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oh my god good morning guys we're starting out with some killer breakfast actually burn has requested peanut butter and jelly for breakfast yeah that's possible that's your thing that's my thing no problem i mean i made all this sausage bacon too if you want it yeah i'm okay okay but sir you and kane are going to get along really well he loves peanut butter jelly it's his favorite how'd you sleep good the outward house can get a little creaky at night is that burns yeah breakfast is served so we got one of the worst situations you can have in a world full of technology our power just went out and normally we wouldn't know it because the house is tied to a generator which kicks on we've never even known when we're out of power but today we're like it's really quiet and the fish tank is out which is a huge problem so it gives us a good excuse vernon and i are gonna hop in the gt are you ready to launch this sucker yeah i'm ready we're gonna hop in the gtr and go get oil for the generator it looks like it's just bone dry so i'm not very good maintenance man that's what i was gonna say it doesn't upkeep his equipment one thing weird oh god i've never opened this manually we can't even get out of the garage because there's no power my old garage used to have like a manual pull switch looks like maybe that oh yeah are you ready for this i don't know i haven't seen you drive yet so we'll see what happens it's 100 horsepower right here dude 100 horsepower so vernon and i are going to take a little drive down to the hardware store to get some oil for the generator perfect excuse to take him a ride in the gtr he's never been in a gtr right first time awesome and he is all vlogged out look at this he is ready to capture everything i got a camera we got one two three four yeah oh [ __ ] yeah that sounds nice it's gonna be fun let me do this you ready to launch this beast let's do it i put your head against the seat okay here we go you ready yep that looks awesome how is that man that puts you in your seat he did his first launch in a gtr yeah it was pretty ridiculous the the g-forces were unbelievable i mean when she did it i couldn't stop smiling i'm still and like i said if i had it i'd be in trouble it's hard to stay out of trouble exactly today's like a mix between fun in real life it's like you're a little handyman's we really need to get this service big time because we wait i don't know who to call ghostbusters dude today we're getting so much resistance guys we have so many plans and they're getting shut down by so many things going wrong you guys are gonna go get noah though give me five we're gonna run up and get something cool for vern to do later okay it's gonna be a surprise power's back on oh my gosh baby that's what we needed life's getting back to normal really quick with power coming back on this is so bad if the power is out normally we have a big generator that runs it and the generator is not working we called like every maintenance company nobody can come out drama drama drama you make a sandwich i'll just put it away all right let's put it out all right guys so we're off to a little bit of a rough start today not to worry we're gonna have some fun still everyone's still got us his burn vision on my gear we're gonna go out have some fun we're actually gonna go pick up noah and uh go out for a little bit where's my boy hey bud hi how are you good nice shoes thanks for getting him yeah we're gonna steal you okay come with me thank you oh cain wants to go he does wanna go hey we'll be right back okay maybe daddy will find a cool sword he can bring you home we're gonna go to a cool place i'll try to find you something cool okay we can meet the guys hey man nice to meet you we're gonna hit up the costume place man i missed you i'm sure we can find some fun stuff in here burn it looks like it this place is awesome man actually looking for a scary mask for vern but the mass selection right now is not the greatest it's not even near october or halloween so some masks over there yeah we can go look over there that's not very scary and we get something for kane that's nice how about uh look at this guy i just wonder like these are probably for your size yeah kane isn't kane is in a total mario mode so we're gonna get him on mario he's gonna love it it might be a little big but yeah it looks pretty good that's all right oh i love it i love it don't hurt me we could go around walmart and i'll just stick this in somebody's butt i mean i'll film that i don't know how well it'll go over what'll go over good for us i don't know how it's gonna cover for you costume shops are always fun i'm not going to lie you'd probably scare me to death all right guys we just left the costume shop vern has challenged me to a race you want to race me dude scooter the scooter scooter scooter we gotta go find a scooter where we're gonna find a scooter guys walmart walmart let's do it let's do it walmart all right so vern wants to race his scooter versus mine i don't maybe that over there you can push me in a car or no you're going the wrong way you need to clean it for me how do you work this thing oh it's on brown it's one i gotta hit the turbos on three i'm gonna hump three times and we're gonna go you ready okay should i give you a head start yeah give me a head start okay please dude why are you running that's right it's bumper cars now oh my god dude you want to play rough you want to play row we're in the glass aisle i saw that going really bad you break you by you break your body dude you ain't kicked out dude we're good we're good excuse me man i'm trying to shop and this guy keeps like hitting my cart he keeps hitting my car sir i'm trying to i'm