ESCAPING THE DEVILS PINCH / Caving & Spelunking Tight Squeeze In Bone Cave West Virginia

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[Music] george is actually not going through the devil's pinch yet she just wants a look to see if she what she's up against why am i so nervous well it's just like the emotional the highs and the lows with your cancer we've been through the highs and now we're going to the lows in west virginia we're going caving we're going caving under more than a hundred feet underground way way way more than a hundred years where the temperature will drop you ready oh nervous you see the goal is for george to get enough motivation to want to live to then draw upon that as she fights for cancer you ready spelunkling here we come well you i'm i'm just pointing you in the right direction that way i give you a no light it matches my jumpsuit you do match looks like i just got out of jail straight got out of prison out of prison after a tetris what feels like completely and totally uphill climb with two steps forward one step back george has almost made it to the top of the entrance of bone cave this was a quarry this is how they found the entrance to bone cave they were quarrying we're gonna die and become bones that's why it's called bone cave i can think of another reason with the threat of death around every corner frankly i think it's my responsibility to make sure that she finally lives and so she's going on an adventure of all adventures today this is the entrance of bone cave most caves if you think about it they're made through water breaking down the actual stone the rock so wet caves are obviously going to be the vast majority of caves because water that hydraulic pressure is what creates the caves hundreds of feet underground this is a dry cave in other words it's inactive at some points in time george is literally going to feel like she's walking through two three inches of moon dust you ready george why did i agree to this why [Music] i got my gloves on i got my headlamp i got an extra lamp just in case it dies and you got that super sweet just out of jail jumpsuit oh it's chill it just got really chilly caves are always a constant 54 degrees this water you're seeing right now this is the rain water it rained all last night when we get into the actual cave it'll be nothing but dry dust i got my mask for that that's where we came from and we actually have to let the chemical in our eyes it's called rhodopsin it's what gives you night vision it takes roughly 10 15 sometimes even 20 minutes to adjust we're gonna let our rhodopsin kick in and then we're gonna go exploring this is raw beautiful caving by the way there's a couple of different animals that only exist in an ecosystem of a cave so there's cave crickets and guess what they don't have some of the animals in a cave they don't have eyes because you don't need them i'm sure we're going to find some little brown bats as well you ready to go yeah here we say a prayer for me go a cave within a cave those are droppings droppings and food acorn shells and everything something is definitely living in this cave and it's not just the devil's pinch watch this no olight and can see everything this is how cave systems are created it's the water the water actually deteriorates takes away all the sediment of the stone this is pretty amazing isn't it george there's pretty amazing this is george in comparison of where we're headed now there's a few different areas i'm going to show you there's the dragon's tail there's the open cavern which is going to reverb like crazy and then the ultimate experience george you're going to crawl through the part that i don't want to walk through because i'm claustrophobic the part that i'm going to get stuck in and probably die because i'm fat the part where i bring out the stick of brother butter that i brought with me and lather it up on you to help you get through it garlic butter garlic butter the devil's pinch how deep will your foot actually go take your hand and pull some of that up this is so unusual in a cave this is called a dry or inactive cave and this is just the beginning there's going to be areas where you're going to be in three inches deep you're going to feel like you're actually walking on is that an uncut gem our first cave cricket george what do you notice about that cricket it looks like it could be a daddy long leg what else cricket it has no i don't see any eyes no eyes why would it ever need them in here oh it's coming to us nope nope going away from us george found an unexplored cavern something probably nobody has ever seen before she's trying to climb up there always the adventurer finally living don't have the right foods okay well yeah well we just brought santa for some hiking boots this year we'll see what santa says okay she's getting this thing this is her first raw cave ever find a hole in the ground go and explore it and now she's finding the hole in the cave and she's going up to explore look at that she's actually getting up there the best part is is you can actually because you got your jumpsuit on look at that she actually made it this is this was my life before george adventure everywhere and now i finally got her into it you know what the best part is sit your butt on the edge of that rock it's a slide ready in three two that's why we have jumpsuits and and one [Music] now this is this is honestly this is nothing we're gonna be on our belly for quite some time we are going to be army crawling oh this is so beautiful that ain't too bad either right there oh this is nothing yet this is nothing already remember george i told you this was nothing watch your head hit my head a couple times so you have made it almost to the dragon's tail remember when the princess took the dragon out look at this now you tell me why do they call it the dragon's tail all right let