The Jonathan Ross Show S08E01 HDTV x264 FTP

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everybody is Saturday night welcome to a brand-new series of the Jonathan Ross show let's have a look in my green room sees on the program tonight we have one of our finest screen actors from his iconic portrayal of mr. Darcy to his oscar-winning role as Georgia six ladies gentleman it's Colin Firth then Ewing superstar to kick off the new series calling stars in the fantastic new film Kingsman and I'm Phil we also have with him his co-star from that movie a great young actor one of the stars of tomorrow mr. Tao and Edgerton we've got the start of men behaving badly Jonathan Creek life begins it is the always fabulous Caroline Quentin and the sparkly top my next guest is one of the funniest rising stars in comedy Kathleen Ryan if we have enough time we will put a bit of music on them the show unfortunately thanks to that screaming we probably done have enough time the biggest ban to this only other time take have a little self-respect and later on in the program you'll get the chance to vote one more of them off so there's no doubting I think the most successful touring artist at the moment in the world no not them yeah they're big but they're not this big this is the biggest star in the world well now this is the man look at that the Pope though he is at a service in Manila attended by six million people Joey what's the biggest crowd you've played to a couple of hundred yeah shall I tell you the Pope secret if you don't mind please he only plays the old stuff doesn't do any new material although we found some footage that proves he does do the occasional cover version I got the Vista of pure emotion I got the head of shattered dreams got to leave it go to leave it all behind whatever I stand yeah I did not do it I just want you back for good I want you back I want you back for good you say that I should be done Esther my first guest at like German he's an Oscar winner i multi back to whether he is the air Felicity charming Colin Firth Carleen it's fabulous to have you here thank you so much for joining real pleasure thank you where here's the thing let me start by just asking it's Oscar time coming up they've named the nominations of course you won the Oscar I'm sure everyone knows it's for The King's Speech a few years back so belated congratulations thank you incredible performance in a wonderful film how is that on Oscar night when you're there not knowing advance then then winning what's that evening like to experience yes it's um whether you're in a minority suddenly as a winner because I've been there the year before it's a loser and it's a much bigger party because you're among the 80% you know not the 20% and and this real solidarity among people who are commiserating with each other and so there's a little bit less hatred when you're one of the people that did not didn't pick something up so in a way on the evening it's better to lose it for that night it is yawning yeah you can lick your wounds the next morning yeah can you do that I've try it I can't we chide Oh No well he'll have wounds in different places of course you are playing the Queen's mother did you ever find out what what the Queen's father I'm sorry that would've been oh that's a film I want to see Tanya obviously got Intel um did you find out what she thought of what the family thought of that performance not directly no I ran into somebody who was distantly connected to the royal family while I was on a treadmill in a gym and it's not the best circumstances to really protein I have a conversation and process information but um I was assured that it was well received this this year the Oscars of course we've got it's kind of like how I versus Eton we've got Eddie Redmayne we've got Benedict Cumberbatch you got two other you know fine young actors represent sir and I'd always assumed that you came from that kind of background as well you and a great many people um no I would state educated and I've run into people who when I tell them that I didn't get a public school right literally said I'm spiraling backwards through space now yeah their whole social geography has just been scrambled you seem like one of the Pasha's guys on the planet well I'm a thing you know and it's the wonderful thing about my profession is it's a wonderful is fertile ground for the self reinvention you know but um I don't think I didn't really do it on purpose I mean I was you know I I had to adapt I came back from Nigeria in the way I went to a school in Essex and it was the first time I realized that people my age went who I've met people in my age who didn't sound like my parents yeah so I hastily tried to catch up and change the way I spoke what was your Essex accent like can you remember No convenient I guess in a way I mean the the wall which I think bullied them too many people's attention people knew of you before but in 95 when you you got the wall as mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice that kind of put you on the map didn't know that was the one well I thought I was on the map you see yeah you weren't know was I know you were know um well it wasn't so much the level of attention it's just how long it's last it was 20 years ago people still think about this this scene this you in the damp brows these are damp blouses I mean the funny thing is the whole shirt thing has grown as the rest of its been