smoothing artifacts and if i want to actually select on our main object and say add a weighted normal that might fix our problem kind of does that doesn't keep sharp face influence that fixes our problem kind of nicely but now we're adding custom normals to our object which we're going to have to remember that as we move forward but i'm going to leave this off now i'm going to wait to the very end and i'll add the weighted normal bin so we'll see what goes on there so anyway so this is the first step in creating our room now let's move on to the next step let's go ahead now and add some boolean cuts to this i'm going to go into here and go into kind of the front view and i'm going to go back into my modifier list and i'm on bevel i've got 10 right here i'm going to say one and that way i can see exactly where uh my bevel ends and starts so i'll shift a mesh and i'm going to do a let's just do a plane and i'll move it up to where i think i want my first cutting line and i'm going to just drag it all the way out like this right so you can see and then i'll go here and i'll drag it all the way out like this so it cuts through the whole our whole object and then i'm going to add a modifier and i'm going to call it a solidify modifier and i'll just leave the default settings there actually i'm gonna make this zero so it's in the center i'm gonna say shift d z and i'll move it up you know somewhere like this now with these set i will select both of them and then select our main object last and again bull tools command minus and that's going to cut a hole through all this so if i go into my view and i look at my rendered view you'll see that i've got a hole cutting let's go back to bevel and let's add those let's do 12 segments we'll try that this time so now you can see we have this nice little cutout it might be a little fat for us so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually explain this process and i'll go into 1 z and i'm going to take this plane and this plane and control j and that joins them both and what's neat about that is that now they both use the same solidify modifier so if i go back into my view to get out of edit mode i can just modify this as 0.008 whatever i want and i can start to cut that out however i want to make it as thin or as big as i want if i want to make it bigger 0.1 i've cut a lot larger area if not 0.005 0.008 works looks like it's going to work pretty good for me on this and that's the really quick way to do that okay so now what we want to do is we're going to want to add just a little bit more of the configuration before i finalize on our next set of little parting lines and cut out so what am i talking about well let's go in here and let's look at this and let's notice that these all look good i like everything that's going on the issue that i have is that i also want to add some other things like i want to add some capsules and i want to see how they fit in here so i'm going to have to actually play around a little bit and see how it works and now i'm starting to get a kind of a heavy stack of modifiers here for this object as you can see so before i start really jumping in and adding a lot of stuff what i'm going to do is i'm going to toggle some of these off like for instance the bevel one i'm going to turn that one off this last one that we just did i'm going to turn that off that's the bull tube plane that we merged so that's got a little red thing there so that means it's not being used so we'll turn that off we'll turn well we'll leave this one on because i want to be able to see where we're going to place some things and i think uh that's pretty good so let's go into kit ops now and i'm going to go into my capsules and i'm going to choose a capsule that i want to put in here so i'm going to say this one right here so these capsules are kind of like little sleeping quarters if you will and let me go ahead and go into a fast view i'm going to select my object and with kit ops i'm going to hit this add insert and i'm going to drag it around and i'm going to put it kind of in the center here and as i move around as we see yeah it's not quite in the center i'm going to move it this little farther over something like this let's get a little bit more in the center and as i can see we're going to hit a radius pretty fast on that right so what i'll do is i'll select this object right here and i'm going to move expand him a little bit so he fits better so that's why i said i wasn't ready to start adding any more cutouts because i want to make sure i get all these set the way i want them there's one let's let's see if i have another one i want to add let's try maybe this one and we'll put him on the back wall so let's go back in here and i want to stick him right here so i'm gonna with this selected add insert and i'll put him right there now i want him to be the same height as this one so if i go over here and i look at the height on that i can say that the z height is this so i just hover my mouse over here control c go over this one ctrl v and it's going to set that exactly the same so now they're they're set exactly the same if i look into my view you'll see that that's what they look like and i think i look at the top view uh yeah this this looks like it's gonna work pretty good it's got a radius right here i might take this piece right here i think unless main two main four i mean three main three for some reason it's not displaying but i might take him and i may move him over just a little bit more and then let's go back into my so now i can see that yeah i want him i kind of want him to be a little bit around this i think that that's pretty good it's going to be a round surface there now i'll go back in and to my main object i'm going to turn the bevel back on and i'm going to go to the top view and let's take a look and see where we're at okay that looks pretty good i'm gonna take my guy here and move them over just a tad and as you see things are