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my first guest tonight is an amazing actress I gotta be honest though a bit too good to be here really I mean really good I mean she what she doesn't behave like that but she's just I mean she's been one of the best actresses and she's in the latest film nain which is in theaters now December 18th take a look at this clip directing a movie is a very overrated job we all know it I just have to say yes and now what else do you do nothing maestro should just be ready a screen no more extras yes or lipstick no yes no yes no yes it's directed that's right that's director it doesn't seem to make a blind but the difference finally what the answer is so please wake up yes or no you want any costumes in this room yes this is simple please welcome very lovely Judi Dench they love you as do i Judy how lovely to see you welcome to the show we won't believe that I have to say I'm very I think the audience is excited I think I am excited you're you're here in the is the week before Christmas of course now is the time to do your best doctor no no come on I've noticed a law recently maybe two or three films I can think of anyway will you play a queen you're always playing Queens that's why I gave up acting you always put the Queen parts I could never get why do you think yes well it's it's that's rather boring isn't it what playing a queen Queens I think you were lovely you did the Queen Victoria it was so nice and you were with your friend Billy Coe that drama static but we had a wonderful wonderful time - really did you have the fair I can't possibly say that yeah no that's the to a belly but he's got a tattoo right there did you cover that up in the film I don't know how they did that I was rather amazed to see it one day and the next day not at all yes yeah the theater film they always got this makeup and stuff I have a tattoo here let see that oh yeah yeah I got I go three and all the way up it goes all the way runs my peepee I knew someone else like you know what I always thought it'd be nice to have a I wanted to have on my back a tattoo of a fox hunting Tablo well they they were chasing the foxes and the fox's tail disappears then today that would be classy no I have never done no Giovanni Tocci known only to knows the time I think I should do something yeah that's why yeah are you with time do you enjoy the the the counterculture of the tattoos the the what else is there I guess you take a lot of drugs you don't know I mean you were doing Theatre in Britain in the 70s there must have been a little bit of up I missed you plainly stats on it all yes all this I wore the flowers and I wore the things but not that that passed me by had it passed me but I don't know Judy I just said for you well luckily you're in California where they have medical marijuana perhaps you could try some no I never really go into it to be honest I mean a dead like a lot and then I and then I when I works in the theater and Britt you've done a lot of work in the West End in London haven't you yeah yeah did you there's a lot of drinking because on there did you ever get involved in any of that yes a bit yeah I had III had to when I did cabaret over in London I went to a wonderful place beforehand forest Mir to lose some weight and get into a bit of training and I met this very very nice man who designed shoes and things and he sent me this great present on the first night of cabaret which was four dozen quarter bottles of champagne hello and do you know it's the only thing that Kong quick swig of that and I was ready to bring house you surprised me I thought of you has been a master well not a technician that seems unfair but but very precise in your work you actually have done it since right I did that and exhausted it in that right that's enough I've done that man yeah no no I wish I could think like that quarter bottles of champagne who did you play Sally ball Sally bows yes and I saw you in Lady Macbeth I know I shouldn't say that of course not because it's it's a converted photography studio I'm not kidding there really although we have this fantastic view of Los Angeles here can't have reached the ground when when you came to see Macbeth I was very young yeah yeah I was I guess I was 11 or 12 years old something like that when was it 70 something yeah I was born in 62 so it was the mid seventies I was very scared by it you did this very scary scream where you went like that and then nothing come out and then the scream came out I thought oh that's clever and one night I passed out doing it you passed out it was during the sleepwalking scene and I overcompensated took too much breath screamed oh but it's during the sleepwalking scene so you could have just yeah you could be sleeping you're just you're just having a tricky time isn't she yeah particular tricky time that night yeah that we all say that we also during that we had no understudies at all and Roger Reese who's paying he said from cheers Kirstie Alley's boyfriend yeah English boyfriend yes and I think he's coming over to London very shortly to take over in Waiting for Godot I think the games really I really I have to say I know it's a masterpiece Oh Waiting for Godot wet so it's like he never shows up it's awful and the two of them once as they met estrogen and testosterone they they're there and all they do is they they say I'm going out and then they go they come back and though the bull or hi this is passion yes it's tricky stuff oh yes do you ever do any theater it's very very brainy and think I really can't stand this oh yes you know how you have to look like you understand every time I well you're very good I have to look like I did yes you got it I love it it's very sexy and powerful and all that that's not you Riggs well he works oh he's good yeah yeah see he's good news for the soldier there he is nice yeah it's terrific that rather annoying great all that and to be very nice to have a sense of humor you have to be very self-deprecating plus disgust and do your own stunts stunts many many of them they want to want to make them more dangerous for that why is that I'll give him a particularly hard time in the next on you I do like the jig will you a fan of James Bond before the ginger was that what was song to don't corner me I think he's fantastic I went to this party they had from here it was it was very nice he looked at my wife's breasts that's not all yeah yeah but well yeah it was that night I think you look to other people too he doesn't he doesn't limit himself to what a pair of breasts per evening he was I don't split everywhere they were saying he's he's very sexual creature isn't a Sean Connery I think he is different affair with that bust you buy like those things in the seven seasons Wow we were out of time now what I like to do you because this is your first time on the show we like to end with an awkward pause is that all right well it's like a little deconstruction thing that I like to do in television you know when they say oh and then boom boom and that I don't like that I like to end with an uncomfortable awkward pause
Channel: Damestreep
Views: 220,542
Rating: 4.9361701 out of 5
Keywords: Judi Dench (Author), Craig Ferguson (Author), nine, Interview (Film)
Id: G4zO8Z8fOyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed May 21 2014
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