forgotten and I was rising from the serpentine layin in plaster of Paris form a couple of years ago we have a picture of that this is a weird thing look at this this is a terrifying image that I don't want to take responsibility ah what someone asked okay am i right in thinking that that scene initially you were not meant to be wearing the shirt that is true I was went to be meant to be wearing precisely nothing nothing well now you wouldn't wipe if you knew the truth imagine seeing a naked version of you that big white thing at the serpentine we just were flying under the surface bug is it mainly under the surface yeah let's say so water levels Rona you have been with your wife now I believe it is it for 17 years you've been wearing I think that sounds righteous why you being in the debut I want to get the date in the memory what did she think what you make of you being held up as a sex symbol well it what was her take on that well once the laughter had died down the next job was to try and persuade the rest of her family because I was in Italy at the time we just met and I proudly swag it in among my in-laws and announced the fact that I I was now a heartthrob they they had the same response that that she had had and I went home rather hurt and and then it started to become a kind of almost sociological study among the family do English people find constipated repression sexy and I remember my mother-in-law's saying so it's John Major also sexy and they knew all this the business of trying to deconstruct you know what it is about English people that would respond to something that they found as profoundly unattractive as my character but after 17 years now I they must have accepted that's a fact and B I imagine you can communicate with the more directly your Italian must be pretty good now on that it's functional what will often happen is I'll say um I don't know ciao and someone will say cuz I did what do you say and some chopped until my trans my Italian gets translated into Italian vice Johnna well buongiorno ah and and then of course you go through the gaps you know the interesting thing is that the better you are at a language the more comical your gaffes become because if you can't speak the language at all this not much to laugh at but if everything in your sentence is okay except one word which is almost okay yeah then of course that that's when disaster hits well like what which kind of words well I mean you know penne pasta you in Italian that's very important that you pronounce a double consonant of two ends in the word you say it how do you say penne penne see without beginning it's best I can do it they live penne and that is the posture but if you say it with if you say penny which is one and you're asking for penis or maybe a whole bowl of penis to be you know you have to be careful how much you ask for water you gotta be very careful when you ask what source you want on it I mean that could be a what out of yatta means angry sometimes spicy an angry penis please well it's aliens are very obliging so you have to be very very careful let's talk about the new movie at Kingsman the Secret Service which I should say in the interest of full disclosure was written by my lovely wife Jane but it's my favorite of the movie she's made I adore tell people what it's about those who don't know whether you haven't seen a trailer how would you explain Kingsman secret spy organization they're all codenamed Galahad Lancelot Arthur so there's a bit of a reference to King Arthur and his knights so it's the it's the modern-day spy as as the modern night if you like and it their cover is Savile Row tailors so it's all clothed in this veneer of the gentlemen and so it's the gentleman spy it harks back to a kind of vintage era of the gentleman spy I like to think the original Ian Fleming concept yeah you know and my character who's a veteran is grooming the young fellow and there's head of snobbery the use of that word grooming there I think Mike yes it's it's been tainted hasn't have lately his mentoring was enough like you don't see so he has a young charge that he has to try and bring out the best thing that's right so there's a kind of my fair lady reference in a way that because the the one great failing of our organization is there's a kind of snobbish old boy network flavor to it and and so quite aside from our skills and our noble agenda and all the rest of it we there's a tendency to shut out people who we consider to be the wrong sort okay well we have a clip to show you like German this is from Kingsman Secret Service it opens Thursday all over the UK here we go look at this excuse me you're looking for another rent board here on the corner of Smith Street Nana's make it man do you know what that means and let me teach you a lesson we can stand around here all day or are we going to fight the reason the reason I stopped do there is this is in the movie when I my heart was in my mouth because well I think you're gonna find this is what I think we're gonna see that's not what you need in an action film I don't see the difference okay I'm gonna show you the difference dis-ease we're going back the Kingsmen this is how it plays out look at this so much fun there's so much fun to see my mind they were all Hugh Grant it was swam to a long time for payback now but dear joking aside do you when you've done that kind of training and obviously that's choreographed but when you've got