really starting to to kind of slow down a little bit now because of that bevel let's turn off the bevel again and move this over just a little bit that's good and then we'll go back in here and turn the bevel back on and we can start to see what we have and okay so i've got now i've got that let's go back into my camera view i want a little more raking angle here i want a little more severe that's my new camera angle cue i'll lock it in and now we're ready to go i'm going to add some more parting lines next okay here we are so uh now we're going to add our last generation of parting lines and what i want to do is i really want to kind of surround each one of these corners the way i'm going to do that is i'm going to go back and bevel as we remember and set this to one so we can identify those let's go into zero uh into our wireframe mode and then i'm gonna say shift a mesh and i'll just add a cube and i'm going to g move the cube over to like any one of these corners scale it down and then move it up like this and we'll put it kind of in the middle here and then to scale and have it go all the way up through the top and that's really it now with that done so instead of shifty duplicating this and adding a solidified modifier to each object i'm going to actually create all this in one object so i'll say tab and hit a and then say shift d and i'll just move them move these around okay so this is what these look like after you put them down and one of the things i noticed is that i really want to have this line be radiused on these and so how do i do that well one thing i can just take this and i can move these a little bit a little bit higher and then i can add a bevel modifier to these and notice it's all screwed up so let's do ctrl a and make sure that we're at the right scale and i can look at you know from this view here i can see exactly what that angle is going to look like and that's what my bevel modifier so i'm going to add a little more a little larger one maybe make it we'll make it something larger here in a second but for now let's just leave it like that because i also want to add a solidify modifier 0.1 so we'll do that make this zero so it's in the center in the middle then i am going to select this and then select this and again use bull tools command minus and now you can see we've kind of cut this hole in here and it looks like wow those are pretty thick 0.1 is not the right number on those so let's just go back in and we're going to turn those into 0.01 also there we have it so now if i look in here i can see that we have this kind of a radius thing going on and if i go into this bevel thing and say segments let's just make that eight make it eight and we'll go into here in our bevel here we're going to make it eight as well and now you can kind of see how that is being handled that actually looks pretty good i think that works pretty well so i go into my view here my camera view and turn off these we'll take a look let this thing res up a little bit and see where it ends up now keep in mind that the lighting has yet to be set up now one thing i'll mention is the lighting doesn't show won't show some of these down here because of the way it is we're going to fix that here in just a little bit okay now we're going to add some floors and some sealing and some lights and all that and as we talked about before you can start to see that our modifier stack is getting pretty heavy uh it's looking like we've got quite a bit of lag now when we start adding inserts onto this and so what i'm going to do at this point by the way i should mention also that notice that when we did all these cutouts for us it really cleaned up our mesh quite a bit so what i want to do next is i'm going to go into kit ops here and i'm going to select my object and i'm going to say convert to mesh and so that's that's basically going to take all these and apply them in a proper order and then i'm gonna remove unused wireframes which would be only those from inserts that were being used and then i'm gonna just take these and delete these and there and so now we go in here we have pretty much what we want but each one of these now is a separate object as you can see so each each thing these are separate objects but when i go into my mesh you can see all the modifiers have been applied one of the first things i'm going to do is if i just select anything and just hit the l key now i'm going to get that whole top so that's going to be the roof and i can separate that if i want to and i'm going to do that hit the p button and say selection and then hit the tab button and then go over here let's see and look for this right here it says main and that's our route so i'm gonna put that just call that ceiling so that's the ceiling and then i'm gonna come back in here tab and do the same thing l and p by selection and tab back out and that's going to be called the floors now if i go into my render view again everything still looks exactly the same nothing has actually changed but it does give me some easier objects now to work with let's take the let's take all of these all these objects and let's move them into a new collection and i'm going to call this clean room and then these are still objects and i'm going to select those and i'm going to move them into the clean room also and that means if i turn off the clean room all i have is this and this i'll explain that and delete that and i got my man in here and i've got that sunlight in here and our camera right there so let's go back into the clean room and i want to take the floor and isolate the floor so i can hold the shift button and hit shift h and that just isolates the floor and let's go to the top view z this is what the floor is and i can kind of see exactly what i want to do with this floor in terms of making a pathway for it so what i'll do is say shift a circle and let's make this one 64. and i'm gonna move it down somewhere like this so it's kind of pretty much