Convergence Conference 2019 - Heidi Baker (Friday Night)

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could you guys just give Heidi an amazing hand here we're so blessed to have her in the house we call her mama Ida Oh bless you guys thank you so much for loving Jesus and being here and blessing us or undone oh just coming in I I just felt so blessed Rebecca and I came in together and we've been undone even already in the green room we got so undone and then Jake come on you're just god I was watching I was like God daddy God loves watching him play not just hearing about watching him it's just it's true isn't it yeah I am so happy to be here laughs and Jennifer thank you Mike and Christie and we're just undone already we just got here and we're so undone already oh Jesus oh can we just lift our hands and and just love on him just yeah I know we've been loving on him all oh but he's just so beautiful just just love on him however you like to love on him I was yeah maybe you may be I don't know if you like to sing in the spirit oh you'd like to just tell him where you like to sit in silence but as we were worshiping tonight and we were singing about fire and gasoline oh wow oil lord give us more oil Lord the oil of intimacy God we wanna burn oh we wanna burn God we wanna burn burn burn but we never want to go out God we want to be like the five wise virgins that we're ready ready ready ready they had so much oil God Oh Lettie Dion died so let's just let's just give him a little little time right now and just if you've never sung in this spirit before this is a great time to just just just start you just start singing singing to him a love song until you've run out of words in every language you know and all you have left are the heavenly languages until the angels start to join in with us Oh Katie I hear ya see daddy God he loves it when his children start to sing together when his family starts to come together love together sing together just the sound the sound the sound of love holy and Andy a kitty on Davie di oh yeah sure [Music] Jesus Jesus would you pour out oil tonight would you pour out oil tonight would you pour out oil God goddess people are just laid out on the altar as they're just laid out on the altar as they're given on the altars they're just laid out and saying god I'll be a vessel I'll be a vessel Lord all be a vessel I'll be a vessel Lord pick me up like a paintbrush oh yeah pick me up like a paintbrush oh yeah fill me up Lord Oh overflowing God until everywhere I go Lord they can feel your love they can feel your presence they can feel you go Orion they fill me up Lord Orion they connect connect connect connect lord I just pray God no disconnect Lord no disconnect Oh face to face face to face face to face face to face heart to heart you can come closer you can come closer closer closer closer you can come closer closer face to face heart to heart Chikara Bosh shut the rubbish under the bus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus just just for a few minutes as as you're just worshiping and meditating on him I just feel this start with these words just just keep pressing in just for a few minutes there's something about just coming together and hearing what's going on in this city that just brought so much joy to my heart and I just thought oh god how do you feel as your children come and dwell together in unity as they put aside their differences and they just say we will come and worship together we will come and love together we will come and care for the needy together we will come and care for the underserved together we will come and love you together we will put aside everything that hinders us and we will come together because you are worthy and you're a good good daddy and whoa I this wasn't part of the message but it is now it is now I felt just to read from John 17 and it's Jesus who's praying for all believers my prayer is not for them alone I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and I am in you I don't think you understood the words of Jesus I I think I think I haven't understood these words oh Jesus why would it mean what would it mean if we really do well together in the kind of unity that you're talking about the unity of the turnit II what would it be I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me I have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one as we are one I in them and you and me may they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them you have loved them jesus said even as the father loved him and there was no disconnect between the father and the son they were connected Oh God would you would you bring us into this place a deeper connection with you and with one another God until the world would know that we're believers that we are Christians by our love I feel like Jesus when he wept those tears those tears of blood and go 70 it was as he was anticipating the horror of being disconnected from his father the horror of it and yet he said yes so that all of us could be connected to his father Jesus oh Jesus we'd never want to take what you did on that cross for granted and we never want to forget your prayer