yourself in good shape when you've done those sort of and you learned how to dodge and pay do you ever feel like maybe this could benefit me in real life does that into your head no well I mean I had an encounter and I was actually well I was training for this I'd done months of this we're doing three hours a day every day for months six months dozen and I was I was working in France and I had a road rage encounter it's a very very aggressive driver who you know basically forced me to a stop and got out I had that whole calculation that Robert Downey has in Sherlock Holmes where he you know takes the measure of everything and I thought my all my reflexes kicked in and at the end of it I promptly apologized which I like to think was my reflexes yes and probably that's one thing we can all learn than this absolutely it's the best way out of is the back door uh ladies gammon he's gonna stick around but for now will he join me in thanking mr. Kollin father so talented of him we're here Caroline Quentin captain wine and music and chat from take that so don't go away welcome back ladies gentlemen mr. Colin Firth is still here he's gonna be sorry let's bring up my next guest tremendous young talent he starts alongside calling in Kingsman Secret Service will you please welcome one of the big stars which more talent Edgerton that's a nice that's a nice I'm still talking please sit very warm welcome despite the fact no one knows who I am yeah not for long that white performance in the film with a tumor genuinely I'm knocked out and you play the kind of street kid who is taken under Collins coach's wing and the accent you get did might be your your sort of Welsh but you were born in Wales is that way yes that was a Pavlovian really all it takes is three Welsh people to sound like 300 yeah my parents are actually my grandmother as well my parents are Liverpudlian so you consider yourself well steel how through-and-through absolutely yeah you speak any of the the Welsh language a bit of the old lingo it's not as good as it once was broke a conversational Welsh it and you enjoy speaking I do it's it's it's a beautiful language and wanted to get a great pleasure to speak what would be a useful phrase for me or for Colleen or anyone else to get to to make the most people in braces okay and so for you you could say okay the noe varenna e OD Jonathan add the Jonathan try sorry shy Christ I assure you she's hello my name is Jonathan welcome to the show that's very nice thank you very much Andy you will inhabit this with yes a breast with yeah that's where I kind of consider homo moved there when I was about 12 and didn't you live in the place that had that absurdly long name that's where its primary school yeah so there it is so presumably that trips off your tongue very easily Shambo English go get off and rubbish on Siciliano go go Wow we'll move on from Wales Wales before I embarrass myself in okay yeah no you have the talk uh so this is a my white in thinking I mean and this is what a daunting prospect I would have thought this would be for a young actor this is your your first sort of acting job in a movie yeah absolutely your co-starring with Colleen and Sam Jackson no no it's that must have been pretty terrifying or was it not and I of course I mean the pressure was unease monumental but you know when you're working with folks like this one to my left who are incredibly nurturing and encouraging and supportive they do a lot of the work for you really that's so so nice so and so they went out their way to make you feel at home absolutely yeah absolutely Collin I I hate to say it ladies and some men he is every bit as perfect as he seems we can we can tell from looking because one of them is sitting like a gentleman the other one showing us his balls I've been told actually by my publicist not to crease the armor on it - thus always it was taught by my maiden aunt so your 25 is that when I am 24 both Wow well so this is an exciting time in your life that's crazy yeah it's um synched I mean it feels like last week that I was working in peacock so you know to be here with your good self is something of a throw yeah how did you find out as a young man I mean columns talk about the workout yet to do in the preparation did you did it come easier to you do you think did you have to work just a summer card no no I like beers pizza and television so I mean to have to whip myself into that shape it was I mean it was great fun and you can't actually perform those stunts unless you are at a certain level of physical fitness but um yeah it was tough going it's like an homage to the early Bond moves in there were you a fan of those did you see them even cuz you're just a baby really have you heard of James Bond me no I'm no people do this they presume so is this funny story about you as well - well there's this amazing thing now called Google and iTunes Sumalee Gopi why they're dead right LIGO is ours with googly eye - yes I did I watched my favorite as a young lad was living that diagram or good one good choice yeah and I think this film is a very in the spirit of Moore and Connery you know you mix gadgets big villain all that all that yeah what's the worst thing - when you start working out what's the worst thing Jeff says well something you dread the most chin up chin chin ups was it yeah lower body anything nobody because I mean if you're English middle-aged man you're like what are you legs for there