Moving our Cims (and cargo) by Rail - Resfeber05

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everybody welcome back to race faber i'm yumble and today we're going to be building a train station a cargo station and a passenger station uh over here on the train line but i wanted to show you some some minor changes they're major changes but they look the same as the last video and i didn't want to make you sit through them i threw this bridge in this is just from the content creator pack just to keep things moving from the highway probably temporary maybe not i don't know but just a bridge and a chicken foot here one-way roads that's fine but what really changed was i swapped out the canals for some nice dutch canals from the steam workshop and these great bridges just amazing really great textures and really great railings and the whole appearance and i also got rid of this central road i really didn't want to make you all sit through me nudging the the canal towards the wall so i took a couple hours last night to make this seemingly minor adjustment but it would have looked a lot like the last video honestly but i think that looks much better so we've got these canal roads sitting on top of the dutch canal the wall is right on top of the canal and the city is protected within the medieval city core so i'm really happy with that i know a lot of you said we'll put a citadel on here or something i'll figure that out eventually i'm not ready to do that yet but welcome to train day everyone one and all we're gonna be using a three track station so it's this baden baden railway station two of the tracks just so you can see the thing before i go into fast motion mode and start showing you how it's going to be implemented the two here's what i imagine the two external tracks so the two furthest tracks are going to be exterior connections for the for an inner city rail connection and then this third rail this third the closest one is going to be for our internal uh internal city connection so we're gonna have an internal line and two tracks for external lines and i'd also like to do a cargo station today i think that's gonna be really cool uh i'm gonna be using the tracks from this pack the railway pack from the steam workshop so what i'll have to do is uh choose station tracks oh my goodness railway station tracks and we're gonna end up using the the ronnie 69 railway tracks and it'll automatically swap the the train tracks to be identical to the ones we're using so i'm going to go into fast forward mode and we're going to get this all figured out let me let me show you how this is going to work [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] there we go i'd say that's looking pretty good i decided to paint gravel using surface painter i continued the gravel texture that comes with the train tracks or that automatically forms under train tracks and i kind of did it everywhere because i figured all the grass would probably be dead like nobody's doing nobody's doing landscaping in between the the train tracks maybe there's weeds there maybe i'll add them probably not don't hold your breath also surprise surprise i added a cargo station on the other side so this has no connection to anything yet other than the train but it will allow cargo so it's all going to run on the same line as my is my grand scheme here this may get backed up it may not i may separate the lines and add a second line but i think it would be really silly to have like a second arch next to the first arch i don't know time will tell time will tell for sure but the idea is the passenger trains split off to the left here and we will have two of them for external lines one of them will be an internal connection to another area the cargo will split off to the right here and that's a little cargo station that i that i got from the steam workshop as well linked in the collection in the description of course and then there's this fourth or fifth you know there's this extra rail that goes right through the middle that is not going to stop this is the through rail so it looks like it's connected to this platform it really isn't these trains are just going to be flying by they're just going to be going right on through if that's what they got to do and i'm fine with that hopefully these work the way that you test to see if a if a track is working is you can um it takes a little while for them to pass but if you click on the station and then hit this toggle traffic routes view uh with a little bit of luck we'll eventually see trains stopping here though i take that back there's no reason it's not connected yet let's see if if i can find a decent way to connect this probably from this road here so maybe there's a bit of a bit of an artery coming off here that goes up to the train station and i also have ideas for what this area is going to be you can see i'm drawing a shape here i have ideas for for how this might radiate out from that point and then this road will cut through all of that and get to the train station maybe on the corner here that would probably be an okay connection it's already almost pointed this way but yeah let's uh let's see what that connection might look like as well [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] now this is what it's supposed to look like so i've got this arterial that really makes a a very straight line to old town i think that'll be well traveled uh this is our first train coming in actually we haven't had any trains stop at any of the stations just yet there are there are workers showing up but uh this is our first train 108 people coming in on the train and this is going to be the main inlet for for goods and and uh passengers i believe i think this will be the main way to get into the city i've not actually tested this station either so hopefully it works okay i just thought it looked nice i wanted stations with multiple tracks i found some modular stations that i liked but they were elevated so they didn't quite do it for me unfortunately i wonder are they just transferring where are they there they are there they are okay so the road that i chose to use as an arterial is a asymmetrical which means