Top 10 Stupidest Moments in Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal my gawd it's been a whirlwind derful weekend we started strong with the drunk stream which resulted to me waking up at a poor moan vomit continuing off the worst hangover on my life it turns out my computer's graphics card as [ __ ] itself rendering three thirds of my monitors disabled and we're only functioning model remaining is covered in annoying purple specs goodbye $2,000 graphics card the three months I had you were good to add to the spice we then received not one but two Community Guidelines strikes for spam deceptive content and other strange accusations and then my microphone stopped working so yeah let's just say it was a grim time but she'll be right structure removed brought a new microphone and warranties are a thing to commemorate this silly weekend we have a silly video Warhammer 40k as years of law and dozens of riders that means dozens of different opinions on how things should have gone down this has resulted in some hilariously stupid things and really inconsistent power scaling before we get started I want to share something that was sent to me fan made projects like a star tease and death of hope have been massive positive contributors to the community it is shone a light on Warhammer and undoubtedly brought dozens of thousands if not more people into the Hobby so when Tyra showed me his project an animated adaption of grain McNeil's the last Church I instantly agreed to shout it out for those that don't know the last Church is a story about the very last Church on Terror towards the end of the unification Wars as the emperor has been destroying all traces of Church and religion this is a great example of great narrative without requiring excessive amounts of bolter porn Tigers set up a Kickstarter to help raise the last bit of money needed to pay the animator and other members of the team so if you're interested then consider checking them out I chuck them a couple bucks personally like I said I'm not being paid to share this with you guys I just love seeing fan made projects come to life and continue to enrich the community today I've put together my top 10 stupidest moments in law that should definitely not be canon obviously there are more than 10 moments so make sure you comment below any parts of the law which you never heard to clarify I'll also include stupid themes in this list or stupid characters in this list there is also no real order to this list it's a stupid [ __ ] list ok let's get into it get yourself we have the time and unarmored well Dida was able to punch through an armoured custodies and rip out his spine in the novel outcast dead for context this would be like Stephen Hawking punching a hole through the mountain and yes I'm referring to current day corpse Stephen in this example a custodies is an entire league above a Space Marine in every aspect they are faster smarter and stronger with multiple in law instances of them slicing through Space Marines like I sliced through Timmy's spleen but major killed the world eater was angry and word well it is angry they become Primark tear silence your mouth to me before I once again sliced through your spleen yes the world eaters gimmick is to Hulk rage and get powerful based on their rage but that in itself is stupid world eaters should be extinct by now all they do is kill each other and get killed in battle they basically have zero apothecaries and no cycles because they killed them all but despite this they're still considered a massive threat bang that's a stupid moment and stupid theme Bundoora into one what can I say other than you're welcome but yeah it's genuinely unfathomable that a space ring could do this to a custard is or even to overall my armor so I'll just spin this went down to Graham igneel having nails drilled into his brain or a world-eater boner so high that it would make Sloan Ashe blush next up we have a moment so stupidly Games Workshop themselves reckoned it out of existence we all know the grey knights incorruptible bastions of faith that purge demons and heretics wherever they find them well turns out they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] who killed a group of hyper louis's of battle and then bathe in their blood in an attempt to avoid being corrupted which wasn't an issue to begin with as I've stated they are in up the bull basically what happens is that in the fifth edition gray night codex a planet is being molested by a bloodthirster using some spicy technology he's basically able to drive the entire planet into a corner frenzy and loss of death insurers the only ones to be unaffected or her convent assist as a battle who are defending themselves at a holy site the grace Knights decide that the best course of action will not be to recruit the aid of their battle babes or save them no they decided to completely [ __ ] them up and then bathe in their blood as a way of keeping corruption away because yeah there's no way to protect yourself from the blood God like massacring loyal subjects of the Emperor and then covering yourself with their insides blood for the gods Emperor they then went on to the gray knight stuff and save the day yari da da da the reason why this is stupid well there's like 20 reasons why but the main one is that in this exactly same codex it talks about how grey nuts cannot be corrupted anyway so the whole thing was just completely pointless the story was retconned to basically not include the sisters of battle debacle and instead added in a scene where the sisters actually save our cheese lord Kaldor did i go so i guess the you know they've redeemed a little bit a moment so stupid it doesn't even exist anymore moving away from an exact moment we have a stupid character with stupid powers that shouldn't exist Lucius it's funny that it takes alpha Boozer and his team putting on a stupid voice and making Lucius gay before he's finally likable so blows my mind that Games Workshop do everything their power to keep this [ __ ] around if you didn't know lucious as a special gimmick where basically whoever kills him gets possessed and taken over by him if they take pride in the action of killing him this sounds kind of cool until you realize some of the completely [ __ ] times it applies firstly Lucius is once killed by a Necron now necrons are made of metal and have no soul and no connection to the war despite this lucious is still able to reincarnate within the Necron and overtake his body using a warp soul-based ability if you think that is stupid then however the time that Lucius stepped on a landmine and died only to reincarnate and take over the body of the