Best Office Moments Ever | Key & Peele

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oh i get it i'm not persecuted i'm just an [Music] okay all right good morning tom jason how you doing there dave crystal tommy good morning jake how are you pretty good kenny yeah yeah uh you know so early in the morning i'm sorry to be there or bad news but uh you know how i was supposed to work late tonight mm-hmm well i got to run this errand for mr mahina and he says that you're going to have to cover for me so there it is i don't need i'm sorry drop the axe okay so hmm again yeah oh you know what just remembered mr mohina also almost slipped mind wants us to uh change parking spaces what yeah me personally i enjoy the nine-minute walk but uh he said that we have to do it believe it i hate it as much as you do what are you gonna do there's nothing you can do mr mahina said it mahina this whole situation has been mahinoonized it just seems a little confusing to me as to why mr mejina would give a where we park how's that i mean why would he care where we are i i don't know the answer to that question i i mean that's it's just what he said hey the mahina works in mysterious ways you know what i'm gonna ask him myself cause no that's okay i'll do it ah mr mahina sir i know you're busy but can i speak to you about the parking switch what is there to talk about kenny i told you and jade to switch parking spaces don't you know who i am i am mr mojito and i'm a real real person in here now you you're out of my office wow that was crazy in there i mean that was tense yeah you know what's really crazy though you know i've been working here for about a year and i've never even seen mr mahina well see that's that's an easy one to answer that's because he comes in before you come into work and he's still working when you leave that's what makes it mr mojina you know come on we're talking about mr marina here right it makes perfect sense you know i bet the hard-working boss would love to meet a hard-working employee you know who shares the same values so i'm gonna go ahead and just introduce myself no no uh you can't go into mr mahina's room are you crazy no one except me is allowed to go in there mr majina is busy okay fine you made your point clear man thank you very much jake i think it's come on man what question moyan's i'll have that end of the year report to you by 10. so uh your office is all the way down at the end you have your own attached bathroom by the way oh um here's one of our best researchers dick hey uh hello there what's up dude glad to see there's another brother in this stubborn place so um this is um going to be your assistant genevieve genevieve um what is this it's the shining man all black people have the shine you never shine with another black person before no i grew up in a white neighborhood and then went to dartmouth i've met other black people before but not like this you gotta get shined at by another black person first and then you get it it's kind of like facebook what up dudes so every black person has this is kobe listening yo what up wow denzel washington i'm here i'm present and i will always be around lil john excuse me little john welcome right i'm glad to have you on board oh what's up barack obama hmm wouldn't that be something that barack obama just showed up your startup paperwork's right over here man you got to be more careful learn to use the shine tune in and out of it otherwise you won't be able to sort out who's talking about your drink some coke is everything okay great listen for morgan morgan freeman he will guide you listen to my voice ray just stay calm and focus on that white mate everything's going to be okay once you finish up this paperwork bring it to jennifer my office now pick up that letter open and kill that white man latrell what's up baby girl can you please turn that off why you don't like my music is it music because it it sounds like a bunch of sex noises over a bass line oh i get it you don't like my music cause i'm gay you can't handle a gay man's music no no no it's i'm trying to work here and that music is weirdly sexual oh i see so my sexuality is weird you just can't fathom a man being attracted to another man i can fathom it it's can you just please listen to some other gay music like barbra streisand or something anything i say okay so listening to barbra streisand is gay stereotype much so you seen anybody lately yeah i i mean kind of i think cause i got it good last night oh it was like damn i mean my man was like like he had a baby arm holding onto an apple ah don't call it a baby arm oh i see see you can't handle hearing about how i'm gay i'm sorry you just referred to your boyfriend's penis as a baby's arm holding an apple well that's what it looked like and it's not my boyfriend by the way and any what you're homophobic no no no that's not homophobic okay you're explicitly talking about sexual things in the workplace fine there's plenty of stuff that we could talk about you know what's uh my my penis cup my scrotum cozies that i have been knitting recently oh with these knitting needles that i have just noticed look like little skinny purple penises etc and etc oh my god can i show you a picture and did you tell me if it's good for facebook okay i'm fairly certain you're going to show me something overtly sexual don't you prejudge me here it is ah that's a close-up of an anus oh no that's not ann anus that's my 8th baby girl that's disgusting oh i see so you don't want to see a close-up picture of my anus because you hate gay men no i don't want to look at a close-up picture of anyone's anus homophobe homophobe it's a homophobe right here homophobe alert [Music] woo hey hey baby yeah ready to go to lunch yeah uh latrell this is gavin gavin this is latrell it's my boyfriend how you doing i'm i'm i'm doing very well how how are you doing gavin gavin great you want to go yeah nice to meet you no trust me it's not no that's the guy oh oh i get it i'm not persecuted i'm just an [Music]
Channel: Comedy Central Asia
Views: 4,959,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Central Asia, Asia Comedian, Comedy, Singapore Comedy, Malaysia Comedy, Taiwan Comedy, key and peele, key & peele, jordan peele, best office moments key and peele, best office moment ever
Id: dRJNbzDbv1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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