What Awful Thing Did You Witness That Messed With Your Head For A Long Time? (r/AskReddit)

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what horrible thing did you see that messed with your head for a long time I was an EMT for five years I saw lots of messed up stuff but the one that haunts me still is this an old man goes crazy and shoots his wife he then calls 9-1-1 and mumbles about cats we arrived on scene and I see a cop at the top of the stairs his face is ghost white I get up there to find the wife in bed with the back of her head blown off worst part she's still alive physically anyway we attempt to keep her alive but there is nothing we can do her brains are all over the headboard she is making crying noises until she dies in the back of the ambulance I still get nauseous thinking about it her husband was sitting outside the whole time we were in the house mumbling about cats I don't know whatever happened to him that's a freaking horror show when I was 19 I had to pull my girlfriend off three years out of a car accident by no technically you're not meant to but I was terrified that the car was going to catch fire she died minutes later and there was nothing I could have done about it it took me about a year off completely destroying and rebuilding myself to even begin to get over it I'm still not fully over it four years later oh my gosh that's awful this was the most moving post in the thread for me good luck friend watched my friend get hit and killed by a car in the eighth grade he died in route to the hospital but besides the initial blood it wasn't gory it's something that stuck with me ever since but it hasn't caused any problems in my life just a fricked up situation to happen in front of your eyes when your kid the look on his mother's face as she ran up to me and my other friend at the scene haunts me to this day when I was little like four or five I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and walked out to the living room where my parents were watching a movie all I remember was this man pulling the skin off a nail on the man then gets dragged by aliens through this tunnel scared the crap out of me ever since then I've been freaked out by aliens I learned recently that the name of the movie was fire in the sky based on a man's story of what happened him while he was in the White Mountains in Arizona where I live Frick ugh that last scene where you see the needle coming down at his eyes still makes me cringe saw it once when I was a kid 18 years later and I refused to ever Rea watch this film a family friend of mine had a broken gun his dad gave him he would jokingly point it at people and pull the trigger and watch them flip out for entertainment I did not approve I walked into his room one day and he pointed it at me so I flipped out on him telling him how dangerous that was and if he ever pointed a gun at me joking or not I would beat the crap out of him I was a five or so years older than him we grew up together our whole lives he tells me to calm down telling me the gun doesn't work I didn't listen still lecturing him about gun safety he got mad and said IT docent work and put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger it went off it happened to featuring away from me I saw everything he lived on life support for about a week before his dad finally let him go his head was the size of a pumpkin holy crap I had discovered a car wreck one night the vehicle was facing east bound in a westbound lane the driver was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown around in the car and ended up being half rejected from the back window not only was his torso cast pretty bad from the glass almost in half but his head was hanging by a thread bad terminology I apologize the sight alone was unnerving but the thing that got me the most was the smell I have never smelled anything like it before and if I never do again I will be lucky I had a lot of nightmares after that and even if I smell blood from a small cut it reminds me of this I know the smell it's indescribable at the bar with friends one heads home a bit early and we head to his place for after drinks drunkenly crashed through his bedroom door to find him just standing there with a blank look small smile holding the knife he had just used to slash his wrists arms apart that got him to the hospital long time but still can't shake the look on his face sadly he still drinks and it probably was alcohol-related got to a support group in time though 1d has been doing fantastic since from what I hear just had a bit too much bottled up he didn't share add in a touch of depression overnight work day time school and a good amount of alcohol to set it off for a few weeks it probably happened four years ago just after I got my driving license and I was driving back home on a rainy day in March at some point I got passed by a motorcycle that was driving with around 130 - 140 kilometres per hour who uses kilometres per hour right on the road that had a limit of 90 kilometres per hour it just seemed like a green wasp flying past my left so fast that I only caught a glimpse of it all I could think was well this dumb boss is just asking for it five minutes later I was passing the scene off body parts all over the road and a motorcycle that is deep inside the back of a truck the guy's body was in bits around the rear and his head was rolling in front of the truck and the truck was an old piece of Russian machinery which is made to be literally indestructible needless to say there was an ambulance on its way to scrape him off the asphalt after that I have pretty much been on my toes around any motorcycles trying to keep as much distance as I can also got me quite scared off off driving for a week or so I was in Italy once and was passed by a Ferrari that passed me like I was standing still same thing happened what a stupid way to die my dad always said if you spend enough time on the road you will see some bad things I've seen my friend get her legs cut off by a train and then had her head in my lap trying to help while she was bleeding all over the place legs detached I also