in John 17 that you've been praying for all eternity since the beginning of creation you prayed that we would be one as you and the father are one God Lord I asked I asked Lord I asked I asked mewling down laying down bowing down god I ask that you would rip out of us the things that divide us and keep us from power from love from wisdom from the emergence of the convergence that you longed for in your body where your River Holy Spirit could flow into every part of the earth where there is dying and crying and brokenness and your life would burst forth God God I can't I can't impart intimacy but lord I pray there would be a holy hunger rise up that we would see that Lord that there's more there's more connection and communion and love and power and wisdom that you want to pour forth in this world through your people Oh God would you take us to a place of holy abandonments where we understand the face of grace and all fear dissipates and Love Wins I have made you known he says Jesus said I have made you known he's made the father known to us and I will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them is that what we want do we want that kind of radical love I think I've reached some of you out here so I'm gonna tell a story it helps it helps sometimes cuz I'm very I'm very very very passionate I'm frightening Leaney frighteningly passionate and I can't help myself I'm in love I fell in love with Jesus and I was 16 years old and everyday I just keep getting closer and closer and I didn't even know it was possible and Rollins was driving me to the airport today and I just started weeping in the car say I just love Jesus I just loved I just loved Jesus so much he is worthy of it all but this this story comes a little bit out of some of Jake's songs tonight okay I'm gonna tell a few stories but we just kept hitting this place you know we just kept hitting this place and there was something about this the diversity of the band but it was so awesomely wonderful that they could all play sometimes we come together in diversity and we just but we we don't actually we can't actually play together so you got the drill and you know and the and the other guys playing a different note and and you're like we want to be what it's just painful and and and sad somehow how it feels when we we try to push ourselves into unity gathering we will be one we're having a coffee breakfast and one guy's a vagin and one loves Dunkin Donuts and the other ones on some kind of protein thing we can't have any carbohydrates at all and your unity breakfast hit the dust before it even started it's like god this is so painful it's we're gonna be real it's not and then and then you what you I'm thinking of fire you know and come on burn Jesus burn everything away that you want to burn and then so I'm this is my church Sunday morning this really happened this I mean some of you have been there will understand this is this is real life Sunday morning in our church no fire codes I had this idea when I woke up in the morning that I was going to preach from John 15 and that because you know we have about 20 nations 25 nations there and people from zero education to PhDs and everything in between and I was like it's like 16 languages and three translations and it's like unities awesome and I'm gonna I'm gonna use props okay so you don't think I would ever use props I do in my country I use props so I'm like cutting down branches live 5:00 in the morning sawing down branches finding dead ones finding alive ones I'm getting I'm getting a katana what's that in English a machete I'm getting a machete big katana that's a better word for a big katana I'm in a chop away and I'm gonna burn up the branches that don't bear fruit and I got a bunch of kids that will hold up the other ones and I'm gonna do this so they're gonna remember it right because we are supposed to burn but there are several kinds of burning so there's a good kind of burning burning fire this fire burning and I I've always laughed about that song and tell Jake saying it tonight I'm like I mean he just wrecked my point cuz I used to say I hate that song I mean in love I don't hate the person who wrote it but this little light of mine I thought that is the pitiful song and don't let Satan fall it out and then he sang and you didn't like talk about Satan and I loved it it just we just kept shining that's awesome but how do we shine we shine when we have oil and what happens when we don't have the oil of intimacy and the fire of God hits us maybe you went to some awesome conference and the fire of God fell on you and it was just glorious but you didn't know how to connect with God on Monday Monday came and you're like I'm so burned up I'm so burned up I can't even move and all the burning was like glorious in the moment in the sense that you could feel God and then you just felt undone in a horrible way because the oil of intimacy wasn't being refilled in your life because you can't get a life of see at a conference you can't get it at a gathering it isn't it is a passion that comes the more you know him the more you love him the more you give him honor and glory and the trust the trust you start