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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast my name is dk and i used to be a warhammer 40k newbie but thanks to our warhammer 40k veteran of the streets brickie i've learned a lot and we hope you have too and before we get into today's episode if you enjoy the podcast head on over to adeptus ridiculous where you can support the podcast and get a bunch of bonuses you know stuff like bloopers some real slick hd posters that are totally not waifu and totally not about big abs and you know some behind the scenes stuff this is a good time you get access to the discord all that good stuff and um oh if i'm not mistaken brookie there's another pretty special patreon exclusive that uh i think i think you should tell the people about oh oh you're just a generous man dk so maybe some of you saw us recently well if you remember in our scola progenium episode we made our little joking fan fiction idea and someone brought it to life in which we we retweeted on twitter and you know showed all of you i got to be honest it's it's pretty harsh in the sense of just i'm just like oh my god someone made this but in classic adapts ridiculous fashion we chose the path of most idiocy and hired said artists to make us more comic panels and if you'd like to see these comic panels they will be on our patreon and will be exclusive to said patreon for the first week and after that it'll go up on the main website for everybody else man i we we've seen the new one it's i i think i like it even though it's so like cringely cute it's yeah well the thing is like it's cringely cute right like you said but the dialogue is so [ __ ] up the things these two say to each other about what's going on in the school of progenium oh boy it's rough i love it i love the backgrounds i l it's it has no right to be this good at the same time it is still awful in the best way but you know you know we're hot we're paying artists and that's always a good thing you know yeah so if you want to see that's ridiculous i think it starts next week give or take give or take i don't remember yeah schedule's depending you know it's true schedules depending besides that there's merch merch and description go to town whatever man dk yo i don't know what's going down this episode again this is gonna be some good you're so hype i'm so hype we're literally recording this like 15 minutes early because bricky was so hype he's like let's do it i'm ready let's go you're gonna love this this is gonna be good [ __ ] so i'm so we gotta do the alpha legion that's not today we're working on that that's one of our major patreon goals don't worry that's and it's that's it it's work i need to read the book so give me some give me some time on that one we're doing our full episode on the sisters today dk oh yeah you were so excited you're good no i know you're girls oh my god that that's a good thumbnail whip oh that's so okay so that's so good we just saw the work in progress thumbnail in the chat and it's boy that's uh that's a banger that's actually great because the the character in the back is actually one of the newly released models called the dogmata and she's got this big old like staff um and it looks like you can bunk someone with it so it's fantastic large no horny written on it love it hell yeah so uh now as we discussed prior and how now that we're doing with the new legions is that we had like the origin story which we did the age of apostasy the original doge van dyer starting meme where it all began um which is always great and of course we know how they came about but this is more of a discussion of the overall faction some characters some of the orders things like that because you know it's similar like we did with the necrons and the world eaters and orcs and stuff sure when when you mentioned the the the birth of doge van dyer i i think we should refer to that as the birth of a god because you know he's such a [ __ ] he really is the fact that we've been able to like put doge van dyer on a pedestal is incredible he's gauche van dyke was so bad he was so he was literally worse than hitler literally worse he was on like the five hitler scale but he's a cute doge now so he's a cute dog now yeah he's a good boy in a sense the thing he would hate the most is us turning him into an adorable mascot like no no sororitis don't turn me into marketable plushies that's true when is when is that happening by the way dude i don't dude i i i gotta do research if you want deutsche entire plushies that that's that's gonna take a while so you're saying there's a chance so you're saying i have a chance is he saying there's a chance that's not a no that's not a no but it's not a yes um actually that is a great segue just call me dean cayman uh you don't think kevin d kevin's dead really yeah he was still kicking i don't believe so um oh that's grim dark dude oh wait maybe he is still alive oh no no wait oh wait he is still alive yeah he is still alive never mind i lied i thought he died i don't i keep that in try don't put that in the blue burrito i'll keep that [ __ ] all right he's still alive emperor has his graces anyway dk did i ever tell you why all the sisters have white hair oh you did but i can't remember why i think it was like um was it when uh was it alicia dominica that talked to the emperor yeah okay i wasn't sure i wasn't sure if i mentioned that wants to look like her it's not that their hair is actually white they all just want to like mimic her or something pretty pretty close i don't think i mentioned this in the age of apostasy apostasy episode but when good old alicia dominica saint dominica went to go into the empire or the empire the emperor's throne room with the custodian she actually had like regular brown black hair or something but when she emerged from the throne room her hair was like completely bleached white yeah either due to the psychic power of the emperor or some reason so it's actually an unknown fact or a little known fact that you don't need white hair to be in the sister celestine has like black hair you know like you actually don't need to have white hair but by dyeing your hair white you're kind of paying homage or more so paying respect to say dominica and to the idea of purity of faith so you actually don't need it if you don't feel like it but often they do because you know it's a good thing to have i was gonna say i don't think i've ever seen a sister that didn't have white hair though i haven't really looked into it uh well a lot of them are like balls oh that's true that's that's also true they either don't have hair or it's just like white yeah i mean they have plenty of colors actually in the sisters of battle codex the newest one they have a couple of the order minoris which are some of the lesser orders and some of them have like black hair some of them have gray some of them have red there's actually quite a few different uh color schemes that you can do with the hair color which i actually like a lot because it allows you