Cleaning Out 3 Decades OLD Abandoned Storage Units!! JACKPOT! #48

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you guys ready hey man whoa whoa we hit the jackpot guys wade with wade's adventures and you're watching the ventures youtube channel a family channel we scour the state of oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our youtube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right welcome to day two of the big boxes i'm your host wade with weights ventures we have graham adventures here we have big boxes to go through big boxes just to show you guys we have a survival kit that we have not opened up yet that possibly maybe one of you guys are interested in just in case you get lost out there like naked and afraid or alone or you know any of those shows um are you excited to show the survival kit first yes but i'm a little scared of the big boxes after yesterday's big boxes guys yeah we're trying to get through this stuff here so we can um get that cleared out and that's what we're doing right now it's been a pretty crazy mess over here all right so let's show them box number one as a gag it's not a gag okay it's it's a real song i mean if you were it's real and why are you doing that i'm gonna open up this other box if the stores ran out of food like they're predicting oh is there any other news you want to get that's that's fake news i'm sorry i just faked it [Laughter] all right what we got in there um literally food okay we have food now what's your favorite out if you can eat one thing for a hundred dollars what would you have one thing for a hundred dollars like if you had to eat one thing and you got a hundred dollars for it what would you eat out of that box oh out of this box i thought you were i thought out of the world no no i think that would be ice cream out of this box nothing i would starve and be on the diet i wish i could it's too it's only been since 2011 2012 this was packed okay here's a little brown sugar if you can get it broke up okay but you you have to okay forget about the hundred dollars you have to eat one thing what would it be i would eat one little tiny noodle no you okay that's it i do like oatmeal but i don't think i like 20 year old oatmeal that's not 20. delicious jello okay we don't have to show them everything let's move the box over here we'll show them the survival kit oh boy you're getting lacks on the showing everything no no all right so we have all-purpose flour in here beef ooh mac and cheese i'll pass i mean that's that's mac and cheese is probably still good even though it's got an expiration date it just has an i the idea of it being there since 2012 i mean um no it's just not not appealing no okay let's open up this i need to have all my food all over home and i'd be cool it's a old box but it's an exciting one is it exciting i don't know oh dear is it what's in there uh corning wearing stuff but it seems like it's all stuck together or something hey how's it going all right we're back sorry guys we had a local sale so i figured uh might as well open the the box up and look what we found stuck and then it got unstuck and wow look at this guys this is all corny wear in the original boxes let's just show a couple because they some of these may not even been open before yeah but some of them i'm not sure i mean this one's taped so maybe they kept the original i'll open one and you open one just to see if they've been opened before well you know what wade i think but even if they have i think they had wow i don't know though because this is in really great condition so look guys this is the they may have been opened and never used this is it and then you've got the inside of it so let's see this is french white which i love i don't know they even have their original wait i don't other that maybe they're this oh i think it has been open but i don't think i think they just looked at it because when you see this not it's got i think the box got wet and well some of these boxes got wet they stuck together and then you got these but look at that though i don't know i don't know they're still though they're like new vintage corning ware does it have a date on it let me see we're not going to open all of them so this one here i'm looking for a gate but i'm not seeing one re-taping that one you want to restate this one too yeah you don't see a date no i'm not seeing the date how weird is that all right let me look on some of these others we might put these in the auction i think somebody would love this right i think the whole set is just wonderful all right so this is one of them we got i would we'll show them each one and they're all in there so we've got this big old sucker here and it has the lid with it this is an oval platter so water or something got to it but overall there i mean you just wash them i love the french white covered casserole then we have this and it has the lid in there corning ware this is old they're all french white i'm wondering if these are 90s or 80s but they have numbers on them oh yeah they're numbered i just gotta look them a smaller up they got every size of casserole they're all in french white they all match yep here's another one i like this roaster i mean i guess i could see real quick what it looks like on the uh okay so this exact one this one's brand new um which i think these are i had to make sure but we're just gonna say used when we saw them in our auction yeah because then we know for sure but this one sold for 50 bucks just this one whoa this is an oval and a round platter in this one yeah this one got a little wet but it's still these were made in mexico and they're not corningware but they're cute salt and pepper shakers and creamers oh yeah and then we got the opening we got