Craziest Kid Sketches - Key & Peele

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- Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to save the children? - I'm sorry, man, I'm running late and I just don't have time to chat right now-- - I understand that, I understand that. It's just that every minute, another child dies unnecessarily, a child who could live a fruitful life with the help of just one small donation. - Yeah, I don't have the time, sorry. - I understand that, it's just all it takes is $1 to save a child. (donor sighs) - All right, you know what? Fine, you're right. Yeah, who doesn't wanna help a child? Let's save five children. - Tommy! (tires screech) (dramatic music) All right, come on, come on, come on. One, two, three, four, five. Not so fast, just five. (children crying) Thanks a lot, sir. (children yelling) - Oh my God, I have another dollar. I have another dollar. Sir, I have another dollar. (upbeat music) - Turns out it wasn't a ghost at all. It was my little sister hiding in the basement. She was going, "Moo," making the noises the whole time. - Oh shoot, I forgot his juice boxes. - Oh. - I will be right back. You'll be all right with Zachary? - I think so. - Okay. - So Zachary! You know I'm gonna be marrying your mother and I'm gonna moving in soon and I just... I'm so excited to spend more time with ya. (dog barks) You know, I know that you had a hard time with your father and he spanked you. And I just want you to know that's not gonna happen with me, okay? And I promise I will never spank you. Oh, 'kay, that's okay. I know why you did that, but I will never spank you because I know that you still-- Oh, that's... (Charles laughs) Yow! I don't know that there's anything I did to deserve that. Okay, this... (Charles laughs) You! Okay, I'm gonna be real with you. You can't go hitting people, all right-- Oh, oh, oh, I ain't coming back for that fourth one. All right, so we done, we got that out of our system? 'Cause I know that this, this isn't you. Oh, I told you you weren't-- Oh, oh, come on, this! Oh why! Oh what! Oh, that's unbelievable. What did I do? I'm the good guy. I'm the good guy, man. (Charles sighs) Look, I'm never gonna spank you. I'm not gonna be like your father. I'm gonna be your friend. You need to respect me, you understand? You little (beeping)! (Zachary claps) - I will respect you, Charles, if you play your role. Now, listen up. I'm a bad, bad boy, Charles. I don't need a (beeping) friend. So go ahead, marry my mommy, move in, (beeping) her as hard as you want. Just leave me the (beeping) alone. You do that, 11 years from now, I'll be out of the house and we won't have any problems. You don't and I will break you, okay, Charles? - How are we doing? - I love him! (Zachary cheers) (Zachary claps) - Dad, Dad, Dad! - Hey, what's wrong, man? - I was having a nightmare. - Aw, again? What, you wanna talk about it? - I miss Mommy. - Hey, I know, I know. Me too, me too, pal. Come here, man. (child cries) It's all right. Hey, it's okay. It's gonna be okay, shh, shh. - I just don't want anything to ever happen to you. - Happen to me? Hey, come on, man, ain't nothing ever gonna happen to me. - Really? - Yeah, that's what I said. So yes, nothing ever gonna happen to me. You ain't never gonna have to worry about nothing happening to me. - But what if you got hit by a car or something? - That's impossible because I will never die, so I can't die, no matter what. - You can't die? But I thought all human beings died. - That's true, that's true. That's science, so that's true, but I am lucky 'cause I'm not a human. - [Child] You're not? - I never told you about this? - No. - You know, I'll just let it out. I'm from a planet called Thelonius. The thing is it was being destroyed. - Oh, all right. - That's what happened. I was sent down here in a capsule to earth by my parents. - Oh, like Superman? - Superman, yep. That is what it is exactly like, except... Oh, here's the thing about my version, only one super power, immortality. - Oh. - Yeah, so I'm tired. Daddy's tired. Can you... Let's go to sleep, okay? - But I'm not