Finding God's Approval | Heidi Baker

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[Music] welcome to coach and joe you know who this is if you don't know who this is then i can't help you this is mama heidi remind me your name uh this is joe reynolds and we're gonna jump in so i want okay i'm excited about this even if you like even if you tell me i'm wrong this is just like what i'm so passionate about okay one of the famous taglines right now in the kingdom is you just make sure you're not striving and i get it i understand it and i believe that however okay you say that love has to look like something well i think that friendship has to look like something jesus makes a statement you are my friends if you do what i command there seems to be even with the reality of grace and i cannot do anything to earn my own righteousness i get it i'm as clean as jesus because of jesus i didn't do anything to deserve that i want to call timeout on in friendship though abram had to take isaac up there um there is a metric that seems to point that it's not really possible to be friends with god father son holy spirit and not be obedient to what he's asking you to die to so there is an aspect to this of if you want to be friends with him i laugh a lot i say that the father is the most incompatible friend i've ever had in my life wow because because uh like we don't go to counseling together right i've never he's the boss he's never asked my opinion i'm waiting on the day where he says chad i'm stuck do you have any thoughts i'll be like nope you we talked downstairs you did not see toronto coming with randy praying over you you didn't see mozambique coming so well i was in mozambique you were already there yeah oh yeah okay and then the father and father said do you want mozambique but even that yeah you said yes to the invitation from him right so even in a covenant relationship there's a stronger party oh yeah what is what have you learned about if if friendship with god looks like something obedience has to be up there uh-oh so i'm sure i'm gonna be quiet and you talk about the role of obedience it's like sheer i mean you can see it in the word if you love me you will obey me period there's nothing else you love god you'll obey him if you love god you'll follow him absolutely everything you believe you believe he's saying you feel he's saying you sense he's saying you'll stay in the word if you love me you will obey me you'll obey me what does it mean to obey god you gotta know him in the word like this is this is beautiful here whether it's on your sweet phone i don't care what kind of phone it's on your ipad whatever however however you have it you need to know the word because he demonstrates himself through the word some people are like i don't know god's will i don't know what he wants what does obedience mean i'm waiting for him to tell me what to do hello hello we got we've got this beautiful book here it's all about covenant and he's like i just want you to stay in covenant i want to show you the beginning to the end the whole thing like this what you deserve um this is what israel went through now look what grace did look what i did now what are you going to do once you understand this what are you going to do now that you love me how are you going to obey me what does it look like how are you going to shine on the planet because i put your shine and so there's that's the disconnect some people are like grace grace grace hallelujah i'm saved you know and then they don't do anything after that it's just i'm saved that's it i don't drink i don't smoke or don't cuss i'm saved you know what it's a lot more than just that that is the saddest kind of relationship you could have you're gonna make it to heaven thank you jesus you're gonna make it but what would it mean to live a life in friendship connected with the one who is worthy to totally be obedient with all that is within you and count it all joy all right i want to ask i love that i just want to give you a hug i want to i want to ask you some fun stories let's just ask the holy spirit to bring two or three to where it looks like this to where the either you rolling someone on the team the father asked you to do something because this is what i love about the father i love well i love it and i hate it i know where you go when he asks you to do something to where you just think okay is this you i i love the dramatic isaac moments but what's a couple of stories of being in the dirt of the father asking you to do something that just doesn't make a whole lot of natural realm sense and then your obedience paid off can i tell you a current story yeah where it started about 12 years ago yeah i'll zing through it as well take your time okay so growing up um i grew up in an ivy league bohemian family in laguna beach never heard the gospel i was baptized as a baby confirmed you know there was the anglican and the jewish and the kind of ex-catholic atheist all boiled down to uh these these ivy league bohemians not knowing where we're going and so there's my background but i was um very ashamed my whole life uh growing up because i had a severe dyslexia i was so disabled i couldn't read so i became a dancer i could do triple pirouettes and leap across the stage i was going to find a way to shine somehow do something that i could do but i went to an indian reservation met jesus in a baptist church met the lord first time i heard the gospel navajo preacher hundreds of indians i got powerfully born again in a southern baptist church in mississippi then the pentecostals got me they said you need the holy ghost i said i don't know where the holy ghost is