like two different roasters two different sizes this one looks like a lower one that's a pretty big it's microwavable yes microwavable yeah usa french white all of them are french white they all match what a wonderful step for somebody yes i think we need to auction this off i think you got a lot all right so i'm excited okay what big okay okay but i'm gonna read the titles if there's anything that says garbage i'll take over the camera you'll be fine no yeah yeah you'll be fine all right let me move this stuff while you're opening that one this one won't take long and it won't take long to show them because it's very light and i think it's what it says i think it's more of those really nice canvas cushions and it is wade it's another one of those really nice canvas cushions wow no stains they look bright wait i wonder if it's the same style it is the same yeah i love the colors in this can you put that over to your left yes i can i think it's the same one so we have to yeah we need two lounge chairs to fit our and a beach that's gonna be hard to find our beaches were like we don't want anybody that's not residents at our beaches right now oh remember i had my uh finger on a couple of the letters uh-huh and i it said window fan and then i thought it said ass vases but it's glass faces i thought oh donkey vases [Laughter] but i moved my finger and saw that it was glass vases not ass faces no that's good i thought well we've had moose bear and ducks and geese we might as well have donkeys oh wait you're gonna have to take this out it's literally a big window fan what it's a big window fan we have to show them everything well we didn't show them every piece of garbage yesterday yeah yeah they they have to see i think this is garbage okay what do we got oh big window fan what is in here that's what i told you oh no there's other stuff in there oh my god i hope that's what okay yeah there's other stuff in here it's all heavy isn't it look at that i love that a great big sunday dish it's actually a base oh it's like what it looks like a sunday dish that's kind of cool that'll look good on your outside get everything out of here so that way i know i'll move the box over here okay that's it let me be careful camera okay oh wait that would look cute outside it's got little gardening tools on it for you for your patio garden you have going okay what do we got first i love this see the little gardening tools around here yes everybody tell me that would look beautiful on his gardening porch possibly it's heavy and it's big it's probably 18 inches it's outdoors no it's numbered 164. wow maybe it's very nice maybe it's a collector i like it okay what else we got oh oh yeah there's more i got injured in the last video there's more to claim i'm filing a claim against wade oh we have a hazard oh man well it wasn't really packed out nicely no it wasn't of all muslims always are this is square all right what do we got it's kind of an antique jar it says one quart but one side's flat and all the rest has a design that is weird it's cool isn't it i don't see this know about that i know completely flat oh maybe because you put some like so you can see what's in there and then the rest is i don't know do you think it's like a whiskey bottle or something no no like you put like you know that's a ladder uh a globe that this is not you put your light goes in there yeah it's a glow yeah yeah okay isn't it what's next i'm getting it it's got a yucky spot what's next oh the top to the whiskey jar okay anyway it was [Music] uh sherbet dishes there's a fun travel how many one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11. somebody will love those jar full wheels okay old wheels and let's just show them the rest is canning moving on over here so we have some old canning jars seen better days we'll take the sherbert dishes out although man that one's got a crack right there my hot fudge sundae dish wobbles huh i hope it don't spill the whipped cream well it wobbles because you got to fill it up and then it doesn't wobble anymore there we go oh i love this okay not bad not bad i think this is so oh it's been injured it's got a big old crack all the way around it gosh darn it it's so special oh man okay and then we got my sunday dish yeah yeah that's about 15 inches of sunday i'm joking it's actually a vase ready isn't that a pretty vase yeah it is it's beautiful we should have put those dried flowers in it yesterday we'll put this on your poshmark unless you're gonna keep it yourself no i'm not gonna i i don't keep much of anything uh rarely do i keep something it has to be something that really yeah i'm not keeping this either if you want to show them this what's in there oh this is packing supply stuff for me this bunch of cardboard i use that for packing all right next okay wade hand me another box what do we got in here i have oh we forgot to show them the fan that was in there oh can you hold it up like i'm a window hold up now make the sound okay okay okay it's broke okay but put it over here all right next all right we'll do this one first oh i can't wait whoops what's in there okay come on let's continue here you're going oh i got dirt on me from something maybe the fan you're on oh okay what that's not how it works well they need a close-up you need to take it out and show them closer how it works yucky some of these you can sell without the blankets that's what i do and make some money there if you have to oh it's all in there so these i'll take out because these you can sell without the blankets on ebay and these are old all right but the blanket has seen better days definitely better days oh sorry can you put that over there for me um let me think where i want to put this i think no i got the camera