Blender - Easy Sci-fi Environment Design (Blender 2.8)

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Have you made any vj loops for artists? Great tuts would love to see some more advanced vj loops!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vjdesign 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay so in today's video we're gonna be making an alien landscape we're gonna be using a really cool free add-on which I'm really excited about so let me show you what looks like a looking into it alright so this is the render we're gonna be making when I make this plane all this stuff got this HDRI in the background and this geometry which is gonna be used with that add-on sidenote this is my Instagram right here if you make it feel free to send it to me I'd love to see you guys as work so let's get into it alright so first shift a and we're gonna add a plane hit s 8 scale it up by 8 and we're gonna be doing this now let's subdivide it so tab right click subdivide and we're gonna give it 100 subdivisions alright now let's add some displacement so we're gonna add a displace modifier first we're gonna add the subdivision surface modifier then the displace right here on the strength give it a strength of 0.1 and I'll bring it close to the bottom and then click new right here and this little button that'll bring you over to the textures we're gonna add a clouds texture right here in the depth we're gonna bring the depth all the way up so we get some nice detail and then right down here on colors click that click color ramp and we're gonna take this and we're just gonna slide it over to-- you can start seeing the top right there so we're gonna do right about there let's add the view so now you can see right here on the subdivision surface in your modifiers right here on view so we're gonna put it on to for now just to see how it's going we're gonna right click shade smooth and so right here on the render let's give it a render of three and we're gonna give it a view of one for now so we don't overload our computer all right now let's go back to the texture click right here and let's change this scale something a bit bigger I mean smaller I think this this probably works so we're gonna stick to this for now now let's add one more plane hit s 8 scale it up and this will be the water so we're just going to bring it bring it up just like that till it's right here on the edge so now you have the water and the plane so now let's shade this so we're gonna be using cycles for this but we want to turn off bloom for the preview so click cycles change the Evi and just turn off bloom if you have your default settings on for previewing I usually have ambient occlusion subsurface scattering screen space and volumetric so let's go back to cycles and let's switch to the shading preset and blender 2.8 just like this i'ma hit and see and look def all right so let's select the first plane give it a new texture I mean a new shader right here in the base color we're gonna give it kind of a maroon dark color kinda like that that looks pretty good now let's add a bump node plug the bump node right here into the normal and let's add a Voronoi texture just like this plug it into the height and we're gonna change distance to I believe yes Manhattan and then let's add a color ramp right in between these two nodes so what that's going to do it's gonna do this kind of the same thing as we did on the displacement which is just kind of plateau it all right so we're gonna take the color ramp and the black portion and we're just going to bring it in just like that kind of change the size of these things but we're really just kind of plateauing them so we're gonna keep it right about there and let's add two notes a mapping node plug the vector into the vector and a texture coordinate and we'll plug the object into the vector alright so now we have all these little squares so we need to kind of mess them up so what we're gonna do here on the vector line is add a noise texture right here and now we want to have a little control over what's going on so first thing I want to do you can kind of see how the bump makes it look like they're extruding up just click invert and now it looks like they're the holes so a little trick for you if you want to make them go up and down on the invert so now we bring up the detail here and now they're very detailed rips and holes but we want to have con some control over that so bring that over add a mix RGB plug that right there take the object coordinate plug that into color too and so what that's going to do this is what it looks like originally here on the factor and then you bring it over and that just adds a little bit of detail to those sort of square looking holes that we have so bring all the way over there that's this bring it all the way over here that's this so we'll just give it just enough detail so we're happy with it and now we have our area we need to add one more bump node because right now this is too smooth so we'll just shift D duplicate it plug the normal into the normal and a noise texture right here put the color into the height bring up the detail bring up the scale by probably fifty yeah and then now it's too much so right here on the strength bring it so right about there so we can barely see it and let's duplicate the noise texture change the scale to ten and plug the color into the vector alright so now we have these big dents and then these little bitty bumps so now we have a really good floor let's just get the water real quick super easy click new get a new principled