a few months later sawed a man crawl under a train to decapitate himself it's messed with my head quite a bit but I've learned to deal with it in a healthy manner basic training one of the lads training with me decided to turn the rifle on me round in the chamber and start telling me he hated me despised me and flat out felt disgusted to be around me the idea that someone on my side could do that scared the crap out of me death doesn't scare me the idea that someone who I be shoulder to shoulder with could be that frickin screwy worried me to no end it played heck with my head for a few years actually most of my issue stemmed from the forces and I'm frickin glad to be rid of n now when I was about nine or ten I was in the car with my mum on the way back from the supermarket and we drove past these kids whacking an overturned box with sticks a curious my mum slowed down a bit and as she did the kids lifted the box to reveal this tiny ginger kitten which they proceeded to beat to death with the sticks my mum got out and tried to save it but by the time she got back to the car it was just a sad bloody mess I couldn't drive down that road for a long time after that that's a horrible image sick little craps this may not be that terrible compared to seeing someone's head popped off but one thing that stuck with me for a while was a few years ago I had a co-worker whose daughter gave birth to a stillborn child that's terrible in and of itself but what they did afterwards just kind of freaked me out a bit apparently they thought it would be a good idea to let the family members that were there hold the dead baby and someone else thought it would be a good idea to take pictures of the family holding the dead baby and then she thought it would be a good idea to bring those pictures to work and show them to co-workers yet walking up on a group of co-workers and having them tell you that's their dead grandchild in the pictures kinda burnt those pictures into my brain this is actually a really common manner of dealing with the grief and hospitals actually encourage it it's a way for the family to remember the child that they loved even before it was born that said I'm not sure bringing the pics to work is the healthiest way of remembering by work cleaning in a hospital pathology and morgue department seeing blanket covered bodies is pretty regular for me I don't recall seeing an uncovered body ever well except skeletons the worst thing though is seeing children's bodies the documentary Restrepo after I saw if I thought a lot more about war in general seeing kids my age and younger than me that I could relate to kids that I would be friends with in moments of panic and distress that really messed me up for a little while makes you realize how different your life could have been makes you glad you have the life you do and hopefully inspires you to make that a life everyone can have dirt it got in your mouth yes still makes me want to puke when I think about it Jesus nothing nearly as bad as that but I was driving someone to the airport while it was raining pretty heavily on the interstate I got cut off by a vehicle causing me to swerve the back end of the car hit the front end of a semi my car wrapped to the front of semi such that the driver side window was touching the Mac insignia on the grille I was pushed what seemed like forever before the truck could slow down my car then disengaged and the wheels tried to autocorrect slamming itself into the median but if it hadn't been raining my car would have flipped and I would probably be dead my parents picked me up and took my friend to the airport after he disembarked I broke down crying I was probably still in shock I went home and slept for the rest of the day obviously it took me a while to drive while raining I saw my great-grandmother after she had passed away when I was 14 she was 80 years old and was very sick for a couple of months prior to her death she had lost a lot of weight and almost looked like a different person towards the end my parents and I got the call that she had passed I was heartbroken that morning a few hours later we went to my great grandparents house thinking that hospice and the family had her taken away oh no she was still there nobody bothered to mention that to me when I went in the house there she was the withered shell of my beloved Gigi her mouth was open as well her eyes that image haunted my dreams for years afterward row I better did stay with you an unprepped body is a different experience than a loved on in a coffin after the mortician has been able to return them to some semblance of what they were I've seen several of my relatives in such a way and it's hard thing to come to terms with I was driving home from work one day and this guy had his dog tied to a leash in the back of his pickup truck nothing really new there its GA anyway we get stopped at a red light me directly behind him and the dog jumps out still tied up the guy bolts off and I speed up to shout at him out the window that he was literally hanging his dog and dragging it to death on the road I got him to stop but holy Christ , the poor doggy I'm in GA - what I hate are the guys who let the dogs stand on top of their toolboxes while they are driving I've seen them fly off I even saw one jump out into rush-hour Atlanta traffic it's illegal so cops have been giving people tickets because of it but stupid is hard to change I watched the video of that guy getting his head sawed off by terrorists at school tried to laugh it off messed up my week the football coach said my high school got in trouble for forcing the team to watch some beheadings he was attempting to harden them up before a big gang idiot two guys one hammer that crap is super freaked up I'm lucky I read and description of the video before watching I've never watched it when I was at my grandma's funeral I wandered into another parlor and saw a little boy in a casket it never occurred to me I'd die until I saw a corpse that was my age just because no one else has commented and I feel everyone in here needs at least one person to say something in all honesty it was probably