i'm going to pick it up i know where i want to i got the camera okay next what we got in there i've got a carry-on bag that's seen better days okay oh i know the name of this video we've seen better days those were the days okay carry on bags they're not a couple of them are not in too bad shape but i think they're just cheapy bags oh yeah i don't know it looks like it i'm not sure okay let me see it says she is a genius and doesn't know it on the back okay believe me when we're a genius we know it yes is there more winnie the pooh i don't think so a lot of times not to be sung michael that's a singer songwriter michael w smith he's christian okay oh i bet you that there's a lot of christian in here then because uh that's a christian this one looks nice actually now i kind of like them what which uh what is that going public news boys news boys i know that's a and they have their concert dates on the back okay that's the concert t-shirt this one is too which one hold it up because they can't see it really good like that supernatural 1999 tour i don't know it's his tour in 1990 i know i don't i'm over there of course the sunflower nothing on the back no okay which one is that one gotta hold it up okay there we go oh he's a he's a christian singer yeah and there's something on the back but i can't read it he's a christian singer i think that's the theme here wade joy of or jars of clay that's kind of cool yeah i like that what's that one i don't know oh it's some organ thing it's got a donkey's rear end on the back does it oh it's a chihuahua it's raran not a donkey that is if that that's a rear end if i've seen one that's what you want the chihuahua that's on front oh i thought it was a donkey til i saw the front i guess i have donkeys on the brain [Laughter] okay next we're gonna we're gonna cut that one out oh we've seen that before that is um oh i think they're here to pick up the local yeah you got a local sale all right guys we'll be right back we've got a local cell coming to pick something up we'll be back all right we're back and we have one of these already this exactly exact t-shirt you and ashley can wear the same ones i'm okay with that what do you got there turn it i don't know there's nothing on either side turn on the other side it's a plain shirt are you sure it's not a donkey's ass [Laughter] okay next so no donkey or a chihuahua no donkey these are played there we go that's it that's it okay i put that box next to you aye aye cap and we have another one is heavy yep what's it say eileen's clothes too small right now eileen i know where you're coming from i have like four different sizes in my closet i'm afraid to box them up i'm hoping i can use them all someday again okay hold on let me get this out of the way here okay that's nice it's not dirty there's no no this is um an old guitar oh what you got to hold him up like this oh i thought you grabbed it that's hard for me to grab it from the side where your hand was so this is a 1981 this one's plain on both sides yeah that's got a big old stain on there though looks like uh hot dog stain here i'll let you look okay well you got to hold them up here can you dump it out yeah that's the best way because the bucket's just too tall yeah looks like here there you go okay a pajama top pajama or maybe not maybe it's a blouse this is that's a white stag oh it's probably a blouse then they smell like they've been in there a while yeah they do it's a cool print it's animal print and polyester pollens what is that again polyester pole you're pulling on your pole yes sir i'm pulling on the polyester oh boat sharks these always remind me of going boating are you sure that's what it is well they you know you wear these you got your little rope thing and you got your pedal pushers on and your little sandals and you're ready for the day at the boat and here's the red one that goes for the next day you wear blue one day and red the next how's that for a plan that's good next oh that's a nightgown that is that looks like it's silk what size is it what's that what size is it oh i think i could wear this oh that's yours you think i should everybody put it in the comments i think it's me yeah i do like it yep that's i can wash it no it looks good there's no issues with it no i want that okay put it over there by the ac unit that doesn't work next it's got a hood it's for the boat is everything in here for the boat i think this is the boating group oh yeah and at night the boat gets kind of cool so you need a hoodie that's a stanford they they love san francisco is that say san francisco yeah and that's a pretty big sweatshirt we have a nephew that's moving to san francisco in the national guard whoa i kind of like this well put it on your pile i'm glad we're shopping here what's that one san francisco on the boat again it's cool yeah it's kind of cool the way the sides are yeah i like that one it's very cute but it's too short gv sport i've never heard of them before real cute uh well made what's that it's a nightgown that's a big nightgown does it keep coming i thought it was a blanket for a second i mean i'm not i'm not trying to make fun of the big nightgown i just it just kept coming it doesn't poop out it got it airy feeling feel free in this nightgown okay okay here we go okay i just it was so wide i like to feel free once in a while too oh this has got a big mold stain on it oh i hope we're not touching moles quit torturing them oh wow don't touch the mold yeah this is okay next what's up it's a shirt why why does every shirt have a ketchup stain right in that area have you noticed that trip as much as you do i mean just in that same area at least you don't stain your clothes with it yeah you don't waste it [Laughter] okay all right