CRAFTERS DREAM COME TRUE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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man this unit is just gonna be gold mine after gold mine after gold mine you want to drink to that George guess what we're back at the warehouse with the mega huge crafting unit I think it could be Holly Hobbie Michaels it could be whatever it came wherever it came from it's a crafters dream oh my goodness people they're just salivating at this one just like you've been right I've done a little crocheting in my time what are you looking forward to most just finding all kinds of goodies what are you looking forward to most no you know what she's been talking about buttons [Music] last unit of the day nice and packed guys big unit 10 by 15 all the way up 450 450 475 475 and a 75mm 450 bid 75 475 and a 75 high five at a 75 for 50 bid 75 for 50 bid 75 at a 75 by 5 it is 75 for 75 I got four and a half need 475 475 in a 75 I 5 into 75 anybody 75 450 last call for 75 it's all boxes and all totes really exciting if I find a couple cool ones I'll open them up and we'll show you but we're gonna be working on this probably for a week for sure one has half the trailer unloaded so far go to another auction on Monday with a ton of units so we'll need the trailer biggest put up here and we're actually putting it inside to actually doing boxing's and sorting so what we're gonna do gonna take some things here today open some totes open some boxes we're gonna find out what's inside remember Christmas can be worth a ton and we've got crafts look at there we got Captain America let's just start right there with that little tote there come on Captain America don't let me down let's see what we got such yeah Marvel Comics Captain America it's just a hodgepodge of stuff memo pad we've got PlayStation we're gonna get PlayStation games nice alright this is cool this is cool because PlayStation games 1 are worth money - hilarious hours of Will Rogers look at that there's PlayStation memory card I'm pretty sure that's PlayStation you know what this means there's gonna be some money and vintage there's definitely gonna be some money vintage gaming systems in here and that means a lot of money yeah another little craft right there all right George you ready to pick one I just lost her behind all the Egyptian rugs what are we looking at next a box the box in the box I don't think she's ready to pick one she's going in I have no idea what she's grabbing the mystery of the most mysterious toad okay no one will know what's in them that's true do you know what those are called Seward's those are stewards of yarn you scored them what is that one you know if you see red you're dead all right learned that from the Pharaohs [Applause] is that Asian fabric from your homeland [Music] the wild cowboy a lot of floral patterns what do you think this was all for I don't know Colton did you see that cactuses kind of reminds me of Texas Texas yeah are there tax are there cactuses in Texas I don't remember seeing that maybe pillowcases curtains table runners and we'd catch anything this was probably the Builder could be underwear boxers actually I agree that would look incredible on me can he wear it yes he can what are you shaking your head for hmm what'd you find oh you know what that reminds me of no not at all not even a little bit all right Jeremy you got your connive no I have your kunai and I picked this little box here while it may look small I have a feeling there's something mighty inside so remember always cut and not towards the sausage but away from the sausage what if you don't have a sausage what's your advice on that I think there are great dating apps out there so I cans and some other things like that so that should work for you if you need to find a sausage in your life all right here we go nice always read okay the real thing truth and power the coca-cola company actually might it's the date on that let's find out did you see the dust yeah that's a great sign all right let's find the date because we always want first first publication right okay you see the data anywhere 2004 three terrible 10th twins tens I can't read upside down all right so books on tape actually some of these can be can be really really collectible bubble pump tape is that an executive traveling alarm clock and that's interesting all right America Eve there's other stuff down here that's what we want the Rhino with glue shoes holiday American night you see this will tell us some of the things this will give us a little bit of a glimpse of what's actually inside what they liked I'm sure they were reading about it for example I have all kinds of you think this is part of their personal collection yes just like my collection of dad jokes it tells you exactly what I love and what I like all right here we go and what the people will allow you see in it nice a tank Southern Pacific what scale is that do you remember I don't remember the scale and if we find more vintage ok this is where the first half of the unit is right now inside the warehouse and it looks a whole lot bigger inside here once you start looking at all the space that is taking up it's amazing that they actually got it all in that unit I'm looking for boxes because some of it said like Gary stuff because I want to find video games now instead of talking books miscellaneous I want to find video games more than I want to find yarn so I gotta find it I'm gonna have to dig next box is label I'm gonna redo because I wanted Gary's movies it says Macs and books an adult max no that could be mags like magazines too uh pew pew pew that's right now nothing to be nervous about except there we go much better now I'm gonna stay back until you tell me it's safe - safe okay it's safe right now it's safe look at that case logic that's beautiful let's see what Gary was hiding in here I'm hoping I'm hoping more video games if we can find a stash of PlayStation 1 games oh man some of the rare ones will have thousands of dollars in of those but look do you think Gary was a gamer sure Peter look