trusting God and we're asking for unity in the body of Christ right did y'all y'all have a Bible on your phone or somewhere John 17 but the body's kind of strange and really you do look at the body and and if you actually I've traveled now since I got hit with that fire fire of the Holy Ghost I've traveled to a hundred and eleven nations preaching the gospel so I have seen the body of Christ you know why that's cool because when the fire hit me I didn't want to go anywhere but my own country my country's Muslim peak I still have an American passport and I'm trying to get a grip on that and the Lord's helping me but I never wanted to leave my country and I never wanted to leave the garbage dump because that was the happiest place on the planet and by the way it was always burning always burning that's interesting but the body of Christ when you meet the body of Christ if you don't love the body of Christ you have no authority in the body of Christ and and to love the body means that you're going to love the odd bits you're gonna love the odd bits of the body so where you go in places you're not supposed to go I'm talking about the kind of this unity in in convergence it's it's it's it sounds so awesome when you talk about power and love and wisdom and convergence and tell you start drawing it and then it's just like oh oh oh Lord what's going on this is a frightening place so back to my prop story Sunday morning I'm chopping down the trees and I'm gonna preach on John 15 and we're gonna have to we're gonna have to do three languages so I'm gonna really try to keep this going I'm thinking of translating for myself and thinking I don't know should I do two languages should I try three should I just you know put some branches out there and hope the kids join in for the theater I'm trying to figure it out I didn't know exactly what to do some of you are saying well that's what's happening right now don't worry it's gonna it's gonna come around I think I pray but I was there and I start talking about how we're connected to Jesus and we can do nothing without Jesus do y'all believe that and then I said and we can do nothing without the body of Christ do you believe that I didn't I didn't believe that they're been they've been very kind in in introducing me but I want to tell you I I'm a bit of a rascal I'm actually a rascal but God's Lake he's taming a rascal but at the same time he's making me more fiery is that okay so this is how was I I didn't um I didn't really like the body of Christ for a long long time I I was saved at 16 filled with the Holy Spirit and a Pentecostal Holiness Church I became a Holy Roller day to rolling up and down my Ivy League bohemian parents thought I had lost my mind tried to get me a psychologist to deprogram me I mean the whole thing was very odd and III I was so excited about this newfound faith and Holy Spirit and Chaka Robin and I just would speak in tongues everywhere at all times to everyone I thought people would be saved I just look at you Shekhar ah ba ba ba che and I thought you'd be saved just because I spoke in tongues why wouldn't you be it's it's amazing Chaka ba ba ba and then people would just look at me like whoa she needs some help and and that was just kind of how it was going and and I thought a God spoke to me at the age of 16 in a vision a big bright white light not big just bright white covered everything beyond big covered me and I heard the audible voice of God I've only heard the external audible voice of God one time some people just have a frequent flyer pass in their eye I go up and down to heaven all the time up and down do you want my guard go will wanna go with me I mean seriously dude I think it would affect you so anyway that's another story but I only I've only heard the external audible voice of God one time I'm a 16 year old girl from Laguna Beach on my knees worshipping Jesus I hear him say you're called to be a minister and a missionary I didn't even know what a missionary was to go to Africa Asia and England the Lord kissed my hand oil ran down my arm I was completely lately I'm done and the next day I stepped out on the street and started preaching the gospel I have never stopped preaching the gospel I've been preaching the gospel since I was 16 years old but I didn't ever believe or imagine or think or desire or want to ever go into a church to preach the gospel why would I do that would people were out there dying and then the Lord got hit by the fire and Randy Clark laid his hot hat on my head suddenly I was asked to go I'm like what do they want me to go for I usually since Holy Spirit hit me in that way I usually laid on my face and went wow and they asked me to come back it was bizarre it went on like that for about four years I'm serious people say have you ever looked at that I said no no there's no I never wanted to look stupid never one looks foolish and I looked though but at that time when God was touching me and putting love in my heart for all of you really I'm not joking now I'm not none of it's a joke actually I started getting filled with this love for the body of Christ and it started to happen some of you heard my story I'm gonna give