but they locked me in a little car and they drove me to their double-wide trailer church and i got filled with the holy ghost and that was my journey you know i just i've just been on this journey and um but but there was something in me i always thought i'm stupid it didn't matter how many degrees i earned how many straight a's i got i felt like i'm stupid i'm stupid i'm stupid so one even though i had a phd by this point i still think in my mind i'm stupid this all has to do with obedience i'm swimming in mozambique out in the ocean i kid you not i heard the lord himself speak to me build a university now how in my mind i'm still this dyslexic girl i'm still this little 16 year old that can't read and can't write and can't spell and teachers would say spell people and i couldn't do it and they'd mock me and they'd all laugh and i said several things to god i after i was saved i don't want to ever look stupid and hear it i'm like the poster child for renewal sometimes you know i just i don't want to look foolish lord but now it's like whatever you want to do and and i just had these things and please make me never have to spell in public you know and anyway i'm in the indian ocean and the lord says build a university and i'd sucked water into my snorkel like who are you talking to how how can you be talking to somebody like me i always thought i'd be found out and they'd take away my degrees like they'd find out i'm really not intelligent and instead god takes this huge massive thing and says now do it do you know what obedience looks like getting out of the water and starting a first grade classroom in the dirt under some bamboo sticks that's what obedience looks like until you build a secondary school from year one to year two until you take the poorest people on the planet in the poorest place obedience looks like obedience every day and it's not short-term obedience when god says build a university you think it's going to be shazam the next day there it is wow no it's been it's been almost 14 years of journey now and it's still being built obedience looks like something love looks like something when god calls you to do something like lose weight he told you to lose weight did he not was that just shazam did you just lose 23 pounds well mama did not look at me no i mean i got a long way to go there i want the shazam but no you're exactly you're looking good but there was a discipline in that abuse yes when the lord tells you to do something there's a follow through there's a lot of people out there all talking about holy spirit supernatural signs and wonders that's awesome but there's got to be follow through tenacity love and obedience and faith and holiness all of it goes together it's been a huge long journey can you impact the statement i teach that the boring typically brings the breakthrough there you go but see in in i'm 46 ministering here a lot of people with with iris ministries they they see what god has already done through you but there's an entitlement thing going on with a lot of young people they expect to have in their 20s what their what their parents even had in their 50s and i'm seeing it apply to their minds even spiritually of like god gave me this huge destiny why hasn't it manifested into two days it's hilarious and it's actually hilarious to watch i just look at him sweetheart you know you're gonna change the world but you didn't even sign up for junior college you know like what's god telling you to do do you want a surgeon just said hallelujah green pill red pill i just hear god and then i cut do you want that kind of a surgeon no what does it mean to walk with god well i know this may be foreign to you i actually want you to speak into this you i'm 46 and i minister here you you may not be aware of how prevalent this mindset is in the kingdom right now you know where i'm going with this yeah i love words i love it when the father shows me something over someone but what was it david 14 15 years of waiting joseph waiting jesus waiting if you're waiting you're probably in good company what is it why why do so many people seem to struggle with slow obedience in the same direction yeah what what is what's going on here well i can speak for me and when it shifted god wasn't my reward i wanted the thing he'd do for me to be my reward like friendship with him was a byproduct of whatever i was my assignment was but what is it genesis 15 god says to abraham i'll be your exceedingly great reward come on i'll be your shield and i'll be your exceedingly great reward and then the next verse abram's like but what are you gonna give are you gonna give me a sign you know even abram missed it there but like for me and i think what's happening with specifically my my generation is we he's not the reward we're looking for which always keeps us pining for the next breakthrough for the next word for the next moment but i've only found peace in my life and fannin's not because i mean he's a part of this too when when god became my he's all i want that's when that's when power hits your life that's when the boring is actually something that you look forward to because it's him it's what we talked about the last the last show that we just did it's you get to know him he's the exceedingly great reward like the fact that god lives in me the old testament prophets insane like they would have literally killed to have what we have and we and we just get you know filled with the holy spirit we get born again and we just we don't we don't realize what we have you know recently someone of the altar asked me to pray over their destiny and the father said tell tell her that i am her destiny tell me