A New Approach to the Roundabout - The "Pinwheel" (Turbo Roundabout Variant)

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everybody welcome back i'm yumble and it's roundabout day here at yumblecorp today we're going to be exploring this design which was sent to me via twitter a person named william j sent it to me i retweeted it recently feel free to check that out twitter.com he also supplied a triangular version of this too which is really neat but i have decided to render this one in game today some fun features i'm calling it a pinwheel roundabout because these uh these empty spaces which will probably probably be pavement by the end kind of look like a a pinwheel you know a spinning spinning toy type thing but some cool features about the angles of this one it still uses the cardinal up down left right north south east west directions for the nodes but the roads split off and you get this cool effect where the right turning traffic doesn't even know it's in a roundabout which i think is really really cool of course the lane math is up to interpretation and the way that things uh ultimately pan out may look a little different from this but i'd like to take this design and get it into the into the game of city skylines thank you for being here let's check it out full disclosure i had already recorded this entire video before i went back to watch the footage and realized that my audio wasn't working so that's pretty cool but because of that i've got some experience i've got some some forbidden knowledge that i'd like to share with you uh the first video was gonna be of me muddling through this whole thing and it was and it was it was good in its own right but this is gonna be me kind of already knowing how to do it so i'm gonna start with a five by five roundabout it's my favorite sort of iteration when i say five by five i mean five units down five units over and then repeat until the whole thing is done i'm also going to be using anarchy for this you'll see that i've got anarchy turned on uh fine road anarchy this would not really work in vanilla unfortunately because of how tight the angles are but if you can modify your game on pc then then do that i've also got big urban roads these tiny one-lane kind of alley roads i found that these are crucial i used to have a road like this from network extensions too but today we're going to be using this i've kind of gotten away from network extensions too so i've made my 5x5 roundabout you can't see the nodes here let me turn it on so now you can see them so cardinal directions north south east west the way that this next section goes with anarchy turned on is you're going to do the same thing but opposite so perpendicular off of this node of the roundabout we're going to go five units up and five units over pretty cool lots of anarchy it's going to be a bit of a mess but i'll show you how to clean up the mess in a little while then on this end here you go all the way left so that should be 10 units over because it's double the amount that we've just done so you've got these five units going off in either direction and it's totally messy but the mess is necessary the nest is necessary it's fine i'm gonna do the same thing the whole way around and i'm gonna turn off road guidelines because it's gonna keep sticking in odd ways distance too short what in the world this is a new one i'm going to redraw this node because there's something wrong looks good and then this one we need to go oh that's why we need to go five units up five units over and then bring it home we'll go back to the left same thing over here the good thing about a roundabout is you can if everything is symmetrical you can sort of duplicate your process four times and it'll come out good and i'm going to end up doing intersection markings on this one which are probably going to be the most complex part so stay tuned for the finished product for sure 10 units back great all the math checks out it looks like a total mess but that's because of the anarchy and because the game really doesn't like what i've done here we we have a perpendicular like we have an entirely straight road hitting a roundabout node perpendicularly so this is a the textures do not know what to do the game is simply not programmed to support what i've done but we're going to end up fixing that before we do that i'd recommend connecting normal road whatever that may mean for now i'm going to use to keep it consistent these are all big urban road roads so we've got a two lane road in the center we've got a one lane kind of alley road here i'm actually going to take these and connect them at the ends before continuing with just the the roads that will lead to the roundabout kind of a feature of the whole thing is that a normal roundabout seems to hit the cardinal directions perpendicularly like this would be a normal if you asked me to build a roundabout or most players to build a four a directional four-leg uh four-way roundabout it would start here right so it hit in the middle and then they'd go around this is unique because this is offset to the side of the roundabout which i think is very very cool so anyway let's address the clipping all this all this terribleness the way that i've discovered to do this and some of these roads may become two-lane roads note aside but let's let's i digress i'm going to hit this with node controller if you don't have node controller revisited sorry node controller renewal the latest and greatest i have another video about that if you're curious about the ins and outs of that but today i'm just going to use it to nudge the roads into place so you'll notice these two roads are hitting the center of this one we want them each to have their own space so i'm going to take the far left align it with that so i'm just shift-clicking the far right side and aligning it with the far right side and then to finish it off you can hit make ends straight and that's really it that's it for that i know it doesn't it doesn't look fixed but there's another step there's one more step after that for this one i would just hit make ends straight i might even do that later but you can pretty much go around to each of these and shift-click the far left shift-click the far right align it with this incoming road make