it fast but it was not being able to move for seven days and seven nights not being able to do anything for myself I needed the body of Christ I needed you and I told God why I didn't need you especially first world people anybody in the Western world anyone in the first world Asia n-- world anybody with means I did not need need you because I somehow thought by serving the poor living in the slums laying down among the poorest desperate people of the planet somehow we were more spiritual what a hideous thing I judged you and I'm sorry I didn't understand you and I'm sorry and for the last twenty four and a half years I have been falling in love with the body of Christ I have been falling in love with the body of Christ with the beauty of the body of Christ in their diversity I've been I've been seeing them I mean one time I'm going back to the props don't worry but one time I was I was in three days I'm gonna give you an example of these meetings I was in Ukraine and I was in a Jewish Church a Jewish Jewish believers completed Jews and they are dressed up I mean they're Jewish they're not half Jewish I'm 1/8 Jewish I thought it was more but DNA tests only 1/8 anyway never mind hey whatever I got some in there and there so but there'd like a hundred percent there they're the real deal there speaking Hebrew they're dancing they're leaping there they're just doing it you know they got the beards they got the skirts they're going for it they're just dead and they were so happy and it was all about being Jewish and it was beautiful it was Jewish who loved Yeshua and I was having a blast and and I've said this is awesome and then I got to the next place it was in Poland it and the end of my uh I'm thinking in Portuguese sorry hosts my hosts came and they said um well you know we have good news and bad news I said okay okay what well great what what do you want to know first I said it's good it's all good what do you want to tell me they said well the good news is you're in the same hotel I so great you know I never asked anyone where to put me I never know where I'm going I didn't even know till somebody picks me up most likely I don't know the Lord said never else where to go never asks where to stay never ask never ask my list is water possibly if you really push me and so I'm going and I don't know what's going on and they said well you know we've got the Catholics really wanted you to come and the Pentecostals really wanted you to come and so we got together in unity and we decided to put you in the same hotel that's awesome but they say we couldn't do our meetings together but you're gonna speak at both of them and you get to be in the same hotel I thought well hey that's better than nothing they're moving towards the direction you know so you're like what what you said that what word oh yeah God has people all over the place it would shock you to find out who actually loves Jesus it would shock you it would it would it would probably upset you who loves Jesus no they're actually dead we're alive and they're dead we're alive their dad they're so dead we're so alive they're so dead and we're so alive we're so shiny and full and full of renewal fire and they're so dead that just really helps with the unity everybody's just can't wait to go and embrace you all of the corpses are just running and your doors where the fires falling no attitude matters love matters humility matters understanding that somebody might have something that you don't have matters understanding that you will never have all that you need by yourself matters knowing we need each other matters knowing that if we're connected to Jesus all things are possible but those old things are possible are only possible when you connect to the body of Christ but some of the body of Christ is so strange so very very strange went into the Pentecostal meeting it was it was wonderful they were shouting and hooting and hollering and flopping and flying it was awesome went back to the hotel room got picked up by the Catholics they were they were wearing different clothes singing the same songs mostly having a different way and I thought what is going on Lord I've confused I'm confused I've just been with the Jews and the Pentecostals and the Catholics and you are showing up everywhere and it's really confusing what is going on he started reminding me of our children you guys you know us know we have a massive family it's we think it's one size we claim we claim 17 but we actually have a whole lot more so if if if you asked which ones are still gonna be they will punch I mean they will actually punch that's not very Christian but it's it's it's true they'll actually whack their brother that's my mom anyway it's very sweet and it's sort of way so I'm I'm I'm thinking about my children thinking about rolling my kids I'm thinking about the we have two that looked like us one actually looks like me she's a girl one looks like Rahl and he's a boy they're both towhead blots they can't help it they're both blue-eyed there's no chance of any other thing happening in our gene pool they're gonna be blue-eyed blondes that's it crystal and my daughter married a blue-eyed dark blonde