Easy Cinematic Text Animation in Blender (Blender tutorial)

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to make this really cool text animation we're going to be using some really fun uv tricks and some camera tracking sort of camera rigging tricks to play with this as well if you want to grab the project file for the render using right now you can get it in the description for a dollar everyone on patreon tier 1 will be getting that for free if you don't know about the patreon you get two exclusive tutorials a month these two animations you're seeing right now i taught in april you can grab that on the patreon right now you also get project files from tutorials and monthly procedural materials created by syncretic 3d uh last month he created these really amazing crystals and created the procedural materials for that you can check that out along with everything else linked in my description now let's get into the tutorial all right so we're going to start in a blank document and we're going to go here to cycles just like that and i'm going to hit shift a we're going to get click on a plane i'm going to hit s 5 and then control a and apply scale i'm going to hit tab here and click u to unwrap it and we're just going to click unwrap we're going to be using a little bit of image texturing here so we want to unwrap this right now now what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click subdivide i'm going to hit this little dialog down here and click i mean and type in 100 we're going to subdivide it by a hundred along with adding a subdivision surface modifier we're gonna put our render setting here at three we're gonna subdivide by three if your computer can't handle it you can bring it down to one or two uh doesn't really matter so now we're gonna go ahead and go straight into shading this guy but first we need to actually get our image textures so we're going to be using cc0textures.com they're royalty free textures they don't require credit anything like that you can just grab them use them for commercial work everything you want so many really really high quality materials here so i'm going to go ahead and click explore the assets and then i'm going to type in rock r-o-c-k i want a rocky floor but because this is of course your render you can do whatever type of texture you want you can even use a wooden texture or you know anything like that i'm going to be using this really dark rock texture right here and i'm going to download the 4k textures now while we're here online let's go ahead and go to hdri dot and then i'm going to go and search knight in ight this is currently my favorite hdri so it's right here however you want to pronounce that word o2 and we're going to click that and download the 4k version of that hdri so i'm gonna go back here we already have everything downloaded in here so i'm gonna click into shading and i'm gonna click new if you have the node wrangler add-on enabled that comes with blender by default just minimize these i'm gonna click on the principle hit ctrl t i'm gonna bring them up by hitting g and i'm gonna go and open this and then here on my desktop i'm gonna click on the 4k textures and here we have the color so i'm going to double click that now while we're at it in this stage i'm going to go ahead and save this file here and i'm going to just call it tut and we're going to save this here now we have this we want to go to the mapping personally i want this texture to be a little smaller so we're going to tile it by 2 here on the scale so now we have it doubled up here and that's kind of as much tiling as i'm comfortable with at the moment so i'm going to highlight these two hit g to bring them back so i'm gonna minimize this guy i'm gonna hit shift d bring the vector in i'm gonna bring that down and i'm gonna go ahead and get the roughness and we'll plug the color into the roughness here just like this now i'm going to go ahead save my file sometimes this crashes so i'm going to go ahead and click this and then right down here in my settings we're going to go ahead and right here on displacement we're going to go to displacement and bump you must have the cycles engine actually um turned on otherwise you won't see these displacements settings but i'm going to click displacement and bump now it's going to be doing that type of thing we're going to go back here and the reason why we're using cycles instead of ev because actual node-based displacement doesn't work in ev at the moment now if you really want to use ev you certainly can you just won't have that displacement just use a bump node so i'm going to go ahead and get a displacement dis displacement node plug this here to the displacement i'm going to go ahead and take this guy shift d and then i'm going to take this plug vector here i'm going to get this click that little button and i'm going to get the displacement i'm going to click on the render button here and on this little drop down i'm going to click scene lights and scene world so that we get our hdri so now we're gonna get that hdri going on which is one of the defaults that's not the night one we downloaded we'll implement that in a second so what we're gonna do is just plug this color into the mid level here so now we have all the displacement craziness happening so i'm gonna go here to the scale and i'm going to type in 0.1 on my scale just so we get a little bit of actual geometry displacing here you can see how it's really low poly but when we actually render it our render steps um will be here at three so you won't actually get that um you know low poly look here so now that we have that i'm going to go ahead and make sure to save my file let's go ahead and start getting our text here so i'm hit shift a and i'm going to go ahead and get in my text right here so in the text i'm hit this little green a here and i'm going to go here on alignment and click center and center just like that now in tab to actually edit your text you can type in whatever you want i'm going to type in blend just like that nothing special and then here on geometry we're going to go ahead and extrude it a little bit just like this and then um we're gonna go here on the depth now we're here on the depth you can add a little bit of beveling and i'm gonna bring this guy above our plane just barely intersecting