Colin FIRTH opens up - Very funny!

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okay my first guest terrific actor from England but no I'm from the Bridget Jones movies he's now starting with Emma Thompson new movie called Nanny McPhee very funny family kind of moved your family yeah yeah it's like it's not really a kids movie it's a family it opens January 27 please welcome Colin Firth you hey thanks for coming what didn't get Slyke for colon Powell colon Powell that's right he's yes I give it's Christian Cullen it's the same problem oh it in yeah yeah was it just it all sounds like a medical it does something committee I think old wears them does it go both ways in England colon college that's you gobble no no I don't know we know exactly which side our bread is button right but I mean - hey well can you can't beep tellin ya let me ask you now is it but uh is callin a colon also a common name there's a only Colin in English no no no not colon nobody's called : that's me you know he would do that to the aisles like it doesn't another cool but that's what I be Twitter but I just I was I'm glad I got it right cuz I'm a fan I enjoy I know I can tell ya yeah I know you just moved into a new home in England you live there that's right okay yeah moving house is some you know they put it up there with divorce and and bereavement yeah and I it's a horrible it's fear yeah I somehow managed to put it to the top of those let that list I think of stressful experiences I am I moved it I was in a new neighborhood and I'm not a particularly neighborly person you know I don't like to be unfriendly but I like to have my privacy you don't go out of your way you know exactly so when I meet the neighbors like you know I'm not and you know I don't want any intimacy I don't want to get inside the front door and I'd been in my new house for probably three days four days maybe a little longer and you know I was I wasn't ready for company my family were actually away I was alone and I you know how undress is when one's not ready for company I don't know how you - I mean I won't go - right I was wearing I came downstairs in a pair of non presentation Underpants and also a pair of slippers which an uncharitable friend had given me as a sort of joke for this move neighbor you know there's fluffy things with a face on the front yeah some sort of woodland creature possum or an ocelot or something and that eyes and and they were for once and that's all I was wearing and there was a I needed to open one of the windows for some air it was a window looking under the backyard and it was stuck was a sash window and I noticed it was actually locked so I went to get a key and I climbed onto the radiator which in order to reach it which was under the window and even had a kind of sharp edges so I kind of needed the slippers and I perched myself on the radiator opened the the lock of the sat and the top sash came slamming down taking three of my fingers with it into a space which you actually wouldn't have been able to get a credit card you know so I was actually this is nine o'clock on a Sunday morning in London and I find myself on top of a radiator with three fingers jam between two window panes and nobody to help and various things went through my mind one is what has happened to my fingers and sure they ever be able to be reconstituted in any way then the pain started to make itself a parrot it was quite considerable at this point and then I realized that I couldn't possibly go anywhere I was coming around about two o'clock that afternoon yeah by which time you know I had ideas about gangrene and and then I suddenly thought do people outside comic strip cartoons actually use the word help do you actually do that help exclamation mark and how do you frame that word when you actually need to use it and will anybody in London listen I I mean I the answer is No then you yell for help well actually I tried excuse me and go into the if you see anybody who just yelling a student into this area because the house is a little more isolated is so hopefully out of earshot and this was now counting you know against me and but I excuse me with anybody Barney trunk hello and it's very different for English people to sound urgent about anything yeah you're never about to go into battle it's um righty-ho it's gonna be a little bit of a tricky situation some of you may not so may not return and and so it's very difficult to tell whether an Englishman is being disemboweled or having a cup of tea well so this is the situation I found myself in and I said I knew that I had to create a bit of drama in order to get any attention and this is a horrible thing because there was a part of me that would rather my fingers rotted than to meet any of my neighbors plus you have your non presentational underpants on yeah like that actually I began to forget about the underpants and the slippers at that point because you know the pain in pain and but I called out and nobody came I called out several times then he came what I thought I'd do then was to break the glass so I let out a blood-curdling scream and broke a pane of glass at the same time but I thought the sound of breaking glass can combined with this with the scream might actually attract some attention it did my very reserved English name but left over the fence came running to my rescue managed to get in through the back door I'm not sure how and failed to rescue me and he couldn't do anything we haven't properly introduced no we did chat it's all stolen and what you do I will in no I know well thank you very much I just one of my favorite movies as well and yes thank you [Applause] yeah oh your wife liked it in your mud thank you so anyway about my fingers and and he said he basically said I don't think we can do anything for you and at that point the front doorbell rang and I said have she better answer that and he did and my entire neighborhood entered my living room there was the the old lady that looks in the front window it was the local wacko who only leaves his house in order to shout at traffic you know those the local newspaper seller the pig you know there was just a with that people discussing what can be done about any situation somebody found some sort of piece of metal prized my fingers open and you know you know