me show you the whole tail everything in a cave is named that's how you know locations just like streets why do you think they call it the dragon's tail cause it looks like a dragon's tail yes did we just hit the end of the we're at the end of the cave you're gonna have to find it because we definitely haven't seen the devil's pinch but you're gonna have to turn the wrong way nope this will be wrong turn part nope [Music] we're definitely not going up to the second floor no we are actually going to the basement this is the test to see if you can even get through this page oh my god you know i'm claustrophobic [Music] the sacrifices i make for this man [Music] this is where we army crawl this is nothing remember the devil's pinch is seven inches so this is the bone portion the devil's pinch takes you to the norman cave portion the norman cave is still an active cave 30 foot waterfall the whole deal we are not headed there today nice job by the way no bat so far we're gonna be on our belly for a long time [Music] [Music] here comes george it's amazing isn't it you guys want to do this at home would definitely recommend knee pads see where the water flowed right through the rock this looks like it looks like teeth the cave's teeth that's smiling at us i was actually thinking it looks like the prison bars it looks like you broke out of my jail breaks jumpsuit yep all right stalactites and stalagmites what's the difference do you remember stalag tights hold on tights stalagmites might be us to like tight someday [Music] is this not the most epic stuff you've ever seen in your life are you glad that i finally talked you into this yes wow look at this [Music] can you imagine the forces of water just running through here to create this beauty i can't even imagine absolutely hydraulic pressure did all this all of it [Music] and it's absolutely amazing absolutely beautiful remember the last time you went down a steep slide and what happened don't remind you huh george and i are currently about 30 feet up in the air we scaled part of the actual cave look my shoes were white i wore white shoes on purpose to show you how dirty caving is this is a stalactite stalagmite that have joined and the bottom one is so huge it is actually broken off and fallen down into a cavern george and i will not be going down into that cavern but right over near george if i can get the lighting right she actually done over here a lot of these formations in different caves actually named by the splunkers today we're the spelunkers how you feeling about devil's pinch so far so good i haven't had a claustrophobic moment yet well that's where we go through next so it's coming soon well it goes up must come down they have no idea she's she's no i'm recording you yeah i didn't land on my butt you stub your toe i did stuff my toes still got the nail uh i'll be i'll be shocked if the toad stays on and doesn't fall off could you imagine doing this without these old lights never the old lifesavers you know where we're going that way that sound sounds familiar is that what we were just looking at from up there that is what we were just looking at from all the way up there don't get too close to the edge i don't know how far down that goes and i don't bring any rope to save you i have a good idea what's your idea let's play hide and seek see ya don't you dare leave me there he goes trying to leave me oh my gosh look how narrow that is army crawling at its finest don't you dare get stuck on me either [Applause] there he goes did i just make it through the devil's pinch george yeah that that's not even close that wasn't the devil's picture the devil's pinch oh my gosh it was so tight in there not even close that you you could have done somersaults in there the devil's pinched the devil's pinch is from your thumb to your pinky mine's huge on my prison jumpsuit can't see anything turn your light off and then i'll check out all your dirt there we go now we can see your dirt remember dirt don't hurt dirt don't hurt did you put makeup on this morning no you're so lying put on makeup for caving really crazy that's dirt well there's more dirt awaiting us do you think maybe bears live in here oh my i think there might be yetis living in here but not a bear you think there's yetis i don't know if i'm readies for some yetis oh man here we go here we go here we go here we go we're not even to the devil's pinch yet or the cavern you want to go first or you want me to i'll follow your lead nah i think you're the you're the one always trying to be in charge you lead this time you're the leader oh almost hit my head i feel like the guy from the movie shawshank redemption where he cut out a tunnel to escape prison after all i am in my prison break jumpsuit formations what's the lag tight and the lag might touch and then become a column george who i never thought would become a caver [Music] and now becoming a cavern see those ones up there george you can actually run up straight up there so beautiful i feel like the video does know justice of how gorgeous the video isn't going to do any justice whatsoever to how beautiful it is and how we are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet underground where barely anybody has ever seen or explored and this is true treasure hunting not bad i want myself here so all the deposits mineral deposits that's literally in the water it gets filtered through the mountainside through the ground through the dirt through the stone and then the mineral deposits right there like diamonds pure calcite deposits reflective and absolutely [Music] beautiful not as hard as i thought it would be but there was a lot of things to grab onto to balance my foot on where to next captain that way not enough butter just found the formation called the dragon's head it's looking sideways i mean you looking at me huh huh you looking at me i think it is that formation up here looks like a dragon's head as well up there yeah all the fangs check that out so cool again if ryan doesn't know justice on video no no it doesn't but we're going to the devil's pinch nonetheless [Music] so incredible in here i think this is my favorite part that came just because you're surrounded by formation it's gorgeous it's so gorgeous it's george's [Music] [Music] 40 feet tall see my breath because the cave is always a constant 54. 