if you ever experienced this so obviously i don't do nearly as much traveling as you do but when i'm ministering like for a week at a time i have found that and hear me out on this because i do enjoy ministering to people and he loves multitudes and small numbers i can't wait to get back though like when i'm done ministering i love to get back into my room or my hotel room just to reconnect with him i i have found that when you don't he typically when you don't desire a stage whether it's in the marketplace or whatever he tends to hand stages to people that don't desire it when you when you i've noticed this when you run for a stage that stage develops legs and it runs from you when you run towards money it runs from you i i think i think there's a recipe here if you actually are the biggest example in my life you did not want to do this podcast no you do anxiety you don't want to teach you don't want to lead worship you don't want to leave the ascent school isn't it interesting that god tends to elevate those that don't want the the thing you made a statement i was smiling a minute ago you made a statement just you're just his little girl walking with him you talking with you downstairs you're not even fully aware of how god has already used you you just keep your eye on jesus your eye on father your eye on holy spirit don't look at the media talk about that me and you had it hang on thank you lord i was just at david's caves in israel you said the leaves of a dilemma you wept in them tell me what happened what happened i go there i go there well rollins grandfather first children's village in china was called caves of adullum and i went there just to seek the lord and uh he just crashed in in the caves and it was really it's all about him it's like you've been talking about it's his presence and we don't seek the stage we don't seek what we're gonna do from we don't seek we seek him we we have friendship with him and we connect with him and in those caves you can you can imagine david had all this bad press he had all kinds of scary stuff all around him for me i i literally have determined in my heart not to look about people who are for me or against me but just to seek him there are people on my team that there have have to do social media and all that but me i just i'm just gonna worship him and and i'm gonna let the team do what they do because there's something about the attitude of my heart it's not the disapproval of man that can move me and it's not the approval of man that can move me it it can only be my relationship with with him with my god what is it he's when if he says some people think i'm a little odd as i know he could probably laugh there but at the end of a service i never i never never want to do a green room i never want to have a discussion with with y'all i rather do it now you know because what happens at the end of it of a session or an evening is i want to go away and i want to know what he thinks and if he was pleased if he felt like we were connected that's all i want i don't want to have to know whether you thought it was a great service or you thought i want to know was was daddy pleased with was he pleased was i following him was he was he was i dancing with him you know did i did i walk with him and move with him was he pleased and that's all i need and and he's so gracious you know i have something funny then i'll ask you a question about um david's caves one time i got through preaching and i went home and i i said father what do you think about that sermon he said chad i don't think about your sermons nearly as much as you think i do i just like being with you i started laughing all right so this is really practical and i want to hear your thoughts on this we don't live in a literal cave culture i can't go high in a literal cave but i'm at david's caves and the holy spirit says to me is actually a father the father said to me chad a lot of the drama in your life is self-inflicted and i said what do you mean and he said saul spears can get to you way too easily and i can show you how to live in the caves and i said i don't understand he said get away from your phone away from your email away from instagram away from facebook away from twitter and watch what i do he said come into the caves with me well that's been going on for about three weeks i'm noticing a higher level of connection he um an angel what me up at 3 33 a.m eight weeks ago i didn't tell you this and he said that this is the year in his kingdom of jeremiah 33 3 and it would be the year that call out to him and he'll show us things we didn't know and then that that female prophet the prophetess in australia a week later released that word in charisma magazine that it's the year of 333 and he showed me jeremiah it's a it's a correlation you go into those caves you get the secret hugs the secret revelation you get a higher level of connection what are your thoughts on how people who aren't living in literal case can create a cave lifestyle this is this is the monastics this is nothing this is not a new idea this is just a consecrated life i think you have to say no to certain things to get a high level of intimacy with god i'm not so sure you can get there and have a bunch going on how can someone live a cave lifestyle without being a caveman does it make sense yeah i think it's being fully present wherever you are you're present with god but you're present with who whoever is put in front of you that's a good that's good it is and we use you know i'm not against the fact that people connect through internet and social media i'm not against it but i think sometimes it can create a false intimacy