I made an IMPOSSIBLE navigable aqueduct in #CitiesSkylines - I broke the game!

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canals and city skylines are underused and under loved and i think part of the reason for that is their limitations you see canals have to be filled with water and water only really likes to flow downhill or at a push on the level so when you hit anything which isn't a straightforward flat or downhill like here we're going downhill we can deal with that but how do we get the canal back up on the other side and there be the problem now here we have an obvious solution and that solution is to do some terrain work we'll grab the terrain tool we will elevate the entire section all the way across and then we will connect up the canals to match and that'll work perfectly lovely but it does have some problems right in game if you were a sim in this city if you wanted to get from one side of this canal to the other you'd have to go up a steep hill across the bridge down the steep hill on the other side or at a bush maybe through a tunnel and also it kind of ruins the view doesn't it look the view's completely gone now there is a meme that keeps popping up i've seen it on reddit and facebook several times and it is this navigable aqueduct ships going across in the air the problem though is in city skylines a navigable aqueduct is not possible it's just not possible i'm telling you now i have seen people do something along the lines of this now this is a speed build here don't expect it to be pretty i've seen some really good builds of these where navigable lack of a dots have been done with tunnels and also with the vanilla key and with much smarter cleaner work that i'm doing here it is possible to have a passable navigable aqueduct i've seen some good ones i've seen some great ones but strictly speaking these aren't navigable it's a tunnel going under a canal whichever way you look at it how about if we break the rules of city skylines is it possible to make another navigable aqueduct easy for me to say well let's show you what the problem is if we grab the terrain and we pull the terrain right up against the aqueducts you'll soon see what happens if you've never done this before you will soon see what happens come on get in there there we go instantly we're leaking you see these are not strictly speaking water containers they're not they're kind of an elevated road but uh holding water sucked down into the ground but we can make this work i have a solution now i've had to think outside of the box here and some of you might call this cheating but surely any modding is cheating but at the end of this at the end of this episode you are going to see a ship crossing across an aqueduct which is going to be full of water and you're going to be able to see right through the underside of this aqueduct i think those are all the rules for today first of all though we're going to start off by trimming up this canal on both sides like we've done on one side already using the terrain tool bringing it in for the length of our elevated section we're in the relatively short one here i'm gonna sort of match up with the image you store at the start of today's show right step two we're gonna need some wide roads now today i'm gonna be using uh fine road tool and fine road anarchy along with network skins to remove the lights and the props and then also using move it to shunt this one in underneath the canal to break it and show all that lovely blue mantle that i normally grumble about so much on the underside so now we have an elevated canal step three will be to use the surface network by ninu now i'm using the surface painter by a bloody penguin on the ground there so that we can see what we're doing otherwise you're painting grass on top of grass it's very hard to see what's going on but yes using that mod there you can see what you're doing we'll drag in those service networks and elevate them slightly so that they cover those roads and now we have a fairly good looking far from complete elevated canal which won't hold water now the ground looks good but we still have mantle at the end and also if we go underneath and have a look up you can see why the water pulls out of these things can't you there's just no base to them so anyway yes we need to somehow cover up the underside of this canal and also cover up those ends where the mantle is showing through now how we're going to do that is with some wide roads now you'll probably need to do a little bit of trial and error to find the right size here but we're going to use these elevated elevated using again fine road tool fine radar key network skins with no lights and no props i'm pushing three of them really tight together you want to go about one segment too long for the canal at each end as well i'm also using some two-lane narrow roads at the same height and dragging them a one-third length that in this case as you can see that's third is marked out by the width of the wide roads as well and again we're going even further along so maybe two segments too long for the canal like that and like that this will all make sense later also at the end i recommend just for ease doing a couple of these i'm calling these handles you'll see why they're called handles a bit later on they won't be like that forever but for now we'll be doing it like so now use move it to drag it drop it and align it as best you can with the canal a little bit of time just tweaking and twiddling just to get that one to fit neatly and those handles will come in handy for dragging the thing about as well now we want to lower down all of these roads do a pinch on the wide road so they don't affect the terrain and just pinch them inwards and then grab all of your notes and segments and use the movement tool to align everything to the same height and again at this end pushing the sides in so it doesn't affect the terrain grabbing all the nodes and segments and then again dropping them all down to the same height now we need to cover those roads because they do look very visual be able to see them under the water and we're using surface network again using the um the asphalt and again we'll be we'll be just covering this section here when you do it though if you do this one you'll probably want to cover the entire length of your canals we'll get to that maybe a bit later but uh for me this is just the one area we'll be seeing today so i don't spend too much time concentrating on the areas i can't see i'm not going to tell you it's not it's not fiddly it is a very fiddly job but it's worth it in the end now we're going to hide those mantles again using the surface networks i did look at the surface profile mod and i tweaked about with that one but it was all very fiddly and it didn't matter too much because this is only for this presentation and i'll leave the fine tune work for all those top detailers who are all going to be jumping on top of this idea probably in the next few weeks now i'm uh covering up some of these gaps with foliage i've grabbed some bushes uh usually a tree and vehicle props mod to convert these bushes into props which means i can elevate move and hide all the gaps there they don't need to be attached to the ground other mods are now available of course but that's the one i'm currently still using and i'm just hiding glitches and stuff with there's a pillar and a few trees just a bit of beautification around there as well and just hiding just hiding the mantle and hiding the glitchy bits again using foliage and more of the surface network prop set more networks than the props the networks right so that's all good now in the image the original image there was a roundabout underneath navigable uh aqueduct so we're going to put one of these in we're not going to connect it up but if we did that would be used as a working roundabout by vehicle so you'd have cars driving underneath your ships that are going over and above on the