hard to deal with that was also likely a very good experience too many people live their lives almost as though they will not ever go it is important to know that you will go one day as it makes you live your life more truthfully when I was like seven or eight I was at the park with my friend we were skipping rocks across the lake when a gaggle of geese came from around the bend my friend took a rock and skipped it at one of them it skipped twice then banked up into the air and hit a goose directly in the head his neck snapped and fell to the side he started honking and screaming in pain swimming over to the shore where were were he was trying to lift his head but he could and when he got close enough I saw the hole in his head where the rock hit him I could see his brain I ran away as fast as I could but the image and sound was burned into my memory I am crying while I write this because to this day it is one of the saddest things I have ever seen luckily I've never seen a human die but this goose was seriously flicked up I called animal control when I got home but I doubt they did anything , later in college I rescued a baby goose egg and hatched it in my room eggy Fowler the baby goose was a good gift and raising him made me feel better about the goose I saw died coma I didn't necessarily see this but I've heard the Kevin Costner ov9 one-one-nine stroke 11:00 call after hearing it I was quite dumbfounded and depressed for a while I'm not familiar with it I won't ask you for details either I'll find it if I can I'm finding sounds and imagination have a haunting effect on May people when I was 13 or so some friends and I saw a man get curb-stomped full story is that my friends and I were at a party in North Toronto and just as we were leaving a fight broke out across the street after us watching this guy get beaten for several minutes they threw him down onto the curb he put up some weak protests but he was drunk and pretty severely beaten so the three or four guys pinning him down didn't really have a problem I know I should have left at that point but I didn't really realize what they were doing until they actually forced him to by the curb at which point most of my friends turned away but I look just long enough to see them kick him it wasn't really what you might consider graphical gory because it was dark and I couldn't see much blood or anything but I saw his head sawed off shot forward abruptly and his mouth open wider than any mouth ever should the thing I was most surprised about was that it didn't make any noise at least I couldn't hear any well the man made a weak moan right before getting kicked build nothing else so after that all my friends me included booked as fast as we could out of there in case those men had seen us I don't know if he died or not but there was nothing on the news that I saw so I hope he's okay decapitated head in a poor neighborhood in El Paso Texas with spray paint on their faces fool work nothing fazes me anymore but two guys one Hannah fricked with me pretty hard just the noises he made its hellish I've seen and heard enough of that for one lifetime I don't need to see it on the computer a video posted on reddit awhile ago of some Russian soldiers being captured and decapitated slowly with a machete one by one shudder I still have nightmares about this worst decision ever when I opened that link this isn't nearly as terrible as seeing it live but this one stuck with me it was the olden days of dial-up internet before torrents we are talking Napster cazza olden days naturally anything you downloaded took forever and things weren't always labeled correctly me being a routine just needed the latest Britney Spears video for signs of course so I happily click my download and wait the several hours for completion hours pass and download completes I'm ready for some baby hit me one more time kind of sweet action the video opens to a boot pressing down the neck of some young man laughing in the background man wheezing for air then a knife knife right into the throat to this day I have no idea if this was real or just some effects shot I still don't like to think about it and very rarely now download Brittany Spears video seems I did see an actual killing that day which makes me sad maybe I never really wanted to know the truth I've seen the video you're talking about I'm with you man I felt like garbage for weeks after seeing it it's been 5-10 years now and it still messes with my head a little I saw my mom vent over cleaning our fireplace out one night to build a fire my father who was drunk as usual was holding a shotgun against his chin he said dare me and she said don't be stupid I wasn't too concerned because we routinely had to talk my father out of suicide a few weeks before he had driven his truck into a tree and said it was because I didn't love him there however he pointed the gun at my mother she lowered her head and looked away said nothing and out of fear I turned and hid behind the wall in the kitchen I heard her scream and the sound of a gunshot he missed but the whole experience is in the top five worst experiences ever and still Frick's with my head jiminy Christmas man pictures of my little sister drunk and doing amber to pee on the Internet why the Frick would anyone send me a link to the site with simply dude you gotta see this as the subject line cannot unsee she died off a Rachel that is about five years ago now when I think of her I see that friggin P like I needed to see that grrrr at I am sincerely sorry for your loss my sister masturbating a morbid rivality some of the video has got me pretty messed up I looked over some of that stuff I guess since I'm old and have seen some things it wouldn't affect me as much as it would folks who luckily have never seen the dark side of what people can really do to each other what it did make me do was consider just how desensitized I really am and made me sad for being so I witnessed a father swerve out of the way or the driver whom had fallen asleep at wheel only to witness the car smash into his wife's car which was following I was the first on the scene and initially