takes it well there to get to the car and then to the desk you know and that's basically what I deployed them for over the years and and so to actually get that going was that's the worse I can't wear shorts in Italy people try and put a fork in a twiddle it well he dispiace no more Dada listen to that I hadn't explained in your Welsh it's better than my work googly-eye come let me ask you then about well what you do after this because I know there's another project coming up me afterwards which could not in some ways be further what yeah yeah quite first I would have thought and and it surprises me because you are you're not a bad-looking guy thank you I mean you know you know half of but you're not bad um but what are you playing next what's the big next move off you uh i am playing eddie the eagle in a film about his experience at AG serious-looking few titters of recognition show that settle in for a minute now hey Eddie is a good-looking guy yeah I bet we're making a film about his experience during the 90 it's an uncanny likeness I can see why they just do wait mate just you know we have some Eddie the Eagle glasses here of course you do and Hugh Jackman is playing Eddie's trainer with me my coach yeah I mean we know we all know what Hugh Jackman looks like we have a picture of the coach I don't see the similarity between them do you know what he looks like we're like I don't actually it's the picture of Chuck but coach actually looked after Eddie so you see I think that's it we had trouble finding a picture no but now I've now I've seen of my memory which I can see why Hugh Jackman's doing it okay let's have a look at the Eddie Vigo uh have you seen him in these glasses I haven't no everyone's gonna want a pair after this I'm tellin ya okay so shut your eyes for a minute remember this is when was it 1990 when did this happen when we did a year before I was born 88 Oh rub it in sorry 1988 this was what this was out grace Olympic Hope at the Winter Olympics right there that's pretty good you've got a similar site Hague oh well thank you that's pretty good what congratulations we'll look forward to that can you ski not that that was really a problem because I don't know if Eddie was all working on it at the moment though your fear will be all right so your trusty Colleen you must be at a ski um I've conquered the the bunny hill many many years ago is that a sexual thing I'm not sure it might be to you but on my ice mid-late are you the thing we should point out perhaps easier you really started acting a new kind of burst on the scene about the same ages town is now is that correct doing you I don't if I burst on the scene behind it yeah I kind of believed myself into motion yes around that time we have believe it or not we found a clip of one of Colleen's very earliest performances on television I thought you might like to see this town I've excited and I think you might like to see this as well do you remember the TV show it was my TV show called Crown Court that you still in the afternoon and it was a weird it was a week it was on every day I think when there yes I think you've altered and the cases weren't the most exciting cases no well now my case was about a man who stole a copper cylinder from someone's backyard yeah I don't think he's stuck have a look at this this is Crown Court from way back in the day he said take it it's nothing to do with me but then retrieve the copper cylinder from under the lorry ascertain that it fitted the description provided by mr. Sibley and caution the accused constable Franklin is the copper cylinder exhibit one here that which you found in the accused possession that was me bursting on the scene that was good well we have that sense of civic pride I'm losing after you see you don't have that which is why you've got off to a quick start yeah yeah I tell it was a compliment all right yeah no in his civic pride yeah you can see why I wasn't getting the bad guy rolls god I imagine at the time that was quite a big deal getting that part wasn't he was it quite an exciting for it was I used to be ticketed when I was pretending to be ill home from school I'd switch that on and I'd be I couldn't wait to see whether the guy had taken the copper cylinder it was enough for us back then when there was see talent you don't know what you missed Talon I'd say with confidence the the film is going to put you on the map I don't know whether you know it will be quite the same splashes when we saw just faces very sexy men come out of a lake wearing a pair of Victorian wife aunty you're here you've arrived and it's a terrific filming you're grating it ladies evan town Edgerton the still to come on the show he's on a plane will be here Catherine Ryan and those called take that so far welcome back let's go my next guest writer this is one of my favorite actors for Men Behaving Badly Jonathan creatures about to start on stage in an adaptation of the classic novel the life and times of Fanny Hill will you please welcome Caroline Quentin lovely to secure the sparkle thank you so can I know I believe you're a fan of obviously the fellas here but also you're a bit of a take of that fan as well you know you can you can't go off a band you know how is it mingling with the fellas backstage you enjoy that it's great actually it's really great they M they hold quite a special place in my heart because when I first met my darling husband Sam farmer he had not really