Heidi Baker - 10/3/2002 AM - Carry the Glory - Toronto, Canada

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well hey Heidi is in the process of being carried on stage so as I've already introduced her to you let's just pray and I'm going to hand it straight over to hiding so what you just lift your hands and say father whatever you want to say to me today I'm open to here open my spiritual ears to hear your words Wow father we want everything that you have for us today here she comes everybody you know Heidi comes here to drink when she's in Africa she thought goat goat goat goat goat goat go and when she comes here the Lord just blasted fills her up gives her everything she needs and she goes back out isn't this an amazing well to drink from everybody'd showed you the that the the drinking hand drinking thing everybody got like this stick your thumb in the air okay this is your drink Holy Spirit ask that you would just fill them as they do this so this is what you need to do if you could feel dry at any given stage you need to go like this drink have another drink Heidi we love you Shabba Shabba oh well why don't we womb well let me just kneel here because it's Shaba oh Jesus whoosh uh debacle come Lord more of you and none of us we will surely be haiti ama you are worthy hmm why did you come why did you come why did you come here what brought you to this place focus on his face focus on his face focus on his beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful face Oh Shia oh please just focus on him oh just let his well presence just come and melt your heart but his manifest presence just come and melt your heart Jesus I love you Jesus I love you worship Jesus hi I love you I love you I love you worship hi hi yes I do Holy Spirit hi the Holy Spirit hi here Holy Spirit hi yes I do I am here for you I am here for you I am here for you sweet sweet Jesus I need my da de da de da yo Rory Aubree Aubree Aubree Aubree Aubree all ba da da dat dat da here cheese cheat Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus ray dvd I didn't I did it I did it I did it I did it I am worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy is the Lamb who was slain for our sins worthy is the Lamb of God who was slain for our sins worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy to receive all glory worthy was be worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy you are the worthy one and we lay down before you go you are the worthy one and we offer up our lives again you are the holy one we offer up our lives this day again for me you are all together lovely offer up your life offer up your life offer up your life this day offer up your life a living sacrifice and draw into the holy holy holy holy Plains why have you come why have you come why have you come and to enter and entering and turn holy bride enter in enter in enter enter enter in why have you come what are you hungry for who are you thirsty for drink drink of my love he said drink of my love drink and eat o weary weary weary weary one drinking eat drink and eat of me since there has been a famine in man he is here with his body and his blood why have you come what do you want what do you want what do you want he asked you what do you want what would you like what would you like what would you like intimacy with you God I want to know your mind I want to know your mind I want to know your heart I want to know you lord oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god I want you Lord I've come for you lord I've come for you I've come to eat and drink of you Oh God and nothing else well will satisfy me Jesus it's you alone Oh God Oh Oh Lord ravish our hearts this day until we are so completely in love that we will do anything and go anywhere and say anything any time lord I have come for you and you have come for me oh thank you so much yay God well you see there's no other place to run to there's no other place to run to weary weary weary ones weary weary weary ones weary weary weary servants weary weary weary weary menaced us he says this day well run into his arms and let him ravish your heart with who he is the word well fruitfulness the fruitful fruitful fruitful fruitfulness will only come from this place Wow well Jesus let me well share your word Lord but more than your word share your heart blood oh god I cannot I cannot you know me god I cannot do another meeting Lord let your presence common let your word become flesh this day for a hungry and thirsty and weary weary weary people Wow whoosh Wow okay if if well some of you were wondering if I have begun yet with a message absolutely I I don't have any props I don't have any props I don't have any notes Wow hmm but I whew I do have a message mm from his heart freedom in the house whoa please keep receiving freedom in the house son - - mmm I have oh I know oh god I know I should thank everybody so thank you all but I don't I don't even know how to do it anything um Oh God shop I show up that's all I want John what a wonderful place John 14 mm hello hi oh I'm supposed to be done soon aren't I but uh but it will well we will we started already you see Wow well I don't know sometimes why you came but I know why I came I came to drink and eat of him I came to live in his place of his presence I came to know his love I came to walking it and give it away that's why I came we're not walking it hmm lay in it whatever hmm but give it away mm okay this word is from John 14 um well it's about fruitfulness and multiplication and the heart of God Church do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so I would not have told you I'm going to prepare a place for you Wow well I you well I used to Wow try to be a bit profound or something but I don't have any of that