and she said mom pray for our children to be brown I said honey sweetheart your children your natural born they're not gonna be brown honey she's like Bob but pray seriously you've got to pray I said I can pray honey but your natural children they're gonna have blue eyes and blood she started crying it's just what happens it's just what happens but then the larger family the other kids we look like a family of crayons our family excursion looks like crayons because our black kids some of the married Asian some of the married White's some of the married black so married mixed black some of them married black black we look like a crayon box and when you when we have our family gathering every Sunday when we're at home people look at us think Oh people how are you people I said we're a family well why are you a family and then every family has it's really odd once no just mine not yours eyes ears all like everybody's kumbaya my lord kumbaya everybody's perfect and happy all the time is that your family I don't know our family gets little you know no you don't or you do at times there's slight dysfunction going on I'm reading this through the eyes of John 17 cuz like really Jesus have you seen the body of Christ how long are you gonna pray that prayer it's really have you seen our family we love each other we absolutely love each other but there is so much going on and everybody wants to participate so I'm going back to my story but I'm gonna read a little bit more scripture and and if you need to leave just slip slip out the door quietly but not a hundred at a time it's just distracting but you don't want her to go get your kids it's not time yet but if you kind of want to use that as an excuse it works it works just perfectly Colossians 1 for this reason since the day we heard about you we haven't stopped praying for you asking God to fill you with knowledge knowledge wisdom knowledge the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and you may leaves him in every way bearing fruit yes masses amount of fruits in every good work what in every so we're connected to Jesus connected to the body of Christ bearing fruit in every good work it means love looks like something love looks like something all the time are you guys okay are you tired like you've been here since 6:00 a.m. or something well how many meetings have you had already I got it for what anyway wake up we're almost finished wake up this is this is this is something I I don't know I love this this prayer of Paul being or being strengthened and all wisdom and power so I'm thinking about this and this is a book that I live in and now I'm thinking how how much I want to show the church about fruit bearing and getting rid of sin and getting rid of evil and getting rid of idols and burning it all up and I'm ready to go and our families all their course roll there some are running around doing cartwheels and backflips it's really cool our worship teams awesome they can jump about this high off the ground for two and a half hours no joke poof anyway it's a cool so so I got this thing and I've got my my props my branches my my machete my my fruit I got fruit I called some of my kids I called Sarah I got can you can you do me a favor he's like sure mom what do you need I said I need like 2000 bananas in an hour he said no problem do you want any other kind of fruit I said you find out what kind of fruits you know on sale in the market he's like wow okay we're gonna get it alright 2000 plus bananas I said oh you better get it you know a thousand of some other fruit and because we want it I wanted to show this drama you know I was being filled with knowledge the wisdom spiritual wisdom coming from heaven that if they saw this they could understand it and how God would just get them so I needed I needed them to taste the fruit really taste it and I needed them to sense what was going on and and see it and so I decided I was gonna light a real fire in church you know just a normal fire because we don't have carpet or anything I was just gonna put it on the cement floor and light it and it was gonna be beauty it was gonna be really powerful they would get the point and we had you know hundreds of baskets I don't know how many baskets I know I'm not a counter if some of your like how many baskets how many fruit how many were in the baskets of fruit I don't know I love the body of Christ I love the counters what do you do without the counters you don't pass audits that's for sure you need counters if you want to feed millions of people you need hundreds of counters counters are amazing but I'm not one of them I have a different thing going on so so the counters are counting the fruit looking at how many people we have thinking I don't know we did we get enough I don't know I'm like just pray it will multiply and I'm I'm setting I'm talking about Jesus and the branch and how he cuts off everything that doesn't bear fruit and then I'm saying and God wants to burn away everything in your life that doesn't bear fruit and suddenly all these people are just like I'm looking at these faces thinking what did I say and I turn around and my most challenging son who I call son my