factory worker who built the landmine as he took pride in making weapons for the Imperium I cannot wait for the day where Lucius gets cut in half by a [ __ ] servitor who can only feel the binary codes of depression jutsu veins sorry lobotomize that they actually wish Lucius would overtake them so they can feel something now for the first stupid theme on this list we have Games Workshop been overly grim dark just to be able to say hey look at how [ __ ] up our lorries despite it being totally unnecessary some of the time I'm not saying I don't like the grim dark theme it's great we have aliens that eat your planet seven-foot-tall rape elves and a lot of general unhappiness for the galaxy but [ __ ] like penitent engines being a thing or the fact that the Imperial Navy uses thousands of slaves to load their cannons when Auto loaders exist is just stupid for those that don't know a penitent engine is basically a Mack slash torture device where someone accused of some [ __ ] heresy is loaded with so many drugs that nothing short of their brain brain blown out will put them down it's like the ecclesia Keys version of a dreadnought however the design is so stupid like look the pilot is completely exposed basically naked and someone with half decent aim and a pistol could take one of these out they seem more like a basement dwellers BDSM fantasy more than a valid unit like look at that model Jesus Christ have fun joking after that you filthy man you could go on to say that dem on killa bar falls into this territory of unnecessarily grimdark i mean if you want to know that is feel free to search it up i won't be showing what it is but i kind of respect how the writer was like what is the absolute most [ __ ] up thing we can physically think of and publish so i'll let that one slide another entry on this list which basically just serves to disrespect our glorious golden men is when during the beast Arizer series a group of Harlequins that don't even have a solitaire easily cut through and massacre a whole bunch of custodies defending the imperial palace the whole setup of this was stupid Eldred wanted to send a message to the god Emperor of mankind so we got a bunch of Harlequins to try break into the throne room and deliver it they cut their way through dozens of custody's before being stopped many of the kills were sim one quick cut here or a short stop there because Saudis are known to survive things such as losing half their brain or being scorched by the goddamn press psychic might for decades so a quick cut from a Harlequins blade a cut that should never been able to land in the first place should do [ __ ] all but major killed those custodians that died were prob'ly rookies as many custody's renew due to the most of them dying in the hearse heresy shut the [ __ ] up Timmy a custodian is a custodies even a rookie custodies if that term even exists considering their training and biological makeup should still be able to withstand a Harlequin attack if not outright crush it especially considering their superior numbers there are some theories that the writer got the custodies confused with another variant of less powerful guard but that excuse is [ __ ] as a writer should know what he is talking about fortunately in recent times it looks like the custard is he getting the respect they deserve and I haven't seen any instances of [ __ ] like this happening in recent times also I totally back the custody's decision to exterminate that renegade primeras chapter next up we have a bit of a funny one Games Workshop's ability to count and scale the conflicts of Warhammer 40k are simultaneously both massive and tiny Judah Games Workshop's extreme mathematical retardation the galaxy feels so large yet small at the same time the Imperium contains a million worlds with terror itself said to be population of quadrillions or more yet you get [ __ ] like a space wrench after only having 1000 Marines or various gigantic Wars like the all-in-all crusade or the Wars of Armageddon having less combatants and casualties than some of the wars have had in real life the devastation of boul only had 30,000 space marines involved in a war against countless million tyranids and though i would hold out long enough to get saved by Gulman each Space Marine would have had to kill at least a hundred tyranids or more for this the same balance which when you factor in a hive tyrants car no fixes and other period forms that are proven to be greater than Space Marines it gets a bit silly in my opinion and I believe the opinions of many others adding an extra digit to the unit count of any Warhammer army or conflict solves his problem dramatically it is way more fathomable and epic that they all in or crusade the largest and final conflict of the Great Crusade would take 1 million Space Marines and 18 million Guardsmen against 200 million orcs rather than just a hundred thousand Space Marines and 8 million Guardsmen that were given in the law this epic system-wide conflict has like four times less combatants in World War one not to mention that the Imperium has about the same amount of planets that it does Space Marines if chapters had ten thousand Marines to settle one thousand it would make their feats a lot more understandable and way less jarring now you've probably heard of this next stupid theme but it's the wharfing effect mainly towards the avatar of Cain Games Workshop have been over using a technique to display the strength of name characters to such a degree that has devolved in a stupid [ __ ] meme cue the avatar of Cain a shard of the God of War a massive flaming beast who literally burns anything within its radius gets killed by everyone and meerkat this dude has been strangled to death by fulgrim punch to death by marnya scale gar possessed by a demon of slur Nash possessed by a gene Scylla patriarchy melted some Iceland drowned in said melted ice killed by the Legion of Damned the list just goes on basically because avatars of Cain can be killed with no consequence to the plot as you know there's a lot of them and they might regenerate anyway Games Workshop wanks over using them as a look how cool this character is they killed an avatar of gain when in reality it's just starting to piss people off the same effect applies to the swarm Lord a beast considered the most advanced apex predator the turrets can come up with as others ask kicked time and time again usually in stupid ways purely because it doesn't matter if it dies the tyrannous can just respond it whenever they want stop it Games Workshop it's a chick tactic and we're sick of it my boy Cain deserves better the next stupid thing on this list is Matt Ward and his era