anymore well not even a little I'm very simple I'm so simple that it's scary I'm so simple that you might be frightened by me cuz you think whew if I will if I blue what if I Wow and then I'm like that hmm Wow I used to well I used to have a little grape little grape and a tangerine 17 years of ministry I had my grape bless God and I had my little tangerine bless God but oh well I was just so thirsty and so hungry I couldn't stay and it I just thought Jesus I want to bring you more than a grape Lord I want to bring you more than a tangerine because you're so lovely and holy and there's a world that's lost and dying and crying and broken and God I want to bring you more than this oh and what happened is I got so ravished by his love I got so close to him I got so close to his huge heart I started to understand who I was who I wasn't and who he is Wow maybe that is profound after all haha actually actually hmm it is Wow what happened I know well lots of stuff happened but I don't have a lot of time so I'm gonna give you a really short version I I had a few wonderful people pray for me here I'm like a I'm like a sponge I'm like this Bunge I just want more because I keep seeing the nation and the dying and the hungry and I say God if you want a jar of clay you can have me if you would like someone to possess I'm here so whoosh I realized that I may look silly to you however I like the fruit and I like wow I I am so undone you see but he meets me and well it's the most glorious place I've ever been Shaba okie dokie what happened was I okay whoosh okay I went to heaven that's a great place to go you ought to go there I don't know why people are so worried about dying if you've seen his face you would not be worried not even a little bit perfect love cast out all fear and when his love gets ahold of you you're not afraid of anything you're not afraid of anything whoa so I went to heaven and Wow that's a nice thing to do I went there and there was the father and he gave me keys and it actually happened here in Toronto so I sometimes I have to say the tea place because it's almost scary to say Toronto because people go oh the tea place it was the tea place Toronto where you are I was there upstairs and I went to heaven and the father gave me keys and Wow he showed me all these rooms and it was the most amazing thing because I didn't really understand I loved the Father Son and Holy Ghost with all my heart I just love him I love him I hope you can tell I love him he's more lovely to me than life so when people shoot at me or that machine guns go off I get thrown in jail all of that never bothers me anymore you know because I'm so in love that I can't get afraid do you understand that kind of love and I just believe God's looking for radical lovers here radical lovers that will turn the world upside down and carry his glory to the ends of the earth and so I don't know why you've come but I came oh well to be ravished by him again I have I don't care what it looks like I only want him so when he showed me all these keys you see some of you are going oh please get a grip push would she get on with the message I can hear it see I hear pretty well whoa anyway I'm getting on with the message whoa and you should listen because it's a good message whoa I got to see the rooms in heaven and they were amazing and there was everything there there were there the first room was the most bizarre bizarre thing I've ever seen I walk in there with the father he tells me you opened the door he gave me the keys he said he prepared these rooms and I didn't know what that meant till I went to heaven and I saw and I went in push and there was all these body parts there was every kind of there was an ears and eyes and noses there was intestines there were legs there were fate there were all these body parts he said oh you can go in there anytime I said I can't he says yeah I'll tell you when to go in there you go in there and we'll get a leg and we'll put it on and they'll be fine he goes you just listen to me and we go in together we'll just go in and we'll get some eyes and I said that is so cool I thought that was a such a cool thing this room full of body part so I just started going in there I listened to the father whoa whoa I didn't just run in I listened to the father I was just walking around just I don't tell old stories this is new nothing's old there's no old revival the revivals happening I don't like old stories when you buy and buy a long time ago when God used to move forget it he's moving now well why would we why would we want whoa whoa I don't want to go there so just about a few weeks ago the glory cloud came whoosh whoosh it just who she just came like that and well it was this the glory the glory the glory and then everything started to happen and I said Oh God's healing legs and this little paralyzed girl paralyzed little girl gets up and dances it's just so neat when God just says okay you can go in that room and and it's so fun when glory comes and then the blind and the deaf they just suddenly see in here you know don't you think that's neat that's that's that's what God does that's what God does he he wants to give you keys so you can go into rooms and he gave me another key and it was they were brass keys I'm telling you it was so awesome to step there upstairs so watch out why have you come why did you get why why are you here we need to know that what do you want what do you want well I wanted to feed the nation's I wanted to feed the nation's because I see dying people all over the place starvation pain misery the first time I came in here God showed me the multitudes and he gave me his body and it turned into bread for the poor he gave me his blood and it turned into drink for thousands of children and