gonna live forever, right, because I'm only half alien. (child cries) Oh no! So I'm gonna die. - Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, you? You right about yourself, but... (Dad laughs) Here it is, this one slipped my mind. You can build with me immortality, the machine, to give you what I got from the remnants of my spacecraft. So yeah, you gonna be immortal. You gonna be immortal. - Daddy, when are we gonna get the remnants? - Tomorrow. - [Child] Tomorrow! (child gasps) - Gonna get them tomorrow during work. - Hey, you got anything that looks like parts of a crashed spaceship? - Dead mom? - Mm-hm. - Mm-hm, right this way. (upbeat music) - Nobody likes you, you girl! - Well, you're a different color than me and that's bad. - Oh yeah? Well, you dress like a-- - Now, hold on a second! - Whoa, Mr. T! - Whoa, Mr. T! - Never make fun of a way a man dresses. Way a man dresses is his business. Remember that, whether it's overalls, chains or feather earrings, however they dress, it's not to be joked about. I pity the fool that judges another man's clothing. - I'm sorry I judged your clothing. - It's okay. (upbeat music) - Hey, Scout, there's a man over there who said he'll give us candy if we get in his van. - Oh, I don't know if that's a good idea, Timmy. - Oh, what are you afraid of? Is it because you have a stupid name, like Scout? - Hey! - Whoa, Mr. T again! - Whoa, Mr. T again! - Never make fun of a person's name. Your mama gave you that name or you made it up for business purposes. Either way, it's personal. I pity the fool that make fun of another man's name. Mr. T's a cool name. It's a cool name, Mr. T! (upbeat music) - Hey, Scout, wanna do some drugs? - Aren't drugs bad? - I don't know. If you're afraid of drugs, we could drink a bunch of alcohol. - Yum, that sounds good. (birds chirping) - Well, guess what, your hair is stupid. - Never make fun of another person's hair! - Hey, Mr. T! - Hey, Mr. T! - A person's hair is the artwork that they present to the heavens. It's just like I've been saying. (upbeat music) ♪ Hair ♪ ♪ It isn't fair ♪ ♪ Beware ♪ ♪ People care about their hair ♪ ♪ H is for the home where I lay my head ♪ ♪ And I cry about your mean jokes in my bed ♪ ♪ A is for anxiety that fools provoke ♪ ♪ When they lookin' at my hair ♪ ♪ And they makin' jokes ♪ ♪ I is for I don't like the way I feel ♪ ♪ When you're joking that my haircut does not appeal ♪ ♪ R is for the real mean jokes you make ♪ ♪ And the hurtful little potshots that you take ♪ And for your information, it's not even a haircut. It's a rare form of male pattern baldness, you fools! (Mr. T sobs) For real. (upbeat music) (light music) - Wow! (light music) - Mrs. Whitaker, I have been babysitting for 20 years. I've seen it all. - The thing is Forrest is a unique child. - Everything is gonna be fine. I want you to have a good time tonight. You deserve it. - Okay, good luck. - Thank you. (dramatic music) (footsteps tapping) - [Forrest] Goo-goo, gaga. - Oh! Hey there, Forrest. - Goo-goo, gaga. I want, I want milk. - You want me to get you your bottle, buddy? - I want milk. - [Sitter] Okay. (dramatic music) (footsteps tapping) - This is a baba. I want Mama's milk. Why can't I have Mama's milk? It's a simple request. - Yeah, well, you can't have Mama's milk right now, buddy. How about we play? - Okay, I want, I want, I want to play with my Legos. - Okay, yeah. Okay, buddy, let's get your Legos, then. - I want, I want put the smallest Lego in my mouth. That's what I'm gonna do. - No, no, you can't do that. - What? First you tell me I can't have Mama's milk. Now, you can't have my smallest Lego in my mouth? What a night. This is a bad start. - Right, but Forrest, it's dangerous. - Let me get this straight. You're in charge of me in my house? - All right, Forrest, it's time for bed. - I guess then you gonna sing me a song. - What? - Mama always sing me a song before we go to sleep. Are you gonna do that for me? - Okay, okay, yeah, yes, I will. ♪ Hush little baby, don't say a word ♪ - Keep, keep singing. ♪ Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪ - Put my name in it. I