so now that we have that now if you want to go ahead and change your font you certainly can just click font and then click this little guy here should bring you a dialogue of all your available fonts if it doesn't just go online and type in um dafont or fonts101 they're all free fonts you can have a lot of fun with them i'm just going to pick a random one here let's go with this one and then now we have a really cool font happening now remember to bevel that's something really important i really want beveling happening because when we add in our lighting we want that to catch the actual bevel if you don't do that this tutorial won't quite work it'll work a little bit but the beveling really is what sells it so now that we have that let's go ahead and start making our materials so let's click on shading and then i'm gonna click on the uh this button here now you will get a little bit of lag when you click on uh the materials just because it has to load that really big image texture so just keep that in mind click on new and then i'm gonna go ahead i'm going to bring this up and then i'm going to go bring roughness down bring my transmission all the way up so now we have some glass and then let's make our lighting shift a and get a mix we're going to get a mix shader plug that there we're going to get an emission and then i'm going to pick my colors and a really nice fiery orange and plug that there i'm getting my mix shader bring it up there and i'm going to get a color ramp col color ramp just to give you some more control we may not even use it and then let's get a layer weight so plug that and use the i'm going to use fresnel so now we have this i'm going to bring my strength at say 50 and then i'm going to go here to the cycles view because layer weight looks different and eevee than it does cycles so i'm going to click on cycles here and then now we have some really nice glowing text here but we're going to make it look better so we're going to take our blend and bring it closer to the ground go through the bottom so something like that maybe 0.01 maybe bring it up another notch if you want something like this now we have some really nice glowing text i'm gonna hit this drop down up here and go back to our scene world our scene lights and let's go ahead and get our hdri working with our scene so click on here click on the world click on color environment texture now i'm going to click on open here on the desktop i'm going to click on our hdri so now our hdr is affecting the scene it's lighting it really well and then the last thing i'm going to do is add in a area light to this scene so i'm going to go ahead and save here while we're at it we're going to go and pick a area light and the area light is going to shoot this direction so i'm just going to go to material preview shift a get a light get an area light i'm going to hit the drop down click scene world scene light so we know what we're doing i'm going to hit g and just kind of move him to where we want it to go i'm going to hit r twice to rotate it and have it point directly at our text bring it up now we're going to come back kind of go to the camera view we're going to be at go back to cycles i'm going to make my color a nice blue and make my power at like four thousand and now we have a really cool scene so far now we're going to go ahead and start working on our camera animation so this is the really cool part in my opinion i think it's really fun interactive so shift a we're going to first get our object that our camera is going to point at so let's go ahead and get it empty plain axis and just keep it right there now i'm going to get in a camera and don't touch the camera leave it where it's at we're going to go ahead and get a curve a circle so we want to click on the camera click on the constraints over here add object constraint and click follow path on target we're going to click bezier circle and now we can click on our circle and bring it up we have our camera we have our circle but we need to add another constraint to the camera so add camera and we'll click track i'm gonna click the target which is our empty and so now no matter where we put our circle you can see how that camera is locked on to the position that that empty is touching so that's really really cool so we can actually do a little bit of fun animation here so here on the circle you can see how it's kind of low poly in a way so we're going to just bring up those resolutions right there to the top and let's go ahead and start animating so i'm going to bring this bezier circle really really far up so something like something like this all the way up here and then i'm going to go click on my camera click on the camera here in the constraints right here on the follow path we're going to bring it over here so what that's doing is taking my camera if we can bring it back to the center here it's actually bringing our camera in this circle on this um track here and so that's one thing we're going to do to add some motion so we're going to start here and then we're going to bring this to the ground so one thing i'm going to do is i'm going to bring my focal length pretty far up something like this and then i'm going to scale my plane here just like that all right so go to your edit preferences and then here in animation make sure your default interpolation is on bezier so what we're going to do now is take our bezier circle and we'll first actually let's animate this constraint here so go make sure we're at the beginning of our timeline so what we'll do is we'll click keyframe and then i'm going to go one two three four maybe right about that long so 55 maybe bring it a little bit farther and then i'm going to bring my offset and kind of have my composition something like this i like that so now we can kind of check that out looks really good now we're going to have some fun and click on the bezier circle go to the transform i'm going to hit this right here get a keyframe on the z right about there and we're going to bring it down to the ground like this and then if you don't like your exact composition you can bring your empty around and kind of move it so we'll click back here on the busier circle add keyframes so now we have this really awesome animation super easy looks really stunning and if we want to see it in the