I've never stopped taking in children from that day so what you see may look a little different mmm but what he does is glorious he gave me keys to the warehouse and I'm gonna tell this story because some of you are so scared that you need to hear a little happy story so you're not so frightened to give your whole life away and die so ha ha ha God is so good mmm but he does truly want to kill you whoosh ha ha ha Shabba and raise you up with this kiss Wow ha ha okay I'm trying I'll try to speed it up here we go what happened I got in that room with all that food and I thought that was so neat because if you looked at thousands and thousands of people every day who had to eat and you had to feed them you would like to know that you could go in that room would you not hello we need to go into the room we need to go into so I needed to go in that room because I needed a whole lot of food and I remember this really really neat service and and it was G just had a few people like five hundred people and and and and then God opened two deaf ears like that and six people got healed of deaf ears and they were hearing so they were a bit happy about it and they were so excited they went out and told everybody Jesus is here Jesus is here why don't you guys come so that night ten thousand people came I thought that was pretty good fruit I don't know about you but I thought it was neat fruit and then those nine thousand that weren't Christians they all bowed their knee in the rain in the dirt and receive Jesus hooray whoosh whoa whoa you see well you see God's just looking for little jars of clay God's just looking for little jars of clay that he can pour his glory through God's not looking for any snazzy slick people I don't have a snazzy slick bone in my body there's nothing slick or special about me but I'm just a little jar clay that's in love and I know I'm his and I know he's mine so that night the very first person was healed of death and um just healed like that everybody was really happy about it and then I said to God these people are hungry know what now what I said dad I need some food hmm because it says that we can trust in God right if we're lovers then we trust if for intimate we trust if we are intimate lovers we trust implicitly we are so trusting that we're not afraid of anything we just we just walk right in the room and we just say yes I need an i yes I need food for 20,000 people whoa so I needed a lot of food and I said dad I need some food and in four hours of big jumbo plane lands with food right in the muddy place in the muddy muddy muddy place where it wasn't supposed to land then the plane got stuck and it got pulled out by these people that were stuck there with bulldozers it was so glorious everybody ate everybody got saved everybody got filled with the Holy Ghost and the glory of God came and the church exploded Shabba whoa whoa so why did you come here what do you want I said I want the nation's I started with one and we we just had a few churches too and then then I said god I want to go in the rooms that when I go in the room do you know what happened I started to realize I'm his daughter I get to go anywhere in the house I'm not a servant I'm not a slave I'm not hired hand I'm a daughter I get to just march right in there any time of day or night I get to just march right in with the keys I've got the keys I get a go wherever I want to go and it was just it's fun okay I don't know if you can tell but I like what I do I love getting to see bread multiply it's really fun when you do that and there's hungry people and you pray over a bag of bread and you say okay we need to go in the food room and suddenly there's double triple quad what four times mmm the bread did you hear that does that make you happy or is that just kind of boring I wonder like God he just keeps supplying food for us cuz we just go in that room but but I know I got a look at this okay you know what the best room is the intimate Holy of Holies what happened to me was when I saw that room I started living in there with Jesus I started living in that holy holy holy place and all heaven broke loose I started living in there with him I started to be this little tiny child full of faith full of simplicity and I just live in that room and I just started to see wow what he's like and do you know I'm gonna tell you oh why not these are my pearls okay these are my pearls you must know these are my pearls and this is one of my favorite places on earth and these are my pearls and I'm throwing them out there I was in Brazil about whoosh I don't know my life is a whirlwind two weeks ago and and we had open heavens okay you know what that's like you want to go there you really want to go there whoo we can go there if you like well we need to go there open heavens we had open heavens then the open heavens were there and so everybody was getting healed and filled and saved in and blasted blasted like I mean they were flying everywhere people were flying it they didn't have wings but they were flying all over just it was like a bomb exploded and I was happy about it cuz I live for that okay I don't live to do another meeting in fact I really they make I don't like meetings or conferences okay just a little I like well I want his presence I don't want anything else so I really don't really like to do anything else cuz what's the point in my opinion I don't get it anyway so I was really happy about the open heavens it was the most glorious thing because we were in the intimate place with Jesus and the Holy of Holies we were in there three thousand people we just went in together you know when the glory cloud comes it's like when three thousand people just came into the glory it was awesome and finally it was just so heavy that I just