bring a roughness all the way down bring a transmission up so now we have our water and let's just add a bump node here right there plug the normal of the normal get a noise texture plug the color into the height so we're gonna get there ripples so now we have our ripples let's just bring up the scale so now we have some nice ripples with our water and our plane alright now let's go and model this thing with the help of a really cool add-on called Rando mesh so big shout out to Mitch here he created this add-on and you can kind of see what goes on it takes geometry and just sort of messes with it and screws it up and does this crazy stuff so let me show you where to get this and how to install it all right so I'm gonna link this in the description so you can get it right here on cloning download just download zip so get the zip and unpack it and you'll go to edit preferences and right here on add-ons you'll go to install you'll go to the desktop or wherever you saved it find Rando mesh Renault mess master right here and you'll see the py double click that and that will install the add-on and then once you get it you're gonna see it right here on the side just bring it out and now we have all this so first let's find a good composition for our scene I like this right here mainly because of these running lines it'll bring your eye to the object so I'm gonna bring it right there shift a add a camera and then control alt 0 that'll snap the camera to view and I'm just gonna bring it down and sort of position our camera in good spot I'm gonna make our camera simulate a wide-angle lens so click on it bring it here and let's bring it maybe probably a 30 millimeter lens probably looks pretty good and bring it in just like this all right so this looks pretty good we'll probably change it some more as we go but uh this looks good now all right now let's add in our ecosphere so it shift a and we'll get here and then we'll subdivide it all the way number of cuts put 10 number of cuts and we'll just put it in the area general area that we want it so just like that so we'll take our camera bring it all the way up here just like this and we'll scale it up and this looks pretty good all right now let's use the add-on so again the add-on really just takes geometry and just destroys it just like it says right here destroy that mesh so I'm gonna uncheck keep original mesh and I'm gonna duplicate this and hit H to hide it for now and here on iterations i'ma keep it at 5 keep in mind that this can crash your computer if you have a high poly mesh and you have a high interation number you can really mess things up so you would do some tests start at one iterations and keep going up until it crashes your computer for this one it's fairly low poly so we're gonna keep it at 5 iterations and we're going to click wireframe because we want to have those wireframes and to do some of cool stuff so now we click destroy that mesh and watch the magic all right so now we have some pretty insane geometry going on in our scene you can kind of go in and you just got wild detail with this this took quite a quite a bit of time my computer crashed once but five iterations is the max that I'll go to on a model so now that we have this we'll take the other ICO sphere so we'll take the other ICO sphere pass it up and we're gonna do another really interesting trick so first hit tab click here on the vertex groups click new and click assign so we're gonna do a really cool masking trick so go to the modifiers click vertex wait edit and we're gonna do a couple things here so first select the vertex group click group ad group remove right here on fall-off click custom curve and just flip it just like that you'd flip the curve and then right down here click new a little texture button and we're just gonna pick a clouds texture I'm gonna do this part really doesn't matter just do whatever you want with the textures now go back to the modifiers and we're gonna add a mask so click the mask vertex group add that vertex group now nothing happened visually we got to go back here to the texture right down here like we did click the color click the color ramp icon and just slide it over and now you can see it dissolves in now this is a really cool motion graphics thing you can do if you have like a world or I mean really anything and just sort of dissolve a new object in front of it but we're gonna take right here and let's go and add a solidify and we'll just take the solidify and bring it out a little bit and let's apply everything because we're gonna Rando mesh this as well I'm gonna bring it down to two iterations and destroy the mesh all right now we have tons and tons of detail at this point you would probably want to save your project because you never know what's gonna happen so I'm just gonna say it save it on my desktop and let's continue working so now we have this let's add this guy right here by the way just a tip the more detail you put on these big objects the larger they seem when he comes to the scale as well as on the camera making it that 30 minute that 30 millimeter wide angle lens also adds to the scale of our scene here so let's get the other ball first thing we're gonna do is add some interesting composition I'm gonna take the camera I'm gonna hit R and just take it just like that and that just really makes the scene quite a bit more dynamic and let's add in another ICO sphere subdivide it given 10 cuts right click shade smooth and let's bring them right over here bring them up and then I'm gonna hit G to sort of position him in a good