to just kind of color the hair how the how you feel like it and it's technically lore friendly but oh yeah it's actually one because it's one of the major factors of the sisters is their white nun type guard so it's kind of a neat concept so not too many sisters players are like painting their hair like green and blue and making like an anime troop or something just i mean if there was gonna be one that there was gonna be this would be the faction probably yeah so i'm gonna say there's probably a lot of there's probably a couple people that actually do that so i want to talk a little bit about some of the the more intro let me close out of this tab of dean caiman let me talk more a little bit more about some of the uh the interesting like there's one thing that's really [ __ ] cool about the sisters now obviously this is my favorite faction in the whole game you know this just in case a chat and the uh youtube comments need to be reminded there's a reason why i'm a huge fan of this faction and there's actually a lot of reasons and i'll probably get into some of the more specific reasons later but i think that one thing in particular is that a lot of people used to hearken the sisters of battle to the female variation of the space marines because they wear power armor and they use like bolters and stuff right but when you really look at them it really couldn't be farther from the truth like they have power armor right but it's a combination of the two things where i appreciate space marines for what they are but i'm also a big guard fan right i love my guard sisters sisters do not have genetic upgrades they are normal human women there is nothing about them that's special besides their unflinching unwavering faith which can create miracles and stuff and the fact that they had their afforded power armor they have power armor i thought that they i thought that they did have like some sort of uh spiffy upgrade i didn't realize they were just like humans with fake they're just normal humans that's kind of why one of the reasons i'm a big fan of them because it kind of combines a little bit of that guardsman feel where they're just normal people but it's this this really awesome concept that through unflinching unwavering mental faith in fortitude that they can create and cause miracles on the battlefield and fight off like greater demons by just shouting sermons and shooting them with bolters and they're just regular [ __ ] ladies they're just normal regular humans but they have this this laughably devote feel to them and of course i think their style really speaks a lot to them you know we always talk about i always mention you know taking culture and putting it into the the group um obviously the volume of nunneries nuns catholic nuns it's very evident in this one yeah this is literally nuns with guns it's uh it's it actually kind of sounds like they're a nice little mix of like space marine and guard because they've got like the cool armor uh they've got boltors they've got some powers but at the same time they're just mortal humans fighting the good fight so it's kind of nice in the mix if you like space marines and you like the guard you know put them together and what do you got it's a sister i was gonna do the pineapple pen thing but then i decided not to because yeah that's it thanks for that thanks for not doing the pineapple pen me no problem i was terrified but but yeah i mean it does kind of feel like they're a little bit of a combination but they're so different in like their art style because they're covered in like the i don't know how to pronounce it properly i always until i'm pronouncing it wrong the fleur-de-lis florida lay i don't i don't know fleur-de-lis but that's fine flirtily whatever yeah they're just covered in those they have the inquisition symbols but it's a combination of that and the fact that they're what might be argued as one of the most evil [ __ ] factions of the imperium like it's ballsy for gw to be like yeah i'm gonna take the the all-female order and make them the most [ __ ] evil you know you see all those babies lobotomize them carry my ammo hey that guy he looked at a piece of hand he looked at a piece of hentai put him in the penitent engine let's see let's take an arco flagellan over there you know let's take off his limbs give him some flails he watched some smack oh i forgot about the lobotomized babies i i totally forgot about that oh god i mean space marines use them too but sisters have a lot of them whereas space marines use them yeah space greens use them to carry like ammo the sisters usually carry [ __ ] incense and [ __ ] oh man that's that yo boy it's kind of it's kind of ballsy to make like the all-female sort of like religious zealots the the most evil um part of the imperium that's that sounds like it's straight out of like a jrpg the the evil is god and all of his followers and we must kill them that sounds it's oof i mean if we're if we're being smart the you know gw if we're giving gw any credit uh to say that they they enjoyed their satirization of religious zealotry and nationalism is a thing uh but at the same time this is also a toy soldier game so i don't want to look too deep into it that's fair but i want to i want to talk about the i want to talk about the matriarchs man what's up with the matriarchs so this is a really easy this is a [ __ ] cool part and they're starting to flesh it out a little bit more i think it's awesome so remember alicia dominica went into the emperor's throne room it wasn't just her the reason that she is so important is because she was the main leader of the sisters during the doge van dyer reign of blood and she was the one who beheaded him it's actually the six matriarchs saint catherine saint dominica st lucia saint mena silvana and arabella and these are the six the six sisters that were all the major matriarchs that all eventually went to go form all of the order primaris um so there's order like primorris and then order secundus i think or hershey i forget exactly how it's pronounced but basically you know how guardsmen and marines have chapters guardsmen have regiments so sisters have orders and there are six main orders so saint catherine is the order of our martyred lady lucia is of the valorous heart a dominica is one of them she was the ebbin chalice you have the bloody rose the arjun shroud and the sacred rose um now saint catherine well now all these by the way all these girls they're all dead oh they're yeah well because they're humans they couldn't be alive that long right they're just that and that and they also got killed in battle they've all they've all been martyred oh okay because if there's one thing that sisters really [ __ ] like it's killing themselves they love martyrdom well that's fair if if you're if you're gonna be a religious zealot chances are you want to be martyred for the cause and that's fair okay that's besides besides flames and meltas that's one of their big favorites but saint catherine for instance uh saint catherine was really