FOUND SAFE & TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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oh you definitely have it you definitely is that paragould what Hales are you wearing George I look and feel redonkulous right now this is 4x she needed a new dress new change of clothes we haven't found soap yet on our trip to Florida we haven't found what we did find deodorant that's not working but me let me tell you my look is working I got the 44 I'll show you my belt later but this is the only feminine top that we can find in the locker yesterday I got this thing going on and we're about to go on into another unit we bought this unit online for $300 guess what's inside George hopefully some clothes that fit me and some other products that I could use during our survival trip there's a safe there is a safe [Music] looking smooth there George yeah that's nice it's like a painting smock you're gonna be getting hot soon won't you take off your clothes let me show you my belt first are you ready okay now I should probably I should probably market these belts I use these from life jackets found in storage units so I want to get fat I do that I get skinny I do that and if you get oversized shorts you're just skinny you down perfectly yeah I know I'm looking let me give you let me give the viewers a look of the shorts that you found in the unit yesterday check this out are you ready yeah all right this looks even better because there is a trunk and a safe in here that may be nice like this all right what do you see what do you see I see a mop bucket you see furniture any people just thought that was furniture but look look a trunk is gorgeous huge old trunk look at it gold key and now everybody's talking about a safe everybody saw this can you tell there's the retail box where's the safe is that it right there that's it we're about to get in here and start exploring why George want to go scope and look for carts I went ahead and flipped these end tables or cabinets over now this one's already busting at the seams let's see what's in the top got nothing there he's checking the top of this one I love the primitive rustic look here now one of the things that I was actually told by the manager if somebody put this stuff in the unit for somebody else never do that if it doesn't get paid your credit gets dinged so here we go let's see what we got we definitely have clothing in here we have lots of clothing in here but we're curious to see what's hidden in the globe as well there's gore-tex boots oh wow I found you a belt I found you a belt look here you go it matches put it on it matches perfectly actually that's actually that works that works perfect with that smock and boom there you go you're all set yeah it really does you're doing good there let's see what's in this one here we've got more stuff falling to the ground we have we have a series blood pressure monitor brand-new okay this looks like some kind of toe oh that's not just a toaster that is a four-piece toaster hiding in there Oh gold gold fool's gold pirate gold but they all know that's fool's gold so foot powder what's in here what I'm really curious is what's in the safe and what's in the trunk this looks like curtains it's not a bad start look at that we could clean up with profit with this George yeah George you're not even looking at the mop bucket bags of what old lady purses just grab the grab one in purses okay here we go there's a bunch of them all filled up what kind of this this is we're on top of the trunk right now and it is a Tron wait what's that oh that's an empty there's gotta be something in there what's up Oh another one is that like a makeup bag there's paperwork in here you could find some new makeup in there no no that's something I will not do where other people's makeup use makeup oh okay yeah we don't want to die there's change though furthermore coin coin operating or the laundromat no way yes you think we're doing laundry tonight you know what this is like artwork that's worth a million dollars you never know yeah you never do no except for they're all priced on the back $24.99 and then we've got that hmm I'm gonna say no million dollars not even a half a mil not even half a mil what kind is it is a chime it sounds French is Casio wanna play the chopsticks that sounds Italian play the chopsticks later no eat with chopsticks later even more know what you got looks like a DVD player there's two Magnavox here is a Phillips DVD player another purse is that a coach it looks like a coach that that's a coach it's definitely not real how do you know cuz coaches uses real leather this is pleather see how it all right damaged well look in that in a moment that's probably just paperwork again that's where the other paperwork was that's a shout-out a little little not long connection here Toshiba HD TV that VCR no DVD player Dolby Panasonic Wow what do we have under there you can be a senior Rita go ahead put it on put on right now we're gypsy you already wear gypsy and the Egypt see give me your theaters gypsy woman you are a gypsy and now you're a senior Rita you're doing all right might as well show us oh she's just had an electronic Avalanche an ITA lanch and let me get the paperwork we need money we need laundry mat money we need laundry mat money and then you need you need money to buy your own room so I can sleep on a bed instead of a couch why don't we just flip-flop I'll sleep on the couch yeah right yeah right my back hurts so bad already never happened she won't let me and oh we're gonna be starting fires tonight probably a little bit of a harder for a small unit there's quite a bit of stuff in here isn't there so let's dig into a little bit more we've kind of rearranged and then we've moved stuff so we can get into the back and yeah that's good that's what I look like in my in my jean jacket don't I did you look at yourself in the mirror and say jean-claude van damme I'm fine everybody did it I know you did no I never did that's you know who would love this your brother he loves himmel's he loves himmel's this looks old those look old it's older than me 43 years old all right so that looks like [Music] all right this is getting boring let's go into the next thing all right well you got what about the lunch box right here that you just pound everything [Music] yeah but I'm hungry yes brand-new water if it's got peanut butter on it expiration date oh we're so good we're so good this is 2119 we're good what's that for a garlic crammed area no well you eat this peanut butter on camera shipped Egypt the oldest family name history we got more movies we've got economics that could be is that crystal you gotta ask it are you crystal no that was dirty mm-hmm that's a dirty ding make sure you stay away from dirty dings people all right and heavy usually translates into expensive oh this is this computer monitor I think this is the entire computer this is maybe the entire computer this is a brand-new HP computer it's nice no way all right let's show the back here can you see it what's the have on it Windows Home Premium no does it have a date it's hard to see through the viewfinder all right well there's a flash drive right there okay this is a complete computer right there so you definitely need garbage bags when you're doing this yeah you know what forget this stuff I want to