Colin Firth winning Best Actor

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ladies and gentlemen this is a special moment for me a chance to flub drink at home sorry this is a special moment for me the chance to introduce a woman who is at the top of her craft as a performer yet who is perhaps admired even more for who she is as a person last year's Academy Award winner for best actress Sandra Bullock [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it is my honor to present the nominees for performance by an actor in a leading role Javier Ola when you won your Oscar for No Country for Old Men you managed to scare an entire nation with a haircut but even more impressively than that you have inspired delighted and moved us and at least two languages in your films and you do all of the above in your haunting performance this year in beautiful copy air Bardem Jeff dude dude you um you won this award last year you know I mean wouldn't it be nice if like you maybe gave someone else a chance staggered it a little bit I mean how much is enough okay think about it but you are such a good actor that this year you took on a role that has already won another actor an Oscar and you made it indelibly your own when you're strapped on that eye patch in True Grit Jeff Bridges Jesse I'm still waiting feet except my friend request on facebook serious but you have captured the spirit of an entire generation and you've inspired lonely young men hunched over keyboards around the world your power is a spark that connects the social network Jesse Eisenberg Colin Colin right here so I hear the the Queen saw the film she enjoyed it which is good right as I assume you plan on going back home sometime but not only the Queen was inspired but all of us by the man you played who struggled so eloquently to achieve his destiny in the King's Speech Colin Firth James James oh you're back James you have so famously played such icons as James Dean and Alan Ginsberg but forget all that you are the number one reason children get picked up late from school because their mothers are watching you on General Hospital hey act was act and none better than you in the searing and visceral 127 hours James Franco and the Oscar goes to colin firth the King's Speech [Applause] this is the first Academy Award on a second consecutive nomination for Colin Firth he was nominated last year for a single man I have a feeling my career's just peaked no my deepest thanks to the Academy afraid have to warn you that I'm experiencing stirrings some in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves which joyous as they may be for me it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get offstage so I'm going to do my best to be brief with my gratitude first time for being on this extraordinary list of fellow nominees something quite formidable and then possibly the greatest honor of this all the crew my fellow cast members those who are not here and those who are Jeffrey Helena and guy whose virtuosity made it very very difficult for me to be as bad as I was planning to be and David Seidler whose own struggles have given so many people the benefit of his very beautiful voice and Tom Hooper for the immense courage and clear-sightedness with which he interpreted that the men who finished this to the screen Gareth amel Ian Xavier and of course Harvey who first took me on 20 years ago when I was a mere child sensation and all the people who have been rooting for me back home also Jessica Kolstad my friend Paul Owen Maris and Chris Andrews for bearing with me through some of the less fortunate moments as well as the good ones my very fortunate friendship with the tomforde who to whom I owe a very big piece of this and to the anglo-italian American Canadian access which makes up my family and Livia for putting up with my fleeting delusions of royalty and who I hold responsible for this and for really everything that's good that's happened since I met her now if you'll all excuse me I have some impulses I have to tend to backstage [Music] [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,499,289
Rating: 4.9078398 out of 5
Keywords: Oscars, 83, Academy, Awards, Best, Actor, Colin, Firth, The, King's, Speech, Anne, Hathaway, Sandra, Bullock, Javiar, Bardem, Jeff, Bridges, Jesse, Eisenberg, James, Franco
Id: 9aO5R6ezqio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2011
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