most challenging of all times ten decided to help me with the illustration so George goes out and gets compost evil gasoline that's why I got this message safe from your song George goes out he gets gasoline I don't know I was preaching for a while so he goes how he gets an entire bead don't a whole thing a gasoline and He pours it on the fire and the fire went up our roofs about like this high the fire went up to the roof massive like we could hear it everybody's cooking it's already 120 in there and now there's a fire going to the roof and I'm like Jesus our family is so strange and George is like he's like Marley lit the fire George it's just about burned down the church and there I had some guys there visiting some guy no joke one of the visitors wasn't like a fire a fire code guy seriously he was there in Pemba Mozambique on that day looking at me these this should not be allowed what is the point of all of that John 17 Jesus says we can bear no fruit unless were connected to him but when were connected to him there will be much fruit but what the fruit will look like and how the fruit comes will come through an incredible means that most of us aren't ready for you know to this day my children our children our our congregation the old Mama's the Papas the visitors they'll still talk about that message nobody will ever forget it nobody will ever forget it it was it was burned into their minds forever nobody will forget what will it take for us to be one what will it take for us to be so determined so ignited by this flame of passion by this radical love for Jesus by this radical love for one another that the world will not deny that we are Christians what will it take if we were willing to give our lives for the sake of love what would it look like for us to love so Radek léa that no one would mistake us for anything other than lovers of Jesus what would it look like on this earth what would it look like in Colorado for that kind of love to burn on the streets what would it look like for a people to be so filled with passion that nobody could deny the passion inside of them it surely would not look like all of us doing the same thing all the time in the same way it surely wouldn't look like that for the body to really be the body the surgeon needs to be the surgeon and there has to be a counter there has to be a counter there has to be the entrepreneur there has to be the artist there has to be there has to be the one who lays the carpets or knots depending on the climates that pours the cement or rakes the sand or puts up the ceiling or cuts the grass to cover us for shade there has to be a people ignited with a passion to do what they were created to do fearless lovers not afraid to shine because they knew who they were and Satan could never them out because if the enemy tried to blow on them all that would happen is the oil inside of them the oil of radical intimacy their love for Jesus would cause them to burn even brighter do you want to be a burning one [Applause] is it 954 my I'm I came from a different time zone I am so sorry I'm gonna read one more thing I'm gonna pray okay wait I'm gonna pray right now shaka baba thank you Jesus oh Lord I just saw their clock oh sweet Jesus I'm so Lord Jesus you know I really try with time God but I didn't see it you know I'm telling the truth I really thought I didn't even think it was 9:00 yet Lord I thought it was eight fifty four or six or something anyway god I'm sorry especially for the kids Lord that are waiting for their parents so with every eye closed and every heart yielded to God if you have children waiting for you get up now and go get them our eyes are closed it's all good or if you just need to sleep off you go be blessed we'll see you in the morning oh and let your heart burn with love for Jesus shaka haha yes Lord oh oh oh grace grace grace yes keep going keep going close your eyes again oh maybe Jake should sing a song I don't know but just let's just I'm gonna I'm actually you know what I'm gonna do it's gonna help me I'm gonna keep my eyes closed we're gonna all stand up yeah that helps and I am gonna invite back the worship team come on Shaka Rama any one of them who's still here Shara Bosch a Thank You Jesus and I thank you Lord that the kids are gonna have grace on their parents and oh thank you Jesus thank you Lord for cookies and milk and whatever they're gonna do to bless their kids right now thank you Jesus they'll know they did not forget them they did not forget them you will never forget your children's oh Jesus help us not to forget ours thank you lord Chaka Baba who thank you lord thank you Lord that you'd never divorce your children Oh some of your like that's weird but I'm saying that for for the older kids in our family who we we found everywhere in every kind of manner every condition known on the face of a suffering planets and some of them are still on their journey like the body of Christ some of our children are many many children are still on a journey and God knows their mom and dad are still on a journey a journey of intimacy a journey of love a journey of fruitfulness a journey of longing to understand power and wisdom and love