the the military doctrine she was the smart military leader and she was the saint of the order of armard lady this is the one you probably noticed the most it's the uh black and red uh color scheme that you see everywhere um she's she was the main like military tactician under uh alicia saint lucia was actually the in uh they all had his surnames so the big group saint catherine is the martyr the shield bearer lucia is the endurant of the passion dominica was the spirit of holy wrath mina was known as saint mina the bloody and then saint silvana the intercession and saint arabella the liberator from doubt because having badass [ __ ] names is a good gw staple oh yeah they those are some dope names um the bloody gee i wonder what she like to do jesus oh oh she's cool so st catherine you might remember as the saints of ordovarmar lady the order of our amar lady is they love martyrdom oh do they like it they almost they almost feel like krieg they're like they're like the sisters version of krieg where they're really down to die for the cause i was gonna say if you're really into martyrdom man it must be really hard to keep your ranks full because i mean you're gonna like it it sounds like they're gonna martyr themselves before the enemy has a chance to shoot him so the dying sisters on the battlefield are being like praised their other sisters are like oh saint mary you're you're dying horribly the emperor truly loves you for you have been vindicated as a saint uh goodbye like they really like it in game if you actually gain bonuses for having your people die oh it's the best all right so like like if uh if you're like a big 20 woman squad of sisters if any squad suffered casualties but isn't fully dead the entire rest of the squad hits better they hit on like twos instead of threes immediately i'm like you know if i ever play the tabletop that's the squad i should get because chances are i'm gonna roll like garbage because i have no luck in dice rolls so if everything happens to go wrong and i get a shitload of bonuses hey yeah hey that's a win-win as we might remember uh saint catherine is obviously dem and they are carrying her bones into battle nowadays with the coolest model ever the triumph of saint catherine oh that's right you've shown me that a couple times that is a yeah it's literally carrying her bones into battle with a whole bunch of different uh matriarchs which i'll talk about in a bit but um st lucia was the order of the valorous heart now the and she's also the endurant of the passion as i stated st lucia did not live a good life uh she eventually was captured by traitors uh and had her eyes gouged out and she was held hostage and was forced to listen to the screams of the dying innocence that the traitors had so they basically brought a whole bunch of innocent people and like murdered them in front of her in an attempt to make her renounce her faith geez well on the plus side at least she didn't have to see it right i suppose right but you only had to hear it though including other sisters of battle were brought to be tortured in front of her um however they were tortured without a sound they did not make a single sound and now the heretics stated that lucia did abandon her faith uh but once those uh those uh heretics were then captured and put to the brand they eventually you know say that they lied and she never actually renounced her faith after all this time of torture um just trying to slander her and make her seem yeah like a traitor and then the imperium would do the dirty work and kill her yeah so uh she was killed at the hands of these traitors after some time uh but this created the concept of the order of the valorous heart which has the idea of impervious to pain the valorous heart are brutal they have a very slow way of warfare they like they do it the tactical way they cut off a supply line they mess up different kinds of uh uh like shipping uh food they poison your water supply they they destroy your um like chemical vats and so often the worlds that they fight they usually siege and actually end up kind of [ __ ] up the world like the poisons and the chemicals kind of go into the air and because of that they tend to trudge on these worlds and they actually relish in the idea of scarring and pain no other order bears as many hideous hideous facial scars as the order the valorous heart does their faces are incredibly [ __ ] up they are like like scratched and scarred they're missing chunks of tissue or like it's all blistered up and like and it's really nasty because they like walk in like a poisonous world that they just destroyed yeah shy posted a picture of one of them and holy [ __ ] she looks all [ __ ] up uh like she like she kind of looks like a zombie like a little [ __ ] she's just hanging off of her off her face and she's got this dead eye she's on fire holy [ __ ] their logo is sick their logo is sick almost all the logos are really cool-looking that's true um but i'm assuming this is all because like oh yeah um what was her name valor what's what's the oh his name that got tortured lucia lucia i'm assuming they're trying to be like oh well she endured that so we can endure this and we can be stronger and blah blah let's emulate lucia you are a very smart man they believe that that pain is actually a vessel to make it so they understand the pain of their saint often if you lose an eye in battle that's actually a great thing because you are much closer to understanding the pain of your of your matron saints because she had her eyes gouged out that's true she did jesus the valorous hearts no no half measures with the sisters the valorous hearts actually refuse all anesthetic during surgeries and amputations because because pain is the holy way of the emperor jesus that's that's hardcore um it's really hardcore there's actually a a pretty neato thing where you look at the rules where is my little where's my little book here uh oh here it is so it said sister uh your boulders or whatever lips cracked and bled her head pounded as the blazing light from the three suns beat down upon her and she could no longer sweat she missed the sting of salty liquid dripping into the ruptured blisters that covered her face from the sunburn pain was precious it reminded her of matriarch lucio and that she was alive and could serve uh and so they were just this was a training drill this wasn't even a battle this was a training drill and they were walking up desert dunes and some of the the girls it would get sand blasted in their open wounds from the winds and then fall down the hill to climb up the four-hour trek again and some of them had either given up or couldn't do it due to weakness and she's like don't worry the the the um was it uh the sweet correction of the whip will be at them soon oh you know i'm i'm sure people say this a lot about 40k but i would not want to be in that faction ah even the valorous heart no way man do not want any i guess you could say they're a bit of an eyesore ah drumroll put the drum inside put the drums in