of ultra autism especially marnya scale gar Matt walk ironically sucked off the ultramarine so hard then instead of elevating them to the god tier position that he was trying to he instead punched him into the meme zone where everyone just [ __ ] hated them making them win every battle despite stupid odds my knee is revving up neck on pylons and using them as baseball bouts Kato sicarios beating Akutan shard even after Matt what [ __ ] off to go be a neckbeard somewhere else the ultramarine statuses joke chapter remained people new to the Hobby started making fun of them as well despite barely even knowing anything about them people actually thought calling them Smurfs was considered good comedic value like holy [ __ ] it took the literal resurrection of their primark followed by some kickass riding before people were finally like oh wait these guys are kind of cool I better delete all my Smurfs porn now money is Karger as a character also needs to just [ __ ] die after years of pulling endless cheese out of his ass his Primark returned and he became a primeras marine to end up face to face with Abaddon his character arc was well and truly complete yet despite getting absolutely molested by a burden he still survived for no real reason imagine how good it would have been for the story if you had a character who became a pro Marius got a new model only to get killed it would show the grittiness of 40k and how no one is safe it would remove the safety net of Claude Armour and reinvest people into the law there's not going to be another good chance to kill the old man for a while now so he's just gonna sit there and exist for a little while longer I guess with Matt Ward gone at least he won't be collecting all the Infinity stones or smacking the hive mind with a level 100 dildo anytime soon next up we have something so stupid your brain probably box it out however I'm going to unblock it for you so sorry about that to be fair I have a solution for your brain just after this but bear with me I'll get to it space wolves using the word wolf I'm not even going to explain this one I'm just gonna say some things until your brain hurts you ready wolf Lord Great Wolf Wolf King whorfin wolf pack's Thunder wolf cavalry Wolf Scouts lone wolves wolf blade wolf priests the list goes on and you get the point these are all different ranks and positions within the space wolves and there are dozens more that alert wolves like the use of calling their squads packs or the endless clora and other fairy [ __ ] references I don't know why the space will seem to be the only ones who the writers got so lazy they just Chuck a wolf in front of everything but it's very stupid the bloody Angels don't have blood Lord or blood cavalry in front of all their names nor do the Imperial fists actually fist anyone so it makes no sense that the Wolves get done like this they're supposed to be space vikings through spiritual animal as a wolf but the Viking part is put aside for no apparent reason I'm all for themes but come on mate now that I have ruined space was for you let me unroll in them I read this somewhere and I'm not sure if it's canon but it's a hundred set my head Canon and it should be yours too I rather the word wolf doesn't exist in the ferns Ian language the language of the space wolves to each of these things are called something else by the space wolves however the Imperium doesn't have a high gothic word for any of these friends in words hence they just translate each of these different words all into the word wolf I think this is a great explanation and makes us go from [ __ ] [ __ ] etre ah okay haha that's interesting and kind of funny a large stupid thing on this list but definitely not the last stupid thing in the law we have the time a single tyranny designed ropes destroy an entire craft world epic when a craft word falls it's not something that's supposed to happen due to ignorance or flat-out stupidity yes the Eldar are arrogant but they aren't stupid especially when it comes to tearing heads when a craft world loses the tyranids it should be like a linden where it is an epic desperate struggle for survival not like melon ty it was just silly basically what happens is a tyranny bioship attacks melon tire who were able to defeat it easily a single Tsar threw up I [ __ ] know now to say that word which had randomly mutated to eat Souls instead of flesh was able to get past the odor and into their infinity circuit which basically contains unlimited Souls firstly the elder don't just like [ __ ] get to their infinity circuit secondly they have the ability to sense danger and see the future I think the random apocalyptic death of your Crawford would raise a few flags with your far series and finally are you serious a single tear Enid was able to eat so many souls that in turn into an unkillable raid boss and destroyed the entire craft world [ __ ] like this is genuinely insulting to elder internet players there's literally no winner here the older lose a craft world and the turn and wind because their enemy was stupid not because they actually deserve the win to add to that they haven't used this uber powerful turn it in the loss since then at all you would assume that they would take this stupid plot point at least to make a new threat to the galaxy and a new tune in name character but no they just make the thing [ __ ] off jeez Louise and that does it for today guys the top 10 most stupid moments themes and characters in Warhammer 40k law I'm a firm believer that when something is canon you have to accept it however that doesn't mean you can't mock it or laugh at it it's also good to fill in the gaps with your own head Canon like I do with the space wolf naming convention you enjoyed the video I want to support me as a creator than patreon it's the place to be only one dollar gives you access to a boatload of hentai and $10 gives you access to the exclusive Warhammer hentai calendar when it comes out I'm spending over a thousand dollars on artwork and production of that calendar so I'm really excited to show you guys how it turns out join the discord for more memes and I see in the next one pace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 733,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, lore, story, Explained, top 10, Top 5, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Primarchs, Astartes, Custodes, Great Knights, Ultramarines, Matt Ward, Sisters of Battle, Horus Heresy, Vulkan, Leman Russ, Titan, Terra, Numbers, Gamesworkshop, Tabletop, Majorkill, Australia, Australian
Id: 61RDY7N5imI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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