FOUND MILITARY HERO TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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after further research online this is exactly what happened fled Czechoslovakia came to the United States of America gained citizenship enlisted in the US Armed Forces this my friends is a war hero George what the Hales are we up to today we are going to have a restored the love movement we got a bunch of bikes and 160 dollar storage unit that we bought online on storage treasures and we're gonna take it to a local ministry today and see if they want any so hopefully they can restore love by giving kids some bicycles and helmets in the local community I think they're gonna love it just as much as people love hoody by the way hoodies up for auction on eBay George what's it up to right now tell them what the highest the highest boot is right now well you know what better yet we're just gonna show you right now if you're looking for all the luck that hoodie has given me over the years here's your chance it's the vintage what the Hales gray hoodie with the homemade Frankenstein stitching all proceeds going to restored the love let's take a look at some of the pictures here mm-hmm look at that stitch work uh-huh yeah hole Lee elbows but make sure you give it a good home because I don't want to cry anymore and what's it up to right now fourteen thousand six hundred dollars let's get this thing where it really truly belongs to we all know hoodie is worth well well more probably roughly about 1 million but Jill yet I think the kids will like them I think them all right if some of them are nice enough for Christmas and the rest will go on our Lobby Oh that'd be perfect so you're good we can give them to the kids whoo-hoo and the Hales are you and what do you do else are you I'm Joe with people-to-people ministry and moisture Ohio what do you guys do we provide food clothing some financial assistance to people that are in need emergency assistance and bikes and bikes Christmas toy project and back to school which is going on at the church now signups for back-to-school project and Thanksgiving dinner box giveaway as well all right so you want them all perfect thank you when we bought this unit for $70 we thought there were two trunks inside based on the angle and what we could see we thought there was two wooden trucks well come to find out there's only one so this one is another piece of furniture we're just gonna go ahead and donate this to Goodwill but let's dig in to the actual cedar chest now it's finally time to get into the cedar chest this is from the 70 dollar unit this is the reason why we got the unit for some reason we just die to know what's inside trunks cedar chest things along those lines you ready to do this all the junk in the trunk in the trunk you ready to do this George here we go we count down three three two one okay all right let me see what I can show them this definitely looks this looks like an old granny cedar chest for sure definitely looks like old granny look at this for all you paper collectors it looks like there is a ton of paper down there look at all these collectibles up top alright George let's do this the shoes are nice too but that booty is great that is cute the shoes are could yep okay so let me let me set this down and we'll readjust so we can show everybody everything as you can see here this is a lane cedar chest built in Virginia and you've already seen kind of the baby shoes and you got all kinds of different things here check this out let us know in the comments if you guys have these new booties I'm sorry scratch what a scratch awl or looks like looks like an ice pick to me so we got all kinds of glasses these look like granny glasses don't they okay yeah this is definitely we'll have to check these out what did this this pair look like oh wow look at those these are our J swing Kerr can you read that right in there so cool stuff there George has got postcards what kind of postcards probably post card collectors or some really cool ones what's it of Georgia I just found a wallet under these glasses nice here's a wallet unfortunately we got I got nothing in the wallet nothing there this looks like some type of horse you don't kind of catch that oh it's got a that's got to be military right although it looks cut okay if you know what kind of patch this is what what's that pin their show together let us know in the comments below do these go together what would this be - oh definitely US military yep without a doubt wonder it's a cute little that's a baby connive let's see if we can get the baby can I fo pin a baby little oh look at that there's the size of my pinky my pinky nail and there's the size of the knife Wow here's your favorite animal moments I have squirrel moments I mean when you have squirrel moments what's that is there a year on it let's see if we got a year looks like maybe it was a brooch it could have been connected to something it's definitely Disneyland this that's old-school here's your favorite team that's Jebus favorite team to mirror oh look how pretty they look today you are so beautiful to me you can't use here's an old-school insulin no way that's insane we might syringes all of the time that's all glory I'll see this that is all glass that this medical history stuff has got to be worth something look at that how cool is that I'll hold it can you show it looks like there's something metal down in there oh you know who you know who's gonna want this there's a Pamela Flynn died right there okay yeah it's just a bunch of random stuff in here what is a party part card day and it's an Avon it's a pewter piece Avon 1994 it looks like you didn't show the motorcycle George I found a pony every girl wants a pony this one doesn't really ride well I have absolutely no idea what it would be for maybe it's a cane topper but it seems to match this brush you see how the handles match so I'm not sure what they horst us anybody know what the horse does since it matches here that was up top here's a volunteer pin we have a lot of Pinnacle Hospital volunteer in the hospital is this what I think it is it would appear that way remove these letters right here pregnancy test this is a pregnancy it's granny musta been doing something I don't I don't see the answer I don't think granny may or