it's a two plus one and the reason that i did a two plus one is so we get these beautiful uh little turn lanes at the end i don't have a road that transitions well into this road so it's gonna be this road the whole way down and as these layers form i want to have layers that happen i'll have to figure out what's up with this i haven't i'll address that shortly maybe the curve will we'll just curve it out and that's fine kind of a compound curve but i want to have layers radiating out from old town every time they imagine this maybe was a farming community right let's let's imagine that let's just to expound on the lore this was the the city center and there were farms outside of it and they were shipping using the canals and maybe there's even another canal i don't know tell me in the comments if you want another canal i'll i'll do it or maybe not i don't know the choice is yours so every time they needed to expand the city they would do it are you coming in oh fake out um every time they wanted to expand the city they'd have to push the farms back a little bit is how i imagined things probably happened as the downtown became bigger and bigger over time but that's that's the first layer of of this concept this is really bugging me so i'm gonna fix it right now i think what i really want to do is delete that node so we're going to use a network multi-tool you probably saw me during the during the the construction phase there that i use network multi-tool to remove some nodes and make some adjustments so i'm going to remove that little node there and then we're gonna curve this and that'll probably mess up the nice i was looking at the zoning squares trying to keep it perfect uh i got to get out of that habit at some point but i really like it so that ruined some of the zoning squares but that's okay a small price to pay for this nice simplification of this shape you can see that the shape of the canals the way that the canals were cut against the wall is kind of complex and kind of lumpy and weird and i like that maybe that's unrealistic i don't know but i like the lumpiness of it all like okay there was there were factors at play here that they had to to get around so there's so there's a bit of wiggliness and then if we take that wiggliness and mathematically simplify it it might look like this this is approximately the shape that this that this has made and that will continue radiating out with the possibility of canals but yeah that's the general idea another little fun trick i'd like to share with you is i've got these little modular parking lots essentially i know i have a whole video about parking lot roads and and big parking lots there's a bunch of different ways to do this but for an area this small i think it's beautiful to kind of use what amounts to a little park basically so i'll end up with with a little spot like this and this pack it's by let me see if i can get the pronunciation right dragon rider oh maybe dragon rider i'm not sure but they they kind of did a great job with this keeping it simple and elegant and i don't really want to overstate the parking in this area i don't want to expand this with parking because honestly i don't want people in cars at all i want them on the train i want them to ride the tram hello i use tram tracks here i didn't even address that i've got this great tram track so there's going to be a tram line that that goes around the area i didn't mention that for some reason um but i don't want people in cars generally so i don't want to overdo the parking but i think that i think that this would constitute enough parking and it's nice it's just in these little rows and you can make a a realistic enough parking lot like not really but realistic enough you know it works for my purposes it the fact is in city skylines people just kind of drive off the road into whatever parking spot they want they'll drive through buildings they'll they'll do whatever so i'm not really going to sweat the parking too much on this map i'd rather de-emphasize it honestly but i can take that shape oh i can't the way that this works actually is there are right there are right side these are right side parking and then this side would be left side so i'd be looking for l uh one by one by three one by four l4 you can you can tinker with this and you'll see what happens but one by four l4 and that should be the same one where we've got the accessibility parking and electric if i could swap those i would no actually i take it back thanks for letting me rant on this but accessibility wheelchair comes out goes up the ramp gg thanks for playing i think that actually makes sense whereas if they're back here then they're like okay this sucks they have to go all the way around so actually i take it back that works great so electric cars on the end is totally fine accessibility close to the ramp beautiful that one is l4 if i go to 1x4 l2 you'll have to play with this for it to make complete sense but these are just great when you don't feel like doing an entire big parking lot or you don't feel like doing a um looking for l1 we already got the accessibility spaces looking for l1 if you don't want to do an entire um oh geez i can't find it if you don't want to build a big parking lot then these are really really good also plus has some great parking options as well they just won't fit in this space if i planned it a little differently i would have used something like or perhaps it's close i don't know his pronunciation i'm really bad at things but he has these beautiful parking lots which absolutely won't fit in this space but i'm going to go around and just add some little parking lots just to get this done and maybe i'll figure out a tram turn around in front of the terminal i think that would be an interesting way to go give me just a moment to do these parking spaces and then we'll look into the tram [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you we've definitely got some stuff going on now there are things that are here that were not here before and i'm somewhat happy i like i like this a lot i like the idea of a nice tram station directly across from this station i'd probably end up adding a