Crafting a Dynamic Waterfront - Newmarket Episode 10

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[Music] so here is the part of town that i'd like to transform into a bit of a waterfront upscale condo and walkable um feature of the city i'd like to have shops i'd like to have restaurants i'd like to have walkability a nice key that's walkable as well and just for context here is where we are in the city of new market we've got we've got uh old what if i was what did i designate historic okay that's a that's a nice word we've got historic new market over here and then we've got the downtown commercial area of new market over here the more urban center we'll call it suburbia is up here with its own high school and and shopping center these buildings are intended to be sort of upscale row houses these three family row houses that that um are throughout this area and this is supposed to be the not quite as nice area still row houses but not as fancy and that's okay so we've got these different sections and i would say east of the nicer section is where this walkable shoppable restaurant sort of gentrified area is going to go but it's going to be a tourist hot spot as well as a nice place for locals to go out for dinner on a on a weekend let's let's see how this shapes up i'd like to start by following my gut and actually implementing a few paved roads when i say paved i mean these are going to be using the pavement texture that's built into the map and i don't know that it'll remain this way forever but i'd like to let's just start experimenting that's it's it's been said that the way that i play is try stuff try stuff out and see what sticks and i agree with that whole heartedly i'll i'll earn that moniker today i'll earn that um moniker i'll earn that idea today for sure but i'd like to use these paved roads so rather than emphasizing like for instance this road has a yellow line down the middle and this one has a big median and they're all very very road-like very car-like i'd like to de-emphasize that by using these these pavement texture roads throughout this area so it's going to be paved but it's not going to look as inviting to cars as some other parts of the city and i think that's a great way to uh i think that's a great way to go personally so another pavement road here just do a little three unit thing there and let's actually get rid of the um let's actually get rid of the trees it's getting hard to see it's getting dark too hard to see so we're going to use move it and i'm going to double click trees to select trees only and i'm just going to go i'm going to leave the other embankment with its trees for now don't let don't let me catch wind that there's trees over there i'll get rid of them too no i think they look nice and i don't think we're gonna build on that opposing area just yet i would love to go down into this section too so let's actually eliminate these trees and i've made a forest brush if you use the mod forest brush you can actually create entire um entire forest configurations of different trees and then just paint them in so what i'm deleting is easily is easily replaced right it's not like real life where you cut down a tree and you gotta wait 80 years for another one to to come in so don't don't worry i delete trees readily because i can put them back readily too because they are beautiful so let's do this let's make some some magic happen by getting this this network going these are all two-way pedestrian flat pavement roads the one that i used initially these are by a chameleon and i recommend them heavily but the initial road is found in this section and it's this flat pavement road c for connector which is unique from this network flat pavement road segment this one comes in handy if you're looking for something a bit thinner and to use in parking lots so that we'll probably use for parking lots but now that i'm thinking it maybe we'll just do this one everywhere because this one has lights built in has these great light street lights i guess i'd call them right we talked about this in a previous video what do you call these where you're from lamppost street light whatever your whatever your flavor is i think that's good and the goal of this road was to sort of both of these roads actually was to somewhat mimic the curvature of the river and i think the river is actually about to be expanded at this point or it's going to be manipulated somehow i'm not exactly sure how yet let's see if we can do another road going straight off this way just because it's interesting and it might be cool or it might be terrible i'm open to either i just won't know like as i said let's let's see what sticks right it's interesting that that's the point where it adds a node it doesn't want to work so let's do 12 units is this going to prove viable is what i'm looking at for now maybe another highlight of this whole thing is this network here which is actually the big urban roads pack i'm going to be transitioning it to an asymmetrical road so that vehicles that are turning have space to do so in fact this whole thing is about to be transitioned into that type of road and the way asymmetrical roads work is they function a lot like one-way roads where you draw the road in i'm going to look at where the nodes are looking for a central node perfect love that and you have to reorient them based on where you want the turn lane to to be and that is exactly what we're looking for that is precisely what it is this road is probably overkill for this area but we'll that's that's easily changed in the future i'm going to do the same thing to this one because right now they're looking pretty pretty busted if i do say so myself the goal here being to reconfigure the nodes so that there's maybe a central node and if there isn't we