laid down because you know I just couldn't do anything I was just so overcome by the glory that I just laid down and the most amazing thing happened to me this these worshippers they did something that just absolutely ruined me forever okay when I was 16 years old I got saved and wou called and I started to preach it's a little long story so never mind but it was awesome I never looked back I've never once looked back 16 I went for it and I have been going for it ever since I am just this passionate lover of God I've just been running for him and loving him and so 16 I gave up my career as a dancer and I can't fit up but I said here's my toe shoes and I laid him down and it was hard because it felt like my guts were ripped out and I said here they are on the altar and well I preached and I praised and I preached and about 19 God said okay pick him up I want you to dance for me so I did and we danced around the world and saw thousands of people saved we danced around danced around the world and then you know what he did he said now put him down again lay him on the altar I want you to sit with the poor so I said okay hmm okay here's my toe shoes again and I laid my toe shoes down again and I sat with the poor for 18 years do you know what happened fort oh here's my pearl what happened to me 14 days ago errs is what happens in the intimate place in the glory nobody knew one single thing about where I'd been or where I come from not one person I hadn't shared one thing about my past I'm just this little missionary in Africa you know and there I am just lying there just because the glory is so heavy and this girl takes off my shoes and she starts crying and she's sobbing and she's sobbing my feet tears running down my feet and she takes her hair and she just wipes my feet with her hair this long curly beautiful hair I can't see but I can feel it and she said she's and Jesus says I'm washing your feet you know all I I don't know how to be complicated my whole life is just God I want to love you and I want to love my neighbor I don't know anything else I just want to love you I want to love my neighbor all I have done is just pick up every dime child I can find and then God just brought his glory and the thing exploded into a massive revival with thousands of churches in the short little time but what he said to me was thank you for stopping for me when I was dying under the bridge he said thank you for stopping for me when I was hungry thank you for stopping for me in the brothel oh thank you for stopping and visiting me in prison he said I don't know about you but I was undone I was completely undone I was so undone that IIIi thought I was gonna die but then he said here's my pearls please don't step one down he said you've touched my heart my sister my bride you touched my heart my sister my bride and then some girl sticks ballet shoes on my face and the warts head thank you for laying your life down thank you for being obedient thank you for walking in obedience thank you for loving me you've touched my heart my sister my bride I want to dance with you across the earth I want to dance with you across the earth and he took my hand Jesus took my hand and he looked into my eyes he lets looked into my eyes with the most amazing love the most amazing passion and he said again you touched my heart my sister my bride and he said come and dance with me and he didn't look forward he looked at me his eyes were fixed on me his eyes are fixed on you his eyes are fixed on you fixed on you his eyes are fixed on you and he wants you to come into that intimate place well he took my hand and he we started to dance and these girls in this worship team knew nothing about what God was saying to me they knew nothing and yet they were doing each thing he said he was doing and we danced and we started dancing across the earth and then he said now look Heidi look look Heidi look and I just for a moment I turned to look and there were multitudes and multitudes there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people he said do you see can you see can you see can you see and we danced right into heaven he said you've brought them in to the kingdom you've led them in the dance whoa and you know four and a half years ago I was ready to work at Kmart four and a half years ago I drug myself in here ready to work at Kmart because I was sick and tired of ministry and now I've got I've gotten delitos so many thousands and tens of thousands to Jesus I've gotten to feed the hungry and taking the orphans and the widows I've gotten to see revival and it's all about the intimate place of his heart and it's so much fun and it's so much fun and I'm so happy and I will never ever go back and there's no place you can go but into his arms there's nowhere else you guys you can get all your strategies and your little plans and your cute little charts and you can read read read all your books I did it for ten years I know what I'm talking about read read read study studies and get it getting a push push with drive drive drive go go go oh forget it you're gonna be in that place of intimacy intimacy intimacy where fruitfulness is natural and nothing but nothing but nothing but him will satisfy you why have you come every miracle I've ever dreamed of is happening the Deaf hear the blind see the crippled walk the paralyzed little kids start dancing how would you like that that's what I like I can't stand to do just another meeting with a little chart please oh please give me a big break you cannot chart your way to church growth whoa whoa it's about living in the inner chambers whoosh and when you live in those inner chambers having all heaven breaks loose Shabba and you can be forerunners you can be forerunners you can run into that place whoa