Best TV Show Parodies - Key & Peele

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(upbeat theme music) (tense music) (knives sharpening) - Drew come forward. - Yes Chef. This is a chicken quiche with cremini mushrooms, baby spinach and feta cheese. - Unbelievable. (tense music builds) Well Drew, I have a huge problem with this dish. It's that you haven't made it for me sooner. (upbeat music) - Thank you Chef. - Because if you had Drew, then I would know how good you are at cooking food, that's bad. (tense music) - I'm sorry, Chef. - And when I say bad, I mean Michael Jackson bad. (upbeat music) - Thank you Chef. - You know how he look really really bad at the end of his life? (tense music) - Chef? I'm sorry. I don't know if you like the dish or not. - You don't know if I like the dish or not? Well let's put it this way. Pack your (beep) knives, get out, you're off the show. - Sorry Chef. - Because... You should be working in the finest restaurant in the world. (upbeat music) - Thank you chef. - Just not any world that I live in. (tense music) - Sorry Chef. - Because frankly Drew, I'm jealous of you. (upbeat music) - Thank you Ch-Chef. - And your ability to not give a (beep) about what you cook. This is not fit for human consumption! No, this should be eaten by a higher life form with a more complex palette, but also an altruistic drive to save humanity from dishes like this. Joking. (upbeat music) Not! (tense music) You deserve to die! (knife stabbing) So you won't have to endure a life in which you will never exceed what you have achieved here today. (upbeat music) - Thank you Chef. (body thuds) - In conclusion. (tense music) Eh... (energetic metal music) - Hey, as far as I'm concerned, this Saturday night, this not even going to be a fight. Ima mercy kill this old man. - Derek is very rude person, but soon he will learn manners. I will torture his body, so that his soul learns to be humble. - I'm gonna dance around him, while he tries to hit me with his cane. Old man. - God chose me for this fight. God is the teacher. Derek is the student and I am God's instrument. When I squeeze your lungs, Derek, and you beg me for life, then your heart will open up to the Lord. - I'm going to knock him out round one bitch. Wait, what did he say again? That God chose him? That doesn't even make sense really? - When you eat through plastic tube, when you are paralyzed from neck down, then your family will gather around your hospital bed, to see the new day. - Okay. He, he know we just talking here, right? I mean, we just... Getting people interested in the fight because, I'm, I'm sorry. Ts this (beep) crazy? - God's lessons are so beautiful. - God's lessons are beautiful? I'm sorry who put this fight together? This is ju... Well, how I do... If y'all got an actual crazy person, for me to fight, well, that's not fair to me. Or him. (he prays in foreign language) What you mean you can't find him? Well were is he? Yo man, where my manager at? Steve? How's it- (bodies thud) (energetic metal music) - [Announcer] Today on "Judge Jessie", Judge Jessie turns up the heat. - You signed a piece of paper. He gave you the snake. Then you bring a snake into the home, with two small chihuahuas! - I had not been made aware that the snake would get rid of his skin. And then the sprinklers came down, but the snake then ruined my carpet. - [Judge Jessie] What, what set off the sprinklers? - Unrelated popcorn fire, Your Honor. - [Announcer] Judge Jessie. As a police officer, he defended the streets. As a trial lawyer... - Objection! - [Announcer] He fought for the truth. As a black belt... (Judge Jessie screaming) - He mastered discipline. As a carpenter, he learned the value of craftsmanship. As a surgeon, he mastered a cool head. As a crack ho, He learned to go days without sleep. And as an announcer, he does the voiceover on this show. Coming up, on Judge Jessie Mr. Simmons, before you speak, I know from experience that the police have completely mishandled your case and there's legal precedent for you to win and any good defense attorney would've told you that. I also know that obviously the place where you hurt your back wasn't structurally up to code Mr. Oyama, and furthermore, as a sensei, you should know a man of his skillset cannot do a Mai Keage you should know that. Obviously I can tell by looking at your alignment, that you've herniated a disc someplace in your L4 your L5, I'm finding for the plaintiff, not $2,500, $2,700. Mr. Oyama. (gavel bangs) - Thank you, Your Honor. - You're quite welcome. (lighter clicks) - [Announcer] Judge Jessie. - Dusty, can I suck your (beep)? - No, no, no. - Yes. - Here's the thing. Here's the thing. - Okay. - Okay. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. If you look at Obamacare 25 years from now, and you look at the number of enrollees in that program- - No, no, no listen, you've got me wrong, You've got it wrong. You have to look at the amount of people enrolled in the healthcare system, and the tremendous effect that it has on the economy. - You're missing the point. You are missing that point. What you have to do, what you have to do, is look at the tremendous effect that Obamacare is having on the US economy, and in addition, you have to look at the government bailouts of the auto industry and the banking industry. - You've got it wrong, you've got it wrong. - I've got it wrong? - So wrong. You have to look at the effect on the banking industry, as well as the auto industry my friend, when you do- - The bottom line... - The only conclusion... - [Both] Is that Obama is a disaster. Are you a Republican? Yes. - I