can force a central node by creating uh by by redoing that and then manipulating these to be the correct orientation now you might be looking at this i've talked about r cuts in previous episodes rcut restricted crossing u-turn i believe is the full name of that the way we get rid of that same down here we've got this kind of wonky r cut they look great when when you look at them head on they look great and functionally they're awesome it requires a little traffic management a little traffic manager lane arrow action to make them work properly but it essentially stops this non-priority road from being able to turn left thus reducing same on the other side thus reducing a lot of conflict in this intersection perfect swell love it this one terrible wonky that's that's very bad so we're gonna uh temporary or not we're gonna throw in a traffic light i'm gonna use a a traffic manager just a basic traffic light i'm going to click the time traffic light control click the intersection lovely that also sets up lane arrows which might be questionable because this whole thing might be ill-founded but let's roll with it once again let's see what sticks shall we you don't know what sticks until you stick sticky stuff to the [Music] anyway so that looks pretty good and obviously if i were if i were a nut i would go back and do all this i've been using ladder crossings in the entire urban area so a quick way to do that is to make one ladder crossing copy it paste it paste it just make all your crossings at once get it done um am i completely sold on this no but am i totally deterred not not really it's okay we'll make it work so let's let's connect these two roads because i think that this is going to make sort of a an isosceles triangle let's take it back to the first year of what grade did you you learn about the isosceles triangle in a triangle with a 90 degree wait is that even right hold on a 90 degree angle that's a right triangle oh my goodness i was wrong i was wrong that's the first time i've been wrong i'm not used to this i've never been wrong before in my life until this moment doesn't feel good so we're making a right triangle [Music] i like that well enough let's turn on anarchy and we'll do this i don't want to talk about isosceles triangles i'm sorry i even brought it up it's painful memories for many i'm sure [Music] i do wish i had a wall over road road if you know what i mean as in so i do have one but it's not gonna work well here i don't think i do have this uh four lane it's not that one there's another there's another four lane adaptive road that i have this one here and this is wall over wall over road which is cool or road over wall rather i've deactivated adaptive roads so it's not going to work right now oh and also that's probably what it looks like here is it grounded never mind it's it's great to have wall over roads because you can build a wall that's also a key but it's okay let's use let's use what we have today i've got this content creator one over here i opted to use a brick key because this whole area is going to be brick and i wanted to hold to that motif so we have this gorgeous brick key that i've added invisible walking paths to and all kinds of stuff you can watch the lofts episode to see the inception of this one and how all that happened but over here i think we're going to use a stone key and it's going to be this basic one the simple sea wall because i'm kind of a simple simple guy and also this one is built-in walkable you don't have to force it to be walkable or anything like that now we may end up expanding the river into this area many decisions are gonna have to be made about about how this works let's do this first since i know that we're about to mimic the sea wall here probably excuse me we're gonna mimic the angle of this road i suppose oh but how is that going to factor in with this let's do this at least let's do this at least so we'll start here we'll see if there's potential there so i do like that this this walkable section with the lamps is using the pavement texture just as the roads are and that also means proof of concept i might be able to fill this in with pavement and have it be yeah i don't see why not so i can probably fill this area in with pavement eventually to kind of remove that seam because i don't actually want gravel there but that's an okay start let's see how far this goes up on this side and see where it turns and all that stuff does it need to match here let's do this i'm going to turn off i'm going to turn off snapping for a moment if you turn off node snapping in in fine road tools or find road anarchy it gives you a ton of control over if your key is going to snap to something unnecessary i'd love to have maybe three or four units of space here so let's start with that [Music] and we'll continue down the way more or less more or less let's connect these [Music] oh the connection is nice on this one i'm a fan this is from the content creator pack and this is my first time using it so i've not really looked at this there are these beautiful multi-tiered versions as well like this one you could do a tiered sea wall which is really cool with the staircases i would recommend it if you were doing maybe a taller area from the water if you were do it like here i really don't need the tiered seawall i don't need the i don't actually want pedestrians to walk down into the water because that's a little absurd for my purposes but uh for now just just know that that's an option just know that you could do that too if you want to i think that gives a good amount of space between these that's good now let's see how is this going to close out over here [Music] maybe just maybe i see this whole thing as being a promenade i see this whole situation as being walkable maybe with like businesses