yeah let's go stupid it's so stupid so the the next one is saint dominica of course this is the order of the eben chalice my personal favorite order uh this is a dominica we we don't need to go too far into her they're the spirit of holy wrath they particularly hate psyches uh it's the edmond chalice so you know obviously yeah um though she used to carry this thing uh this is like the goblet of the ebb and chalice there was this giant goblet she would carry around and by pouring a teeny amount of the contents out on the battlefield it's basically like having a pariah next to a psycho all the enemies would just start like screaming and their eyes would like burst in their heads and their skin would like start to melt and psyches would just come bust and she's just like dip dip dip and they'd all start [ __ ] losing their mind dip dip dip poor poor poor so wait whoa what's what's in this chalice actually is there any no [ __ ] idea anyone who knows has been like uh labeled a heretic and even their own scribes set aflame for writing about it [Laughter] the goblet's gone it died with dominica but at the time she was like poor screaming poor screaming you know that meme where the guy like presses the button he's like alright if you press this button a hundred people will die but it just like keeps on slamming the button it's like dude stop it's like poor poor poor poor poor stop man you're killing everybody um i'm curious about the challenge i'm curious about what the hell could possibly be in it and how like how did she get it i have no [ __ ] idea i have no clue and i feel like a super op relic that she got that she just drip tripped i mean this is like 8 000 years ago so i honestly know no clue but it was something else uh saint mina is the order of the bloody rose as she is say mean of the bloody say mino was a very angry person she was she was uh basically the champion um so normally whenever there's like a space marine chapter you have a champion which is like you're you're a dedicated fighter man you know sure uh this is her champion and she was quick to anger she was very angry all the time and just consistently and that's the bloody rose thing it's the melee order they're just constantly constantly angry they're they're always just infuriated at all times in fact this lady was so nuts that it is said that when the uh the emperor's custodian the captain general came to go say what's up to them and talk to them she immediately lashed out and ran at him and started beating on him with her with her weapons and it said that the two of them fought for like an hour before they were both at a standstill now i it said that i do not believe for a second that a sister could hold her own against the captain general of the custodians um but i am i can assume that the custodian in this because he didn't want them to be against them that he probably went easy uh point b you really want to kill her because yeah that's an assumption point being she was very angry and she was quite the swordsman all right in fact she's got a there's got a good a good little quote in the book not really quote but uh yeah a little thing here it says let's go bricky quote it's not cool it's more just me reading a passage from the book uh but it's the heretic screams were louder than the roar of the flamer sister berta did not release the trigger until the traitor dropped to the floor only as burning corpse lit the bunker the stench of cooking flesh blended with that of burning promethium berta breathed deeply the smell never got old the only sound that remained was the crackling of the fire and the popping of boiling fat and purge the unclean she said as she pulled the trigger again and flames engulfed them all so descriptive it's just i know so can you can you imagine that you're like you're a regular guardsman you're just chilling and then the nun lady like the nice nun lady is just like burning a [ __ ] heretic and his skin is popping and boiling like like melted cheese and she's just like oh yeah yeah oh that's not that's not the campfire you want to attend that's not the nobody's singing kumbaya after that one that's someone's singing kubaya yeah she probably is you know what these uh bloody rose sound like they sound like the sister variant of the world eaters they they're the or or the um sister variants of the blood angels i suppose either work the dedicated melee they're all in red yeah they strangely love burning people alive well all sisters love that that's right well karn did do that yes but all the sisters love the flamer in general that's their main weapon uh well kind of so i guess the holy sh the holy trinity the bolter the flamer and the melta wait so what's a what's a meltdown uh it is a lance of like superheated light of like the like the heat of the sun that burns through tanks oh okay because i was like melta sounds kind of like it should be a flamethrower because it's gonna melt ya um but the drip of the drums and shy with the drums put the drums in more drums i want more drums i had not intended to make that pun but i will take it but it is it's basically a giant anti-tank beam um but they they love their flamers they love their bolters and love their meltas it's literally called the holy trinity there's also the next one is saint silvana this is a cool one this is the order of the argent shroud uh she's also known as the intercession the origin of shroud are speechless uh their whole thing are deeds not words now they still pray and have hymns and all that stuff but when they're on the battlefield they say nothing they like sylvana was always known in uh alicia's group as being quiet and stoic barely ever speaking there are no written records of her speaking besides her hymns they basically they're like first in first out group they're incredibly fast and so often what they would do is they take like large contingents of jet pack troops and things like that and they'd fly in incredibly quickly deal with the problem and then just leave without a word often to the annoyance of like governors and planetary uh rulers is like hey the sisters are here to save us uh let's do battle plans and they just wouldn't speak to them and then they're like where's the battle plans they need the battle plans and then the sisters would just leave like what the [ __ ] then they realized the threat's been destroyed like oh i guess they did it yeah guess we didn't need any plans after all yeah i mean you can stay quiet as long you know if you just go kill everybody who needs who needs battle plans good for them they sound dope they're super [ __ ] deeds not words i would not want to piss one off i'm not sure how you would piss one off uh be a heretic well yeah like i suppose the last one uh was saint arabella the matriarch of the uh sacred rose she was known as the liberator from doubt um now saint arabella was calm as all [ __ ] she was the one who was really good at negotiations and she was very contained like in the like people are just getting murdered everywhere and she's just like the