may not be pregnant this lighter is falling apart here's a Ronson lighter these are collectibles with these this is falling apart looks like frames stuff some glasses Marit there this look at all the beadwork baby is this is this something new good we're from America that's actually pretty cool I like that it's amazing look at that that is that really is amazing it's like a bracelet somebody spent a lot of time making that she's got film here's a car let me take the baby doll - all right we got a lipstick holder baby doll eyes open okay so there you go baby down we'll see if we can find a date I'll see that on YouTube check the neck well it's an old baby doll don't see a date we got number 45 and what is it you could tell by the rap what is it the wrapper what is it military all right this is something military related as well you can see right here so that's got to be something that has to do with the military and extra strong as well so all this is dvd-rom let me see is it in there it is this is old school DVD ROM video games the sequel to missed that's crazy underneath what is it the rest grandma liked to watch a little bit of adult entertainment this is what was underneath there look at this you see what this is that's AOL 7.0 who remembers actually having to use this to get online no commitment there you go there's your there's your free get online AOL does anybody actually use AOL anymore there's a hundred a thousand hours free this this actually might have some value you never know it very well could is that the whole top top there yeah we're done with all right let's move it on down where you want to go all right here we go we got a this is kind of morbid you see what this says this says key for national casket do they actually do they give you a key once you have a casket they must give you the key are you serious I've never seen in okay this is first this would be a first I've been doing this for 20 years these existed from working in health care but this is the first time you've worked with the elderly I have never ever ever a casket key before this is the very first time I've ever found the casket key that's odd it's faded I don't even can anybody identify what this symbol is on this belt could that here I'm gonna flip it the other way as well just in case because we don't anybody at all we're not sure what it is was it by any military stuff or anything all right here's another box Oh George you know who would love this your mom would love this yeah your dad George and your mom George we could give this to George and George do that it's rose because every rose has a George yeah yeah what do you think's in here before I thought I saw a corner or something it's shiny is it a knife okay here we go holy Jebus whoa I don't think it's here take that down so it's actually all the way in view oh you have another one you have another one okay now what you see up here is written up above the Cross INRI and you'll see here INRI who knows what that actually stands for if you do let's put that down in the comments let everybody else know that you know what that stands for that's like that's three right we have got a bunch of boxes this has to be a granny unit the only reason why we bought this is Peri personal paperwork this looks like let me look the guest sign-in book from our oh wait just wait whoa this naturalization paperwork this is okay this is a certificate of citizenship look at that this is actually the citizenship paperwork from coming to him coming to America isn't that amazing okay let me see if I can find the date czechoslovakian so he was 52 years old when he came over he came over April 10th 1939 1939 you know what that means babe babe they were fleeing they were fleeing the Nazis this is World War 2 they came over from Czechoslovakia fleeing the Nazis Hitler can you imagine the history here Wow Wow Wow where was this one make sure you keep that with the other thing did you see anything in that book is it okay alright so alright that's I mean that that pretty that story tells it so that's another one yeah alright you look at that yep someone else passed away and this is the guest sign anything all right and this hold a second all right let me put it on pause and let me check some of this paperwork out that makes three actual guests sign-in books that we've found from funerals and three crucifixes look at this here's a big family Bible let's let's try and go through the pages check the pages to every book because we've found money in the past okay Gospel of John the love of God surrounds us like the air that we breathe around us and see if we can find anything else ooh what's this man it just lost it its life in church oh that's for life insurance there's a bookmark baptism here's some old paper or not a little paper old pictures look at that see if we can find a date no no date but I wonder what happened there looks like we've got some confirmation paperwork as well for two different people so we'll set that aside okay all right I definitely have some personal paperwork here but we also look at this look at the old school pictures can you put your hands out all those small ones look at that things were simpler back then weren't they people love to make scrapbooks and look at you look at those pants that's how I like to wear my pants and George makes fun of me you're such a dad and you know what my response is because I am your grandpa so just say so just start saying you're such a grandpa probably oh wow look at that look at that the old black and white look how the contrast with that with that dress deal car that looks like your old jag you just bought not quite a military see obviously this is a grandma trunk and somebody passed away and it's sad that oh look at this this is the old-style camper it's on a trailer a pop-up tent we're going camping this week at the alive festival we should camp like that what do you think George sure I've camped in a tent for years and then I met you and you glam you don't even can be maybe I rough it rough it look at the old school camping chairs we just scrap metal some of those couple days ago why are you abandoning me like a storage unit no I buy abandoned things I have to go pick up a metal detector that we're gonna borrow from a friend for our adventures we're going metal detecting this week sweet alright