and restaurants along the way because i think that would be beautiful and then condos more so in this area and i might extend this bridge nay nay i will not i shan't we're going to take that away and we're going to respect the coast as it as it is currently maybe we'll at least see what it looks like if nothing else i'm cool with that and then we'll use move it here to just sort of extend this a little bit so that it so that it matches up with uh with this guy here and i might even adjust the height of it to this it's a fine it's a fine line oh no what is the answer we will probably take this bridge and extend it a little ways because that's probably the real answer to this to this conundrum to this situation here and then reduce this a little ways just so we can't see it anymore if you see that little corner peeking out of the road also this is sticking through so i'm okay with clipping things together but i want it to be plausible ultimately and that's actually not that visible so let's let's start with that and feel out what this place can be i would love to not pinch the river so aggressively but what we could also do is extend the river into that into that uh adjoining area so let's try that let's terraform a little bit don't be terrified to tear just kidding be a little terrified to terraform because it's pretty committal unless you have like undo terrain modifications unless you have uh additional landscaping tools installed it's rather it's rather committal but just roll with it humor me so i'm gonna approximate where the river might go if it stayed at about the same width let's take a mental snapshot of this width and try to create something that's about the same width of course these trees are not going to survive the journey i knew they wouldn't earlier was foreshadowing i knew those trees weren't going to make it i have no respect for the digital forests of city skylines i don't think we're going to do a key on the other side i think we're going to leave it ow natural so to speak and if we're terraforming i might as well do this too might as well just get rid of those crinkles wrinkles maybe similarly over here reduce those i find that that brick key that i liked on the other side aesthetically it's gorgeous but it has kind of a bunch of problems this one this this content creator pack key looks to be fantastic it looks to be very well um it works great it's working great right now okay let's see what the water does with that three speed for a moment there's probably gonna be a bit of flooding maybe some nastiness yeah that's to be expected i'm gonna get rid of the sand here i painted this sand in at some point i don't remember exactly when but the sand was painted in by by me and clearly i went up the bank a little far especially if we're sort of repurposing this section and i'm going to want to smooth out this side and add some sand to that embankment or maybe it's rock face i don't i don't know the width is looking good the width of this to handle the the current water flow situation so i'm going to take these trees and get them up the uh up the embankment here a little bit sort of eyeball it wow it just re-terraformed a little bit on its own all these flooded trees would be dead in reality so let's just we'll move them up up a ways get them out of the kill zone there and you as well this is not supposed to be a swamp this is a river so terraforming isn't scary it is a little scary but if you do it cautiously with a good expectation and and maybe even if you want to practice go into the map maker go into the map editor and just mess around with terraforming if you do it on your on your build and you don't have an undo button from uh extra landscaping tools if you don't have that mod or if you don't have the ability to use mods or anything just go into the map editor if possible and uh mess around with that a little bit looking much better now we can add that sand back in oh my god so remember what i said about the undo button [Laughter] undo um i clicked whatever that is the ditch button i'm gonna ditch the ditch real quick and sand away sand ahoy hmm there's a bit of a pinch point there but i'd like to i'd like to establish this key first once i'm sure of what the of what the key wall is doing then we will [Music] oh we can get rid of this that's visually a mess [Music] looks good let's continue down the way i would like to key at least to wherever this road does what it's going to do maybe the tram turnaround goes into this area and then comes back that might be a cool approach but let's do the key first because that's better that's that's the key is better done first i found in my opinion so supposing maybe when the key hits the the alignment point here maybe it goes along with this road so let's use the road guidelines let's take this theory and see if it works i'm going to use this road guideline in the center to establish kind of a distance maybe it's there maybe it's where where this one is pointed but we will follow this that looks to be 90. these should connect [Music] that is not remotely 90. whoever said that was 90 was wrong it wasn't me it could have been anyone [Music] how about this we'll back that off to where it was and we'll rely solely solely on our intuition here let's get rid of the lollipop remember how i said these were temporary in a previous episode well they were very temporary so i'm going to use this amount whatever amount this is we're going to establish a 90 here roadline road guidelines are tricky because it's trying to tap me to things that are just not part of my part of my plan my evil plan if this continues on the way that it's going it's gonna shrink this section and i think the goal is to not shrink this section so much because i'd like to have stuff along here as well let's use