Mom I think is the one who drove the window and and then it was all invitations to tea and all of us did you put any trousers at this point you know what I that all came afterwards I I had to be helped down from the thing yeah and they they left and I made arrangements to move house immediately it's moving I enjoy very much by the way thank you a lot of kids of animals yeah it's like sort of yes whoever said that was a wise man but not working with the children and animals if it's a little unfair to lump them together I mean they are different there are different species if I thought you're gonna know various animals and I think you know I have nothing but good feeling towards most of the children and animals that we worked with I mostly ya know the donkey it's almost even possible to so I don't if anyone's ever worked with the donkey but they don't have a reputation for being cooperative and I remember Emma Thompson at one point saying you know I think I would like to harm this donkey I would then like to have something written at the end credits that said the donkey was harmed Thompson now I did tarantulas this is what are those native to England the Train no I believe they are this tarantula was actually an old Coast co-star of mine it work together we have worked together before and same agent the agent may actually be closely related no the tarantula was called Colin and I we had been named at my insistence on a film which absolutely nobody saw about two years ago called Troma in which okay so okay in which kid in which I used the transferor as a murder weapon then one changed the turn by going that direction but no there as far as I was concerned it was a she actually was a was an adorable little furry creature so you could flirt a bit being female well you could fly it with it you could you know flare with her channel have a stuffed and made into slippers so how did you prepare for this film and they see this Oliver it's not a comedy but it's comical yes um you know it's always a bizarre process preparing for a role because you you go into some other zone and it's very odd for the people who are living with you because you you you become immersed in something and sure sometimes you externalize your preparation in a way that's involuntary you suddenly find yourself you know you go through your lines in your head and you're in a restaurant or something and you start muttering and letting out expletives that shouldn't be there antisocial now if you're preparing physical comedy yeah which is Bradley the first time I ever have that becomes quite complicated and we were going through the the possibilities of the comic double-take now this is not something that I'm a specialist in I think it's probably better I don't know you know you sort of do the you know the how many can you do you can do the triple take Peter O'Toole used to claim that he could do eight hoc tuple take and pull it off you know but how would that go and you know and I was thinking is that actually possible and if so can I bring it into my performance in Nanny McPhee and I was musing on this in unfortunate after the hotel I was in a steam room and I it was quite a crowded steam room and quite small and must be eight or nine vilde naked businessmen through the through the gloom in the haze and I was deeply immersed in what now if you do the kind of you could do the slow burn and the then you could do a couple of quick ones maybe you could get to five I suddenly realize the room is empty thirty seconds that had taken to evacuate that wheel because I the naked actor was sitting wagging yeah suddenly realized I was alone and it was time to leave before security arrived is the spit-take popular in England what's that the spit-take know what's I don't know no you see I all right you say yes but you could say I was with your wife last night I was with your wife [Applause] popularizes cr-z bit crew do yours is more subtle we go for the broad is a bit different in all manner but I will import that doing it yes now we have a clip from the format now tell us who you put you're an undertaker you have what is it seven children eight yes seven children and then the motherhood I'm actually a makeup artist for corpses okay that's what it is and so that's my job description and we are the children are unruly my wife has died recently and we're about to end up in the poorhouse right so the kids are running rampant you need to bring in a nanny but seventeen nineties been fired up to this point we know that's right there are no more nannies no ones no one will decay all these children take a look now I can't even display omean stupid come in I understand to have extreme meal behaved children no no no no yeah why yeah it could be for the suggestion playful but in the main concern it says hmm do they go to bed when they're told what no no no no do pick it up when they're told uh well pregnant money thank you they get drip well now that's a good question do they say please and thank you in more context that will do tree gain on with your children need me [Applause] it was those sneak into your own movies just to see how they're doing you ever do that - okay I had a had a bad experience doing that it was quite some time ago I thought it might risk it just to see what it would be like to be among the crowd you know and - and to soak up the atmosphere and you know it not like a premier way everyone knows you're there right right just just to hear where the laughs came and where they did what worked and what didn't I don't want to get caught doing that I mean how much more embarrassing right yes yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly so I disguise myself as heavily as I possibly could you know I had bowed someone's glasses and pulled the Hat down of my eyes and held her up and bought my ticket like this and walked up the steps and you know kind of kept my head down as I shuffled into the background looked up and realized I was the only person in the movie good ones Bob you Larry exactly the movie master of disguise you see any big feel it opens on the 27th Oh
Views: 996,673
Rating: 4.8090672 out of 5
Keywords: Colin Firth, Colin, Firth, Nanny McPfee
Id: N7PQv9d-6QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2016
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