Key & Peele’s Best Horror Movie Parodies

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- And the demon got them hell hounds roamin' around everywhere, bringin' humans to the demon alive to be sacrificed. - Come on, man. (dog barking) Stupid. (scary music) - The power of Christ compels you. - (screaming) (censored) your mother. - The power of Christ compels you! - Your mother's in hell. - The power of Christ compels you! - I'll suck your (censored). Let me suck your (censored). (dramatic music) (groaning) - Could you please clear the room? (suspenseful music) Could be worse. - Not that bad. - For me, it's all about perspective. - It's what you make of it. - Can I tell you somethin'? All things considered, I'm actually kinda comfortable right now. Thank god for shock. - I can be the kind of prisoner I want to be. - You're still alive. - Thank you. Right? - Mm hm. - Just two injured buddies. - Yes, yes. - Having a friendly convo while we're waitin' to get tortured again. - And there's kind of a positive in having no options. - Yes. - Because we're not even gonna try to escape, because we know we'd fail. - Yes. I'll tell you another thing. Don't miss the arm. - Really. - First of all. Lefty. Okay. So this thing? Pretty much got in the way. - Huh. - Keep it buddy. (door creaking) - You fools! Blathering away. Your suffering has only just begun. - Wow, that is a perfect summation of the human condition. Once you've embraced that, you can do anything. - Bingo. - Aah! No one has ever suffered as you will. (evil laughing) - You love your work. And that kind of a positive attitude, quite frankly, it's contagious. - It is. - We'll see how positive you're feeling after I cover your body in gasoline and set you on fire. - You know what? It's amazing that you would say that, 'cause I was just thinking, it's gettin' a little chilly in here. - Mm hm. - Thanks so much, man. - Dammit! (dramatic music) (door slamming) - What a dramatic and fascinating man. - I think we owe him big time. - As do I. - Really, I mean, all this time away from my computer, my phone, my work, I feel unplugged. - Yes, yes, ugh. (rat squealing) - [Together] Aw. - Circle of life. - Nants ingoynya. - You know I can't really feel anything anyway, so. You help yourself buddy. (saw revving) - Oh, what do you got there? - Do you see this? This is what I'm gonna use to cut off your legs. (evil laughing) - Finally. - That's a great saw. I'm a home improvement guy, and I know my saws, and I gotta tell ya. If you're cuttin' off legs, that is the way to go. - That's the one? - That is definitely the one. Good on ya. - Why are you doing this to me? You're making me crazy. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Somebody needs a day off. - We of all people should know how hard he works. - Mm hmm. (frustrated laughing) - Make them stop! This is torture. (screaming) (suspenseful music) - So, your office is all the way down at the end. You have your own attached bathroom, by the way. Oh um, here's one of our best researchers, Dick. - Hey. - Hello there. What's up dude. Glad to see there's anotha' brotha' in this stuffy place. - So, um, this is gonna be your assistant, Genevieve. Genevieve. - What is this? - It's the shining, man. All black people have the shining. You never shined with another black person before? - No, I grew up in a white neighborhood and then went to Dartmouth. I've met other black people before, but not like this. - You gotta get shined at by another black person first, and then you get it. It's kinda like Facebook. - What up dudes? - So every black person has this? Is Kobe listening? - [Denzel] Yo, what up? - Wow, Denzel Washington? - [Denzel] I'm here, I'm present, and I will always be around. - Lil' Jon? - [Lil' Jon] Yeah! - [Barack Obama] Excuse me, Lil' Jon. Welcome Ray. Glad to have you on board. - Oh (censored). What's up Barack Obama. (clearing throat) (laughing) Wouldn't that be something if Barack Obama just showed up. - Your start up paperwork's right over here. - Man, you gotta be more careful. Learn to use the shining. Tune in and out of it. Otherwise, you won't be able to sort out who's talking. - [Morgan Freeman] I'm sick of these goddam snakes, on this goddam plane. - [Bill Cosby] Theo, what are you doing? - [Billie Dee Williams] Drink some Colt 45 malt liquor. - [Reggie Warrington] Women be shopping. - Is everything okay? - Ray. Listen for Morgan. Morgan Freeman. He will guide you. - [Morgan Freeman] Listen to my voice, Ray. Now just stay calm and focus on that white man. (exhaling) - Everything's going to be okay. - Why don't you finish up this paperwork and bring it to Jennifer in my office. - [Morgan Freeman] Now, pick up that letter opener and kill that white man. (scary music) - [Voice On Walkie] The zombies