okay the problem is i'm using key let's use this to establish something something a little better so now we're at least parallel to this road which is good and we've retained a bit of space there now where is this road i'm going to turn node snapping back on because it's going to drive me insane where does this road hit without curving there is where it hits without curving love it so that gives us a guaranteed something that gives us a boon to work off of cool we're gonna have some good shapes here so just for reference this is four units aka 30 meters that's not a real amount unfortunately it's not divisible by eight therefore it's not a real snapping amount in the game but that doesn't matter let's just go crazy with this so we'll go for three units 24 meters to there [Music] and we'll connect these wherever they do i love it i love it barring the sand issues or sand you know the character in the sand one thing i'd like to do here is kind of extend this curve though that's a bit of a bit of a sharp corner where it's sticking out a bit further than i'd like so maybe we'll go three units away on either side oh it's not going to let us i'd have to add a node i wish this were a road or i wish this were um i wish this if it were road i could do what i'm trying to do here let's let's use this as an excuse to use node controller so i'm going to take this from 14 this should accomplish about the same thing that i that i want to do and i want to extend this to about the three unit point which will just make the corner a bit more [Music] flat i suppose let's see how that looks 33 meters yeah it makes it a bit more gradual what would the word be it reduces the radius it increases the radius of the turn i guess i don't know i don't know math i keep trying to talk about math and i really should not even think about it it's not it's not my forte as we've explored in past episodes now where does the key end the key probably ends well notice we are we are just north of our of our water uh facility water water treatment facility as explored in a previous episode we're north of that that's intentional we don't want it too close to that and i don't really want the key to continue down to this so i'm going to stop it somewhere here probably so let's invent a spot we'll invent a spot and we'll and we'll stick with it maybe there let's do that 11 units it's arbitrary but uh the whole thing is arbitrary if you haven't noticed so let's in the spirit of being arbitrary let's do that i've found that that um [Music] just making a decision is really difficult at times but the more i prolong it the worse my decision ends up being so i would recommend trusting your gut if you've developed your your sense of this game or you've developed your experience with these things trust your gut don't don't freak out that advice is as much for me as it is for you honestly don't don't freak out yumble trust the work you've already put in and and it might be okay it might just work out uh let's reduce the sand a little bit i know i keep talking about this sand but it's it's killing me the way it looks i actually don't want any of that sand in the way visually it's it's not doing it for me so holding down the right the right click button with the sand highlighted with the sand selected i should be able to go and it's not particularly accurate but that's good much better much better uh there was one spot here while we're in the terraforming menu i know that we created a bit of a pinch point here and i don't think it looks very good so i'm going to use this is the level terrain i didn't point this out earlier but i'm right clicking on the low point in the river and then left clicking where i want to extend that low point to just so the water isn't getting hung up and pinched in one spot [Music] and i'm gonna unpause it for a moment and let's see if the river settles down a little bit yes it looks like it's it's figuring itself out three speed is our friend here and of course i've just put a bunch of trees in water this is the battle with shorelines and city skylines mods are absolutely invaluable with this type of thing back to the sand for a moment put the sand up to the up to the forest that looks fine [Music] all right everything's looking good let me pick a couple of buildings to start populating this area and we'll see what it can turn into the tone is starting to be set here i've got a couple buildings in the goal isn't to to block the entire waterfront from view on the contrary i'd like to i'd like to keep it largely visible but i've searched condo in my assets list and i've come up with this there's a creator called smileys he makes just the absolute greatest condos and some of these it actually pulled up these quote-unquote mixed-use commercial these are entirely commercial these little one two three buildings so it is gonna be a very mixed little development here rather upscale but that aesthetic fits what i'm looking for maybe some more rustic buildings over here too but let's start defining a road network that suits this area i'm going to delete that because the nodes there are not going to serve us and that is about what we want yep that's the one so we are seven units away from the entrance which is a good amount i think this may become parking in fact it will probably become parking but i don't mind sectioning off an area [Music] another thing that i've been thinking is maybe we take this we could add a light here also to get rid of the the light would simply be to get rid of that texture which is which is normal or no actually let's leave the r cut there but that means that we'll take these because we've already put in the work it'll take no time at all this one failed sometimes the textures just break and that's just life i don't know how to overcome that but redraw