top and yes we are gonna have ships going over and above and on the top as well right uh next step would be a bit of speed detailing beautification just to hide again some more of the glitches i'm not going to a great efforts this is uh just a question of having it attractive enough for a quick tutorial youtube video which is what we're doing here and we're getting very close to the points where the secrets are going to start to be uh revealed okay now on to these narrow roads the handles we're going to connect those handles up and around down through our water source area the lake here and uh and back around we don't want trees there don't want any anything sticking up at all that's where our water source is going to be and then we're going to create a full loop with these narrow roads now this is a very shoddy job i am doing a shoddy job when you do this you're going to need to take your time you want all of these roads to be smooth and level and uniform and all the bends and everything to be nice and slow and gentle what i've got here is very bouncy okay just know i was running out of time this is not part of the um this you won't see this in the final video but this is the uh mechanic that you're looking for to drag this all the way around drag it into the canal so it's a perfect line nice and smooth and then drop all of this down to the height of the canal are we on that height of the look at the that's supposed to be a smooth line look it's supposed to be a smooth line it's not right now here we go here comes the magic the surface water props by pakora right stack them up stack them up to get some depth of opacity i think i'm too deep i might have gone even three deep in places drag them across using move it and using a prop snapping to make sure these things will elevate and then using move it you can then align all of these to exactly the same height as each other now you're going to need to fill the entire canal network plus the lake at the end now i'm not gonna go all the way down to the lake but yes you're gonna want to fill the lake up as well with these props so the whole thing looks like you've got a proper working water system you haven't what you have is a bunch of props that look like water filling a canal which can't hold water if you put water in it it is going to pour all the way through so yes you're going to spend some time filling this up i spent way too long filling this one up i'm going to spend way too long explaining to you that i've done this but yes the magic is coming now to make the magic work i had to call in a favor now you're probably gonna have to call in the favor as well but uh use your own friends don't harass the friends that i called to ask for this one but i will be sharing their work on the workshop link will be in the description as well and uh so yes if you want your own um go to your favorite asset creator and ask them for a little bit of help point out what's uh what it is that you need doing and uh so yeah that's there is going to be a solution for you to be able to do exactly the same as well in your own city build right so that's the length done and the aqueduct looks pretty good doesn't it i think that looks fairly close sort of to the original image and we can see right the way through there's no glitching it looks fairly realistic got the roundabout underneath got nice pillars there we've got a water filled canal it's all good what we need now are some ships but obviously we're not going to have ships because we don't have any water in there now under our lake surface we're going to pop down a bus depot right and then we're going to put down the bus stop here and we're going to go down the other end of our um small roads and we're going to pop down if i can find it there we go a bus stop right there and then back to the beginning where we have our original bus stop click on that complete the route and we're golden so yes you're going to want to hide your bus depot under the water maybe a bit of surface network on top of it and the same over here i'm going to leave this to your skills to make the hidden bus stops uh you have to need to be a little bit creative with this one but i'm have absolute faith in you being able to do this one uh doing a little bit of a fake uh extra bit to the side of the canal and uh and then you can have people entering via the tunnel or something like that into your depot and people don't need to see people queuing up for the bus which is uh going to be coming along in a few moments yeah use your own creativity that is a very quick fix from me let's get rid of the water there and that is the build done all we're going to need now is some ships so to do that we're going to need to set up a bus line so let's come back over to the menu there's the menu we're just going to open up that from the drop down and we need to choose a line overview there it is select the modeler bus and choose from the drop down bomb bomb b ship that one there link is in the description thank you very much to revo for creating this for me i'll talk about that just in a few moments so yes choose that as your boat choose your line color we will be going with a dark blue for the line just feel like a nice dark blue hint to the ship make it look a little bit different and that's it now your ships will spawn and they should spawn in large numbers because these are buses remember they're buses not ships they are buses that look like ships yes ref's done a really good job here i'm going to be honest the lod is not great but i didn't ask him for a great lot i said could you produce a bus that looks like a ship and can you do it quickly for me please anyway once you've done that you need to um get shipping somewhere into the middle of your route like this and then drop the water level using move it of all the water all at the same time so it's at a decent height it looks about right against your ships and then you are done and that is the boat so um so yeah that's how it looks it looks great from underneath it looks great from on top um underneath the viaduct it looks really very nice as well even on this fairly speed build um it still took me a few hours to put this together but yeah and then we start the boat off and the boat will float on its merry way down here so yeah big shout out to revo you'll have to call upon your own friends who can't be asking revo to produce loads and loads and loads and loads of fake buses now can we but uh we've got one link's in the description if you want to use my one you're very welcome to use it and nip her under the other side here and watch the boat bobble off into the distance so yeah i don't know what you're thinking of this yes it's there's plenty more work that could be done like over this side the detailing isn't finished it wasn't meant to be seen from this side i just wanted to give you a quick view of how you can have an elevated navigable aqueduct with boats on it first time first time i'm really proud of this anyway if you're still here give the video a quick like hit subscribe to follow the channel and join me monday to saturday for whatmap finding you the best map for your next city build plus a bunch of tutorials and interesting i try and produce interesting stuff where i can be great to have you along i've been bon bon be you've been very very welcome and i'll see you again very very soon thanks for watching
Channel: BonBonB
Views: 62,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city skyline, cities skyline, city skylines, cities skylines, sim city, transport fever, transport tycoon, map, maps, cartography, help, guide, tutorial, cities skylines maps, cities skylines assets, cities skylines workshop, best map for cities skylines, best asset for cities skylines, starting a new city, how to start a new city, what map, map review, asset review, gameplay
Id: dZ3VKvNVnH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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