trying to shop and now he's being an idiot he doesn't know how to drive can you believe that look at him take off hi how are you you didn't see a little guy on a cart did you yeah that way that way would you have a blowout he kind of loosened my handlebar all right you want to get out of here no you want to drive this all right see that guy cut me off that guy cut me off yeah you better ron guy's got stuff in his pockets i want you to grow up dude why don't you grow up it was your idea your scooter was way faster you need to take it but i had power like i could hit you harder well i was pushed dude i had a basket i pushed you into the wall yeah the rat yeah so yeah she's talking that was fun and no no walmart didn't even say anything they're probably so used to it little vern troyers running around their store did you show them never picked it up for you are you excited we're back home we have to give kane his this little what is it pull it out he can see through it's mario you want to be mario yeah should i put on it might be a little big but we'll make it work that's awesome that's the only size they had i don't like three four it'll work i'll just roll it up he wears that spider-man one that's probably what it says comes with a mustache did noah get an outfit yeah yeah punch yours i can't remember um where did it go mario he's from guardians of the galaxy they come with any weapons let me see can't come here come here that looks great man mustache fits are you fighting yourself oh dude just never stops that's why i'm all battered and bruised from the phone right to the printer so you guys know our tradition lately we're taking pictures with our guests we all sign it and then we do a giveaway so we're about to do ours with vern right now if mario lets us we gotta get permission from mario mario i think he wants to be in it it just wouldn't be a trip to my house without getting in the ball pit brian this is this is this is our highlight of the house right here what we kind of need to do is because i'm not going to lay flat because you won't see my head we're trying to get a cool photo of him on my uh okay stand up and i would just stand oh direct hit i think the adults playing it more than the kids although they do spend a lot of time in here what in the ball pit one two three how'd it feel it felt fun don't hurt me do it mario i know this one's really good because we can go down here maybe just stuff at the fish tank so we are doing our photos real quick these are great i really like these this one is freaking instant classic who you calling little that is great so vern came out with his team we are working on a bigger project and he came out we're working on that and we just hung out for the last day and a half planning and executing something bigger and better so unfortunately we got to cut the the trip short you guys are going to fly out in the morning but we've had fun goofing off playing so what are you guys about to do in the house so we're going to attempt you know we got the new rc and uh it's it's like real life mario kart basically if we can i'm not sure if it'll drop but we're going to try it should we have some cushions lined up burns got gotta be the coolest sport ever sweetie after you dump me i'm gonna kick your butt here we go we're gonna start this for the vlog it's not even started yet it's really loud actually it's not gonna even are you grabbing my eyes is that a poster um oh oh my gosh okay wow that was absolutely awesome i can't believe we actually did that i actually i actually thought about doing that before you even arrived you know i still have like gas fumes going through my head a little light-headed but um it was fun i almost lost it on that corner when you said you got fumes and you're feeling funny kane went perfect so uh i hope you guys have enjoyed vern's stay he's going to take off in the morning and take him to the airport at like five in the morning it's gonna be too early it's gonna be brutal we've had a great time vern you are one of the most humble awesome dudes i've met you were so genuine and awesome and guys vern has started a youtube channel would mean the world to him and i to go destroy it all your love go hit it they're actually uploading their trip um from their perspective vern's vision on that channel so go smash it for us by the time you're watching this the link's in the top of the description this video and i gotta say i want to say thank you to roman um for hooking all this up so uh what do you mean thank me i gotta thank you you're you're the one that flew here on your jumbo jet got in your jumbo limo there'll be a bigger one next time i don't need it all right guys that's it for us we're going to edit we got a lot of editing because we have to get up at 4 00 a.m um so we're gonna do it all now thank you guys again please please please go smash his youtube channel i want to prove to these guys your power that's the truth no nobody everybody underestimates you we love you we'll see you tomorrow smile more this is the therminator how much did it weigh did they say i don't know how much it weighs weight 32 pounds so hey you really weigh 32 pounds how much does kane weigh
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 21,807,067
Rating: 4.8346028 out of 5
Keywords: day, prank, new, THE, vlogger, Natural, prankster, BEST, LA, kid-friendly, family vlogs, craziest, vlogging, vlogs, Prankster, RomanAtwood, family-friendly, roman, smile, pranking, kid friendly, family fun, Born, crazy, movie, atwood, roman atwood vlogs, pranks, ohio, making, columbus, everyday, more, GREATEST, vlog, family friendly, Romans, daily
Id: rJps_SAbu_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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