it usually works out fine that's good of course this got a little messed up in the in the turn them all off add our crosswalk back in no time at all oh and of course the arrows got messed up too control click for good arrows if you'd like there's already a light at this intersection so i'm going to leave well enough alone there i think [Music] i may end up swapping this light out for the more us style light that i've been using elsewhere but that's okay let's start with this now this makes me want to connect a road over here so that maybe this area will have direct arterial access but we'll leave the r cut i take back what i said about the light we're not doing that we're going to leave the restricted crossing u-turn i might i may not be using the right initialism even consult the texts consult the sacred texts about that that's what it looks like when you set it up properly and on these you just disallow the left and straight so that one becomes right turn only this one becomes right turn only but it makes it very easy if if cars want to come from here into this area they only have to either come to this main road or they can make a right out here and a left into here so we're disallowing that straight across because this may become a high traffic area i don't know what the context is just yet so but let's assume that there's a high high density did i say contrast let's assume there's a high density area on the other side of almost everywhere in the city because that's kind of where we're headed now as far as buildings a few more condos would make sense nothing too tall perhaps but things that fit the the aesthetic that we've established would be nice i may even move that one back a little bit but the idea is right the idea is right on the money just enough so that you can see the texture that's what i'm looking at is the the texture just enough so that doesn't rip and i don't have to deal with the results of that but this leaves enough space for a nice path so before i forget to do that as i said before walkability is going to be crucial for this entire area so i'm going to take a take a path i'm going to make a path that's about what we need and i'm going to move that into place down here thus creating a bit of walkability in between the buildings i like that the lamps are the same too i think i did that with bob if i'm not mistaken i think i think i used bob to replace all the lights on this entire scenario that's good a bit of livability a bit of walkability now maybe there's businesses along this side maybe there are commercial areas so i'm going to search growable ricoh low density commercial not condos but everything let's see what we can come up with a little a little shopping center what are you i like that this building looks old but i don't like that it doesn't have pavement under it a pizza hut would make would make a lot of sense that's not particularly upscale but whole foods now there's actually there's actually a whole foods built in under this area so that's fine that's fine for the residents that that are hanging out there let's pick something fancy this is like the bane of my experience in in cities is that i have so many assets and i just have like crippling indecision when it comes to what assets i have and where to use them but the style we're looking for is certainly more modern so i don't suppose i'll use too too many rustic buildings in this area those look nice though this is the aesthetic but but that's a very small building i think i'd rather not overdo it with small one-unit buildings i'd rather have several larger buildings probably what is this get-go market almost let's search restaurant that's a starting point mcdonald's is not quite it that's not bad though it's small maybe this goes more towards the waterfront something like this like right on the water yeah that's not bad and larger larger businesses on the road because it's a larger road so this is more to car scale but this area is going to be very much to human scale in here so maybe i do like the smaller buildings and businesses so as to not forget our our pathing rule always add paths aap is the is the rule never don't add pathways for pedestrians it's official i love that i love that the key is walkable this is gonna be great what i don't like is that little section there i may not be able to fix that because i don't think this terraforms i might have to use move it eventually if i take move it and click the uh the node here no not even there's just gonna be a gap there and that's just that's just how it's gonna be but that's okay it'll look great from a distance it'll look great from everywhere else now let's continue with the restaurants here this one's not bad bit of a wall to wall the wild pair let's just go to town let's just do it this is the part that's the most daunting but i i also get the best results seemingly i get the best results when i when i hand place these things dunkin donuts on the corner fits with the wall-to-wall vibe no it does not some wall-to-wall buildings will be two units wide and others will totally not be two units wide so that one's not gonna work out but at least we know at some point this got oh when i when i put the path there that messed up the zoning squares we'll reinstate those because we're probably going to need them what if instead of what i'm about to what i was doing let's do this instead we're going to rotate it to match the road here snap it in place that's good and i do like the dunkin donuts there it's going to face this way let's find a few more businesses to kind of pepper the area with and then we'll decide where the walkability is going to go and maybe some parking on this side too all good things new china tea room that's more of a downtown vibe bob's is fast food chain restaurant from brazil