would like to apologize for this programming mistake. In the future, we will do better at choosing our guests, here on "Diametrically Opposed". (lively theme music) (energetic hip hop music) - We met B boy Joseph in Atlanta, GA. - Hi, Joseph! - Wassup. - Start the music (hip hop music) - Has he started yet? - I'm pretty sure this is it. (hip hop music continues) Thank you. - Yeah. Thank you. - Yeah. - I ain't done yet though. - Thank you, Joseph. It's it's definitely a no for me. - It's a no, I'm sorry. - No. - All right. Thank you, Joseph. - Thank you. - Because you know, I-I ain't got no formal training or nothing like that, I learned on the streets. - That was very apparent, as it turns out, Joseph, thank you for coming. - You know that my-my mama was on drugs and my daddy in jail. - It's not, not really relevant. - Born in a coffee can under a bridge. - That's terrible, Joseph. That's awful, but it's not going to- - My sister shot my brother while my cousin beat my uncle. - Okay now its a lot. - It's a little bit much. Joseph, thank you very much, but- - Put myself through school by renting my body out as a heroin suitcase. - All right. - Wow. - I see what's going on. Joseph, please, we do have other dancers here today who are waiting their turn very politely. No Joseph, let her come on stage. Let her come... No Joseph... - If I won this competition, I could put a roof over my house, 'cause I got a house ain't got no roof, for real though. - Joseph. - Just one little thing though. - Don't do it, Joseph. - With the vehicles it's a loud bridge. - Don't finish that sen-. - I got hearing damage in this ear. - Joseph! - And also in this ear. - Joseph! - The bridge, h-have trucks go over it. - Joseph. - Because the bridge- - Keep it. - 15 ton. - Hold it. Put it in your mouth, and get off my stage. - Rated six. - Jo- - That's a big truck. - seph. Okay, Joseph please. And who is this? - Oh, who is this right here? This is my 12 year old daughter who I raised all by myself without the help of anybody else in the entire world. She is my inspiration. - Joseph, it doesn't matter. There's nothing you can do or say that's going to make us change our minds today. - That right there that right there, that's her daughter. She blind. Come on. (judges gasp) So I raise em both by myself without nobody else's help. - Come get your ticket to Vegas! (hip hop beat) (Joseph cheers) - Tremendous! - Can you believe it? I'm getting goosies over it. I'm getting goosies, I am. - [Narrator] As Don's week at the warehouse was wrapping up, it was time to come clean with his employees. - Actually, everybody, got an announcement to make. - Don't nobody wanna hear your bull(beep) newbie. - Okay- - Don't nobody wanna hear it! - I think you will care about this one. So gather around. I'm not actually a new employee. - You can say that again, you a waste of space as far as I'm concerned. Can't get nothing done in time. Like a, like a snail over here. (laughs) - I am actually President of the company, you're on "undercover Boss, TV show, yeah. In this week, since I've been working here amongst ya, I got to hear each and every one of your stories. Just about. And uh... - You know, I was just playing right. You know, I was just trying to lighten the mood in the workplace and whatnot. - Okay. Thank you, Joseph. Bill. Buddy. You're telling me that your car broke down and it hasn't been working right ever since. Well, I wanna get you a new Ford Explorer. - Oh my God! Thank, thank you so much, Mark, that means so much to me. - M-my whole family died in one day. - Thank you. - Huge car crash. Huge man. We were having a family picnic, and then this truck just came on through, and just killed everybody. It chopped everybody's heads off. Eleanore. You were worried that you were not gonna be able to afford college for your two, two boys. And I'm starting a college fund for them both, putting $10,000 in each one of them. - This is amazing! I'm so grateful! (sobs) - I can't make no family anymore, 'cause my dick got chopped up in the accident, and now I pee out the side. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night I just, I start to pee. Just go right in my mouth. Sometimes poop come out the other side. I don't even know what it... Dick is in eight pieces. - Joseph. Okay, you know, - Please just gimme a raise, I didn't ask for no college scholarships- - Joseph, I'm gonna get- I'm gonna get to you right? - Okay dude, did I mention I was a prostitute since the age of 17? - 15? - Joseph. - 10? - Joseph. - Seven? - Joseph. - Three? - Joseph. - I've been the prostitute since I was three, I was, I was a prostitute in the womb. A dude put his pee pee in my, in my mama, and it got inside of me, and then, and then they gave me money. - Joseph, you have been rude to me, since the moment I came here. - Come on, man! I was playing with you dog! I knew you was the boss the whole time, man! Look at this fake ass must- - Ow! That's my real mustache, Joseph. It really hurt. Your fired. Get outta here. - I can't understand, what? - Get outta here. - I got, I got a rare condition that make me unlikable. - No you don't, Joseph. - Lance. Lance. You've been in the urine with me, you seen me in the urinal. - Lance, I'm sorry, but do not engage. - Tell him my dick in pieces. - Joseph. Leave Lance alone. - It's true, so then gimme a little bit of money. - No, it's not gonna happen. - Can I have a- - Joseph. - He did, he- - Joseph, leave Norman out of this. - Who's Norman? - The foreman. - Norman, the foreman? - That's his name. - I know that. I work intimately with him. - No you don't. You're