emperor is with us yes yes of course you will be saved okay um the sacred rose they don't just believe that they serve the emperor they legitimately believe themselves to be a vessel of his divine will they have the most miracles of any other order and specifically arabella was that way she would like hold her like a clesiarco seal or whatever that little pendant is to her chest and she'd just walk in the battlefield saying hymns and sermons and then just you know everyone's gun in front of her would just malfunction and they would all just jam or the bullets would just happen to not hit her or tanks would stall you know just that faith that the miracles would just occur as she would just stroll through the battlefields that's six cigarettes cool oh yeah um so how do these miracles work exactly like so gw doesn't even know i was gonna say i think i don't know if we talked about this in one of the previous episodes it feels like a conversation that we've had we're like are they maybe a little psyche and they just think that they're praying and they think that the miracles are happening even though it's not like from the emperor and they're not actually so okay so sisters of battle hates psyches they despise psychers um there are so many rules that are anti-psycho in the game but uh but the sisters themselves the concept is like with most like with the with the orc it's a smaller version of the orcs ideas where they believe it so zealotusly so fervously that it will become a thing they're so devoted in the emperor that these miracles manifest very similar to the oryx power of imagination they just believe it'll happen oh okay and also you know like with the orcs when there's so many sisters because orcs they yell they wall they do all this stuff and they believe things will happen but imagine you have an entire fighting force of sisters and they are literally every single one of them chanting sermons and hymns and praying while firing like they are all there simultaneously gunning down the heretics while being like by his grace the emperor protects me by his grace you die like oh and then you have all the chicks in the back who are like the the imagifiers and the dialogue guy who are screaming out their sermons and their prayers and then you're riding holy water from the sky and your pipe organ tanks are playing hymns with their giant organs and like it's imagine wah power but for the sisters in its own way and then of course you have celestine who's basically a demon so is it like wine that they actually do have like a uh a power like they actually do like because it's no i think the orcs because the orcs i think are are very minorly psycho because they were old one created and stuff right right the sisters don't have that but which is why their powers are a lot less than orcs like their ships still need to function like normal ships yeah yes sure it's it's miracles that occur it's the concept that you know like i mentioned before you fired a lucky bolter shot and it happened to ricochet on a bad part of a tank and it hit the fuel line the tank exploded you know or you just happened to get a grazing shot or the enemy's power armor malfunctioned and then they fell over and it allowed you to get the the final hit it's it's things that you could rationalize as coincidence but by golly it's a lot of coincidences yeah the first time is a coincidence the second time maybe third time it's not a coincidence anymore the 40th time you should join the sisterhood if if it happens often enough that you have destroyed a tank in one shot several times i don't think that's a coincidence anymore uh so chai says in theory the warp works through people's beliefs emotions and feelings thousands of years of [ __ ] in pain create slash so thousands of years of believing the emperor as a god sword turned him into a god so as chaos warfares came or sorry worshipers can get powers from chaos emperor worshipers can get powers from the emperor in theory it makes sense in theory but i will say if the emperor actually does become a god it it definitely makes the um the whole imperial truth or the type of thing a little bit rough because the emperor's such a douchebag yeah it sure is sure is but that that makes sense the concept makes sense especially when you're the sisterhood which is just so angry yeah i do that's a theory i can get behind for why their miracles happen and okay okay it's a workable theory um there's a couple other things so those are the six orders actually they're all pretty cool uh they've all you know all the saints have eventually passed but all those ores the ones you can play in the table top there's also the various troops there's like the regular sister troop um we talked about the penitent engines which you know we know about the penitent engines they uh they strap them up to it you stick a bunch of stuff in your cerebellum and your cerebral cortexes and you pump them full of drugs and things that make you experience excessive pain and self-loathing to the point where you power the engine to death oh there is also super 40k thing that thing is oh yeah but there's the arco flatulence well their version of a heretic yeah that's true there's the arco flagellance which of course we know they have their limbs ripped off replaced with uh flails they have a clockwork orange device placed on their head and they are shown a never-ending imagery of prayers and saints and then they are just drooling walking lobotomize people until that someone someone says the secret word they're like disneyland and they just go into a crazy [ __ ] like murderous rampage and then they and then they go universal studios and then they turn off again in my head i imagine that actually being the code word and it's hilarious disneyland universal studios okay sweet that's weird but all right cool now there's also the rapensha of course uh now the rapensha also known as most looted of the of them all are the girls who have uh either well they fled generally they fled the battle they ran away and so they are now given a hood and they are given basically just scripture and it's like well they're a little bit more than that now back in the day it was literally like [ __ ] fan art fan fiction crap now they're significantly worse looking um now they've got torture devices like they wrap barbed wire in their mouths and they what's that thing you put on the on the thigh uh um i know what you're talking about it's it's oh so you feel like the constant pain of like christ or something like that right i know what you're talking about i don't know what it's called though and you make your own here's the spikes on it yeah here's a here's a picture uh shy has the old versions i don't like the old versions but there's the new version up there the new version is nuts can we just take a second like shy please like put these two old and new ones right next to each other and what the [ __ ] happened we got we got grimdark yeah it's like whoa the one shy posted is like a pinup model yeah jesus yeah this is why the