on the center of what this is okay that looks about right that looks like we're in pretty good shape so uh with that set i will control curl i hit scale tab into it and go into one select one of these vertices and i'll say shift d and i'll move it over to here with it here i'll hit the e key to extrude and then y and we'll go here and then e x here e y here e x and hold the ctrl key down so we snap in the same place and then we'll say e y move over to here and now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to select all just these vertices not not the circle ones but the rest of these and i'm going to give them a mean bevel weight of say something like 0.5 and now i'll select these and i'll right click and say subdivide and i'll select these and right click and say subdivide and i'll take this point and this point and i'll do the same over here this point and that point and hit f and then hit a and hit f we have this face created but we don't have this face created so i'm going to select this and hit l oops actually this this select all of these this this this and then we select all of these and that two and hit f and now we have it and then we hit three and i want this i want to hit x on that face and then we have this and this and this x on that face so now we have kind of what we want so i'll tab out of it go to a modifier add a solidify this solidify we're going to go up a little quite a bit this tab i've got this uh face orientation so we can see our face orientation's off tab a and if i just hit a and shift n that'll fix that now we've gone up and we're actually through the floor which is good and then i'm gonna add a modifier called a bevel i'm gonna move that up here and i wanna bevel my vertices and remember we added weights to all of these but nothing inside here so once uh we have this set we'll add this bevel we hit do vertices and we wanna choose weight here because we added that weight and now i'm going to go ahead and i can adjust this how i want see that we're kind of locked in to this dimension i'm trying to think oh that's because this needs to be zero and this needs to be zero so this is it right here if i move these out i'm going to get a little bit larger of a radius which is what i'm going to do so i just want to make sure that i can get that working the way i want now i can go ahead and say segments let's give it eight fine and now we have this set that we want and we'll turn on our solidify and our solidify goes in here and now what we need let's go back into our wireframe let's tab into this i need one more solidify let's do ctrl a scale make sure we're scale set right and i'm going to add another solidify so this is a solidify that's going to actually cut our little hole for us and that's 0.01 and i set this as a 0. and you'll see that see it's very tiny it's the same size as the rest of those .01 is what we were using so we'll we'll leave that like that and then i'll take this go ahead and save and i'll take this and then take this and say command minus and now if i go back into our our view here you can start to see that this is what we end up with i want to make sure that also that that's shade smooth and auto smooth as well so so that gives us our floor and now we just need to do the same thing for our roof now i could basically just duplicate this or if i wanted to even to be sneakier i can just grab it pull it up here and just scale it a lot in this direction and use the exact same ones this is called circle we'll call this you know uh just caught cutter alt h brings back everything and with this selected and i select the roof canal minus and now i've got i've got the same thing happening up in the roof so that's that's nice okay so next we're going to add some lights to this and i've got a few lights that i can use here i think i'm going to use this spot one and what i'll do is i'll select the roof there we go have the roof selected and i'm just going to add one of these and i can actually hold scroll the mouse wheel while this is on here and i can shrink it so i can get it to the size that i want and the place that i want so i'm going to put the first one let's say let's put it somewhere over here for right now and then what i want to do is i'm going to go into turn turn off smart mode so i can select the individual parts of the insert i'm going to grab this spotlight right here and i'm going to notice that it's set to 10 and so i'm going to turn the sun off right now and i'm going to go into my view and you'll see the only lights that are being shown are the ones inside the capsules and i'm going to set this to 25 and see what happens and you can see that's uh okay that's that's a little better it seems to work pretty decent and so i'm going to leave it right there and i'm going to go into my wireframe view and i'm going to go to the top view here and you can see this and i can just basically at this point say g i can move it to wherever i want to oops i need to go back into smart mode g and i can move it to where i want to now notice that right now it's kind of lagging a little bit and that's because it's part of a modifier right so i'm going to go into this object first the ceiling object which is this one here i'll click into the modifier panel and up at the top here i'm going to hit this viewport vis button or actually probably just turn off this bowl cutter this this this this cutter is the actual cutter that's cutting around here we have the four one so we can see what we're doing so now i'm gonna click back on here and just say shift d and i'm gonna start putting a few of these around where i think they might actually exist in a uh you know in a real environment shifty i'm gonna grab this one y put that down about the same place here shift the y here shift the x put one over in here shift d let's stick one somewhere over here shift the x and we'll stick one over in here so that gives us one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so now