have broken through. I repeat, zombies! - Aah! - Oh my god! Tommy's been bit! (ominous music) - Ah, damn. - [Key] Oh my god. - Dammit, no no. - What are you waiting for. You know what you have to do. - I can't do it. - [Tommy] Do what? - You have to do it. He's been bit. (gun cocking) - No no no! - [Peele] Forgive me Tommy. - No no no no no no! (screaming) (gunshot) (gasping) - Oh no (crying). - Aah. I can't believe the zombies bit him. - It wasn't a zombie, it was a raccoon (crying). The zombies are raccoons, right? No? It's just zombies? (crying) Oh (censored) you just killed Tommy. (suspenseful music) (gun clicks) (heavy breathing) - All right listen up. Sheriff's department's close by. We'll be safe there. - Okay. - Stay close. I'll get you out of here. (screaming and groaning) (frantic screaming) - Oh my god! They got Brad! They got Brad! - They didn't get us. Okay? We're still alive. Keep it together. - Yeah, okay. - We gotta make it to that Sheriff's station. - Oh my god. (groaning) (scary music) (screaming and moaning) - We gotta go through 'em. Stay together. Keep moving and don't get bit. Go! (action music) (groaning) Are you getting this? - Yeah, what is up? - All right, just go. This is crazy. (groaning) - [Key] What? - Um. Aint that some (censored). - There are some racist mother (censored) zombies. - Why would you even lock the door. I mean, the window's broken and (gasping). - Oh hell no. No no no. (suspenseful music) (growling) - [Key] Oh come on. - What is that? - They seriously wouldn't let her eat us. - Hey guys. Isn't this great? These racist zombies are leavin' us alone. Come on, we havin' a party. (dance music) The beer is here. (cheering) - And look who I brought. Come on, man. (crowd cheering) (zombie groaning) (suspenseful music) (door opening) - Hi, you must be Liam. - Hey buddy, how are you feeling today? - I'm feeling fine, Doctor Gupta. Just fine. - This is Marion Glass. She's from the Make A Wish Foundation. - Marion Glass. - How are you feeling today, Liam? - I'm fine, Marion Glass. - 'Kay, well I have some news that might make you feel a little better. Hmm? We at the Make A Wish Foundation make dreams come true for little boys and little girls who are very sick, just like you. - There are no children like me, Marion Glass. - Oh, of course not. You're one of a kind. But we're gonna make any dream come true that you could ever have, okay? - Anything? - That's right, buddy. That's right. Would you like to play with your favorite basketball team? (Marion gasping) What about be Superman for a day. - I wish to drown a man. (chilling music) - What? - To drown a man in the bathtub. To hold him down while the last breath escapes his body and then bathe in that water. All the while singing. ♪ La la la la ♪ (children laughing eerily) - Liam! - You said anything. - Surely we don't want to hurt other people now, do we kiddo? Anything else? Fly in a hot-air balloon? Or meet a celebrity. - My new wish is to lean over the body of a dying man and put my lips on his, stealing his last breath. (breathing heavily) - [Doctor] Liam! - No one will get hurt. - Absolutely not. I don't even know where you're. - I wish to take all the prosthetic legs in the hospital and bind them together with the dried flesh of the dead into a webbed massive creature. - Liam! I am so sorry, Ms. Glass. - It's all right. He doesn't know what he's saying. - I wish to pee in your mouth. - What? - Both of you. - Mine? - Especially you. - Oh. - I wish to pee in both of your mouths as I stand over you. I'll need a glass of water and 10 minutes. - Enough you little (censored). - Dr. Gupta! - No, you're reprehensible. You are evil. You are a devil child. (crying) - Dr. Gupta he's not a devil child, he's just a child. You have no business working in a pediatric ward. - What? - I'm gonna report you. (door slamming) (eerie music) ♪ Shame on you Gupta. ♪ ♪ Shame on you Gupta. ♪ You really upset Marion Glass. - This is insane. You've made me question everything that I've ever believed about the essential goodness of children. - Wish granted. (medical equipment beeping) - Liam. (scary music) (evil laughing) - I am dying, though.
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 4,418,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Key & Peele, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, kay and peele, horror movies, horror, Jordan Peele horror, The Exorcist, Saw, scary clown, The Shining, Morgan Freeman impression, Night of the Living Dead, zombies, Dawn of the Dead, racist zombies, The Omen, Lauren Lapkus, Make a Wish, race, racism, sketch comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips
Id: 6CzbTB5bBgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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