new one is so [ __ ] cool because look at her just look at all the [ __ ] on her the the thigh like shanking into the leg all the the little uh ports around her the the damn like gag it's just awful and so naturally rapensha are since because they've sinned they've fled and there's also a mistress of repentance with a whip who goes like to get them into battle um and also because the concept is that either they die and therefore they serve the emperor or they live and if they live they're actually welcomed back into the sisterhood with huge open arms because they feel like they've they've yeah they've fully repented they have experienced both the downward sin and forgiveness of the emperor they believe they are fully forgiven by the emperor himself so it's actually a really big deal for them sometimes and this is a rare case but sometimes sisters will even self-exile themselves to become repentia because they they deem it so important yeah i remember you telling me that in the uh in the other episode that they would sometimes exile themselves because it was like a way to get close to the emperor because you know it's just you you go into battle with nothing but a sword and some scripture on you and it's like well if the emperor really loves me i'm gonna come out yeah i'll live fine saint celestine was a pension oh really saint celestine was was there a pension who survived oh well yeah good for her well i know he does love you yes he does there was also another thing you could do it's even worse if you flee as a repentia now that's a big no-no and you become slang called a mortifier and a mortifier is basically a penitent engine for sisters where they drill spikes into your bones to force you to be stuck on the thing and they and they uh [ __ ] with your spine and and brain so that you have an excessive feeling of self-loathing and lack of faith and pain of course but they also put a gear dude on your head so you actually can't hear anything and so the sermons of your fellow sisters are muted to you and so it's like denying you of repentance denying you of the of the ability to redeem yourself damn if you're a repencha though like you're already real close to the bottom of the barrel why the hell would you flee at that point like like no idea just go in go in hard it can even get worse uh if you [ __ ] weigh if you betray your sisters if you betray them somehow um you can be put into an anchor right which is a mortifier but inside a giant iron maiden coffin oh okay yeah so have fun with that that's worse that's oh god so you we i don't think i even need to talk about selfstein anymore i mean we've we've discussed so much celestine um but another cool thing the tribe of saint catherine model so saint catherine's bones are there in the middle right but the the model being a funeral procession has six separate people and they all carry a relic of their various order because it's the six main orders sure the the main lady in the front is the shield bearer she is of saint catherine of the the spirit of saint catherine the spirit of saint dominica has a little mini version of her goblet and then there is the the saint of the bloody rose which is the petals the uh rose petals it looks like it looks like a little pizza on the left-hand side um they're the sensor of the ebb of the um i think it's the center of the argent shroud they all have their own like trinkets to go along with it and so this thing has like 9 000 rules for each of these trinkets um there is efrail stern who is the heretical saint she's almost like a psycher um basically what happened is that slaanesh created a gigantic human pizza ball of a thousand sisters into a giant contorting mass and all of them killed themselves and sent their energy to ephrail stern to have her defeat uh the slaanesh demon and so now she almost acts like a psycher she has this really insane power i don't want to get too far into that long story short she's just they consider her both a saint and a heretic she's weird um i want to talk about the new chick though the new the new main character that just came out the new model so this is actually kind of neat uh now let me go ahead and send you a little image here this is more than val um right is that what yes that model is called nice she looks sick they actually love it just dropped some new art for her for the new warzone book check this [ __ ] [ __ ] out man it is so cool i am i'm so like whoa it's so dope she looked like a zombie in there like what is it with the sisters and looking like straight up [ __ ] zombies because pain is is that going to be closer to the emperor that's true holy [ __ ] they're so [ __ ] up it's a it's amazing that these are the the chicks that keep getting looted on because they are just all kinds of just ravaged and torn and they look like the walking dead now you're starting to understand why i get upset when i see waifu sisters because i i really like how disgusting they look i i'll get into this later but marvin vol basically uh there is a a position the highest position in the sisterhood called the abbess sanctorum and or the abyss i don't really know how it's pronounced and the original one during the fall of cadia was actually lost to the warp because of the great rift and because of that they needed a new one and so the high ecclesiarcs were looking for a suitable person for it and they decided to find marvin val who was a i believe celestion superior of the order of the argent shroud the ones that are really quiet yeah and they saw her and she was incredibly young very young like like maybe like 20s oh and they looked at her and they thought excellent she it can be a really good pawn because they they want a little bit more of a of kind of like a control of the sisters they the ecclesiarchy wanted a lot more of the ability to kind of have their hands in the sisterhood a bit more and kind of have a bit more political power with them so they're like okay morgan val is a perfect one we can she's young she's naive we can use her for it so they asked they went to her and it was after a battle and she stood there with like gashes on her on her body her armor bloodied and uh [ __ ] chipped and charred and they they asked her to become the abbess and she stood there just staring at them stone dead eyes and after they finished it she waited a little bit and said i'll think about it and then she left and went to do uh three days of personal prayer alone to to like personal meditation to think about what she wants to do and this entire time the ecclesiarchs are like oh my god oh my [ __ ] like pacing back and forth like ah jesus what is she doing and she eventually emerged from her area and said okay i'll do it and go ahead i was gonna say she probably doesn't talk much so i mean it's it's you know it's pretty amazing to get her to say even that much it was think about it that much so that's that's a pretty big deal so she accepted and then she was actually they they were okay you're gonna join the abbess and all kinds of stuff and then gillam