i'm going to go ahead and select our top piece again let's turn on our cutter and we'll go into our view and let's take a look at it so you can see i think the lights actually turned out pretty good i think the the i can adjust the brights uh the bright even more if i want to later uh but for now i think we're in pretty good shape and let me go ahead and i'm going to switch to evie now and as my renderer and as you can see evie is quite a bit different in terms of how it works and in a bright environment with reflections like this it's not going to do a great job unfortunately primarily it's these little high intensity noise areas right here i'm not sure but i don't think there's any way to get rid of these if you render it out you still get these real high intensities that's why i prefer cycles for this kind of work so cycles will actually generate a much better looking um scene so anyway so that's uh that's setting up our lights next let's work on our floor okay so here we are let's let's kind of do the floor next and this is going to be fairly straightforward select the floor while it's selected i'm going to say convert to mesh so we basically took that cutter that cut these lines right in here and we've applied that and then i'll hit the tab key and three and then i'll select this top one and i'll hit the l key which selects all the connected ones you can see p and i'll separate the selection and i'll go over here the outliner hit the period key on the numpad and there it is right there so uh tab to get out of it and then this is just going to be called the uh i'm going to call this black floor because we're going to make it a darker color kind of dumb name but that's right so now that i have that done i'm going to go over here and you're going to have all the one dollar patron members will have all these materials and all these objects and i'm going to grab this 402 model and i'm going to go into my view like this and with the floor selected add this insert like so and i'll just click and let go and it's directly on top of that floor so what i want to do is i want to select that floor again right there and i am going to move it down just a little bit and as i move it down we're going to see that it shows the rest of this and i'll keep moving it down just a little more and then i'll take this object that i just added and i'm going to move him down just a little bit too and then i'll go into this view and let's just take a look and see yeah we just want it down just enough so that it's tiny bit below that i'll go back into my camera view which is numpad zero and the next thing i need to do is make sure that this is lining up right and actually it's scaled right so i'm going to select this object that i just have this uh this this object right here this floor insert i'm hit the s button i'm going to scale it down to where something you know where i kind of like it move it around you know center it to where i think it's going to work maybe maybe a little skill a little more and then go over to modifiers for this particular object and you can see that it doesn't go far enough so i'm going to hit this 5 and that's to send it off into that direction i think that good that's good but it doesn't go far enough in this direction so i'll say gy move it move it back and it looks like we're in pretty good shape right there so there's our floor let's take a look and see what it looks like when we render it and it comes in quite nicely that's our rendering for our floor okay now let's create the hibernation chamber for our robot which is going to be this right in here and as we look at that we're i'm just going to tab into this real quick and select this and hit the oops escape hit the l key and i'm going to say p and i'm going to separate that as a selection and tab and then go over here and call this hibernation and i'm going to actually give that its own collection i'll call it hibernation chamber and this way i can just basically turn off everything else and i can just work on this and you can see that this hibernation chamber is uh it doesn't have any modifiers it's got a fairly thick wall which we're going to want to make a lot thinner that's not hard to do i'm going to tab into it three select this and this and we'll select this and this x delete the faces and now it's like this hit l select all those x delete the faces a f so now we've basically got a solid object and now all we need to do is add a modifier which i will add a solidify modifier and let's go ahead and just see let's see which way we're going yeah we want to be inside and i think that's about right i think that's probably a fairly decent thickness that we're going to work with i got a little line here let's tab into that figure out what's going on there one so we have a vertices here shift shift merge to last and i'm assuming we have one down here too shift shift m key merge to last so now we have our capsule ready and we know that the front of it is here because the camera is here so and we also know that in our inserts we have a man so let's turn our man insert on and i'm gonna take this man object and i'm gonna say it's not a man it's a robot but i'm gonna take him and say move him to the hibernation and that way i can turn off the rest of these inserts for now okay and all right let's move him up and over i just want to make sure that our guy's right smack dab in the middle good and he's facing the right direction and now i need to cut out a door for this and that's really a lot simpler than you might think shift a we'll say mesh cube and i'll just g put that over here and i think the door look at the wire wireframe so i can make sure yeah i don't want this to be right you know in the uh right on the edge of another one so so let's go ahead and uh tab into this i'll see i'll move these up like this so that door is to be like so and then i'll take this move it down and this and move this up a little bit more and that down a little more