Funny Colin Firth on Commanding, His Family, Royals and Emma Stone/Part 1

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tonight our first guest is an Academy award-winning actor who stars in the delightful new film entitled magic in the moonlight how can that not be great it opens in selected cities on July 25th ladies gentlemen is Colin Firth everyone thank you you look different with the glasses thank you is this a prescription you had needed glasses I always need a glass let's just say I need them you need yeah but am i right that I don't recall maybe I've seen you in now they're they're a fairly new addition to the face Furniture they I started not being able to read extremely important instructions you know I was I was I was consuming things that it should have good well you look I mean not that you didn't look distinguished as a gentleman in every respect before but now oh my god it's gone it's going crazy now I've had to you look phenomenal thank you I've had to accessorize myself to that statement you look you look I would say prime ministerial I think the resemblance to both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister currently incumbent in England has been noted before and do you get along with the current government there no what about the narrow family night along with the royal family oh yeah no we're good with very very very good terms yes but the royal family and I I know nothing about them so I'm coming from a position of ignorant as in most things of my life but it's just like a Halloween party and it really it's festive you know I you know it's we don't celebrate Halloween quite the way you do and so it's probably I shouldn't draw in a direct equivalent no I we've only just adopted trick-or-treating in our country really we haven't quite got the hang of it no we sort of past nine o'clock you get teenagers demanding narcotics and could be any day of the week here yeah now what did they they oftentimes when a lady or a gentleman distinguished themselves in society culture or the arts you're given a Dongs recognition from the Queen what did you get yeah well I played her father and and that was in there the king of nicking speed so I like to feel it has a personal slant it's it has a very lofty title I'm I'm a CBE I'm a commander of the British Empire well I'm not quite sure where the British Empire is right now and I've tried the commanding part and you know you have to start somewhere so I thought with the kids and I'll command anything you know it's just trying to get somebody else to take an interest designation changed how your family views you nonetheless no I mean as I was saying trying to remind a child that it's bedtime and I am in fact the commander had no effect whatsoever yeah and you know my my one of my son's was and I made it onto one of those influential lists Oh 100 most influential entire most influential and the magazine you know it brought it home and Wow didn't he was I think I mean he was 10 at the time and he just said you I don't you're not even the most influential person in this house let's say you got to go pick up a pool table and you want to take your son with you you don't want to leave him in the house hmm and you say what's your son's name this was Luca Luca yes a Luca come on daddy has to go pick up the pool table and Luca says no yeah all right let's move what do you do I command thee yes a Emma Stone was on the show oh man I mean the idea of being in a movie with Emma Stone in the South of France now that's just too much a guy can't get both of those things I know and it had to end and you know oh you can't go on shooting the rest of your life the movie it was extraordinarily Dilek I mean you open the curtains you know where we were staying and swish girl lived and and and Matisse and you just look out of there and I think I could do that you think you're you know you open you wake up talented yeah and Wow the brush you know it was it was absolutely extraordinary and we were you know Woody Allen's not known for the preliminaries you know he doesn't rehearse we didn't get we don't get a lot of chat beforehand and and so we were nervous you know this man has a big reputation I didn't want to be the first person in the history to be bad in a Woody Allen film and so we got together and nothing brings people together more than blind terror wine so blind terror and paradise says let me ask you a question there what I noticed there are quite a few lines in the movie for you are they strictly speaking soliloquies it just that and I'm thinking all right this is just part of what an actor does commits all of this to memory but then to after have to deliver that by yourself without the support of a co actor or a co-star and then the director standing feet away from you that must be is that pressure is that just fine is up no no it's not just fine I mean in fact the longer I go on I mean then none of it seems fine to me it always feels like it feels like a high-wire act and I'm gonna get discovered found out any minute and fired and and a soliloquy isn't a common thing in the film I mean salut you know monologues maybe but a soliloquy technically is when nobody else is on stage and you expect it with Shakespeare but this you know the format here were there were several of these and one of them was a prayer and there is nobody interacting with you and you have to go through certain changes and normally that's because something happens or somebody says something or does something and this had to just happen to me by myself now the person it's a prayer I'm talking to God but I don't really believe in God so I'm sort of talking to someone who's there but not there and then without throwing out spoilers changes happen halfway through the prayer and it's you know in this case there really is nobody else but the all-seeing eye of the director who if he is happy you just hear the sound of the crew packing up and going off to shoot something else that's it after this that's how you know what's been successful the crew just he'd either say you know sometimes he directed in great detail I mean if he if he if he was he wanted to be very specific about something you'd hear a lot from him he'd come up and he'd and sometimes he just say what do whatever you know feels and that's what it whatever you want and do whatever yeah whatever you want you know if you want to change it and and then you you do what well I didn't know what I wanted most of the time I just wanted to know what he wanted but I would do something and then he would just that's not it and or he might come up and say that not that was fun that was funny if only to me yeah so he's not very demonstrative in his direction sometimes he is sometimes not a bit again if you know if he liked it you you tended to just on to the next you know let me ask you a question not so much a question as just a comment if I could be half as charming as you are the rest of the world could just kiss my ass I was just born British and it it's okay it really doesn't work the same way at home now well it's just not working at all for me anywhere now I mean if you don't want to go see a movie entitled magic in the moonlight then there's something wrong with you I mean that's it that's what every movie should be named honest-to-god because there you go you know you're in for a lovely experience you can see it beginning in July 25th now we have a commander we have a clip what are we going to be looking at here in the clip I think this is I'm a skeptic I place the medium and are you trying to debunk this Irish realism yes and I'm ridiculing her every step of the way yes sir and and she is a psychic you're a magician that's right all right let's take a look Emma Stone Colin Firth I understand you're holding a seance tonight she's been waiting for the right moment and now she says the planets are in alignment and what do they have to be an alignment with your vertebrae can you do the seance that someone in the room is a non-believer and and when when you contact the spirits will we be able to see the souls and how are they different from ghosts or are they ghosts I should think souls are quite different have you ever heard of ectoplasm ectoplasm now isn't that a milky substance rather like yoghurt oh you are a joker aren't you so you're saying it might look like yoghurt but it will be mrs. Catholic his former husband in the July yes should I stop
Channel: Colin The Firth
Views: 135,762
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: Colin, Colin Firth, Colin The Firth, funny, Harry, Harry Hart, Darcy, Mr Darcy, Mark, mark darcy, cute, actor, sexy, Emma, Emma Stone, Woody, Woody Allen, France, South of France, love, film, movie, Luca, Luca Firth, Matteo, Matteo Firth, Livia, Livia Firth, CBE, queen, king, royal, wedding, Oscar, glasses, specs, Tom, Tom Ford, Magic in the Moonlight, comedy, romance, French, show
Id: 1-IgaR9coXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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