promoted her to being a high lord of terror now that the abbas sanctorum is now a position of the high lords of terror and the ecclesiarchy was like we're gonna you know try to use her for our game the first thing she did was immediately leave of course she immediately bailed and went on a crusade i love it i love her even more now and so basically her whole deal is that she hates despises politics she leads from the front she will go through all of her battles leading the charge in her giant uh suits her hernando paragon war suits whenever she goes to a planet to help them all the planetary leaders are like miss vol miss vaul let's let's talk you know like we must discuss our battle plans and she's like out of my way i gotta battle the wind go talk with them and she has like 50 of these uh uh diplomats and dialogue behind her that do all of her political work for her because she just doesn't she can't be [ __ ] she cannot be dealt with she's so sick and tired of politics so i got a battle to win and so hearing she comes from the what is it the argent shroud that don't talk yeah so politics would probably be absolute [ __ ] poisonous garbage to her because it's like she's all about just like oh it's it's time for action not words and politicians are literally the exact opposite where politicians like it's time for words not actions so yeah i i get her absolute [ __ ] disdain for politics deeds not words in fact it's she's so like okay i don't know if you know this but her giant war suit is obviously a big mechanic it was a gift from the mechanicum because that took like two centuries to get fixed because i guess the sisters helped out of forge world um but her spear is actually a spear from the adeptus custodies um it's now i i need to impress upon you this this is a big [ __ ] deal the custodians do not share ever they do not give their tech away ever but her spear is called the lance of illumination and it was a finely crafted artifact of the custodians because as we remember the sisters and the custodies are actually kind of tight yep yep yep they're the ones that uh led them to the emperor through the secret passages yeah well not just that but not just that but the uh the sisters naturally they like they like guardsmen a lot because they believe in the imperial creed of the emperor being a god but the sisters also really don't like space marines because they're corruptable because half of them kind of went to chaos and they're also mutants um but we talked about that a little bit yeah we did and the custodians are literally crafted by the emperor and also basically um what's it called um like they've never turned to chaos once yeah so they're actually kind of bros uh and and scissors make sense uh so that it makes sense they would kind of share a little bit of that but yeah morgan vall is just like i've been elected cool let's go on a crusade i i have to wonder like did the ecclesiarchy really think they were gonna be able to use her like of all of the people that you could have picked to try and be like a political pawn you literally pick someone from the order that hates talking and just wants to get the ch did they did they really not think this through and be like you know this probably isn't gonna work they apparently didn't apparently it's like the worst person you could pick if that's what you want she i mean she's she's a really cool character i some people don't like the the suits um i actually like the suits i was a little bit iffy on them but then i got them in real life and i'm like they actually look kind of cool uh she herself who looks in the yeah well she got the fancy suits that's true um so it's one of the i a lot of people kind of forget sisters are actually not all warriors the adaptive sororities the sisterhood has a lot of diplomats the order familias the dialogue which are the aura dialogue which are all about understanding languages uh both of alien and even heretical languages and scribes and there's also the order hospitaler which is all about medics like sisters the the medical nuns do go into guardsmen areas and ships like the the classic sister nurse nun are all across the imperium not just in sisterhood but often sisters are also like relief efforts they bring food yeah they're like peace corps they bring food and and important things like that and there's a lot of those non-military-based sisters in there it's just we play as the military once we know the most about them of course they're the most one of these of course of course one of them is the zephyrum the zephyrum are there's the girls with the jet packs these are girls with jet packs with swords and they are a higher tier to the point where they believe that the emperor speaks through them so much so that they don't speak english they speak in tongues oh i do remember you remember they see it because the all the sisters believe that they actually have the divine word of the emperor themselves so if they walk around the chambers they're just like that and it's like oh my god the emperor yes he didn't understand his words his words are truly through you of course and that's just baffling they're just babbling bullshits how could i forget that oh i love it i love that i love that so much they're not saying anything in particular but everybody just [ __ ] believes it sure why not it's an amazing thing to do so dk i'm gonna take a risk here i'm gonna take a big [ __ ] risk here okay i haven't watched spongebob no still that was a good guess that was not what i was talking about that's a good guess though um i'm gonna i'm gonna get a little political all right you could start sweating it's okay let me grab a shovel and uh we'll start digging i'm gonna get i'm gonna get a little political shy doesn't want me to keep this shy doesn't want to keep this in i'm positive but i'm gonna get a little political all right all right i'm ready i'm ready so do it have you ever heard of the the whole uh people talk about like um female space marines and stuff you ever heard the talk about that i don't think so if i okay i've forgotten it so for a long time people like you know where female space marines there are none of them and there's two people think like okay no speed female space marines because of women icky sexism that kind of stuff right um now there's there's a couple things about that because people talk about like they want female space marines and naturally the way it was is that way back in the day late 80s early 90s there was like a like a statement from one of the old gw guys and he was like hey we had female space screens back then no one [ __ ] bought them like so we so we so we just had normal space marines and then they built the lore around that which is why the emperor has 20 sons and you know the gene seed will is of a guy so it's all male space marines sure sure makes sense and you know military forces tend to have a majority male all kind of stuff um okay so for a long long time people are like hey you know now we're in 2021 it's a different time things are things are