The Art of "Staying In Your Lane" - (Intersection Marking Tool)

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everybody welcome back my name is yumbl and lately i've been getting a lot of questions regarding intersection marking tool so i figured i'd take this time today to build a bunch of popular junctions and use intersection marking tool to create some road markings and show you some practical application as well as some techniques to make good-looking markings in city skylines sit back relax enjoy the markings this is what i would call a fairly typical roundabout setup in city skylines i've got a four-lane road attached on all sides going into a three-lane roundabout kind of a turbo variant using the turbo roundabout roads from the steam workshop the four-lane road is the ultimate american roads pack 4 lane no parking road but the first thing i recommend doing when you're approaching marking an intersection would be to see how the traffic is going to move from lane to lane and make those decisions first so on this one the way i'm gonna set it up is the the first lane is for exiting traffic the second lane is for the next exit over here this lane is for turning left traffic from this direction and these i'm gonna do a dedicated left turning lane and then because i'm only doing two lanes going into a three-lane roundabout i'm going to combine the straight through traffic and the right turning traffic so as long as this happens on all sides the left turning traffic has its own lane to go all the way around and leave the middle lane and outer lane will be served by the right road so it'll either net them a an immediate exit or it'll take them straight across they'll change lanes here and up this way so now that i know this i'm informed enough to start marking it up so we're going to be doing two lanes two right turn lanes here of course it's a roundabout they're all turning right uh so i'm going to do a we'll start with a solid line there and i'll see if that stays you can hold shift to do solid lines with intersection marking tool and i'll make we're not gonna be able to see this one but i'll throw a line in there just in case we need it later i know that this lane is going to be moving over by one so we'll make that happen there i know that this is going to be moving over by one and i know that the far right lane or the outer lane is going to be exiting and they can exit to whichever lane they want that is totally fine uh i'm gonna do one more invisible invisible line so you can't actually see that one but that's okay so this is the kind of the root of the whole thing you're going to see this repeated today where all of the lines will be drawn initially and then all of the lines will be cut or segmented in the ways that they need to so starting at the top i'm just going to scroll down i'm hovering my mouse in the top left here looking for the first one that needs to be cut so this one i want to select the line i know it needs to be cut on the right side here because we have to let traffic in so a solid line is not the way to go so i'm going to hover until i find that right edge point from the uh the from and two boxes here so we're going to go to here and that'll make this nice little island you'll you'll see that becoming more complete as we go so moving on down to the next line this one needs to be trimmed here and also i'm going to add back a line up here so we're going to do add rule holding shift to make it solid because this is going to have a little turbo roundabout fin up top love that that one doesn't need to be trimmed this one does so this one i'm going to bring it back from the from the upper line down to here and now i want to trim these last two so let's take the right side and we'll bring it back and the bottom one we'll take the right side by hovering and bring it back as well so now this is most of it but i do think i'd like to add dotted lines to show the movements of traffic here just to make it abundantly clear what's going on so perhaps hovering i'll find this one and we'll add a rule that shows this dotted line coming up there i think that works really well and what else oh some fillers if you hold alt when you're when you're in intersection marking tool and you've clicked an intersection it'll bring up these red dots i'd recommend drawing the lines first otherwise they won't appear but we're going to make a filler this one could be a couple different things for our purposes here i'm actually going to make it pavement and it doesn't match the network as well as i'd like so scratch that we're going to go solid for this one and i might even opt to make it yellow we'll see what happens let's see how it looks against this one up here so this fin is also going to become a filler so as i said before hold alt to bring up the filler points after drawing all your lines of course and then add a solid filler there that looks pretty good one thing that i might change about this design would be making the lines around the outside of this one yellow because this happens to be a us road with yellow markings on the median which is it could happen it's plausible enough i might make the exterior lines yellow and of course all you have to do from here is copy markings and then go around to each of the other ones and hit the paste button sometimes you'll have to rotate it sometimes you won't that time it came out oriented well so i'm gonna hit check and there you have it up and running the one thing i forgot to mention is that you can actually draw stop lines or yield lines in