long been out of a Rugby Club and when they were on tour the the rugby boys all six foot eight big cauliflower ears used to learn I take that number and then they would go to a club in Leicester or Bradford or wherever it was and they would take over the entire floor to try and pull girls and they used to do relight my fire yes marvelous isn't it and when I first met Sam he told me that bit of information I was quite impressed and so before I'd let him do special cuddles with me I made him do relight my fire with no clothes well I'll get you I'm sorry Sam he's gonna be very hot speak me oh you know what's interesting when Gary said he won't do my the show the first time I made him do we let my father know that wasn't an exciting news that you're back on stage yes I am thank you Bristol Old Vic in it that's right first in Bristol and I'm doing um the life and times of oh thank you do come um the life and times of the life and times of Fanny Hill yeah well this was that's me is a big big week on that is quite a wig yeah uh and this was in its day a very launching piece of work yeah definitely it was kind of first pornographic novel of its day really written in about seventeen mid 17th at 1750 I think something like that and it was banned because it was obscene and it's a series of sexual adventures of of young Fanny Hill and the way we're doing the play it's April dancers has written a story whereby old Fanny and yeah a old Spanish young man policy you take any Fanny he can get this 25 he can't believe is that and so there are two families there oh yeah so Fanny Hill this is gonna be differently one and man each oh yes that there's an old family any young Sonny I played the old Fanny thank you and and the story is told of Fanny's adventures really from the time when she was a young a young working girl - when she's an older working girl just like will you grow up this is Richard Donovan this is exactly what we like it rehearsal none of us can say anything to anybody any minute so once it's fine that we all go into reaches every other stop okay well I'm gonna read it now we've got some cutting I couldn't believe how is rich we were able wrongly rate would have you ever read it coming out of the yeah I have not I'm certainly going to read it now I will give you a quote from this seeker Colleen why don't you eat them because you've got a because are you a ones that you won't hear if I do just choose one or two because if I do it will sound sleazy can I say I haven't got my glasses on okay yeah want to boy Eddie the Eagles bless you for that well put another patch on then being on his knees between my thighs he drew up his shirt and bared all his hairy thighs and stiff staring truncheon number two we could observe pleasure lightining her eyes as he introduced his plenipotentiary instrument in to her yeah number three like a tax bill you know we used to do when we had those stories in the porn mags going around the school when we were 14 I used to read them out in that Monty Python voice it was the one that that then big all these names between my thighs into big his hairy thighs that's more than enough I'm taking her home yeah we that light up and they're singing on stage as well it's not a musical as such is it it's not a musical but we are using lots of traditional songs of the period so we're dancing and singing and playing drums and there's all kinds of cavorting and you get me an idea of the lyrical content or what kind of um what line is um one word from you more and because I'm a I'll kick your ass over both steeple wow that's pretty good in that and the next time easy goes we like my fire okay but you started out slate I mean we know you I know you for your TV work yeah finally but you started out on staging first base uh do you get no state formal are you nervous going back onstage yeah I do I mean I was in the West End last year it did two different shows last year one a musical and want to play and I do suffer from nerves still I still get quite ill before shows I still suffer from kind of sickness and up before I go on but for me it's about it's about conquering that first night and getting through and and kind of meeting an audience you know really feeling like you make a connection I still really I love that part of it I like I like hearing an audience laugh and I like being with them and feeling we shared something yeah calling you I mean I know you've done stage work over the years not for a while now I guess but were you a nervous performer when you on stage did used to suffer from those two oh yeah the last time I was on stage which is quite a few years ago now I had a complete meltdown I mean I did on first night I I was sharing a dressing it was the dawn my warehouse is very tiny and I just needed a moment to breathe and I just thought where can I go that's alone and the Donmar Warehouse has no stage door so there's a fire door a fire exit so I went out there just to breathe ten minutes before the show it closed behind me but I had to go around the front on the first night and push my way through the first night crap all the very people I was most terrified of and then pound on the past or beg to be let back in so I and then the next thing was just someone pushed me on stage but in a way maybe that helped in on that night maybe that I think if I'd been left alone yeah I would be reading stories in the press about how it was last seen in Antarctica all right so uh