convergence of the streams of God coming together to become that great Ezekiel 47 River that flows through the streets of the city that flows through the streets of this city God were longing and were praying and were looking and were crying out for radical lovers to rise up for wisdom and knowledge and love and power to ignite with the passion we have for Jesus that passion that causes the oil the oil of intimacy to fill us so that we don't shine like a little light once in a while that the enemy can snuff out in a moment or a storm or a conflict or a war but we shine through the greatest storms we shine through the greatest wars and the greatest tragedies on the planet we will continue to shine because you have called us yours because you have called us yours father because you have determined with Jesus that your sons and daughters would come home and that we would be filled with holy spirit and this is what I'm sensing right now in these last few minutes that were together I sensing that many of you that were listening you knew that you needed oil you knew that you needed oil and you've asked God to burn and you've asked him for fire and you've asked him to anoint you and to ignite you but you know that you need more oil you know you need the oil of intimacy you know you need the oil of of intimate love with Jesus and I'm telling you the the the widow woman in in the book of kings she she was told by the Prophet gather up the vessels and and start to pour the oil and tonight I feel very strongly that there there's got to be a move there has to be move for those who are longing for this oil now I I can by the grace of God I can make you hungry for more but he is the oil of what we need right now is oil from Holy Spirit that we would burn burn burn burn burn whether were called the burn in Chicago or we're called to burn in Ohio or burn in Somalia or burn in Colorado we're called to burn we need to burn every profession [Music] every destiny so connected with Jesus and one another that together we start to burn in a way the world has never seen but this is what I sense I don't want you to walk to that front I want you to run to the front and and just kneel before the Lord and lift up your hands and ask for oil ask for oil I believe tomorrow there'll be impartation and prayer teams but tonight I believe that there's something there's something there's just a different way that I'm seeing tonight I just sing tonight we're where we as lovers of God that we would cry out together as the body of Christ but also individually that we would cry out for oil that right now you would just lift your hands and you just lift your hands up and you would ask the one who is the oil giver you would ask the one who is the oil giver you would ask Holy Spirit to fill you right now come on Holy Spirit we're gonna go in we're gonna go in deeper deeper deeper for maybe ten ten minutes or so amble we're gonna go in fully present we're not gonna go in doing something else we're not gonna go in double-minded we're not gonna go in with diversions we're gonna go in we're gonna go face to face to the heart are with Jesus and we're gonna ask him for what he promised we're gonna ask him for what he promised but there has to be something inside of us that begins to to cry out see I I there see this is the hard thing for me right now to get you to understand that there has to be something inside of us that asks that's passionate and again I am I am the donkey I'm the postman we're we're we're asking for Holy Spirit to fill us you ready I feel like we need to cry out I feel like we need to cry out and say God Lord I hear the prayer of Jesus Lord I wanna be fruitful but you need to burn Lord inside of me burn everything else come on Jesus I let's just let's just sing our prayers let's just sing our prayers hell whatever you get whenever you got changes we're gonna sit our prayers we're gonna get fired tonight oil tonight we can't leave the same way generally the same way we came in here we've got to be one oh Jesus [Music] he said that we could we could have full net he said that we could have fullness we could have the full the food the mystery that is fit kept hidden for all ages and generations but now is disclosed to the same to them God has chosen among the Gentiles the glorious riches of the mystery which is Christ in you [Music] the hope of glory we started this way and I feel like I feel like we're not supposed to end tonight in a in a wimpy way I feel like tonight's about the city the tenacity of radical lovers of God who will not beat tenacity of radical lovers of God you know that is so [Music] [Music] that we can be possessed by the power of a living God that we can be possessed by a Holy Spirit the wicked peace mildrith holy spirit the donors have gone [Music] as we move together unity that Jesus must be crying out for [Music] of human being [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Rock Church - Castle Rock
Views: 16,639
Rating: 3.2939959 out of 5
Keywords: The Rock Church, Castle Rock, Heidi Baker, Convergence Conference
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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