at this soft pastel here's the artist they were such incredibly our teeth aren't focused so let's see this looks like it's brand new oh yeah no everything is brand new I don't know if they were running a store if they were art teachers if I don't know what it was but man oh man if if it was created they have it okay we got guide to Athens and we also have okay artists that the artists magazines oh look at that we've got wood oops we got Wolverine right there so we got Star magazine's see there's gotta be other stuff I haven't seen a movie yet but I do see yes PlayStation so these are these are the actual game guides for the old PlayStation I guarantee you we're gonna find ya we're gonna find some cool stuff we got comics we got PlayStation so this is gonna be incredible we just have to go through days and days and days and maybe even weeks worth of totes and boxes Wow you found it okay she found her cousins so far I hear a train I hear a train to come in comin round the bend yep there goes there goes all right here we go yeah I'd say there's some vintage ones those look older than me you look super old I have to research every single one but yeah how do you research a bay is our go-to tool we look at item descriptions and comps on the eBay sold using the email so how much can buttons be worth depending on the button if it's the right one a lot of them can go for hundreds do you have any right ones I'd have to look them up I have this looks like many buttons it looks like you have an entire total buttons you found exactly what you wanted what's that that looks like metal those money clips yeah so I'll be having volume edit there's a metal right there that's a good sign all metal or bakelite yeah there's military so military see that right there but bakelite is go for really well all right let's look on eBay really quick let's let's show them exactly what buttons can do if we jump on eBay and we type right in the search bar let's go vintage buttons just for the fun of it will narrow it down a little bit you know there we go buttons and we're gonna hit the magnifying glass all right now there's 33,000 vintage buttons that's the words vintage and buttons in the actual title of description we're gonna hit filter because we only care about what things have sold we don't care what people are actually asking for we're gonna hit sold and then these are everything that's old we're gonna go sort highest to lowest because this is where we get a real education there we go three signed antique vintage Chinese Japanese solid silver and enamel dragon buttons 812 dollars and 60 cents here we go antique vintage buttons of drawers on a cubby 520 dollars Wow how cool is that antique vintage are you can see there here look at this vintage antique Czech glass buttons 10,000 pieces my goodness look at that $499 this is odd look at this vintage collectible Colt manufacturing buttons sold for 900 and their excuse me nine dollars and two cents with four hundred and twenty-five dollars shipping a lot of people ask why did they over inflate the shipping well they think they're gonna get out of the eBay fees because eBay takes 10% of anything you sell but that's 10% of the sale price and the shipping so they got 10% of the shipping either which way so that's what they're trying to do is get out of that there's more we've got 400 we've got 300 300 look at here vintage mother pearl shell we probably have some of these than that tow without a doubt here's some Chanel buttons why I'm gonna have to take a look at that there's just 23 pounds of buttons $300 if you got pounds and pounds of buttons here's where you sell it eBay there's more $300 275 there's a lot for 275 not cherry-picked there's a thousand buttons so that tote could be an easy $275 for us right now it pulled out four totes there this blue green color or teal or seafoam whatever you want to call it and I figured they were all the same color so they must have good stuff in it you ready three two my these jinx look at this multiple colors of crafting beads just look at that there okay look at this crafting does like beads these are gold silver multiple sizes multiple goodness there's my goodness look at this heart beats for for jewelry making Wow look at this I think trying to give Chelsea all this stuff for her jewelry making but she's told me to actually calm it down a little bit she hasn't been making as much so oh here's a glue gun there's a glue gun with glue sticks in there but look at this beads beads beads and more beads these all look you see that there these look like little baby pacifiers but they're still beans look at this these look like little pieces or rice but they're beads look at this these are all hearts they look like candy don't even think about it but their beads these are all beads look that is a big bag of beads there's butterfly beads this is just crazy beads beads beads beads the magical craft the more you bead the more you I got nothing either look at this leads upon B's upon B's be telling you any Vacation Bible School would love me right now because they would have crafts for the next 10 years we're gonna be donating some of these arts and so I know a Christian yeah I've Worcester Christian school they're supposed to come over and I'm giving them first glance everything they get first tip anything they want for their for their art program I'm just letting them have it so we've already given the invitation out they're supposed to art teacher and some other people are supposed to come over and actually they're gonna get a chance to dig through most of this stuff before we even get a chance through it and I'm just telling them whatever you find whatever you can use for the kids just go ahead and that'll be fun look at that with that that is a glitter copper or gold wiring wiring probably for making necklaces rubber bands there's Golders there's this thing there's that thing a little tear is that a Buckeye I'll give you a buck for your eye does that even mean huh you wouldn't understand that was Arabic look at this all for jewelry this whole bag is for