this case they look like shark teeth going across the road entering the intersection just by drawing a line across that part of the road here is an example of a partial cloverleaf now this one is going to allow us to show off a few different ways to use intersection marking tool including the way that a highway split looks and a highway merge so before we do the complex intersections of the actual partial cloverleaf i just want to show you by holding shift you will get straight lines or rather you'll get non-dashed lines solid lines as it were so i can do some solid lines and then a dashed line as a continuation of the already existing line and then another solid line the final trick on this the two final tricks actually one is to make a filler of chevrons so the way that you make chevrons is by alt click on the [Music] the best way to explain this i think actually is to say click on the point of the chevrons second in this configuration so ready there's three points i'm going to click this one second and that will point the chevrons in the correct direction when i go to do this so style chevron and invert this is the correct chevron direction for a split which is what we're doing here on the other side it may be a merge but this one is a split and that is the way it looks one more thing to note on this one is that some of the lines are not exactly lined up with the vanilla highway the solution to this is actually to hold ctrl and then click any of the any of the points and you can move them any of the origins you can move them around that's not too bad for this one another trick is copy markings and then paste the markings in on this one we're going to have to inverse order so we're going to mirror image it once and then turn it until it makes sense bingo that is mostly perfect except now the filler is going the wrong way so the chevron we're going to invert that for a merge so you can see the difference this is what the split looks like versus what a merge looks like little little different in appearance the other highway specific type area that we can mark are these little little uh splits over here so i'm just going to use uh shift excuse me yes i'm just going to shift click on each of these to make a solid line and i'm going to connect this here one more thing you can do to this type of situation actually is to connect the the crossing points here and then reduce the crossing points back to where the chevron would start so i'm going to take the this end and move it back to here i'm going to take the green end at the bottom and move it back to here as well and with node controller we can balance this out i'm just going to click make ends straight with node controller and that's actually exactly what i wanted and if we wanted to define that that split a little bit better it wouldn't be the end of the world to um oops it's funny i get i get traffic managers lane connector confused with with this all the time but if we wanted to make a chevron here now that we've moved it with node controller it's going to look real nice invert and there's another split all i would have to do is copy this marking to other areas excuse me i could copy it to here if we wanted and that would work great but now let's concentrate on the more complex ends of the park low as i said before the best thing to do when dealing with a more complex junction is to consider where traffic is going before placing your markings so i've established that we've got a right turn going onto the highway we've also got a left turn from the opposite direction going onto the highway we've got a free-flowing right turn coming off the highway through traffic through traffic and another one coming off the highway it's going to be the same on both sides so i should be able to mark it up accordingly let's uh let's see if i can pull this off this traffic is going to be always turning this way so i'll just mark that so holding shift right off the bat we'll do that oh another good thing to do in this situation is to create stop lines where necessary i know that that's going to be a stop line there and that's fine this one may need to let's assume this one's a yield perhaps i'm not sure yet but we'll we'll put a line there just to just to show it symbolically i know that this is going to be through traffic so we can mark that off and i'm just going to do solid lines for most of this this one is going to be crossing into the left lane but we can make it look like it's going continuous by making a solid line there so that's pretty good and this one will be merging into the right lane that's pretty good i know this is going to end up being some sort of chevron situation so that's fine that right turn needs to happen not too bad i think that's most of it except for the left turn the left turn is the one the one point of conflict on this whole intersection is this left turn but that's okay someone's gonna yield or somebody's gonna get hit with a light one way or the other it's all gonna work out so i think that is probably the majority of of the markings let's let's set out and trim these down a bit so that we can get traffic through it there we go so all of the lines have been cut down to size and rules have been added if there's a second line that needs to happen like for instance on this one here there happens to be two different segments so one segment is on the left side and then the other segment is on the right side and you can do that by hitting add rule anytime one one connection needs two different segments on it in the case where maybe you