i think we can fast forward through a lot of these can we yes oh i would love let's do let's just show them in bulk so you got a bunch of jeans here we'll we'll definitely go through the jeans a little bit quicker because another pair of jeans jeans or not jeans but slacks all right ooh there's some disney though we gotta show that here's some more of these i'll feed through it yeah this is white stag stretch tree's a mystery that's kind of cool oh this is a whole stack of disney shirts wow okay we'll go through that oh are you adding something else to your pile oh wow look at this though this is winnie the pooh yeah this is a whole thing and it doesn't look stained it's vintage disney shirts here let me show you so this is yeah vintage disney there's a bunch of them in here so there's that one then we have this vintage disney i don't know if this has been you disney or not what um what's the tag no it's not let me see it you might want to add to your pile don't tell them my thighs no no no i didn't tell your size i just said that i might want to add it to my pile maybe a little tight or big no one knows here's another one and so these are all vintage disney cool and it has a suede collar wow these are really actually unique and i love the leaves all over it this is a very uh this is a vintage nice piece yep white stack it's a vintage white stag oh those are nice aren't they uh waist deck styles yeah it's all about the print look ham oh this is our beach shirt when we get uh stranded on that island from purpose yeah this is we don't have to go home made hong kong because if you get on an island you don't want to ever go home i know i wouldn't all right some more of that another hawaiian type of island shirt and lemongrass disney one here yeah there's this is all disney so they had 12 disney shirts in here that are definitely worth money they're old i mean they're not real real they're from the 90s and early 2000s but they're still cool but they're at least 20 years old look at this one's like new yeah doesn't even look used nope they're at least 20 years old oh my gosh yeah they don't look used wait these t-shirts look like they were just saved well they went to disney a lot so i'm assuming that i don't know if that's this thing yeah it is tigger oh yeah you know you're disney don't you yeah i saw a lot of disney old disney this one the collar's worn on yeah but guess what people still buy that in fact some people love the distressed look and so you you sell for the same price and sometimes you can even sell for more this is cool oh the back's cooler than the front tigger i mean these are worth look at the back wow these are worth anywhere from 20 all the way up to about 35 bucks of shirts i like that one so 20 all the way up to 30 bucks a shirt okay okay all right so let's go ahead oh the garbage box probably no no no oh we got one sock all right all right show them everything okay what do you got in there it says cushioning pillows i believe it not real heavy but i'm going to tip it on its side all right tip it on side what do you got there let's show them how you're doing it it's light so i'm assuming it's cushions a blow-up cushion oh if you ever hurt your tailbone oh those are big cushions oh wait those are well used cushion oh well those are distressed cushions distress so if you're in the distress there's one you can blow up for your car seat that's good when you have your your fannies getting or you fall off your porch in an ice storm and hit your tailbone that would be nice i feel like that's an actual story there that is why all right kids laugh at you so there's some not weighed by other kids yes landon all right i'm telling on you landon all right let's open up the next one oh oh man that's heavy that's heavy speeder chest contents okay let's open it wow let's open it up you know i just think cedar chest is special don't you oh oh my lord and it's heavy wow you got me okay shut it back up for a quick second shut it back up you don't want me to look all right guys that's today's video we're gonna do this you have to wait until tomorrow to see what's in here and it's heavy and it's good so anything else you want to say before today's edmond yeah four email me i'm peeking i'll let you know yes they're like keeping you in suspense hit the thumbs up button and i'll see you tomorrow bye what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma adventures poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units i'll put her link below if you want to shop her poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shopper poshmark also this is my poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayne's ventures poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these two poshmarks also ebay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you find in the storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units 34. it comes out to 25 cents per video and i teach you everything you need to know about buying storage 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Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 21,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleaning Out 3 Decades OLD Abandoned Storage Units!! JACKPOT, Decades OLD Abandoned Storage Units, Abandoned Storage Units, Decades OLD, storage, self-storage, Cleaning Out, storage jackpot, Abandoned, storage unit, storage units 2020, 2020, storage lockers auctions, storage wars full episodes, storage wars, storage unit finds, storage auction pirate, storage auction, auction hunters, storage unit auctions, treasure hunting, how to make money, mystery box, buy, wades ventures
Id: 0u0kxuGaKoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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