different things are more acceptable there's people want female space marines in the game okay um because you know it's more diverse it's uh more inclusive et cetera sure yeah sure i am against it and the reason for that is because so [ __ ] often espec and this is in in hollywood especially everyone only feels like if you want to do you want to do like representation you want to do diversity won't do all this stuff you have to copy what's already there old property of this this this we have we have to remake ghostbusters and it has to be all ladies right right and i'm and i'm like is it not [ __ ] it does it not feel like degrading that the only way that you can have something that is so cool and worthwhile is to copy something else like gw has done the impossible they have made an entire only female faction of this game that is not over sexualized that is not boring that is completely different from every other god damn race on here and is the most evil imperium faction in the game gw has [ __ ] done it instead of constantly copying everything instead of constantly being like we need if we're going to add like diversity representation or whatever we always got to make a female version of this a variant of this of this and instead they made a brand spanking like unique different exciting [ __ ] brutal and it doesn't feel preachy like if you look at morven vol that there's a lot of similarities to the whole like women in the workplace thing she was gonna be hired into a position and then used like this you could really take it that way but you didn't think that when i was telling you the story did you no actually i did not i just i was like the politicians are [ __ ] idiots and [ __ ] there's no way she's gonna do what they want her to do because she's too hardcore and she's like you could yeah you could take that idea from it like doge van dyer is the repelling against the oppressors story like it make it makes it makes sense and that's why i'm i like the sisters so much because they combine so many different things that i love like i'm not a religious person but it's like at all and so it's interesting at the same time to have characters that are so unwavering in their spiritual fortitude so unwavering in their mental idea and then combine that with the guardsman idea where they're all just regular women in power armor they're not a stereotype they are nasty they look gross and it's the reason why i don't like i don't like waifu [ __ ] drawings the sisters because it's not like okay if you if people want to draw that stuff like i obviously can't tell you what to draw like you know art is arts i i literally spent it which is ironic because literally last episode i was like let's hora syrin abs let's go but that was more of me that was more of me memeing like i legitimately really like the fact that the sisters are are scarred are they look like warriors they're not pretty girls strutting around in purity seal repential like they used to be they are frightening and honestly as far as i'm concerned why why make them the same when you could make them better and i'm sorry but i think sisters are cooler than space marines ever will be i [ __ ] love i [ __ ] love them they are so unique and different and i wish they had more lore because they they definitely don't have as much as space marines do but so there there's there's brookie getting a little political uh i yeah a little a little bit i i know that the warhammer fan base can be a little a little bit iffy on that kind of stuff but yeah i don't think i like take honestly like i don't i don't think that's a hot take like i don't think it's it's too hot i'm sure i'm gonna get some very mean comments and all that stuff at some point because the warhammer fan base is a little bit that way at times but as far as i'm concerned i like when more people play this game i like when people have the representation actually one of the reasons why i enjoy i think white scars are cool because they have like the mongolian vibe and all that um yeah and this to me is just really [ __ ] cool and it's the most important thing that you can do and they didn't suck their dick about it yeah so yeah it's it's good i like it a lot they're they're not a stereotype they're extremely scary they're cool i love their faith concepts they're unique that's why they're my favorite army [ __ ] love them there we go brookie's favorite army favorite factions uh what's your favorite order though the ebb challenge oh that's right i like i like dominica that's right of course of course you should have known that you shouldn't but besides that i do enjoy uh the sacred rose a little bit i like the miracle dice shenanigans um the the order of the amara lady is pretty fun but it's very silly too yeah just dying everywhere yep sisters sisters are cool they're hard they're very cool i am pleased i am very pleased with how they've been done lately uh the last because back in the day you know gw didn't didn't write the female characters too great and the last the codex that came out recently with the model revamp is when i was like whoa these these are not these layers are not to be [ __ ] with and they got a bunch of better lore they got their new characters and i think i think it's it's a well-timed thing where i i don't think it's a coincidence that gw is getting really much like harder into the sisters now but they're doing it in the right way which is just making it well done and so i am i am very pleased what a surprise gw doing things the right way the sisters are like they've done almost nothing bad with them the new models look almost entirely great the rules are good the books are good it's so funny to me that they they pulled this off with all of their problems in the past they pulled this off like perfectly which is just so strange to me it's it's it's the most non-gw thing ever i know it's good for them and good for the size and no no no i meant please end this episode thank you so much for watching they're listening and watching this episode that's ridiculous i look forward to being canceled on twitter uh you may find me at bricky everywhere dk where can they find you dk diamonds everywhere except instagram i'm real dk diamonti's there and uh it's it's it's been an honor i don't know who shai is gonna find to replace you but uh i i look forward to my new uh lore overlord when you uh inevitably get canceled so i like how we meme on this and it's like it's like the lightest take it's so simple it really it's just it's just the game's workshop 40k players have that have a little underlying about that old you know they can be they can be that way uh you can find shy quite shallow or quiet shy wherever you need to find her and uh we'll see you next episode if i'm still on the show [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 477,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adepta sororitas, sisters of battle orders
Id: qaMqRSqN-qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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