like, I like it personal. ♪ Hush baby Forrest Whitaker, don't say a word ♪ - Goo-goo, gaga. ♪ Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪ - Good babysitter. ♪ And if that mockingbird don't sing ♪ - Have a good cry ♪ Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring ♪ - Hi, you must be Liam. - Hey, buddy, how are you feeling today? - I'm feeling fine, Dr. Gupta, just fine. - This is Marian Glass, she's from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. - Marian Glass. - How are you feeling today, Liam? - I'm fine, Marian Glass. - Okay, well, I have some news that might make you feel a little better. We at the Make-A-Wish Foundation make dreams come true for little boys and little girls who are very sick, just like you. - There are no children like me, Marian Glass. - Oh no, of course not. - Of course not. - You're one of a kind, but we're gonna make any dream come true that you could ever have, okay? - Anything? - That's right, buddy, that's right. Would you like to play with your favorite basketball team? What about be Superman for a day? - I wish to drown a man. (dramatic music) - What? - To drown a man in the bathtub, to hold him down while the last breath escapes his body and then bathe in that water, all the while singing la la, la la, la la. - Liam! - You said anything. - Surely, we don't want to hurt other people, now, do we, kiddo? (Gupta laughs) (Marian laughs) Anything else, fly in a hot air balloon or meet a celebrity? - My new wish is to lean over the body of a dying man and put my lips on his, stealing his last breath. (Liam inhales) - [Gupta] Liam! - No one will get hurt. - No, absolutely not. I don't even know where you-- - I wish to take all the prosthetic legs in the hospital and bind them together with the dried flesh of the dead into a webbed massive creature. - Liam! I am so sorry, Ms. Glass. - It's all right, he doesn't know what he's saying. - I wish to pee in your mouth. - What! - Both of you. - Mine? - Especially you. - Oh. - I wish to pee in both of your mouths as I stand over you. I'll need a glass of water and 10 minutes. - Enough, you little (beeping)! - Dr. Gupta! - No, you're reprehensible. You are evil. You are a devil child! (Liam cries) - Dr. Gupta, he's not a devil child. He's just a child. You have no business working in a pediatric ward. - What? I'm gonna report you. (Liam cries) ♪ Shame on you, Gupta. ♪ ♪ Shame on you, Gupta. ♪ You really upset Marian Glass. - This is insane. You've made me question everything that I've ever believed about the essential goodness of children. - Wish granted. (machine beeps) - Liam. (Liam laughs) - I am dying, though. (machine beeps) (light music) - What does it take to save a child in Africa, to save them from the violence, to save them from becoming a child soldier? What if I told you that all it took was just one beard? For the price of one costume beard, you can save a child from becoming another statistic, another warlord's pawn. Be safe. (light music) That's right, just one beard. And for a little more, you can get them a cane. (light music) - We are here for our children! (dramatic music) (jazz music) - These are all old people. We are wasting our time. - Wait! (dramatic music) (commander whistles) Go, go! (light music) - Call today. ♪ We'll put a beard on an African child ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Oh, I want you ♪ ♪ But I don't need ya ♪
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 2,937,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: key & peele compilation, Mr. Garvey, wendell key & peele, music video, music, music parody, parody, key and peele, jordan peele, keegan-michael key, sketch comedy, key & peele full episodes, keey & peele, key & peele, comedy videos, key & peele sketch, key and peeles funniest, funny compilation, most funny, best of, comedy, comedy compilation, funny jokes, funny video, Jordan Peele, Get Out, Us, Nope, craziest kid sketches, kid sketches, key and peele sketch, sketch show
Id: HW_w6k0aOV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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