Correcting the Most Popular Misconceptions in Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the law of warhammer 40k is this big old convoluted thing full of contradicting law and many retcons it's also stacked with memes which is great but unfortunately has resulted in the less intelligent parts of the community that being major kill subscribers confusing memes with actual lore this is compounded by the fact that in order to disprove a lot of these myths you would have need to have read and remember books from over a decade ago the point is a lot of people are getting many parts of the law wrong and i do think a part of that is my fault because sometimes i like to add my own personal aussie embellishment here and there so as a law master no it's a super gay term uh as a dude who makes money by presenting warhammer law in a digestible format it's my job to go through some of the biggest misconceptions and myths in 40k and set the record straight before we get started september the month of my birth and the birth of everyone whose parents got freaky on new year's eve it's also the month of the september surf shark sponsorship surf shark if you somehow don't know who they are by this point considering i've promoted them like 10 times is an awesome product it basically swaps out the fiberglass of a classic surfboard for the leathery hide of a great white shark it's designed to make you an amazing surfer because if you fall off the shark you were riding it will violently eat you well at least that's what i would have wished surf shark was if it wasn't a bloody awesome vpn we all know what vpns are basically a way to teleport to each country and use their internet without moving from your seat this gives you access to stuff like bigger netflix libraries as well as websites that are blocked in your country as an example pretty much every western person that ever visits china brings a vpn along with them i mean maybe that's not the best example anymore considering like no western people are going to be visiting china for a while but you know what i mean the point is it's good and with an 83 percent off when you use my linking code below major kill it's bloody unbelievable if you are curious to try it be unsure about spending two dollars per month to give it a go then you're a sad little um sorry then surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee cheers to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video today we'll go through some of the most prominent myths in 40k and dispel them giving you guys the true canon lore i won't be dispelling memes because memes are [ __ ] memes if you can't tell the difference between a meme and a misconception then maybe should get tested for autism link for that will be in the description let's get into it everyone knows that i'm a [ __ ] for the eldar if i could be any race off faction in 40k it would be a craft world eldar but made to kill that's boring they have to exhibit extreme self-control and can never have any fun timmy you wiley little [ __ ] stop spreading myths it is an absolute myth that the craft welder have to suppress their emotions and can't [ __ ] and can't love slanash isn't the god of love and missionary she's the god of sex drugs and rock and roll the craft world's standard of living is extremely high they party they drink they shag no their babies don't all come out of test tubes ironically that's the dark elder who mostly have to do that the craft orders can even use their psychic abilities this is because they rejected slaanesh before rejecting slinesha's cool the dark eldar were just lucky that they were in the web way when [ __ ] went south the craft world has actively fled the calamity and as a reward they get to maintain a [ __ ] great life sure crawfords get destroyed and sure some aspect warriors on each craft world go balls to the walls and become more or less a robot but that is a small percentage craft waters can also feel angry vengeful and hateful without any negative blowback they don't have to suppress the [ __ ] out of their emotions as long as they have their spirit stones they can get away with a lot of [ __ ] the only time they start getting in trouble is if their [ __ ] gets so severe that their spirit stone abandons them then then yeah they're [ __ ] but you have to do some naughty [ __ ] to get to that point the grim darkness of 40k is a huge theme of our beloved hobby however a lot of people think it's way more of a thing than it is no 95 of the imperium isn't dedicated towards training soldiers and making weapons of war no most of the imperial citizens are not forced into grueling labour no the only food available isn't grounded up rats mixed with corpse starch large sways of the imperium have never seen or felt war they live on worlds not too different from our own at most only about a quarter of imperial worlds are hive worlds which are known for their grim darkness because you know it's like 100 billion people switched together in these massive cities but that means there are hundreds of thousands of worlds where the oceans aren't yet polluted where cafes are a huge vibe and where you can grow lemons in your backyard obviously books and lore about these civilized worlds as they're called isn't that exciting so there isn't many about them whereas [ __ ] like necromunda or war-torn worlds on the front lines are so that's where the attention goes there's even a thing called a pleasure world which are entire worlds dedicated purely to chilling out releasing mixed tapes and having orgies pleasure worlds are where all those big ass fake titty instagram influencers live so yeah the myth that the imperium is so grim dark and depressing all the time that it may as well get destroyed it's just total [ __ ] most of the imperium lives at the standard of our current earth if not better so in the next one a lot of people think that the setting of 40k doesn't actually have long left timeline wise the necrons are awakening their advanced technology too much for the other races to handle the tyrions are also coming in ever increasing numbers with the belief that the devastating high fleets we've already seen are merely scout ships preparing for the arrival of a gigantic fuck-off huge high fleet that will consume the galaxy which is becoming more and more of a problem basically everyone's [ __ ] so nothing matters this is completely false no the galaxy isn't doomed chaos the necrons and the tyranids are all very beatable and all have very exploitable weaknesses for the necrons it seems as if the only thing keeping them down is the fact that most of them are still asleep but this isn't true in the infinite and the divine novel great book by the way towards the end of it most of the necrons are waking up but without the silent king to unite them slash mind control them they've broken out into petty wars with each other many necron lords have already been destroyed by other necron lords it's blatantly obvious that a united necron force is pretty much impossible to achieve the only one capable would be the silent king but even if the silent king did that he's so obsessed with killing the tyranids that he wouldn't even really be considered an avengers level threat like the dude's been sulking for 60 million years the idea of galactic domination is probably almost petty to him now for the tyranids