went to the wife's car her sternum was crushed and I initially thought the daughter was dead I went to the teenager's car to check him out and he was pretty banged up the door was wrecked and crap was leaking so I pulled him out of the window and took him over to the side of the road using an extra shirt I had as a tonig a he looked me dead in the eyes and asked me if anyone was hurt I didn't say anything but I looks him back he knew exactly what it meant he broke down there and I just chilled telling him it was her accident and his life will go on until the police arrived he was on his way home from soccer practice or some crap and just fell asleep sometime during that ordeal the driver of the truck made his way over to his wife's car and let out a shriek that will be with me forever it was a sound off helpless terror I wish it on no-one but however moments later his daughter began to cry assuring us all as she was not dead the wife was killed instantly and the daughter was in critical for a long time I also couldn't cross traffic correctly for a day or two and the smell of radiator fluid will stick with me forever the accident was in I believe heinous Villalon Oy right outside grace lake on Rt 120 in probably 2001 to 2002 TL DR father swerves out of the way of sleeping driver only to have his wife's car fatally hit and daughter seriously injured pulled the soccer player from car couldn't drive right for a week also the butterfly effect that movie flicked with me for a long time the worst thing is he probably blames himself to Christmas Eves ago I was coming home from a bar and in front of my apartment I saw a few people standing in the street as I got closer I saw a man laying in the street screaming his bicycle crumpled up a good 15 feet from him blood rolling down the street witnesses said it was a hit-and-run the cyclist was in shock as he started to dig his fingers into his head it was digusting sad and I never felt so helpless the few minutes before 9-1-1 Caine was the longest moment of my life the cyclist was really getting into his cuts in a totally confused way until a random stranger held him down who later was drenched in blood and had to be hosed down eventually help came and he was taken to the hospital but didn't make it now there is a stop sign at the intersection he was it but it still bothers me to think about today and at least wish I saw the car that hit him r.i.p it's bad enough when people kill themselves because they are inattentive it's worse when people kill others because of it I hope there is a heck so people like that hit-and-run driver can go there for me the worst thing is those freakin screamer videos when I see one at 3:00 a.m. with all the lights out it literally puts me in shock for months at times I just recovered from the last one and I just frickin had one this night I am still shaking from that crap those things freak with your head my wife ran across one a while back and pee herself she no longer surfs the net with sound on anyway this past year by my college there was the car accident not too out of the ordinary as it's out in the country and people crash all the time and have their cars totaled but are pretty much fine I was coming home from a dance class in the city and one of the roads was closed so they could pick up after the accident no big deal later that night around 11:30 I got hungry all the dining halls were closed so I decided to drive up the road two sheets it was the road that had been closed but everything was fine again so they opened it well it wasn't fully clean I guess it had been a really horrible accident the scene was clear no smashed cars or bodies but there was broken glass all over the road and then after I passed the broken glass I saw it the entire stretch of road before me was soaked in blood with pieces of flesh I honestly couldn't tell you if it was skin muscle intestine or what in it it isn't nearly as horrifying as some of the other stories here I never saw the people die but what makes it so horrible to me is that I didn't consider it moving until I thought about it later I saw blood on the street and just thought oh right at first but crap man that's someone's kid maybe someone's parent someone probably loved those people so much it kept them awake at night someone kissed their faces watched them sleep to make sure they were breathing someone kissed them goodbye that morning and never expected them to not make it home that night and all that blood and flesh was once inside their body and now it's soaking into the road like their opossum or squirrel all of those things used to be neatly tucked inside them and keeping them alive and now it's just a mess to be cleaned up someone is going through the worst night of their lives learning that there one was smashed to bits on a country interstate how would they feel if they knew their blood was still red and soaking into the road and then I drove over it on my way to get a sandwich TL DR car accidents are really scary crap that is exactly what goes through my head when I see blood anywhere you put it into words better than I could have it's not so much the blood that gets me it's the fact that someone will never get to go home anymore that's what sticks with me too Internet videos gave me shell shock for a week the first was one titled an edited battlefield footage the other was a video from the cartels in Mexico where a couple guys get their heads chainsawed off the battlefield one was so scarring mentally because it showed a guy stepping on a mine and then the medic doing his job to patch the guy up it looked like he lost an arm and his leg and maybe his eyes there was just so much gore and the poor guy was still alive I really hope he's okay I still wonder about that guy the cartel one was so graphic I almost vomited the first bite of the chainsaw into the guy's neck and the way his body tensed up in all the blood god it's horrible the chain even nicked the other guy in the shoulder and he didn't react it's so scary what people can do to each other I don't go on liver leak anymore I saw the one from Mexico makes you think we could use a great wall of