so how long were you on stage how long you're doing Fanny Hill for we've got four weeks booked in Bristol and then I think possibly and find a home elsewhere so maybe comes London or goes well hopefully okay that starts on the 5th of February at Bristol Old Vic it sounds like it's gonna be so much fun okay I really look forward to seeing a gentleman the fantastic Caroline Quentin okay Caroline is going to stay with us still to come after the break fabulous comedian Katherine Ryan without it and take that we'll be traveling and performing welcome back ladies Oh none let's get my next dish whether she's the hottest thing to come out of Canada since well she's probably hot is soon to come out of Canada ever it is Kathleen Ryan we've got a shuffle along they want songs along okay lovely to have you here thank you very much for you live here in the UK originally from Canada though a beautiful country of course Weber's Vega I know it was a Welsh person yeah I'm not from that part no no I am from the depths of despair in Canada Oh Sarnia and it's a it's an industrial kind of town on that it is the petrochemical hub of North America if you ever looking to make a mess yeah it looks quite beautiful Wow yeah there it is gosh it's like Erin Brockovich you know that film yeah it's a bit like that that's gotta be dangerous though they promise me it's not to say oh no we've looked after everything it's totally clean that doesn't look I mean I turned out this way so there's an indication I imagine you must be the biggest star to emerge from from sunny or that part of Canada no no we've got a golfer I'm just called Mike Weir he's pretty good I'm Justin Bieber's from not far Justin Bieber yeah it's what strap well that would be the chemicals yeah I know I know the best thing I ever heard about Justin Bieber I forget who said it he looks like a single dad trying to reconnect with his teenage son Justin Bieber is horrible isn't Robin she just sound well if I this have you met him can you say this from some experience listen it's not as fault I have met Justin Bieber briefly and III think you need to hear the word no in your life on the poor lamb I mean he hasn't heard the way that's why I've come to the UK look what happens when America is interested in you I don't want that you have a daughter you have a young daughter haha is she allowed to watch you work I mean did she see when you do panel shows like eight out of 10 cats and I chose mop week like come on are you do you let her watch that on TV absolutely I do my daughter Violet is five and a half she'll be watching she's big fan of yours oh well that's nice loves Jimmy Carr oh so that's his audience yeah she gets a bit shy she'll go mommy Oh cuz she's English I do not see that coming at all she hid it very well as a baby yes now that she sings I shut off for about a year and now I see the British are sneaking into their own country through my body why would they bother Nigel Faraj didn't see that coming she gets all shy she goes well she may be their mommy will you see mr. Jimmy Caan so yes that loves them she's cool I know everybody loves their kids most people are wrong those kids when you're talking do you take her with you on tour can you take her with you on tour do you stick closer to hunt what do you do yeah well when Violet was a baby is really easy to take her absolutely every just strap them to you and be off yeah um and the first time I had to do a gig with her she's 21 days old and I had ill-advisedly taking her to Latitude Festival I didn't know I didn't know that it would be difficult to have a newborn I just I wasn't on the blog I did I brought her on stage in the carrier and I didn't have any material about being mom so I just didn't mention it I just had this very small like in bin just hanging off man okay what's the deal with Cheryl Cole yeah I just went on um what's your tour about because the title of your toys glamour role model this is the tour on right now what is it is it about one thing or is that just a cute title for it um it's about a myriad of things I talk about glamour modos yeah laminate oh yeah rock babes yeah I talked about that culture I talk about celebrity yeah a lot I love you I love the UK tabloid culture it takes someone to spin it around and talk about it but I just think it's so fascinating and it's fun and it's really inspiring so what do you like about it and what do you focus on well sure we'll call for example yeah oh you love her don't ya yeah yeah absolutely love her cuz she's gorgeous didn't she pull just like a baby oh just I know I can't do a Geordie accent I don't care so that was a better show called and she does know that did something you know neat weedy I mean she's had many names has many husbands as you like just don't get upset when we can't remember all you need we don't have that kind of thing in Canada we've got bears and would you go back to Canada would do you miss Canada is there part of you having been born there do you think okay one day I'd like to return to my native soil no I'm very proud to be Canadian everyone's happy to see you everywhere in the world that you go and you're Canadian but I don't want to live there but when the Canada Canada was like a kind of half-assed England I mean it hey you still got the Queen on the coins and there's Queen Elizabeth Expressway and no I love the royal family I'm so glad to be here amongst the road I might meet them have you certainly