well it's going in welcome to bob's shout out to bob's if you know bob's i've never been to one i've in fact never even heard of one but it's going in it's going in generic groceries might be a little too generic for this situation evan's corner actually let's do that let's do that and we'll leave space for walkability throughout this entire section and then parking down here and maybe a bit of parking over here hamburgers teeny tiny hamburger joint on the corner there commercial wall to wall not quite small town america one yes yes i will and of course we've got this exactly one unit path going on here or space always put a path in those spaces in my opinion anytime you can encourage walkability like that just go for it without a second thought let's allow this to be walkable too we'll have to use move it to do it but let's take this and pull it up to here to allow people to access that area all of these like joints here all of these nodes are going to end up with paths that go up to the thing or do i put the businesses on the water something deep inside me makes me want to put the businesses along the water though there isn't much space we don't need much space so let's put this guy back and we can keep this as more of a more of a fun open area kinda this is gonna end up paved i foresee this ending up paved that one goes a bit too far but we can put it over here that buys us a little space so large commercial buildings here small commercial buildings here thanks for sticking around for the process there's a lot of process going on mentally here little commercial wall-to-wall put those together emerald isle lounge how wall to wall can we get this none let's start this out let's just let's just get some buildings in wow i have so many little one unit buildings zigzag records okay okay i'll bite you go here too paints italian i'll just keep going i think it's important to make a plan and then immediately bail on that plan if you if a better plan comes up i think that's flexibility is is going to prove to be key i'll constantly have to remind myself of that fact but there's a vape shop on the water that's fine we're gonna end up filling that in with uh with stuff the butcher shop the barber shop can go maybe down here or towards the the residential section chick-fil-a sure chick-fil-a can be on the way in there's definitely going to be some park features in here as well when i say park features i mean like walkability with trees and benches and things i would love to get some benches and things in sure a little too tall but close close that fits well enough cool so that's good is it worth putting inward-facing buildings for this section or perhaps this is actually parking we can do parking out behind these buildings i'd be comfortable with that more more small buildings along here before we pave the whole thing i think the smallest of buildings the home candy works [Music] hopefully this satisfies some of the commercial as we grow the residential the commercial is the next thing to pop up typically so we may end up heading some of the commercial necessities off at the pass by doing this nope nope will not fly this one is one of the art deco buildings could a surf shop work here the issue that i have is the the promenade is rapidly becoming the back alley of these buildings and i don't really want that to be the case let's keep the promenade nice let's keep the i keep flip-flopping on what i'm saying but it's coming from a good place i swear so we're gonna turn these around and we're gonna turn these around too i'm okay with that that other commercial building up there i'm fine with that but maybe these end up with parking like an alley behind it a slightly less desirable stretch of road that occurs and this might go up through the middle nice i'm gonna continue this trend and fill it out with buildings and then we'll see what it looks like with some trees and some leaves and some uh some parkish looking stuff should be good all right we got some stuff going on there's things and stuff and junk happening so this area became a parking lot and this central area that i thought was going to be kind of a park is not going to be that but because of that because i put all the commercial in here and kind of paved it um trucks can do pickups and drop-offs from this back alley if i set it up to do that i haven't done it yet this truck's probably gonna do a yep do a delivery real quick on this road which is fine trucks can do that but i'm really trying to keep cars near the entrances so this would be the residential parking area for for these guys here which frees up this little promenade for probably some more trees and planters and bushes and uh you know things like that details fun fun stuff fun stuff same here i'd like to make a little park here because i think i think using this whole thing for parking would be a bit silly in my opinion so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take one of our one of our trees here and i'm just going to start rocking and rolling ooh the key may make stuff weird at times but that's okay that's what they do so i'm just gonna sort of randomly go about here and we're just gonna randomness takes a lot of practice as it turns out randomness takes a lot of careful planning to make things look random looks random enough maybe some more uh some more uh benches and park looking things maybe extra paths even a red tree and a red tree cool that looks good and now along here same idea let's do a red and orange ooh the angle is going to matter there red the orange this is going to be a lot like the lofts in a lot of ways like my philosophy for both is is somewhat similar just make a a place a nice place where i would want to hang out basically a place that would be nice enough to live or nice enough to go and