so that's kind of what the door is going to look like this is going to end up becoming our door first i want to go ahead and i'm going to i could set a bevel modifier but frankly i kind of know what i want to do here so i'll just do it like this something like this i'm looking down how about six segments that ought to be good right there so that's that's going to be the cutter and then also so i'm going to tap into this i'm going to add a modifier the solidify modifier on this guy and i'll make him 0 and 0.02 and then i can take this object and this object and control minus and now i have my nice door right here i've got a little bit of a mess here that i can i'm going to fix in just a second but that's really the door and that's pretty straightforward and simple so once i've got that let's go ahead and save it and then i will basically convert it to mesh and delete that okay so we're gonna have to fix this i'm gonna come in here and i'll select this vertically hit the k key and i'm just gonna drag it you know basically hook these up and then maybe hook these up and hit return and it pretty much does it looks like it fixes it pretty well we've got maybe just a slight one here but i don't think we're going to see that actually i think we're going to be pretty good shape let's go over to this side see what we have now we have this and if i tab into it i can hit the three button hit the l button again and now we hit the p and we separate as a selection we're starting to get used to this aren't we tab and this is the uh hibernation door and then we just need to make that a glass material and i'll go into the ko special mats and in here we have this is the glass we want this sy cycles glass and we add the material at that material and now of course all the inserts come back because we just added that material but that's okay so obviously we don't have the lights on here so i'm going to turn on our clean room and go in here and let's just go ahead and see what cycles is going to look like here oops i turn my inserts on and you can start to see there's our character inside there and so i want to put a light in there so i can get him lit a little better and i think i'll grab him and move him down a little bit so we can see him there yeah let's go ahead and stick a light up in there so the way to do that obviously is we can just go say shift a i'll put a uh a spotlight and it comes up here and that spotlight gonna move him to the hibernation chamber and let's make him something kind of ghoulish i mean blue it's not necessarily ghoulish but it's colorful so let's basically go back into our object here i'm going to local mode here i'm going to tab into them and select this polygon and this face and i'll just go here in the special mats and i'm just going to add this material to it but i can't right now so what i'll do is i'll go here and i'll say add a blank material and i'll assign it to that i'll tap and get out of locomotive because kit ops doesn't work in local mode and that's why a lot of people say well what's going on you know well it's because you're in local mode so now if i add this let's go ahead and look at this if i add this material to here even it's in this slot it's not going to put in the slot it's going to replace that so i'm going to undo that and i'm just unselect everything and just add the material to the scene and then i can come in here and i can just go down here and there's the blue mist of material and i can give it five probably good enough let's see what happens okay so now now we have kind of a nice glowing area inside that shows our character okay i'm gonna do a little fine tuning with some lights now go seven see okay and so let's look at our lights our lights are here this light and this light they need to come up just a little bit so let's move them up to somewhere like here and this light and needs to move down something like that and i think this light needs to move forward some more and now let's look here and see what we have yeah so now we can see that these are actually in the scene this one's not but that's all right let's take a look and see what happens when i render it and you can start to see yeah i think that works a little better the lighting looks pretty good if i want to add adjust the lighting let's talk about that for just a real quick second so first i'm going to go up here and i'm going to say i want to turn off meshes and cameras and empties and like everything except for lights so let's do that now we can see i have all these lights so here's the spots there's actually this is this is the blue one and then here are all those so i can hold the shift key down let's turn off smart mode hold the shifter down select all of them and if i want to bump up the lighting i just go into light and i set 25 let's make it 30. so i'll type in 30 and then i'll hold the alt key down important and hit return and that's going to bump up all the lighting so i can go to any one of these and now they're all 30. and i think i kind of like the 30 a little more that kind of works a little better for me it's a little brighter so we're going to leave it like that next let's go ahead and we're going to add some decals so i'm going to go into this the viewport shading mode and let's move around and see what we're going to where we're going to add some i think we're going to put some here and i need to find the decals we're going to use are going to be in here cw decals that's the a1 capsule so i'm going to put that zoom in a little bit select this period it helps me zoom in and then select our object okay now we're going to add the insert and i'll use the mouse key again to scroll it so we can see it so let me make it like that and then i'm gonna grab another one like uh let's see this one i'm gonna add that insert scroll it down also so that's gonna look like something like this okay and then i'm gonna go over to this other one right here select that object and i'm going to add b1 i'll