making jewelry everything in here look at this this is incredible if Chelsea doesn't want this she's crazy this is this is Wow I can open a craft store just with this babe look at this look at this a lot of beads all right here we go all right I'm going to shake it up and then you guys have to tell me the first word you find zoom in all right what's the first word you find love where do you see that l.o.v.e no I don't see it what are you talking about I see herp derp I see jerk this is the sister tote we're gonna actually this one boss babe on it what are you whispering nothing nothing look at what you just found creepy dolls oh yeah for sure yeah wait wait wait floating head really makes 12 just more crap crap designer everything is organized there's foam foam sheets this more foam sheets door doorknob wreath building die-cut foam shapes sticker backs holes this is what Egyptians do to anybody that crossed them yeah you're freaking me out I'm sure I could think of many many about Starcraft or Watchers and you know exactly what to do right now our craft watchers are looking like this would you find all right but that's for dollhouses WL should be D ALL bounce da ll like ball doll doll no ball rhymes with dull ball doll I say Dowell like foul dowel when the baseball goes outside it's called a foul never stopped creeping on me when it goes foul what rhymes with foul I Dow sure you can go with bow I'll go with bow hope there's pencils my goodness some art teacher is going to have a day there's more of them down there there's so much pipe cleaners that's with your pipe cleaners bitter pipe cleaners what's that mr. fuzzies just a bunch of fuzzy wuzzies more eyes do you ever stop well all the people in the crowd went thank you're gonna find gold I think I'm gonna find to a crafter these are rifles pounds and pounds of carom no die not yearn look at that there's a pound of it right I think you're my husband happy Father's Day loving kisses so that's a random place to put it may wanted me to find it that's all I can tell you so here's another pound there's two pounds oh here is there you go you're now here you like one of those Egyptian sphinxes we're gonna play with it ready let's see if I can catch it one more try all right we've got the super multi rainbow color now I know some of these people want to see the different colors yarn there's a hole so the colors that I use when I crocheted a blanket was black gray and a little bit of red entire thing rights like OSU colors entire thing of yarn right there this is a popular color right now for the Fall what's this one's this a popular color far popular when is this popular all year-round best because it's vanilla just like you my grams function the Egyptian caramels love the vanilla girl [Laughter] is the season I bet you can't guess what's in this my goats that's my gasp no my goats yeah totes mcgoats was i right oh look at that dry balls they started to cut out Easter bunnies out of paper bags didn't know something you've got to think that this had to be some kind of art teacher or craft store or something yeah either someone that this is their hobby and I don't think this is a hobby this this is a life this isn't a hobby this is a life with all of this glitter sticks I mean there's literally look at this that's only half the trailer there are thousands upon thousands of dollars of art supplies this is no small deal this is a lifestyle oh man you know the one thing I'm hoping never you know what I hope we don't find the total glitter that would be horrible more dry balls more fun balls oh I think there's a little rat in there or something nope nope what was that doll it does that rhyme with foul a doll you mean down first like there I said doll thank you like dole plantation oh you mean like the banana dole I don't say bill I said owl are you thinking what I'm thinking sure I'm on I'm game dear me Jeremy moment sure okay whatever it takes whatever it takes to entertain the people whatever it takes no I think I think these are what the with the Egyptian people wear around their neck to symbolize the spines of their enemy that they've taken and then it expands their neck up up and up it also relieves double-chin syndrome you got stickers down there too we have this is so crazy you get a bag of magnets look it over here for the dolls their glasses look it over here you have all kinds of sticky foam sticker stuff I think you have a huge pack of stickers this whole thing is stickers foam puffy stickers make your own ornaments apparently I already am your puppet this is the puppet show [Music] we found the box of paperwork and what did you just learn I just found pay stubs for the gentleman the name that you found Gary it looks like he worked part-time at old-time pottery which probably explains a lot of the supplies how much was he making a year close to 16,000 a year so he's probably retired working there part-time and bought all the stuff for me I don't think it's stolen I think bought all the stuff for me we've got to know what's in this box it's labeled Air Force so what do you think is it Stein's or is it Air Force George you think it's Air Force teens I have no idea can fast topes I have no idea I'm hoping for air force ready heart there is nothing in there that has to do with the Air Force at all unless we tweak their stuff underneath there there is their stuff in bubble wrap underneath there oh my goodness these could be worth a ton these could be worth a ton what do we have what do we have talk to me and no not worth the ton you see original sticker $14.99 right there and there is the Air Force how cool look at that now that is gonna be worth something for sure the Air Force Budweiser's collectible Stein man this unit is just gonna be gold mine after gold mine after gold mine you want to drink to that cheers matey [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 37,860
Rating: 4.8900595 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: jfLeA-0zrg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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