it's still only a theory that an endless tide of bugs are about to arrive also when the great rift opened it actually knocked the hive mind on its ass for a bit if the tyranids were so vast and numberless then how would a warp incident occurring in one galaxy that only a few of their scout fleets are in how could that kick the hive mine in the dick so hard i would say that the tyranids are not as limitless as we think and even if they do eventually come with their big ass bug army the lion will probably be awake by then so our problem solved for chaos well the biggie has finally awoken and he's already kicked nurgle in the jaw pretty hard so if he can do that then i'm sure slaanesh's balls are soon to be squished as well moving on to an older myth that some people still cling onto the myth that sigma from warhammer fantasy and you know you guessed it age of sigmar is one of the lost primarks this has been disproven multiple times as a it's clear the lost primarks have been destroyed b numerous characters are aware of their fate and c the lost primarks most likely led or at least met their legion before going kaput on top of that the setting of age of sigma has really transcended beyond fantasy and 40k like sigma in his current form is way too powerful to be a primark and he never even grew to primark size back in warhammer fantasy to be fair to the people who believed this myth it seems as if gw originally had plans for the two settings to more or less be connected more than they were hence we're happy to use sigma as a lost primark but those plans have since been binned ages ago this next myth triggers a fair amount of people when it's brought up which we love the myth that guardsmen are nothing more than scared shitless cannon fodder guardsmen are considered some of the best soldiers humanity has to offer if they were on our world they would probably be more skilled than our navy seals and sas special forces obviously not every guardsman is equal canadians are cracked shots before they turn 10 and the death core of krieg have nearly unlimited morale but even niche guardsmen such as the goodra knight guardsmen from the first eisenhorn book proved themselves to be absolute warriors like these dudes were trained on a pretty low-key world so they definitely weren't the best guardsmen but they were still brave enough to not only escape from the chaotic forces that had commandeered them but then be willing to attack a mind-bending xeno world full of chaos cultists and space marines guardsmen do the bulk of the fighting across the imperium and it's the guardsmen who have held cadia against the entire force of chaos for 10 000 years if a soldier isn't good enough to be a guardsman then they are instead inducted into their planet's defense force or they end up being a part of the local militia for the next myth which i kind of take some responsibility for spreading because i thought it was funny is that the tower a bunch of commie fish people the tower not particularly aquatic or directly come from fish their home world is more rocky and full of planes they even have hooves so yeah they're more like bovine than anything also their culture is more like a blend of numerous asian systems the caste system is hindu their japanese gundam aesthetic is very weeby and their government is very reminiscent of the chinese communist party so it's not entirely inaccurate to call them commies but there is more to them than that while we are chatting about the tao there is another myth here to dispel that being that the tao society requires the ethereals to function the argument for this is that the tower were going to genocide themselves until the ethereals arrived and saved the day however with the ethereal's mind control abilities it's more than possible that they instigated the tao civil war so that when they arrived the tower would be willing to sacrifice their individuality to serve them this is further backed up by the fact that the far side enclaves exist which are a collection of tau controlled worlds that have zero ethereals on them and they're still extremely functional now to bust the myth that everyone wishes was true but it just isn't the aqua cannot bend time space and reality it just gives orcs an edge no the god emperor isn't alive because orcs believe he is the extent of their war power isn't limitless if you convince an orky is a god he will grow more powerful but he won't become a god if you tell an orc that the gunny he's holding can destroy a planet with one shot it will probably get a daca boost but it won't destroy a planet with one shot even if the orc completely believes it the war allows orc technology to work but the orcs still have to build [ __ ] if they want a heavy duck a gun they have to make something that looks like it would have heavy dakar awkward power doesn't affect other races either if orcs think someone is really powerful they won't suddenly turn into a primark sebastian yarrick is a great commander and warrior not because the orcs believe he is but because he actually is if the orc wire affected other races then blood angels would be incredibly fast and imperial fists would have way more firepower than they do i'm sorry to ruin the fun and the memes but that's pretty much the purpose of this video the last myth which you aren't gonna like hearing is that there are no good guys in 40k only varying degrees are bad that is just incorrect just because a faction isn't a wholly benevolent convent of do-gooders doesn't mean they're bad humanity fights against demons and horrifying aliens in order to keep the innocent safe the craftworld elders strive to keep their people alive only attacking when necessary the tau despite using questionable methods are very welcoming of the other races and they seek to create a utopia of advanced science and quality of life space marines like the salamanders and the lamenters regularly give their lives to protect the innocent this myth stems from the fact that because each faction is so vast there are evil aspects of each one which people think overpowers the good sure some craft worlds are more bloodthirsty than others but that doesn't mean the elder as a racer evil i mean the dark elder arm that's besides the point just because the marines malevolent used the hospital as bait then bombed it doesn't mean all space marines are massive dicks just because the ethereals aren't crazy about free will doesn't mean the tower deserve to be hated there are very clearly evil factions and not evil factions so yeah you can say that the imperium the crawford and exodia elder and the tao are the good guys whilst chaos tyranids and dark eldar are the bad guys it's obviously a scale and the good guys aren't perfect by any means but to say that the imperium is just as bad as chaos is [ __ ] [ __ ] myths and memes are good fun but it's important to be able to tell the difference if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of hentai and yes there is some blue bovine people hentai on the way hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more mythical content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 537,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primarch, Abyssal, Crusade, Exterminatus, Gene
Id: zKjQy7ZIuRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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