fired. - All right, I'm gone. - All right. Out the door with you, Joseph. I am sorry about that. Is he gone? (door slams) Okay, Betty. (gentle music) When you told me that your father passed away, it hit me because my father passed away. - But my Dick got chopped up though! - Joseph! - My Dick got chopped up. - That is so disrespectful Joseph, what are you doing? I thought you left Joseph. - Like gristle off a Thanksgiving turkey. - You're lying. - I got a gristle dick! - Joseph that's wildly inappropriate. - Straight meat gristle. It's hanging out here, right here right now. You can't see- - Joseph! - [Narrator] Coming up... - You know, you have so many siblings and just to know that we both share a familial bond, and that there's nothing that can take that away. - But my dick got chopped up- - Joseph! - Where, how did you... (Gene snorting) - Let me through! This is (beep) Gene. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the matter Reg? - In the next episode, Steve Urkel turns Carl into a giant sandwich and accidentally eats him? - (laughs) What, that's hilarious buddy, it's hilarious! - Come on! I'm an actor Gene! This was supposed to be about me and my family. - I know, but you know, after that first guest spot with Steve Urkel, I mean, America fell in love with him, man, we had to make him a regular and I- You know, hey, listen, he's the star of the show now sweetheart. We gotta play Bubalah! - Don't you dare "Bubalah" me Gene! Now last week, Steve used his transformation machine to turn Carl into a car, and drive him around the Monaco Grand Prix? Come on! How many times we going to use this transformation machine? This was supposed to be a blue collar "Cosby Show". Now you turning it into "Quantum Leap". Who writes this (beep)? - I, I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to okay? We got like 21 writers up there, okay, you know what I'm saying Reginald? But you and I both know that they don't decide what happens in the show, okay, we both know who decides what happens in the show. - Two weeks ago, Steve Urkel used his invisibility ray on Carl, and I wasn't even in the goddamn episode! It was just my voice! - Yes I known I know Reg and I'm sorry, I (beep) apologize, it'll never happen again. - Then Steve used his voice changing ray to turn Carl into a high pitched, nerdy voice! Who do you think provided the voice for that? Don't get too feisty on me now, Reg, let's not go down that path, Okay? - Oh, oh, we are going down that path Gene. In a couple of weeks, Harriette, Eddie, Laura, Grandma, Aunt Rachel, Little Richie, and the other little kid, are gonna get teleported to another dimension! And then Steve injects Carl with his own DNA so Carl turns into another Steve Urkel! That's two Steve Urkels and no family on a show called "Family Matters"! How the (beep) does that work? (fist slamming) - Listen, Reg, I don't what to tell you. Urkel-mania is unstoppable okay? He's a phenomenon! There's nothing we can do about, okay. It's up to St... Him. - No, no, no, no, no! I'm an actor! I'm a (beep) actor! I am a real actor! I did "Richard III"! I was in "True West" with Sherman Hemsley! I was in "Die Hard" dammit! (beep) Steve Urkel! - (beep) You will suck Steve Urkels (beep) if he wants you to! You will suck his (beep) (beep) do you understand? He is our bread and butter you mother (beep). I am high on cocaine! - I'm a (beep) actor Gene! I've done more cocaine than you weigh mother (beep). - I'm gonna tell you what you are Reginald VelJohnson, you're a (beep) pawn in that nerd's game. You are a (beep) pawn! Do you think I have any power over what that monster does? Any power at all? (Reginald screams) I am the Senior Vice-President of development, for the Amer- (Gene stutters) - Gene? - Gene? Gene, what's become of you Gene? - I am nothing. (gentle tense music) - Gene, I don't know what you mean by that Gene, but you're scaring me. No, no, no, don't don't do anything crazy Gene. Everyone does too much coke sometimes, but just... What are you gonna do with the gun Gene? What are you gonna do? No, no, no, no, no. We can talk this through. Okay. - The king is dead long. Live the king. - No no no no! (gunshot) (door opens) - Did I do that? (ominous music) - Jaleel. - Jaleel? There is no Jaleel. Only Steve. It's always been Steve. - Yippee-ki-ay mother (beep) (empty gun barrel clicking) - Forgetting something, Carl? - Don't you come near me. Stay away from me you hear? - It could have all been so simple, Carl. Just say your lines, and take the money. - You monster! (Reginald breathes heavily) (pulsating sound effect) What are you doing? I, I can't control. (pulsating sound effect) - Am I doing this? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Steve, I'll do anything! - You will do what I want, on "Family Matters". - Yes. (sobbing) O-of course Steve. (body thuds) - See you on set, Carl. - Get out of my house Steve! (pulsating sound effect) (upbeat music) ♪ All I want is ♪ ♪ But I don't need ♪
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 4,633,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best tv show parodies, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, kay and peele, sketch comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, Get Out, Us, Jordan Peele Get Out, Jordan Peele Us, Key & Peele sketch, Key and Peele comedy, Jordan Peele stand up, Keegan-Michael Key stand up, comedy central, skit, sketch, joke, high school, substitute teacher, a a ron, bro sketches, full episode
Id: 17R3JjrsiZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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