mr. Colin Firth you've met the royal family I've met members as well oh yes I've made a lot of misery Prince Harry I've not met Prince Harry no Prince Harry the Duke of I just Cambridge gentlemen I I won't tell you what I'd do to that kid but there is no military training in the world that could prepare him for it so you like a ginger head youth he was the most successful change of luck story of a ginger orphan since Annie I like him a bit you like me enough okay Catherine lovely to have you here I'm very pleased you came on the show I'm a big fan of yours ladies and gentlemen capsule and tour if you can she's on from April to July it's been extended up nickel glam role model the lovely Katherine Ryan that is okay we have a lot more time but we do have some guests that I'd like you to maybe make as welcome as you possibly can that'll do the to our introduction take that click tap before you perform firstly you don't watch answer too much screen I'm just a man how is it now that you're settled into being a three-piece combo I know you get ready for a big new tour which would be exciting Jason if you last September so when you're now getting ready for do you feel like there's something missing or you know is it easier maybe the Koya bar for work or even are you may be looking for a new fourth time it's different yeah yeah yeah but at this point you know we've we've kind of been working as a three now for over a year so we've really got got used to it and I must say that the support as you've heard know but I mean for nearly twenty four years now these guys have been with us while we really appreciate it and it's lovely to be back and we can't wait to play live I'm assuming the door was open for him if he wants to return you always said that to be fair you always said that about Wahby and then he did come back for a while yeah I'm guessing it's the same nails it yeah for ballroom I guess and I mean furs with this record you know we're in the middle of it now we're enjoying it and stuff but with you know we hope one day would they both come back it just wasn't the right time for them okay well you never know I congratulate you an order you got married failure oh no I've lasted three weeks now I'm sorry is going well for you wakes an early bird big anniversary and you end up any plans for wow into cooks Athens like nothing I think is inevitable the things we attend that babies now oh yeah yeah no I think it's gonna happen yeah it's gonna happen you know I've already got two children but yeah Jason is at the wedding as well why don't you is there that's nice well you were there what what yes yeah and let's face it that's not the only wedding you're gonna be at because you've got this weird thing going on you're gonna be singing a bunch of fans weddings I'm doing a few working here I don't know if I'm doing that one uh and so what has that come about what sliced a bit of fun you know I always think Twitter you know it can get too serious that's have a bit of form and I just said one day you know if anyone's up for a bit of form this year I'm happy to come and sing at someone's wedding yeah and of course we've had some unbelievable requests well here's the thing it's driving everyone else mad as well on my Twitter feed every other bloody one there is a scour to do our way to go don't d-doesn't it's not gonna do what I say I'm thinking there's gonna be a few disappointed Brides as well when they get to the end of the day I mean they're gonna be all day binky down any minute now I do I do well let's get back to fight what we're saying is he's a heartless bastard unless you do everybody why I think we should okay so new album has been out for a while incredible number one hit as well of course and you know you guys are happy you're gonna carry on performing for as long as the fans want you to I guess on you yeah sangmi you look you know we love doing music little vine songs we love doing the show so you know we want to carry on doing that work we're going in the studio next week to start lying again so you know we'll okay you're gonna think the signal this is the song at the end of the movie Kingsman you had a song at the end of Stardust you know what me and me and Marc went to the premiere for Stardust in LA and we were really excited Bob De Niro was there and lots of great actors and actresses and we sat on the front row what we watched this whole movie and we were dying for the end and the song started up at the end and it's never sounded as good as it sounded 5.1 it was unbelievable and the end of the song came and me and Marcus were in that Britt of the whole theater is empty well let's hope certainly only UK I know they'll stick to the end of this some of the end the movie you can do it was right now letting gentlemen take that thanks Owen I guess tonight of course Thank You Colin take your time thanks Kara Thank You Katherine and then and then number one album free it is the all-conquering take that get ready for it for it meesa meesa spinning the side that's suspending the silence get ready for it together you stand like this unless you're flora Kings bassoon the volume is rising the Communist rises so you better I'll tell the say Hotel over Savva the night is young get ready for it stations you
Channel: AshenKai
Views: 109,169
Rating: 4.9139442 out of 5
Id: 5tMlq2FkIPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2015
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