I'll keep working this should be fun to watch and let's see it's half the size she is oh yeah the footsteps come in tomorrow as she gets ready to go here's a look at a garbage can filled with burned CDs from the $40 unit that I bought online with the stolen guitar so we went through all of the CDs this entire garbage can it's filled with nothing but Bert CDs now let's get back to the cedar chest should be fun going metal detecting this week since I've never gone before neither is George but we both want to learn how so it's gonna be really cool we'll have all kinds of different exciting videos for you this week as we head out on vacation but also we go meet with other youtubers so you get to see some of that would be fun all kinds of different things here oh this is a that's a shoe sizing thing here for the baby shoe company looks like we got stitchery work basically what you would anticipate seeing in granny's cedar trunk I mean there's just some amazing history in here especially with that citizenship document book even even kept paper I don't think you can see the design very well through the camera on that but the paper has a beautiful design on it it's for just probably not coming through for you paper collectors I know you love this stuff oh wow look at that beautiful handkerchief a couple of them look at the stitching I wonder if she did that herself and that's something just the history there and Time magazine February 10th 2003 the Columbia is lost I believe I was at NASA in Cleveland on a field trip when that actually happened there's a dictionary I still remember that field trip everybody in NASA went screaming and crying and as a little kid you didn't understand why you just thought it was cool that something blew up and so all of us kids were like whoa fireworks and everybody else was crying and screaming we've got got some cards inside a yearbook it's definitely a yearbook yep your book what is oh look at this is all kinds of clippings newspaper clippings let me see let's pull some out some Lodge members all kinds of stuff newspaper there's just a ton of history in here oh look at this you know I've got a lot of that could be obituaries yeah see look more Funeral Home stuff right there more funeral homes this entire thing is filled with funeral home items so we're just gonna set that back and again what we'll try and do is we'll try and find the family and we'll try and restore the love and get this back to them curious what's in here old pay stubs wow wow wow old checking account bank account Wow that's pretty wild that's really wild let's slide on over take a look at this pile of paperwork one of the things we always share with yous don't ever disregard paper you got to check this stuff out some of the most expensive and valuable things that I've sold on eBay and my twenty plus years of doing this has been paper it's amazing what paper will actually sell for my grandma Hales actually used to collect Norman Rockwell that's cool videos from The Saturday Evening Post let's see what do we have oh nothing nothing nothing we've got album prints the old-school black and whites which are always so cool again people love them people people love them they will will use all kinds of wow wow this is so especially like this vacation spots I don't know if this is coming through or not but this is like a major major Falls I don't know if it's not a grou Falls it doesn't look like it from Niagara Falls today but they're wearing raincoats and this yeah this is just cool stuff old school kitchens this is just really cool people eat this stuff up and they use it for their for their projects a suit can find here there's a bunch of clippings was this oh now I'm so lonely death because George want to go get that metal detector we got all kinds of clippings here Heartbreak Hotel Elvis Elvis what's this plot to snatch Presley's body may been a hoax this is all Elvis somebody loved Elvis somebody definitely loved Elvis Elvis Elvis poster you can get an Elvis poster there's just a ton of stuff here this that's cool more more old-school pictures nice we have these old trunks this is we love getting into these old trunks there's so much history in them all right let's see what we have here this article this newspaper is from January 15th 1954 and is all about military Alvis love for mother killed him somebody definitely loved Elvis but then again who who didn't love Elvis Riverrun flood the devastated rivers November 5th 1985 we're being flooded in Ohio but of course there's floods all over the United States right now this is from Pittsburgh not sure what that is there's just all kinds of old old papers in here Election Day flood 1985 this is really cool stuff Nixon to be present for splashdown oh look at this moon Concord where's the date it's volume 54 number 166 Monday July 21st 1969 moon Concord oh look at this another one July 21st 1969 Armstrong Aldrin take first steps on lunar surface Wow there's just there's just so much in here from oh look at this look at the history here in the military this is the same figure of the man that I saw with the citizenship and where was that Where's George where was that we saw where's the u.s. right here right here right here guys this has got to be wouldn't this go right up on his hat look wouldn't this be the pin for his hat and then I just dropped it I'm so sorry okay I think this is the pin for his hat and I think this is the pin US military goes right over here so if I had to guess there you have it Wow and no doubt was fighting probably came over and fought for us and for the Allied forces in World War two after further research online this is exactly what happened fled Czechoslovakia came to the United States of America gained citizenship enlisted in the US Armed Forces this my friends is a war hero fled the Nazi forces joined the Allied forces they no doubt about it that's a true hero right there and we got to do everything we can to restore egde the love and make sure this gets back into some family members hands immediately [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,227
Rating: 4.8806629 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, military hero, military trunk, hero, military
Id: 8AQ3Ry-NIz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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