want one to be dashed and the other to not be dashed or maybe you want to have a an empty space in the middle like i do here that's just adding a rule after changing the end point of one of them that's great i've also opted for a merge chevron on this side and a set of kind of solid markings on this side maybe these would be kind of pavement islands or something like that to stop traffic from trying to go straight through but the one thing i haven't really gone over yet is adding stripes to an area so check this out this center area which i've turned yellow or amber i've actually forgotten now this is fine it'll work out so i'm going to hit alt and start drawing in our filler and this is correct i want this to be stripes and i want them to denote the passing of traffic i want them to denote traffic crossing one another because that's kind of what's happening here at least in this area that's what's happening this marking isn't really going to help the left turning people so much but that's okay and maybe i also want to make that yellow so i'm going to paste in my my amber color which happens to be 255 190 0 for this situation and we can control the offset from median if we want to if we want to keep it away from that center area just to just keep it clean looking that would be fine uh can i strike a balance we'll put it right to there and call that call that good enough i suppose and i'm going to do something similar on the other side now so once again alt click the the relevant points take the slashes and angle them uh this this just denotes traffic crossing one another so the traffic will always have the the lines angled the same direction depending on which side of the road you're on but it should look the same on one side it'll be on your left side actually on both sides in this case drivers could look left and see that they're in the correct lane i'm going to paste in our color and i'm going to change the offset from median just so it's not on the pavement there that's pretty cool i actually like that a lot i'm going to copy this to the other side and show you what the whole thing looks like [Music] here we have a single point urban interchange this is a popular one in north america for doing kind of a smaller briefer intersection rather than a clover leaf or a stack or something like that this is a good service interchange some special appearances from things we already know about including highway connections that kind of thing splits and merges a split there a merge there i threw a yield on that side just to make it clear what's going on here also on the ends i've already marked these up as expected so lane math three lanes goes down to two when you lose a lane two lane uh two lanes go up to three that's great and i added chevrons and this road network actually has a built-in median so you do still have to use traffic manager to refine the connections there but the median is continuous on this one so all of that is gravy that's all wonderful but today or at this moment we're going to focus on this center area i've already marked up all the outer areas with techniques that we've already gone over the center area is where all of the left-hand turns take place as well as the east west through traffic of the arterial so i'd like to start by showing you as i have here are the movements that need to play take place left left left left and then two straight throughs the lane math will change as you alter these roads but for now i'm just gonna keep it very simple uh but let's let's dig in and do it i'm gonna start by marking all of our lefts with solid lines i think that i i still think the best way to do this is always to start by marking all of uh putting in every line that you're going to need and then reducing them later so start by adding everything to get all your points squared away and then reduce them all down at a later time [Music] so far so good i don't know if that's all of them but that's definitely most of them i can't i can't think of anything else that needs to happen oh uh let's do stop bars as well so not crosswalks per se here but i'm just gonna do i'm gonna do stop bars on the incoming areas this left gets one as well so does this one i've used a bit of node controller on this to clean it up i think it was a bit tighter before but it's okay as long as these lefts can go at the same time that is totally fine but let's go through and start shortening these i'll show you the whole thing of this one we'll we'll do it all in real time so i've taken that line i've started with the first line that needs shortening or needs changing that kind of thing and i'm going to shorten it by changing the from into and i've already have took the right side and moved it to here now i'm going to add rule boom straight line by holding shift i'm going to add another rule over here which reminds me i'm going to want these as well [Music] i'm not sure exactly how all of these markings i suppose this isn't really a split or a merge it's just a left coming in at a weird angle but that's okay i am going to want these eventually so i'll add those in but anyway as we were let's go down the line this one is a bit more complex this oop let's start at the top i found its bed it's best to do this very systematically if possible so just go down the list and just make it happen so i'm gonna shorten this one to here and i'm gonna add a rule that crosses here that should be fine with some adjustment it may require an additional one in the middle but i don't think so not for not for me not today thanks cool