Craig Ferguson 1/17/12D Late Late Show Colin Firth

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my my first guest tonight is in a fantastic movie a British movie it's in theaters now it's called Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy please welcome the adorable Colin Firth everybody go well that was his English a greeting as you could get Wow it was good I liked it because I went to hug you and I could see you were very uncomfortable with it so I decided to go in a little bit closer and give you the full groin rub no no you got that was a piece of English emotional landscape you just got there this I don't think the English of that called I think the English think they're called but they're not really our phone English muled actually be very warm and very very early in the interview you're gonna oh I'm serious I always have I lived in England for a number of years and the whole myth of Scottish English hatred which I've perpetuated myself on many occasions it's not really no it isn't it's and I actually I think the English are are very passionate complicated perverted people I don't think complicated perverted and promiscuous oh yeah yeah yeah no it's it's interesting you travel the world and the the stereotypical Englishman if you ask something the first thing off their head will be remember the royal family apologies man was a bowler hat and umbrella right and they start to get a bit this short circuit when you remind them about Keith Richards Johnny Rotten scene right yeah yeah you know well that's why I thought remember that was a movie called King Ralph where John Goodman taught English people how to walk yes and I was thinking hey well the beat wasn't the stones don't know how a rock what the hell is that oh they do I mean they they need chemicals usually right Ted to help them across that threshold but they're also ready to take that leap and you know when I was growing up nobody in my school thought when I grow up I want to be like the Duke of Edinburgh do you want to be like the trick of it not really no I mean I was probably a bit like the Duke of Venice the ears and plate learn to play guitars but that was the fantasy I mean it's hard to believe now but I was quite sort of dangerous and you know I think listen all this don't Nobby fever running across America right now I mean you were doing well here before but now I know god I don't give you another Oscar just for being English I think asleep and and wouldn't I guys think they already did that yeah I don't think that's fair no you're you're very good actor even though you've got the added advantage of being English see I think American critics are very intimidated by English actors so they go oh he's really good he's really good as name um yes you know good you are good I am I have fallen foul of one or two critics that haven't fallen for that out no I don't see I don't think it's a trick with you I think you're a very good actor really I do even although your English bless you and there's no aggression no are you uh are you living in England you know everything what I do know I live I live yeah I've stayed in in the mother country for better worse my wife is Italian a lot of time gets spent there not called people at home there now I can actually I could you know I could do with a medium temperature sometimes yes yes I've met some Italian ladies oh yes yeah I mean it's worth it yeah I did it it's worth it yeah well I mean it's that they do have just about everything that you could expect that you know it's the Garden of Earthly Delights right exactly so all four seasons in one day you've got it absolutely yeah I mean just the food alone you know and you give Christmas there and you start eating and you've got no reverse gear at all on that so it's so you know you're doing good shaving you don't have to worry about that is there a swimming color it's hiding the color I see hiding the post-christmas contours is oh no no come on do you do what with that do you have a strict workout regimen it's not very strict and it's not really a regimen I happen that would be a no then I'm naked I eat a lot and I I'm one of these people that sort of leaves the last bit of cheeseburger on the edge of the plate just to feel that I haven't completely enough I can't do that do you that I would eat your last bit of energy and I probably eat yours - as long as I'd left something here is Lucy right that's true other people's plates NorCal yeah fries or other people's plates yes absolutely I get it well you had the golden globes on oh yeah I wonder since how that was awesome wasn't it I didn't see it but it looks right this is you and you enjoy awesome by the guy that didn't say it is there is the request you know it I read that it was great it was and and actually I was there it wasn't a huge amount of pressure otherwise other than a friend Ricky you know what what you might or might not do which I actually think adds a wonderful free song that gives a certain edge to it yes you probably went in the ward uh yeah I mean why not and I mean I you could open an envelope and say whatever you want probably yeah yeah in fact when I told I presented I presented Best Actress and I told my my a troll said why are you going to America this time and and I said well I'm getting and one of the things I'll doing is to present at the Golden Globes and he said book can't you just present it to yourself and and actually I said what would stop a person doing that just you could just say I can't believe it my friends oh man I wish my Grammy to Katy Perry I should have kept chef's take break it's one of the things we do here in America okay no commercials really yes not like a BBC here you know how do you Oak top okay there's no we horror the highest bidder highest bidders take a look but an express to liking its keeping up so that's the point in the movie just after that point you go nuts shoot up the place and then there's a car chase oh and that's it it's all working up to the moment that would really sell this film but listen I I don't think that I think this I want to see this film because I remember the television series in Britain with Sir Alec Guinness we played the George Smiley tonight smiley no it's Gary Oldman that's plainer that's right and it's masterful what he does he's a fantastic actor I think Daria was nobody better it's this it's this is a very easy film for me to promote in a way because I don't have to be insincere we right usually do you know it's never gonna work in Hollywood well I do it very well I just don't have to this time I mean I'm in the film little enough for it you know not to sound like special pleading and I I do think it's his performance is merciful I think the whole thing is it's not absurd to call it a masterpiece this is a beautiful cinema it's brave though as well to take a role that so famous by Sir Alec Guinness who was like you know what he what he did is legendary and the book is a legendary I mean it's it's as intimidating process every step of the way it's very word it's very complicated you know it's for people who love crosswords and puzzles this is yeah and mystery and danger and met everything associated with the Cold War it's sexy from that you know it's it's a thinking person's piece thinking people who enjoy sex there are such creatures I understand my way I don't think that the thought process is the most exciting part after time oh yeah and it's it's like Leslie if you're on your own it's like a chain yeah yeah absolutely well the on your own is it's fine I think it's Woody Allen that said you know sex I think sex on your own since it is with someone you love and right yes I think he said sex between two people is a beautiful thing in between five it's fantastic yeah that argue with anything no I think Gary is he's um he's one of the few people who's even when I was young and we were both young I was a willing to look at him and think he's one of my heroes he's one of the best fit you don't do that when you're 20 no I know I remember thinking that about Gary Oldman as well because he has this ineffable strange quality that whenever he's it's you know why I think of him it's like when I used to watch Kenny Dalglish playing soccer and I thought the minute he gets anywhere near that goal I have no different idea what's gonna hurt ya now he was an adrenaline rush he's legal he's a bit when we've seen him do stuff which is is is pyrotechnic crazy right you know and this one is sort of it's all lurking there you know George Smiley is a civilized quiet man he's the the man who you know Donna Carey describes them as a man basic you disappear into the crowd which makes him even more dangerous because it's like a leopard hiding in the undergrowth and then a steal comes out you know and there's sort of second half of the film and you very difficult mess with this guy you can't hide a leopard in a crowd that's uh about mixing my metaphors well okay as long as you don't try and hide a leopard in it I was I ever do a table ladder Kim came on and got the advice yes no no it's lovely we're at a time actually do you fancy a mouth organ awkward pause or do you want to go for the big I think I'm really up for the awkward pause actually I've been very lonely as a terribly English op would you like to go for the regular American awkward pause or do you want to go for the don't Nobby awkward know what that looks like okay we should but let's try all right how's it go I think you're just doing a regular awkward pause you
Channel: TVsCraigFerguson2
Views: 195,787
Rating: 4.903923 out of 5
Keywords: Craig, Ferguson, Geoff, Petersen, Colin, Firth, Malinky
Id: Gpqfd21vn_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2012
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