add the insert here scroll it down something like that and add this one as well and move him in something like that and if i really want to be careful to make sure that the exact right size i can go to this a item just grab any one of these ctrl c just hover control c click here select all control v and that gets them both the same and then the same with the continuous control c select all control v and that that gets those the same so that's that now i kind of want something to go up above here so let's go back into my kit ops let's find something that we might likely just put this danger one up here that looks cool so i'm going to kind of have that facing us straight on and i'm going to add this insert right here danger and i'll hit the s button scale it down something like that and then i'll go into the modifiers here and scroll all the way down and i'll hit this target button and just hit this and it's going to wrap it right around the edge so now that it's wrapped that should be good and so let's go back here and let's take a look at our renderings and we can see that we have what we have going on now this danger one it's interesting because it's kind of dark and up there so let's go ahead with it selected i'm going to kind of go up here into our shader editor and i'm going to hook up this emissive to it so what that means is uh and then i'm gonna turn on the turn on the light to white let's make it might as well go ahead and just stick with our blue theme or maybe i don't know dangerous danger might be orange who knows something like that maybe it's or even red and yeah that kind of works and then i might actually you know i might you know continue to add another decal or two let's let's let's take this test unit one and let's put him over here like this and let's go into our camera view move them over a little bit and make it go down and let's move them up and over something like that so that's that's good so we have the test unit thing there i think we just need one more decal down here somewhere and and we're going to be good actually we might want to put a little handle on this guy too let's let's take a look at that also so i'm going to go in here and i have the door and i'm gonna go into here i've got a door handle in here somewhere here's one and i will just add this insert on the door and i'm going to scroll it and then i hold the all key down now the new kit ops and i can i can actually with the alt key down i can uh rotate it and so let's just leave it right about there and that's going to be perfectly aligned to that particular face i can come into this object right here and we're going to make that more of a dark gray instead of a orange so and we go see let's see what we have on this yeah that works pretty good and then we'll add one more decal down here this right here again go in the front view let's add the insert actually just put this one a little more over here add insert use the mouse button to scroll down let's stick it right here and then we'll go to the shrink wrap and click on the eyedropper and we'll wrap it okay to finish this off let's go ahead and add a few add some people in here and i'm going to put them right here on this floor but the floor is actually an insert and you can't put an insert on an insert so you have to remove the kit out props that's what that button does so now i can do it now these are these dosh 2.1 dodge design 2.1 people these are great values like a buck a piece or something there's a whole bunch of them up on blender market definitely worth checking out they're all dropped directly into kit ops so you can you know you can just grab them and there's all different kinds of people there's a bunch of different different people and this is just one of the libraries i think there's five of them up there now so anyway definitely worth checking out i'm going to grab you know somebody here um let's grab this guy and we'll just uh since the floor is selected i want to leave auto scale off and when we add him he says he's just going to come in at the right scale right so i put them i can put them wherever i want like back in here and you know r z to rotate them and i can grab another one uh like over here and and even though i haven't selected the floor cutoffs are smart enough to know that this is a target so it's going to automatically select the same target so i'll add insert here and we'll put this guy like maybe over here somewhere so yeah and if i want to move my just hit g shift z and i can move move around anywhere i want to right so yeah i think i'll just stick him right around here now one thing about these dosh design dies is that they are they're not going to be part of the k pack so i'm going to build a k pack that has all of the elements that are used to build this with the exception of the design people because i don't own the rights to those but i built everything else here so you know i can certainly give you this and if you're interested in recreating this or building your own version you can definitely go on to patreon and for one buck you'll get not only this but tons of other stuff up there so for a dollar subscription on my patreon you can jump in here and start to play with this stuff and there's also a lot of other k packs greasy bear makes some good k packs there's a lot of k packs that you can get for kid ops free and if you have kid ops pro it comes with three uh 300 inserts as well as i'm going to be creating a brand new set of k packs coming up in the not too distant future also greasy bears creating a break a brand new sci-fi sci-fi in a box k pack that's going to be pretty awesome i've been watching that progress so anyway so thanks for watching this and we look forward to seeing you online bye
Channel: Chipp Walters
Views: 21,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender, kitbash, kitops
Id: c4n0EtsAOP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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