know what's in the trunk let's see the junk in the trunk we like in the trunk I'm all about it drunk George I think that might be a casket look yeah it's longer than you are it's not longer than me but it's longer than you are are you a vampire - oh here let me pull it out a little bit here will that help if I pull it out yeah I'm telling you this might be a casket what is it Gucci oh there it is right there it's gucci gucci gucci gucci mane - feel real probably not no I don't need it probably does it or doesn't it huh huh feels like Gucci to me ya know my Gucci's I've touched in my life we are doing laundry is that a Gucci - that one Tracy who's that one how many there's so many purses in this unit what's a gift Cardin win Dixie gift card do you have any idea we know index in Ohio are there is it for those be CVG this might be real it's BCBG it's a name brand what's it stand for big you know what forget it I don't want to know the international dictionary for the English language oh you know we are in Florida people down here bilingual and you are octal angle she speaks eight languages many people don't know that she's a clang whoo so Arabic is their first language yeah Arabic was my first language English is their second language and a stud finder let's see if it works and complete sarcasm is our third language found it I think that's a Taser there's a stud finder that's crazy stuff look at all this what do you want to look at first I don't know pick something I don't know you don't think that's what I think it is do you it's some type of instrument oh I thought it was this is like the Hispanic version of a cowbell that's the best way to describe it I thought it was some kind of other toy those actually look like they're good all right Columbia do you think they're from Columbia maybe right underneath do you think that's a self-portrait Wow Wow look over here that's yeah we're gonna have to check and see if those are gold but I found something better than gold look right there this yeah where the light is the can what is it yeah that's gonna go perfect with my peanut butter I think there's another purse is that a purse huh is there more coins for the laundromat it'd be nice if we got dollars and we could actually oh wait I see it okay just go where you Henry this this trunk actually this might be an adult video micro whoa was that next to the microchip protection photos but there's some money down here look definitely pennies from heaven oh you don't want to show that what was it it's definitely an adult video okay I got you I got you looks like there's that silver that might be a hundred percent not so merry that's a cigarette holder right fossil fossil it matches my nail polish yeah that's an easy time $5 right there Alabama we haven't been there yet buying units take them take the medication out and the name so then we can see what the coin talks she's she's cleansing she's cleansing there were some we get we get complete and total pharmacies nice nice we are so close on getting what's that oh that's blood pressure isn't it yeah yeah blood pressure that makes sense because the manager told me that somebody put this unit in here Oh tooth paste survival how many days has it been since we brush our teeth magic eyes oh you remember these books the 3d illusions yeah do you think that the viewers can see it through the viewfinder okay give us one all right are you ready everybody pause and stare let us know what you see okay I think they got a good okay yeah let's take out it what did you see I didn't see anything I see the castle oh you know what that is we bring that back that no to the right there here the Pentecostal hymnal that's a hymnal yeah I want that you know yes you know I collect church history another words another hymn oh we're gonna have to send that to your brother back up back up that it's like Hamels knew about YouTube thumbnails before we did they were so on it this one should actually go in our thumbnail or maybe this one I found us safe Oh what is that face masks you know we could use that for they would make us wear this when I worked in the medical field during flu season you know we're gonna use that for like nothing we don't wear no stinking face mask there's an Anne Klein what could you find in all kinds of jewelry do you have a piece of chalk where over there yeah you do you have chalk where no yeah see this you can see it over your arm [Applause] all right so chalk we're number one is highly collectible and then you add man that was beautiful then you I don't think that's black Americana though that's Hispanic look at the front again it's definitely chalk where that's Hispanic what would you call it Hispanic americano no but it's cool very cool and she just went over probably the thing that's worth the most in here Castlevania up but PlayStation 2 that's not the best Castlevania is one of the all-time the go twos and that was like great game for NES free haircuts hold on to that hold on to that you can shave your armpits now hold on to it don't let that one go it'll just grow back in an hour oh you know what that's for that's a caramel grandma brooch right there somebody put it in there same as that anything else in there no I'm ready busting in that safe ready all right let's clean this mess up and let's bust him that safe for those wondering how we do thumbnails we always have to get a thumbnail beforehand and then make a crazy face before she goes and smashes the world away so she's trying to smash beforehand and she's trying to smash it on top of the trunk which would never be a good idea so we're gonna put that thing right in here we'll see if we can do this safely you ready to find out what's inside the safe safely to see what that was that's called dad joke there you definitely have it you definitely yeah what did you do to it I bring it over here let's see what you get she's already got is that is that pirate gold some booty is that money booty is that money no that doesn't look real what is it is it in there Oh is there a memory card see if it'll run see if we can find out anything power button right there power button nothing the power you're not hitting the power button did it power on nope all right if we can power that thing on we'll share with you on the Sunday Night Live strange look did we just find what did we just hit the lottery or did we find Jebus --is this might be jesus' unit oh Jesus what's that is that a Rolex huh what is it definitely not what is it there we go there we go we're kind L gene okay life is good we got a cell phone once I see if that will turn on where's the power button I think in the back do you know where Iran no dead all right that one's dead oh it's something you shouldn't be looking at what is it if it's open it you said it's sealed open it and something open it no it's sealed what are you worried about holy cow you did some damage to that thing is this is this gold this is Sarah Coventry supreme I see is it gold no stainless steel what else you have these are pretty cute rings right there I don't think it was this a Brinks big money big money big money [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 90,608
Rating: 4.8740411 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Zaz3wuSPHtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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