where we think we're closer to someone than we really are and if we if we allow that to push a head of this connection we have with with god and each other like like people right here people that we can see people we can touch and if we get so disconnected that we never do this um there's a massive amount of depression that happens and even in your generation with all this super connect which god can use it can you be a tool for good or evil it's just it is what it is um but there's this thing that happens where people they're they're out there and the spears are flying it's like i didn't get enough likes or i don't even know because i don't you don't do it i don't do it so i do i mean we have a facebook but my team just puts my devotionals on there and i don't look at the comments so if you ever see one where i'm typing to you it's not mine it's a fake one um yeah where i'm just like having a conversation with you know i'm having a conversation with you right now and i pray you all get blessed um as we talk and you you can enter in but there's the the cave is really it's really talking about zachariah too it's i will be a wall of fire around about you and the glory within the caves like that choke i'll be a wall of fire around about you in the glory within the lord wants to protect us and love us he whoa just dumping on us right now because he loves this i um i want to close with this and this is a fun story and then i just want you to prophetically speak into what i'm about to tell you okay you're at voice of the apostles five years ago i had seen life gave him a hug he said where are you going i said i'm going to here at mama hottie there's 10 000 people there in nashville i'm on the back row the the i think it's funny a lot of people think you have to sit on the front row to encounter god i was on the back row on the far right seat on the left and you were about 45 minutes into a sermon and you just stopped and it wasn't i don't do you even remember i don't know if you might i do remember the bible belt i uh you were you were preaching a sermon you just stopped and you paused that thought and you pointed the back of the room it felt like you're pointing to me i don't know you point and you screamed the father is coming for the bible belt well this old ex baptist is sitting there just enjoying you enjoying the father i don't know who punched me it wasn't a human because no one was standing there an angel punched me in the stomach it was not light and fluffy like a thomas kincaid painting fell over and for 20 minutes in front of our team shook going fire god hit you and here you are five years later in the buckle of the bible bell and you're gonna minister at bridgeway tonight what do you see for the for the bible belt he said you had a vision of a buckle what's the father doing i just see how much god loves the bible bell how much he loves the people in the bible belt how his heart is just all about um loving and and welcoming the prodigals home too there are a lot of prodigals in the bible belt like they got raised they knew jesus they met jesus but somehow they they lost the plot they lost the point and father's just saying come on home you're loved you're cherished you're you're adopted in me and i feel like he wants to bring the prodigals home in the bible belts he sees them you know there's something about this this the belt where it's located it's right there girding the girding and his eyes are just focused on his kids he adores his kids he like you said you found out god's not mad it's by the grace he he's he read the old testament he's pre but he's pretty ticked pretty ticked off most of the time but but when jesus comes and makes a way with the blood and then and then you can actually enter in with this face to face he just wants the kids all his beautiful children his beautiful people in the bible belt to know all the olioxane free you're welcome into my arms father sins you're welcome in so we just want to bless you all in the bible belt um i'm just so grateful that you're listening and i just pray that you would feel the love of the father that you would know that jesus made a way for you to have an intimate relationship with the father and if you're just out there running around or you just don't feel loved or accepted or the church might have hurt you somehow that you would just walk in this place of grace that that today that there could be this radical love that you could feel from the father that he accepts and loves you no matter what you've been through and that that love would be transferred into how you would you'd just be able to forgive maybe your parents your pastors spiritual leaders um even the church the the word the church that you would just be able to to forgive whatever um hurt you and walk into great great grace and great great love and that you would be able to come home to a functioning house where you would know the love of the father the love of jesus and holy spirit living inside of you just blessing you in the bible belt you've been listening to coach and joe for more information and additional content please visit
Channel: Destiny Image
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Keywords: bethel church music, bethel church redding, bethel church service, christian videos, christian songs, it’s supernatural network, jesus christ, bill Johnson, James goll, Lana Vawser, Jennifer LeClaire, healing, praying, love of god, heidi baker, holy spirit, catch the fire, matt sorger, power for life, christian songs 2021, holy spirit prayer
Id: TFX320WmGvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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