spot so this is pretty good now let's add our little wires and that's going to be done with a curve we're gonna use the path right here and then let's just bring it into the area that we want we'll just rotate it just like that right in this area perfect and we'll rotate it just a little bit more cool and then I'm a scale it down if you hit tab and you can click one of these points and that lets you bend it just like that alright now let's go to the NURBS path settings click geometry and we're gonna go right down here to depth and just give it you know some geometry so we're gonna take this one I'm going to duplicate it bring it up a little bit and then I'm gonna change the positioning of what's going on just to add some variety we don't want them to just duplicate the same wire because it's not that it's not that good for design and we'll take it bring it up bring this one down all right now we have our wires in a pretty good composition let's go on to adding some lights all right so what we're gonna use is HDRI Haven for this is all free HDR eyes and right up here I'm gonna click on skies and I'm gonna and I'm gonna pick hero one dawn this is one of my favorite HDR eyes on it I'm gonna scroll down and click 4k and download it alright now that you've downloaded the HDR I we're gonna go over here to the world option here click color and environment texture right here open and I'm gonna navigate to where I saved it so now that you've saved it let's go to look dev and right up here when it says shading you can click scene world and scene lights and that'll show you what's going on in it in the e V viewport and we're gonna rotate this around a little bit till we tell I like what I see so in order to actually move your HDR I go back to the shading icon here the shading preset and of course we got to see in world scene lights and right up here you're gonna see where it says object click to world and we're gonna add two nodes I'm mapping in a texture coordinate so add the mapping plug the vector into the vector and a texture coordinate and we'll plug in the generated to the vector alright so I'm just gonna twist it around until I get the lighting in the way that I want okay so if you want to copy what I'm doing here here on the rotation the X is 3.7 the Y is negative 1.3 and the Z is 610 so now that we have the lighting good let's go and check out the cycles render real quick alright it's looking pretty good we just need to bring up the strength of our lights so we'll give it a strength of give it a strength of 2 that looks pretty good alright now let's shade this so we'll just click on one of these boxes I mean circles not a box click new here in the textures and we're going to just bring up metallic and now that we have a metallic share here on the wireframe we're gonna select the circle there put the same material on that actually let's select the wireframe and we're gonna put a different material on it so we'll new we'll make it metallic and we'll just change the color - let's make it sort of yellow sort of kind of all orange and we'll select this we'll put the original metallic actually no sorry that material on the wireframes and this one we'll put that metallic shader on it so now we have some interesting color going on here for this one we're gonna put a new shader on that make it metallic make it fairly dark and then also put that same share on all of our tubes just like this just plug it in and there we go all right all we have left to do is to add some volume I did add quite a bit of volume metrics here and a light right here to put some more color so let's add that volume so we're gonna do shift a add a cube and scale it up just like that and we'll go to the shading tab here and it's still in the world we'll go to object add a new shader so we're going to delete this principle and add a principled volume right here plug the volume into the volume and now we got some stuff going on we're gonna change the density to zero point one right here in the density and the emission strength give us zero point zero two just like that and so now we got a good bit of volume going on which makes which means it's gonna take longer to render but it's gonna look really really good all right so you can you can definitely render this and evie if you were to this is what it would look like you can change some stuff up personally I believe these cycles render looks way better so I'm just gonna show you how to render it for your settings and cycles so right here on the little printer icon you're gonna keep it 1920 by 1080 or if you want it to be a 4k 4k export you would just type in two zero zero here and that doubles that which is 4k but I'm gonna keep it on a hundred and right back here right back up here on the camera we're gonna go to performance keep your tile size at 256 and if you have a render I mean if you have a a GPU I would use GPU compute to render here on color management change it from high contrast to very high contrast if you're in the filmic view transform I would put it on filmic for sure and then here on sampling keep it at 128 and then here turn it on denoising and keep it at the default settings right here and that'll give you a really nice clean render so there you go you made an alien landscape again if you make it send it to me on Instagram I'd love to see your work and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 136,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: uHOs91jKohU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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