visit just to have a meal very accessible by tram very good parking i've severed the tram line i i broke the tram line here so i think that that tram line is probably all but stopped i i'm actually not sure how that tram is still operating but i'll have to fix that in a minute a little orange a little red i think my favorite thing about this entire city is the the color all the different colors why not green no not green as well throw a green in there just to mess around might get crazy grow a tree later you know beautiful now along here it might be something a little more organized let's imagine that they were built in a line oh um we're gonna hand place these we are gonna hand place them i'm gonna pause the game too green but yeah these trees were probably planted for this area to to grow up with orange orange red yellow yellow cool those that looks good for now this is probably going to be green space as well so let's let's get some trees in it let's do the thing as i said before making stuff look random takes a lot of practice and i'm still working on it i'm still it's my randomness doesn't look all that random sometimes i guess the goal is to make it look more like the natural world and less like city skylines i feel like the less if i look at a screenshot or a video of of the game and i can be fooled that that it might be a real space that's what i'm most impressed typically not always possible but nice when you can pull it off i may convert one road here into a into a road road because i don't like how that connection looks nah never mind we'll just we'll just leave it sometimes connections are funny of course these roads all have the same texture this one does not but i think i can deal with it so of course everyone's favorite move to finish this off is actually uh leaf decals so it might be leaf or leaves that i search leaves there they are 613 leaf decals and the trick with these is to double up on it so i'm going to take one and i'm going to do a second one like that copy them both or in this case we'll just move them over and everywhere that there's a tree oh no the tr the leaves are not visible on that that's okay i'm still gonna go for it but sometimes props these count as props apparently props will sometimes not show the uh the leaves as sitting on top which is a bit of a shame but there'll be enough of them that i think it'll overwhelm the the fact that they're not showing up on the props and most of them are not going to be on top of props these are some uh parking lots by klus and i guess these because these count as props they're just gonna look at that it still looks good though we can hang with that right changes everything decals if you want to put decals in your roads to make them look a bit more uh worn you can put tire tracks in your roads stuff like that of course these are all copied and pasted but ronix did such a good job on these decals that they look they look random even though they're very much not random they look they look random enough i don't know if any of these are going to need planters these are growing from the from the ground so they don't really need a planter if i ever place a tree on pavement of course i'd want a planter there you can see that the courthouse i actually have been putting some pictures on instagram recently i put one of the courthouse and it shows uh these planters on the sidewalk and that's where the trees are originating from nice nice nice nice so now you can really see the spots that don't have it versus the spots that do have it it's a whole different whole different ball game the decals [Music] just a couple more to finish out this spot then the triangle then some benches and i think we're we're virtually out of the woods at that point maybe some trees and planters back here actually i think that would fill out this area even better probably and i'm going to have to leave this area for another time doing stuff here took up enough time that i'm sure the video is going to be pushing 40 minutes by now all right let me throw in some extra trees and some benches and we'll we'll see where we stand all things considered i think that went pretty well it's a good use of the waterfront we've got some uh solid commercial district over here we've got some solid residential a bit of commercial i threw some benches and tables in and some bollards actually bollards actually add a lot visually in my opinion to designate you'll notice everything is paved but the spaces that cars are not allowed to enter like this walking path i've i've thrown bollards on it just to add a little a little sense of realism of course that's not possible in the game because those are walking paths but hey i just think it looks really really cool look at that people are even walking on the key i have not actually seen anyone walk on okay they're underground i'll figure that out later don't worry about that don't don't you worry it's going to be great but yeah i think that came out as it was meant to everybody thank you for hanging out thank you for watching i i also stream on twitch live twice a week so feel free to check me out on twitch and we have a community discord as well um i look forward to continuing work on new market as well as some other projects that i have in in the works coming up so stay tuned for that but please in the meantime let me know if you have any questions in the comments down below also please subscribe here if you want to see more videos a lot like this one i also do tutorials on city skylines on occasion everyone thanks for hanging out appreciate you being here i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 22,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Mk5ixnLX4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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