Colin FIRTH talks about hormones & Mamma Mia ;-)

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America returns this weekend with the release of the highly anticipated film adaption of the musical Mamma Mia please welcome one of the film stars here Colin Firth anyone who's had anything to do so she just complimented me on the facial hair yeah great very soft thank you have you noticed anyone has had many any men who have had any connection with ABBA musicals tend to have there's a pattern as a facial hair yeah we have to prove we have hormones well I take it that everybody is out plugging this movie you'll have it like a whirlwind tour all around the world where have you been it's been quite extraordinary actually from from my point of view we we started in Athens they did the junket there and everybody to Athens just it just to the backdrop really you know man because the film is set in Greece and and so you know we we struggled with the Mediterranean and everyone have their own pool and goes bad we were back in London for the world premiere then and then when I was in after that we did meet up some people went to Berlin I went to Amsterdam for my own little premiere it was wonderful I mean I had my own little red carpet my own little present route the solstar from absolutely and Pierce Brosnan they were all in Berlin having a non premiere because they cancelled it for fear of a strike there everyone went where there wasn't a premiere and I went where there was one and then Stockholm which was quite an event as you can imagine the Sweden because it was a becoming how do all right and also stellan skarsgård who's in the film so loved there and other the the the girls and yes and Frieda came back and there was I think they're all under the same roof for the first time in 20 like about an event yeah and then he'll burn Sydney or by gonna a lot of traveling yeah but it's an enormous hit box-office wise all in the far my club that's right I think he will the countries which opened it number one or you know near the top an opening here in America when next week I think I think it's Friday this Friday Wow yeah well are you going to hang around for that no no I well you're traveling an awful lot aren't you yeah some promote it we catch you dad don't you get tired how do you sleep a drug you take ambien yes and when you wake up in the morning or a little yeah I wake up feeling wonderful and then someone just after lunch I want investments to exact versatile - yeah I go back this way we're going to take a break we'll come back with what did you say Collins her sexy Collins Beth that's what your friend who grant called you here and I've not gotten it out of my head we've known each other for a long time I was actually christened that sexy enough shabby rather improbable sort of way I would see the lady in the front row we've never seen actually in a singing role the news of course is all about Bubba Nia yeah this was quite terrifying has the guys in this film were really out of their comfort zone with the singing thing and you know we the first thing we did was to record our songs because you pre record before you meet it and then you have to shoot it live which a lot of it was that you have to have that done so you know it was the face and Benny and beyond of ABBA and which they were notorious hard taskmasters and they had booked me three days in a studio to sing a three-minute song well so my mind is reeling with images of myself you know with floods of ambien that fortunately and I met them they were very friendly there was something in their friendliness which I thought had a reserve it said I am going to be friendly as long as you're not crappy and then half an hour later they were actually okay and then pierce brosnan stellan skarsgård Wilson and I looked at their faces and I was staring at a vortex of fear spirals and nothing bonds you more than blind terror really well within a few more minutes the three of us were like the Andrew sisters around the mic what did you think when when you heard yourself played back for the first time Oh everything tightened housecarls on crisis you know you don't enough I don't know if you're a singer it's probably admit you know maybe you're just do this sort of thing but it's it's a pretty grisly extent it's very tough I still cringe you surprised me I thought you were a singer after no I really did I thought you were a singer because you sounded like a king well you're very much I mean basically my song is it's probably the least well-known in the in the film which it makes things a little easier on me because I'm not being interested in the family silver you know it's not and a lot of I make it sound less like the original than anyone else I had a guitar displayed so I didn't have to go through that convention of I'm talking and then suddenly I'm singing yeah which I think a lot of people find very difficult in the musical theater world I was actually guy with a guitar and so I tried to channel the kind of focused rug beetles you found rather than bestow stuff oh yeah well didn't wear well we come back we'll show you a clip from Project Runway supermodel Heidi today you know the story revolves around this young girl is getting married lives with her mother and but they've never met her father and so these three men converged forth on the town for the wedding and one of them is Colin Firth and all of them are candidates to be her father if you know what I mean so it's a sample of your singing ability as a matter is that you're telling this girl Sophie about meeting her mother years ago no no I borrowed it yes donar Sheridan and HP headbangin see thanks to this because we can quit that's my Johnny reputation another new fighter Revell studying in Paris optimist may Allah disagrees [Applause] spontaneously I can still recall I still it all walks along the Seine shopping and the rain never made here
Views: 51,594
Rating: 4.8939757 out of 5
Keywords: Colin FIRTH, Colin, FIRTH, Mark DARCY, DARCY, MAMMA MIA, ABBA, Regis and Kelly, Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Sweden, five o'clock shadow, stubble, facial hair
Id: Q1q19kLh0N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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