that was a point point too I'm the way the truth and the life no one comes the Father except through me if you really knew me you would know my father as well from now on you do know him and you've seen him I've seen him I know him I'm his kid and I like it I like it I love it head then o verse 10 whoa don't you believe that I'm in the Father and that the father is in me the words I say to you are not just my own rather it is the father living in me who is doing his work believe in me Jesus says this again believe in me so many of you are Christians you love God but you don't really believe in him you are not exactly sure that God multiplies bread you're not exactly sure that God actually causes paralyzed legs to walk you're not exactly sure that you couldn't live in the intimate chambers and God wants you to know that he's alive and you can believe him and he is all together trustworthy and all together lovely and you can't believe him and you can stand on his word because this book is true and there's no lie in it there's no lie in it there's no lie in it to understand but without intimacy you cannot understand this book whoa so when they say time to soak you are to just run and soak lie on the floor what is this oh I wonder fall fall who cares don't you think God wants you down what is the point I wonder if I'll fall you know oh please God's saying come and be intimate with me come and lay yourself before me come and give me all that you are come and give me all that you will be coming lie in my presence come and live in the holy place come and there will be fruit like you never dreamed and glory I get to preach this because I get to live it Shoom I wouldn't dare tried to preach this before woo I don't well I wanna Wow I want to I Wow I do want to be the message I do want to pay the mess Wow whoo oh yes 0.0 is done point three whoa Shabba okey-dokey huh he says hmm the words I say are not just my own it's the father living in me he's doing his work believe in me when I say that I'm in the father and the father is in me or at least believe in the evidence of the miracles themselves I tell you the truth anyone what hey anyone anyone not the fancy-schmancy ones anyone Wow who has faith in me will do what I have been doing Jesus is a lover Jesus is the lover Jesus is a healer Jesus is a friend Jesus is merciful kind long-suffering patient Jesus is all together beautiful he wants you to carry him he Shaba his fragrance to the ends of the earth he wants you to carry his fragrance to the ends of the earth he says that whatever where well whoever whoever that means you that means you you want to be an abandoned lover you want to be an abandoned lover does anybody want to be an abandoned lover well then all these things you get to do exactly what he did and the thing that'll blows your mind is he says you get to do even more he said you'll do even greater things than these because I'm going to the Father and I'll do whatever you ask in my name Wow the cool thing is you don't ask for boats unless you need to go down the Zambezi to reach the tribes you know you don't ask for stupid stuff when you are in the intimate holy place you only ask for that which God is pleased with because you're ravished by his heart so you don't ask for stupid stuff because stupid stuff hinders you from the kingdom and he says you can ask whatever you wish I started to believe it I started to ask for it and he did it he did it whoa I did want to say this but he just told me to do it so here goes okay I was not allowed to come to Toronto it was definitely the tea place for me or Pensacola mind you those were the two places in the letter and they said okay we know you lost your Center and they were giving us a million bucks that's a lot of money u.s. okay so we were there and they said the only condition because they found out we came here they were not happy campers they said now the only condition we will give you this million dollars however you cannot go to the tea place or the P place hoosh I said okay I'm gonna sneak in I'm gonna sneak in as a theologian dr. Baker is gonna go hide in the back row and I was hiding back there with Roland and they had a super super super nutty drunk preaching I mean you think I'm not oh my oh my oh lord have mercy this guy I said no no I'm not bending that far I mean I've already got hundreds of kids to feed I need the million bucks and this guy is a loony bird and I don't get it and I think you know they said we got touched because we came here with pure hearts and God would touch us anywhere so anyway so I wasn't supposed to be here neither was Rowland and Rowland and I are back there and bless god bless God John says hi there anyone here from Mozambique and we're going please please - please let somebody be here from us I'm big not a soul we're going and Roland says to me that guy's making sense to me that really drunken bizarre man I look at Roland unlike he's the smart one in the family what are you thinking and and I'm sticking Roland fallen do you think okay I'm like oh god I want to hide I need the million dollars I wanna hide this guy's deep popping Tic Tacs I'm going oh I'm a theologian I mean 10 years of systematic theology give me a big break I'm thinking and so John says ok come on up here I think your name's the Baker's oh god oh god oh no oh no certainly there's no more Baker's from Muslim beak not a soul I'm like oh now I'm dead because you know these these these video cameras oh god they're so scary those cameras just like they got the boom they come right over to you well they did it and John and Carol they pray for me and I mean everything happened as you've seen it all happened I shook rattle roll dice swim on the carpet like a fish I just and they're saying swim I'm gonna