Funny Colin Firth Answers Questions, Takes a Quiz, Talks 'Drag Queens' :D

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your grass of the Kings stammer is absolutely masterful how did you do that David Seidler I write struggled with the stammer through his childhood and much of his life and he was as as eloquent on the subject as anybody it wasn't so much what what's happening technically to you but he was able to take me through the terror and the way that your day looks to you if you feel you can't tackle it with language if anyone who's tried to speak another language we will find you know if you're limited in that language we'll find that you end up saying what you can rather than what you really want to say and you start to circumnavigate you know the real thing so who then are you in relation to the world the methods that Lionel Logue uses to cure the ban he calls birdie of his stammer are unconventional shocking for their time and quite brilliant Synod then she wouldn't feed me far far away took my parents see us tenacious as it as you can imagine caused some stomach problems still [Music] what about your brother Johnny we're close to him Johnny so sweet boy and epilepsy and he's different he dieded 13 hidden from view and I'm told is not catching there's another remarkable member of the cast who plays the Duchess of York at the future Queen of England who's a very very wicked Helena Bonham Carter why is she wicked she just has a wicked sense of humor and the filthiest laugh in the business it's an extraordinary cackle you know that occurs through equity and yet she creates an unforgettable portrait of loyalty and love oh absolutely but I think that the tenderness of the character and the kind of old-fashioned nevermind get on with it you know yeah cup of tea all solved this yes is blended with a kind of there's something that's it there that always says let's not take this too seriously you know there's a twinkle which Helena brings to fantastic the film has a great look the Holly Street office is only a few blocks away from loges actual office it's in a real house that walls that I'm sitting against is real that wasn't art directed that was found that war there's a kind of Rothko you know emptiness about it yes that's exactly I think what Tom Hooper was looking for he's trying to find a visual equivalent of a terrifying silence how long was the shoot I think it was ten shooting weeks I can't quite remember frankly it was such a strange experience of emotion that I wasn't really taking tally of the times in the course of the film the class barriers between the future king and his tutor are chipped away sometimes painfully but they're always there underneath waiting to reimburse as they do here at the rehearsal for birdies coronation it'll be like Mad King George the third Mad King George the stammerer who let his people down so badly in that hour of need but it ain't get up you can't sit there get up why not yeah no that is not a chair that is that that is st. Edward's chair people that have their names on the chair is the seat on which every Kings Hill increased by a large rock that is the Stone of Scone yacht or trivializing listen to me listen to you by what right by divine right if you must I'm your king no you're not you told me so yourself you said you didn't want it why should I waste my time listening because I have a right to me I have a voice yes you do at the turning point of the game if you can see in the end bug teaches the King much more than how to make a speech this is a deeply moving moving picture that fully deserves the praise that it's received around the world how do you feel about it I'm currently a little bit dazed by it it's thrilling you you dream of connecting with people on that level you know life is certainly for an actor but I mean for everybody is full of unexpected twists and turns things you know you and in which you invest great hopes can lead nowhere this is one occasion where I did have high hopes they I just didn't think they were this high I felt we were doing something that was personal enough and was universally enough to connect to quite a lot of people I just told the guy I anticipated the breath of it I mean it is about a king and there be an awful lot of people who would presume not to care about a king and what problems could he possibly have it said seventy years ago and and yet so many people say they see their own lives in it in some way get real get into the car get out get a life get a job then we'll cut completely different meaning you have said actors are basically drag queens we just want to put on a frock and dance I would love for what we do to be you know the great healer but I can't get round the fact that I am just as motivated by camp will you find of the pentose as a kid you should have seen my raiding my mother's wardrobe all the trappings the frogs them you know the makeup the drama the I didn't know weaponry it wasn't all girly stuff I mean I you know I you know I had some had some butch tendencies as well never quite sure whether I'm more driven by an infantile desire to get attention and perform or something which is you know has a kind of quixotic sense of being on a noble mission we begin our classroom as always with the question L was asked for 26 years by my hero bear not a tivo and we begin with what is your favorite word it's the word get get real get into the car get up get a life get a job there will come completely different meanings what is your least favorite word ya know it precedes so many sentences I'm guilty of it you start with something by going ya know it's really good it's amazing that you disagree with yourself what turns you on creme brulee what turns you off trike what sound or noise do you love come on the cello what sound or noise do you hate loud booing in the theatre now the world's favorite question what is your favorite curse word there's an Italian word I'm strong so I love and what does that mean I was told it means a piece of butt it most specifically means a floating piece what profession other than yours would you like to undertake oh I'd love to be an arch-criminal what profession would you absolutely not like to attempt I would absolutely hate to run a country finally if Heaven exists what would you like to hear God's say when you arrive at the pearly gates I personally thought you were very good in Mamma Mia here's your classroom hi I'm Ellen Phillip take us through to various things you would do once you've selected a part and you finally get the script and can start working on it I read it first like a book a piece of literature I try not to try on the character for size on first reading it's probably the last time I ever will get an overview if I do the job because you start to get subjective very quickly a second reading you start zeroing in on the characters on your character on its pitfalls on its potential defects then the work starts and you try just applying different disciplines some of the stuff I learned at drama school I think was that can help me across that problem there are two things I try to apply to everything that I look at one is I'd like to know how they see themselves or how they'd want to be what's the what is this person's fantasy version of himself George the sixth in his dreams is Henry the fifth you know leading his people into battle and then the other thing I look for if the script already doesn't have it is humor because I think there's something I love to see humor subverting a character that might be very very serious the character seems to have no sense of humor than you I try to find some way in which perhaps it lurks somewhere I think what's thrilling is however it arrives is that moment of catching lightning in a bottle hello hi I'm Murphy Martin I wanted to ask you what the most exciting parts is when building a character for you if you're doing theater you have something that can genuinely be called rehearsal film usually doesn't have anything really worthy of the name it functions on spontaneity it has to you have no choices you don't have that long journey that you can undertake which involves finding things using a spontaneity losing a spontaneity being lost in the wilderness for a while having ideas slowly come back because you have to take risks and because you take your small victories and realize they're not going to last you have to throw them away in place of new discoveries and I think what's thrilling is however it arrives is that moment of catching lightning in a bottle now in theater you have a chance to make those moments more probable with repetition despite a lot of popular understanding about film you do take off to take till you get it right you don't you don't you have you have two or three goes time and money demand that you move on so that lightning in a bottle factor is you know you got two or three goes and whatever happens in that moment whatever disappointment it's in the can all that extrordinary thing that you might never be able to do again that's in the car and there's nothing more thrilling than that to learn more about inside the Actor's Studio go to [Music]
Channel: Colin The Firth
Views: 108,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colin Firth, Colin, Colin The Firth, cute, funny, fun, sexy, young, beautiful, man, woman, boy, girl, love, play, playing, game, guitar, musical, music, song, sing, Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia 2, Mamma Mia Here We Go Again, Meryl, Lily James, US, UK, Kingsman, American, British, English, dance, dancing, Italy, Italian, Portugal, Portuguese, Darcy, Harry, Bridget Jones, Mark, pride, gay, gay man, dress, fashion, style, hair, suit, video, YouTube, action, thriller, film, comedy, Oscars, child, family, wedding, king, queen, Meryl Streep, LA, show
Id: gqpe86gAyXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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