so now we go to the left this this first left turn i'm going to take that purple one on the left and move it all the way back to here and i'm going to add rules going the whole way up only in spots where there aren't lanes if i don't get this right on the first try please forgive me but i think it's i think it's gonna work out i think we'll be okay cool all right and then the next one the left next to it let's see if we can't do the same thing so i'm going to take this left orange spot bring it down to here i'm going to add a rule there and we'll add one one more rule there nice simplified it a little bit but let's keep going so starting with the blue side on the right i'm going to take the blue side and i'm going to bring it back down to here i'm going to add a rule oh goodness i'm gonna start on this side and then go to this one and hope for the best i might i might have botched that so sometimes when things get complex when the going gets tough it'll give you two different options if there's two different points in the middle [Music] let's see [Music] which one do i want i want this one on the left i believe and i want it to go to there yep that looks better so it's okay to redo stuff you just have to uh do it again oh or even even it's entirely wrong so forget what i just did [Music] delete that and try again this is what we actually need that's fine it'll all work out and one last rule to get us back to the median beautiful i would say this is far and away the most complex one and i would be amazed if i got it perfectly right on the first try so bear with as this is how it is repeating the same process add rule there's gonna be a funny little diamond in the middle i'm realizing i don't know if i want that but we'll see what all what it all looks like by the end now this one what i want to do here is keep the ends and the middle but get rid of the get rid of the pieces that cross these roads so we're going to take the red side and bring it back add a rule here and add a rule here beautiful and down the way let's take the purple side and bring it in get it out of the way of all this craziness and for this one i'm just going to add a rule on the right side i'm not even going to mess with the middle because that's going to be where all the movements are taking place anyway i don't think we're going to need much marking there one could also argue that this is very much overkill for what this actually needs but when you have a mod that's powerful like this it's kind of more fun to to use it it's more fun to overuse it than it is to to under use it and if this isn't about fun then i don't know what it's about at the end of the day all right so let's take the orange one and we'll bring it up here add a rule not there not there right here and add one more rule to finish off to the median great we're almost done with uh with all the lefts we're almost done with the whole thing even so this one we'll take the red one and we'll bring it in up here add a rule here and we'll finish it off like that and there should be one left that one right there we just got to cut out the pieces that are that are in the way i don't know about this funny little diamond in the middle we'll see if that actually makes the cut we'll see if that we'll see if that's a real thing all right we'll cut it there add rule there add rule for the funny diamond we love that guy he's just doing his thing excellent that is looking real complete i'm going to add in some chevrons and maybe see how the fillers look and i'll get back to you once i know what the heck is going on and there you have it a completed center node for our single point interchange this is certainly well above and beyond what a real single point urban interchange requires but i figured i'd go all out and show as many useful features of intersection marking tool as i could of course these apply all over the place to all kinds of different intersections you do not have to go this crazy of course i opted to keep the little the little yellow island in the middle because technically no cars are gonna drive there so i thought that was kind of funny i grew attached to it uh but things to note is that the the dashed line is to denote the left turn uh from all sides so all of the lefts have a dashed a dashed line moving them along into their desired lane i did yellow for the middle to match the road i just did fillers for these no traffic will end up driving in these spaces i think that came out great though heavy-handed as it is i think it looks nice uh but everyone thank you so much for letting me talk about intersection marking tool i really appreciate it i hope you learned something of course feel free to subscribe to the channel i try to make one to two youtube videos a week so i'll certainly uh you'll see me again on here i i promise i also stream twice a week on twitch and we also have a community discord so feel free to join the discord if you want some further discussion or if you have questions or if you're looking for traffic help or you want to share your city all those are valid but that's all i've got for today everyone thank you so much for hanging out i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 20,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roundabout, mods, city skylines, detail, vanilla, smooth, smooth roads, node controller, intersection marking tool, move it, anarchy, fine road, pinwheel, interchange, SPUI, Parclo
Id: EbTLEknuZrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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