swim in your way I mean it was lord have mercy I got the shaky legs I got the I mean I laughed hysterically slobbered my guts out swam on the carpet within the videos Rekha well Roland said really well-done poster-child oh lord have mercy well oh yes they did get the video they'll probably get this one too anyway it cost us a million us to walk in these doors and do you know what I said hang it when you're swimming on the floor hang it Shabba swim swim swim swim it could have been 10 million I could care less this is the most glorious thing the intimate presence of God touching human flesh well oh I do not care what it cost me I do not care what it costs guess what God said the kids anyway and six months later the pastor of that church who is a mighty holy man of God who I love very very much and I honor him with all my heart that's why it was so hard okay he's holy he's beautiful he loves God with all his heart six months later he called us up he said I need to see you we were doing catch the fire in that place again oh lordy anyway we went do you know he embraced Roland as his son he embraced me said I don't have a million dollars I don't my church can't stand what's happening there but he says all that I have I'm going to give you he said I I just love the fact that you love the poor he's his own get the tea place to Toronto I don't get it at all but I love you and you know what whoo I learned a lesson that day because Rowland and I just said we want to bless bless bless this man and bless his ministry every time our kids didn't have food every time the government said they'd shut us down because we didn't have blocked buildings because we don't have money to build him anymore God said bless God said bless him bless him do not curse bless him do not curse so we blessed him we have whole blessing parties for him we blessed him and blessed him and blessed him and blessed him till God took his collar and shook it and said listen give back what you promised I saw a vision of it two days later his secretary called booth anyway I thought that was a good story and if there's somebody who doesn't understand that you came to the tea place just bless them don't be upset with them they don't get the tea or the paid place it's okay bless them love them bless and love them until something happens in their heart where they're just desperate for more just like you are bless and do not curse woo I've got boo oh I'm almost done we got to do all this stuff when we started living in inner chambers surprise eh here he came with me raise your hand this is our best buddy here penis he gets to do this stuff he prays for a dead lady and she gets up that's so fun we get to do fun stuff like that and and plan hundreds of churches he discuss around planning hundreds of churches why intimacy he's been blasted since the second he got here why because he's a sponge cuz he has Nations to bring to Jesus whoosh get him God how hungry are you you know what do you want to do what do you want to work at Kmart it's up to you Kmart's ok if if you can you know bring people to Jesus there that's fine no offense lord have mercy but you know there's a world out there that's desperate what do you want to do why'd you come okie-dokie I want to do the work whoo oh I don't know why that happens but it's ok I get to do this stuff I get to do this stuff I love doing this stuff I love going into the brothel and bringing them all to Jesus and they sob their eyes out saying I can't sell my body anymore I love doing this stuff I love walking in the dump and praying for paralyzed guys I get up in the garbage and start dancing I just think that is just the most wonderful thing we get to do this stuff cus were sons and daughters of the Most High God and he gave us authority when we live in inner chambers we have authority because radical lovers will do anything and radical lovers he'll do anything for them ha ha ha so this is the next point for it says right here in verse 15 if you love me you will obey me you will obey what I command and I'll ask the Father and he'll give you another counselor to be with you forever the Spirit of Truth wow wow wow if you love me you will obey me it's true radical lovers are radically obedient that they do anything he says anytime how about you how about you will you do anything any time he wants to ravish your hearts so your so in love you're so smoker that you don't care that's the place I got under snockered all the time I'm in love and I'll go anywhere he wants me to go anytime because I I just I'm just lost I'm a complete wreck in the natural I'm just in love so they can wheel me in or wheel me out or flop me down or pick me up I don't care I Swan God woo so what does he say here he says that I will not leave you as orphans I'll come to you we just had a whole father heart thing and I was so happy because I thought man it's prophetic you told us to start this whole revival which we didn't know would be a revival with orphans you said pick up the dying pick up the orphans pick up the street kids pick up the AIDS kids and I thought okay that's great I love that so I just picked him up we just brought him home and everybody live with us you know we we saw Jesus I saw Jesus he said feedom I fed him it's really simple the Gospels so simple it's so simple that you you know we we don't get it it's that simple so he's just picked them all up and I realized something that this whole you know this thing is called
Channel: George Payne
Views: 27,634
Rating: 4.5824175 out of 5
Keywords: 021003, Heidi, Baker, Carry, Glory, Toronto, AM, Canada
Id: q3ZCQ-Qo_1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 0sec (4140 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2012
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