material preview we have this right here now of course in cycles it's going to look different here's how it's looking so far in cycles now let's go ahead and actually animate the these letters blinking in here's how we're going to do that we're going to hit tab go to the top sorry not tab so we're going to hit the tilde key that the tilde key is right above the tab key for me so if i hit the tilt key go to the top um and i'm going to click on my text make sure the text is selected right click and convert to mesh so it's no longer going to be editable text the reason why we're doing that is we're going to make this use the uv map we're about to make to animate the text it's a feature i showed in one of my last frequent tutorials so we're going to hit u to unwrap and we're going to project this text from view now this is one of my favorite little tricks we're going to click on the uv editing and here is our text and then you can highlight it and you can scale it up but we actually want to scale these individual letters so right up here you can click individual origins and now it treats each letter like it's by itself the reason why we want to do that is i'm going to hit s 0 and do that now there's a couple little problems we have is see some of these letters have individual little pieces so we're just going to sort of treat these like they're one thing so i'm gonna click this little letter here i'm gonna hit g and make sure all the uvs are you know pretty close together let me hit g right here and move it on top of each other so we can have that like that now this is a really kind of janky way to do it but it's uh that's how it works move that hit g and move these right here and we also want to space them the same consistency so the animation timing is really uh consistent so i'm gonna move it here so just go and take your uvs of each letter and make sure all the your little dots of each letter so this would be the b the b somehow is uh in four pieces so now you're gonna have that so do that on all your uvs so now all my uvs are spaced out correctly so you have if you can't see it here here's our here's all my letters so b l e and d all associated uh uvs are all in the same little puny little dot and that's because we scaled them down to zero so that's what we want here for our uvs so now that that's done we can go back into shading and manipulate those uvs to animate the way we want so i'm going to click on this here so we can kind of see this and then let's bring the emission over here and let's have some fun so i'm going to take this color ramp shift d and i'm going to do that take the white portion and i'm going to make it that orange that we like and i'll plug the color into the color so you may have seen me do this a couple times before but this is if this is your first time what we're going to do is we're going to get a uh gradient here gradient texture and keep the color like that and then what we're going to do is i'm going to hit ctrl t of course having the node wrangler add-on enabled we're going to use the uv socket because we just did that uv stuff and now it's going to do that and if we bring in our color ramp you can see that fades through really cool so what i'll do here is actually hit the drop down flip the color ramp and animate it like that so bring it in so i'm going to bring it in how the orange disappears actually we need to be doing this in cycles to make sure that it is correct so right here seems to turn on so what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring a timeline up click this click timeline and then we're going to start the animation so i'm going to go back to the material preview right click on position insert for keyframe and one two three i'm gonna go maybe around there and bring my animation all the way in right click insert keyframe so now if we press play animates in just like that it's a really cool speed i'm gonna hit zero to so we see how our camera view looks if you go back here on layout they animate in and then in cycles this is how it looks here in cycles so we have this really really cool look now i'm unhappy with how the layer weight is looking here on the edges and there's a simple fix to that and so we'll go back here to shading i'm going to turn the timeline off so right here on the layer weight i'm going to switch it to facing so now it's going to give you a more even looking layer weight and then i'm going to play with the blend a little bit and now we have a really nice looking layer weight and then we can bring up our emission strength as well to 150 so now we have this really nice looking thing and then we'll go back here to layout just to see how everything looks here in cycles we'll go to this frame so it looks really really good so in this frame it's all done last thing i'm going to do is add in some depth of field so i'm going to click on the camera click on the little green camera here i'm going to click depth of field i'm going to go ahead and select that empty that's actually controlling the camera angle and then i'm going to bring my blades up to 20 and my f-stop at 0.3 actually maybe 0.1 and now we have this really cool microscopic looking uh render now the animation stops at around 70. so i'm going to bring it over here to 87 um maybe 90 and then i'm gonna right here on end type in 90. so there's only 90 frames in this animation and then i'm going to click on material preview just to preview this animation and we're done so that's how we make this animation right here now if you want to export it out we're going to click on the little printer icon you can either choose to use a png sequence now if you want blender to compile just a finished video not have to deal with a png sequence for you you'll go from png to ffmpeg video this mp4 if we'll go to encoding here go to from this to mp4 medium quality to perceptually lossless and you'll go to render render animation so there you go that's how you make this animation thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 380,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender Glitch, Blender intro, Blender Text, Blender Text Animation, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov, Blender 2.81
Id: dzq4byOD4Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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