ends straight easy enough this one i'm going to hit make n straight this might this might get changed a little bit by the end oh you know what i take it back there is one more trick to this so you go to this one you have to align so now you'll notice we've aligned this one with this one already so that's done i would recommend aligning this one to this which pulls this out a little bit and it really makes the angle a lot more favorable and then the same thing we're going to take the right side here and align that to this one as well really great and then we're going to do the same thing up here this should already be essentially in the same exact place so it's come full circle so essentially we're chasing we're chasing this angle and aligning at every turn we're aligning with this to square the whole thing off so the right side to the right side aligned i know that the visuals are driving you nuts right now but it will all come together i swear make ends straight same thing here end to end i'm shift clicking once again if you've forgotten shift click is your is your best buddy in all of this shift click shift click and i think this is the last one actually the last we're in the last turn right now home stretch if you will the way you fix all of this craziness is something that that you've actually seen in my previous videos if you've been here for a while uh the way you fix all the shenanigans is by dragging the the network ever so slightly so that it's no longer a 90 degree angle i'm just hitting the make and straight button for all of these to make sure that we're all equal nice so i'm going to take move it now and i'm going to select this angular piece that or this 90 degree angled piece i'm going to select it while holding down i'm going to hold ctrl and i'm just going to drag it down ever so slightly you can do that on every side so once again click the segment the turning segment of the right turn hold ctrl drag it down ever so slightly you'll tell you've hit the spot because the texture will fix as if by magic the texture will fix so all of your right hand turns all of your exits of the roundabout essentially and this should be the last one drag it down a little bit that's all it takes just a nudge so i haven't really changed the composition of it too much i've just nudged this so that the texture is no longer overlapping with the roundabout along the same lines we're going to take this one which is still clipping all the way around except for there i don't know why but we're going to take this one same deal hold ctrl drag it down some imperceptible fractional amount so less than a meter less than a unit less than a meter nothing at all this one is already fixed i just want to reverse engineer it yeah it's fine and same deal here if you ever build something nice that has a bit of clipping you can fix it with move it and node controller in combination pretty effectively let's see cool and i'm going to redo all of these make end straight options nice if you see any clipping like this that's usually due to the ends having changed because of move it so maybe even wait to the end to make ends straight that's what this little uh button is in the top right corner of the interface cool and i haven't actually adjusted any of the nodes beyond that i've only shift-clicked to align them ever so ever so gently and then hit make ends straight and that is all it takes these i didn't type in any custom numbers or anything hit them make ends straight that is the shape of it i'm going to go in and explore some of the lane math ooh let's see i want to explore the lane math of this and see how efficient we can make it i also want to see if this goes away there we go random tinkering will will also save you there we go so i nudged that in and the texture fixed uh but yeah i want to explore the lane math and i want to explore what markings we can do on this to kind of make a beautiful finished product let me explore that for just a moment and there you have it i've got some decorations going on there we've got some little park areas with benches and benches and seats and trash cans and all that kind of stuff i figured i'd connect the crosswalks you'll notice that the the crosswalks are kind of distanced from the roundabout itself notice down here bottom left bottom right top right top left the walkability of the roundabout in general is one of its weak points and you have to go a little bit further to get around it than you would a a tighter intersection but i think in this case it works out i decided to connect it with some paths and connect those paths to some little park areas with benches and trash cans and things i also opted for two lane roads coming and going from the from the roundabout so you'll see we get a little bit more throughput i don't think the whole thing is optimal it's certainly not as optimal as a as a turbo roundabout nothing like that but we get a lot of throughput using two lanes where the left lane goes into the roundabout and the right lane just exits into the other right lane so exiting traffic will use the left lane of this little section so it keeps them separate which is nice anywhere where you can spread traffic out or keep it separated from itself i think it's great i sign off on this this is really good this is a great way to do a roundabout visually it's a great way to attach some interest to it and maybe a park around it the markings take a bit of time but ultimately it was a lot of fun to do everybody thank you for hanging out thanks for watching uh we have a discord server if you want to talk about cities when i'm not making videos when i'm not streaming on twitch that kind of thing feel free to join the discord um also uh feel free to subscribe here of course i make two videos a week i think the last two weeks i've only made one video but that's that's how it goes sometimes uh everybody thank you for hanging out i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 288,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roundabout, mods, city skylines, detail, vanilla, smooth, smooth roads, node controller, intersection marking tool, move it, anarchy, fine road, pinwheel
Id: zvcyRsMZkg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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