40 feet tall it's a goliath of a structure wow wow just wow definitely will need knee pads uh this one is definitely on your belly once you get to the end and this is nothing yet you're not even near devil's well actually we're getting pretty close now we're getting pretty close oh you're doing the crab crawl instead of the army curl no i figured if i was still young enough and thin enough to do this portion on my back i might actually i might actually be able to get through the devil's pitch this is the tightest crawl we've done yet had to go through first so george would know there's no problem with her fitting through you can see she's hitting a false bottom right now she's gonna have to come on top of the false bottom i know she's she's in there somewhere i can see her light [Music] whether she's coming out or not that's a whole nother story maybe a story that we tell during the video and once she gets out we're going down through there you taking a nap [Music] time i guess she's taking a nap caves are one of the only places in the world where you can find complete darkness and frankly complete silence without the light we're lost [Music] with the light there's hope [Music] simply amazing one stretch you can barely even crawl another stretch you do cartwheels and most magnificent rock structures you've ever seen in your life again imagine the water just barreling down this tunnel that created yeah looks like mud that created this entire ecosystem what's around that bend is that the devil's pinch there you go george what do you want me to do again it's the devil's pinch put your head through there pinch it right through [Music] this is where my neck would go through and george would limbo it's your turn you might want to turn sideways try not to break the skin of your neck you know how i love challenging myself physically to see how far my body can actually go uh-huh uh-huh i didn't bring enough butter for this bring enough i did it yay first pump [Music] george have you ever seen anything so george's in all your life no i can't believe my eyes right now this is incredible the crazy part is 99.99999 of the world will never ever ever experience the adventure and the treasure hunt that this is you'll never see it except through a video this is what real treasure hunting is like no but i can i can taste it so we're going to the echo room to the cavern and then we're going to the pinch this way george [Music] we're almost there [Music] uh [Music] welcome to the echo room [Music] [Music] [Music] rose [Music] taught me to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my soul [Music] terrible voice but i can try [Music] jumpsuit [Music] one more place are you sure you're ready for it she just came out of the echo room devil's pitch the last two years that i've known you i think i'm ready devil's pinch is that way since you've been wanting to take me here for the last two years yeah yeah it's there but i can't read can you help me out no but you know that's not actually that's just the way to it that's not the actual pinch we gotta get down and crawl and we gotta get to the opening at the pinch you want me to go first or you you here we go 30 pounds on me since i've met you you're blaming me for your weight gain let's see if i can do this see you at the other end okay don't don't go too fast this one gets a little wet it looks a little wet careful you just hit his head you got to stay low as in low no definitely recommend knee pads if you ever want to explore this cave or any cave that requires crawling [Music] check that out george i just found a cave salamander [Music] that is really cool yeah he does look at that how cool is he that was an insane pinch just to get to an insane pinch no this is it here this is a better look at the devil's pinch top of the rock to the bottom of the rock seven inches also called the seven inch pinch whether we can actually make it through or not is debatable george ken me on the other hand i'm a little leery first off you have to tilt your head to the side second you have to breathe all the air out of your lungs and when you get inside you can only take small gas because if you inflate your lungs you inflate your ribs and the stalactites stalagmites the top layer the bottom layer it will break bones you put one arm in front of you tilt your head aside drag the other you pull with your fingertips and you push with your toe tips that's if you can actually get through a little worried with my weight i do blame it on george the issue is if i do get stuck there aren't enough people down here to pull and push me out there's only george and i don't think i could do it by my lonesome not going through the devil's pinch yet she just wants a look to see if she what she's up against did you say there were vending machines at the end yeah there's vending machines and there's also papa john's pizza oh then let's go let's do it what are we waiting for [Music] no joke all i wore shiny shorts shiny shorts so here's what we're gonna do george i'm gonna prove to you this can be done there goes the jumpsuit [Music] for those who doubt this is the devil's pinch pinky to thumb tell me that the most awesome thing you have ever done who the hell's nose what's [Music] next [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 28,519
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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