Texas and California and I'll say this to show my appreciation as well I'm glad Texas stands between the rest of us and Mexico my mom's body after my dad killed her he hit her with our van and a few times 16 years and I still see her in the edge off roads sometimes when I was younger we had to stab victims come to our door one with the guy who was still high on ice roaming around the streets because I was younger when it happened that gave me nightmares for yours also we live in the middle of frickin nowhere so that added to the scare factor on the 26th of July 2012 I was on my way to a camp with the school I am working with and we pass a horrible accident it's nothing new seeing as most people have seen terrible things in life death being nothing new but the most disturbing thing was the mother sitting in front of who grabbed her four years old son and made him stare at the dead body to me that was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen and heard the whole time the woman is just grinning and holding her son's head to look at it and he's trying to squirm away I stopped her friend from killing himself he had sent out a mass text goodbye and I was the first to get to him I had to basically break into his house and get into the bathroom once I opened the bathroom door all I saw was my friend sitting on the edge of the bathtub and there was blood everywhere on every surface he even wrote I'm sorry with it on the floor it scarred me I didn't sleep for a week and I still have nightmares about it to this day it happened almost four years ago it caused major mental problems that I'm still dealing with feels bad man when I was in middle school I was walking to a friend's house in ABQ along a main road I was passing by of they care and someone was trying to turn left into the parking lot of the building as I passed the entrance to the lot I heard a squeal and a smash of metal I look back and that person had turned left into oncoming traffic the driver must not have had his seatbelt on as the collision moved him from the driver's seat into the passenger seat and his head busted through the passenger window it was hanging limply out the window as the car slowly starts rolling as it's on fire and dripping fluid rolling right at me I got the freak out of there too scared scarred young to realize I should have stuck around to perhaps give police an account though I didn't actually see the accident just heard it and saw the aftermath that was the first time I'd ever seen an accident or gore but what really got me was as I was walking away all the rest of the oncoming traffic starts getting backed up people are honking trying to veer around the slow lanes etc some guy leans out the window and asks me was there an accident yes I say Frick I'm gonna be late he says he tries to change lanes again it was his indifference to the whole thing that shocked me more I caught an episode of America's Most Wanted when I was about 10 or so it was about these guys who invaded this woman's home and dragged her into basement where they tortured her to death with the corkscrew and stuff while her friend was held hostage upstairs attain compared to most of the stuff here but I was afraid of the dark for a good few years again after that there is no limits to what depraved people can do to each other you don't really need fiction to scare the heck out of anyone when I was around seven or eight I saw man stand on railroad tracks at the beach and get crushed by the train it was terrifying for me the dashcam video of the young cop carrying out a routine traffic stop before the crazy man and the other car gets out and charges him with an automatic rifle the policeman's death screams as he pleads for mercy still haunt me also the dashcam video of the family driving along the highway when a brick is kicked up by a passing lorry slamming into the windshield but there is silence until all of them start screaming and pleading with a person and the passenger's seat to wake up you see the trend here with me as it's mostly sounds of people in pain or terror that have left the biggest impact most horriffic videos that are just visual do not faze me but when you hear the sounds of someone's anguish or their last screams that really hits me hurt especially when the visual part is the left to the imagination if anyone wants to test their mettle I suggests a trip to our morbid reality it's metal not metal when I was around 8 I had been at work with my dad he is a golf pro that works at a course so I used to practice on the range whilst he was teaching it was about 9:00 p.m. and we're halfway home when he pulls over the car I asked why and he points to the side of the road there sat a bunny rabbit it's back half had been hit by a car and was slightly mangled and twisted it sat there on the side of the road twitching its nose and staring at me my dad grew up on a farm he decided he had to put this bunny out of its misery he goes to the boot of the car and pulls out his 9-iron and approaches a bunny I sit the wildered I am a massive animal lover it's at this age I couldn't comprehend putting an animal out of its misery I still thought my dad was just killing this bunny when we could have easily taken it to the vet to be fixed he widens his stance places the back of the are and beside the bunny's head back and bam that there was a horrible popping squelching sound and my dad shouts for four weeks I wouldn't talk to him I cried myself to sleep for a few nights afterwards I know that hard but I hope you understand now it was a kindness suffering is worse than death being half killed and left to die of thirst is worse that's a cruel lesson to learn but sometimes dead is better if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] by fauna [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 51,291
Rating: 4.8593483 out of 5
Keywords: horrible things, horrible things nightcore, true horror, true horror stories, true horror stories compilation, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 1DTT_utfI8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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