crosswalk which you can do with node controller let's see i guess right in front of the station which then makes me want to change where the where the paths are but yeah i'd put this right in front of the station probably and then copy one of these guys so what i think is going to happen the best laid plans right i'm always i'm always scheming and planning and then totally going back on whatever plan i had that's fine we'll we'll firm that up later decorate it a little bit figure out a tram depot and all that but what i think is about to happen is i think we're about to cut across here and actually go waterfront with the tram i don't really like the idea of putting the tram on this on this weird ring road so i think the move is going to be waterfront tram and i'd like for it to be waterfront only so excuse me tram only road so all these vehicles that are going across i think they've got the vehicles have plenty of access between this entrance here and other bridges and things i think there's plenty of access so let's just do it let's just let's just see how it looks it's going to be weird and will require adjustment but the best laid plans right [Music] is [Music] so as i'm brainstorming and looking at this i'm seeing that this kind of uneven space could probably be used really effectively as a as the turnaround if we just do a a great turn around here with connections so we never actually have to break up the old town with with the tram running through it at the time the tram would have come out this area would have already been quite established and these streets are possibly too narrow to support a proper tram without like smooshing people up against the side of a house so let's let's go with that premise in our in our little story here and let's see if i can evenly get a tram route that kind of encircles this and i may still keep this as a green belt you know like a nice a nice green belt around the edge of the canal would be really nice as kind of a park as a respite from the density before we go into uh what's probably going to be more dense than this area in the future we'll see how that comes out but let's do the tram [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] i swear i have auto line color turned on it's just coincidence that these two wound up being so so similar let's see if i even remember how to how to change the colors so this uh let's let's go with a with a nice tiffany blue how's that sound this line all i did was i i plopped down a station just so i could draw lines here and kind of understand what's what's about to happen this may get converted into some sort of roundabout maybe or maybe not i'm not sure yet but this might become a little more involved than it is because there's of course there's crossover here the rest of it looks really good but the crossover here is maybe fine maybe not we'll see then of course there's crossover here the tiffany line and the rest of it looks pretty good that's all fine maybe this will get more involved maybe a a tram about is that a thing is it a thing i should do i don't know leave a comment let me know if you like a tram about i'm on the fence entirely this road is non-drivable by the way which may change i i haven't fully decided what the context of this is but in the greater scope of things i would also like to add another route off the highway into maybe this inner one here or this outer one i'm not sure but we will have a an alternative route into the city this one is going to be specialized just for old town and i've got the the what's the this one with the with the no symbol i forget what it's called the policy free public transport of course and encourage biking is is universal in the city old town so it only residents and businesses can use this area for motor vehicles ban other motor traffic so in theory people from the highway the only vehicles that are getting passed into this area everything within this this uh old town district is is that uh old town setting of course so the only vehicles that should be going in here will not be through traffic ever it's only gonna be vehicles where this is their destination so they'll get their own free ramp to the to this area i want to have a separate ramp a bridge rather that goes up one of these arterials to connect to the greater area where the population is going to be massive in this area i'm 1000 sure and also i'd like to do maybe farms along here or something else maybe a counterpart to this area maybe another another bit of old town but more industrial looking for like cargo shipping and stuff i'm not sure just yet but that feels like a lot i'm sorry none of it came to fruition today but that was that was a lot for me that's a lot of development in this city i've been thinking about it a lot and i think this is a great way to integrate the tram into the area very proud of the train station i love how the how the tracks look this has been delivering passengers and cargo the entire time elsa threw an incinerator plant over on the end there but i think that's going to do it for this installation of race faber i appreciate you sticking with i know that things have have been all over the place and i've been having a lot of fun doing it and a lot of fun thinking about it and learning about europe and and trying to understand what this city can be let me know your feedback in the comments let me know how you feel please be kind i'm trying my best and also feel free to follow me on twitter and instagram of course subscribe here if you haven't already i'm making videos every week and we have a discord too feel free to join up on the discord if you have any questions or if you want to get some feedback on your builds feel free to post it in the city picks area everyone thank you so much for watching thank you for being here i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video [Music] you
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 42,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old town, medeival, cities skylines, let's play, train, cargo, passenger, tram, canal
Id: S_pIiRQxblk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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