What's the best Warhammer 40k faction/army to start with?

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Bricky also has a lore video summarizing the various imperial and xenos factions.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Luxeirten 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

You can kinda tell he’s a Guard player by the way he describes some armies like Daemons, GSC, and Orks. All good but you can tell he’s used to playing a heavy shooting army. That said, I would probably send this to somebody trying to decide on their first army. I agree that some factions don’t make good first armies but the most important thing? Follow your heart

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dal9ll 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
I must say these supports on my prior warhammer video has been to put it lightly absolutely outstanding I've not had a video perform that well maybe three to four years and it's also a breath of fresh air to be able to make a video on something on a whim on warhammer a while very popular game not a game that I ever really made videos on and to have it perform as well as it does you know YouTube and the YouTube world doesn't like change very much so it is incredibly heartwarming but with that it also came with a question that was always being asked to me ever since making that video hey brick II what army should I play so for this my next major warhammer video I'm going to answer that question I'm gonna go over all the different kinds of armies just like we went with the main video except instead of lore where we going through the different various ways of collecting the army as in not only price wise but how many miles you're gonna need how new or old the model scopes are and we're gonna be going over the play styles of each army respectively are they melee are they shooting are they a little bit of both elite army with only 20 models on the battlefield or a horde armies with a hundred and twenty miles on the battlefield we're gonna be discussing all of those what each army is about and give you at least a decent run-through of every single faction to allow you to make the conscious and intelligent choice on which army you want to play if you want to get into the tabletop of Warhammer 40000 but first before we start I need to show you something so I own an absolutely boatload of wall arts all across my house I received from cons and so when I was contacted by dis plate to sponsor this video it was like in immediate yes anyway I wanted to show you the ones I got because this plate is the sponsor for this video the first one is a wonderful one from the Coen brothers No Country for Old Men this is probably my favorite movie of all time because I am a mess of human being I like the dark depressing [ __ ] however this one I love it it's very simplistic and it shows off the simplistic poster art that I tend to enjoy a lot now past that I actually got one for my mother because she is a huge Stephen King fan so I got this fantastic Pennywise one to go along with it and the third one I got actually was from fellow youtuber vadi Vidya you may know him he did darksouls content and well from software content general and he has I can't show you it right now because I got the extra-large version because I wanted the big one of his it is a absolutely gorgeous piece is just as nice-looking in real life as I expect him now I come to my surprise that after I order three separate dis plates to go along with the sponsorship I immediately receive one two three four five extra ones and then change and I kind of start realizing why they they were they wanted to Warhammer videos so much orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs gotta have orcs Sisters of battle will be talking plenty about them today Angels of Death in all their glory more angels of death and all their glory and a juke REI I don't know what this is is that our kind of might be an Archon I'll play Drew Carey but obviously Dark Eldar I need those spikes I get the spikes I love the fact that you can just slap it onto your wall with a magnet with no fuss and especially for someone who was renting a place and I know a lot of you have had those experiences with landlords where you try to hang up with wall art you put a nail into the wall and they're like oh ooh is that is that a two millimeter hole I see right there that's 300 dollars out of your security deposit kid so thank you very much display for sponsoring this video I would highly recommend checking them out they make absolutely fantastic stuff so check them out there in the description and let us continue with the video starting off with a couple terminology we should learn before we actually get super deep into it first things first is the thing called forge world forge world is actually a lore thing with the antis mechanicus however what it is is actually a partner to Games Workshop Forge rule makes these kind of custom minis that aren't in the Codex is specifically however you can use them and feel them in your games they're just generally expensive kind of a little bit weirder they're a little bit more bizarre and it sounds like fan made creations and such but forged world is like a side company of Games Workshop that makes 40k I might mention them a few times I want to go ahead and tell you about that they're not used a ton but they are sign that you can use next I want to tell you about hitting numbers so if I ever say something like oh this army hits on threes or fours or fives what I'm saying is if they hit on it threes that means if you roll a d6 and you throw it out there if you get a three for five or six anything three or higher then you hit your shot you've landed onto your targets if I say they hit on a fours it's foreign fives 5 and up etc and finally we have things called stratagems I'm gonna mention those a few times stratagems are like special abilities you can use after having a pool of command points that you get for building your army and you can kind of dole those out these special abilities stratagems as you wish IRRI played command & Conquer red alert 3 or uh perhaps Kane's wrath my personal favorite was always Kane's wrath you those little abilities on the side of the map it's like those let's start off with the number one best army you should collect for a new player Space Marines before beginning the tactics before we get into how they play out once you remind you all the most important rule the golden rule of collecting Warhammer you will always have a better time with the army whose lore you like and design you prefer always buy the army you think are the coolest if you like undead egyptian space robots that have enslaved gods as weapons by the Damned necrons I don't care if necrons or strf tear by the dam necrons ok if you love viking aesthetic and you love space submarines get the damn space wolves i don't care if they're strf tear get the army that you love the lore and the design of first nothing sucks more than playing a meadow army that some people might not even want to play you against because you're going superpower gamer and having to paint and create an army that you don't like play the army you think is the coolest golden rule ok space marines so the poster boys of Warhammer are our first faction today and I know when I said to the best army to collect all the new players like Oh God not the space rings the generic ones and all the veteran players are gonna say oh god not more Space Marine players I got a deal with and the tournament players are already ready to hire a hitman to kill me but I'm sorry I know I agree Space Marines are oh right now but they really are the best army if you are a new player Space Marines are your best bet they are the best army to collect if you are a new player and let me tell you why number one Space Marines got all the lore they got a monopoly on Laura they easily have the most fleshed out backgrounds of any of the characters or factions in Warhammer Space Marines have the most books Space Marines are a huge part of the horse high receive just Space Marines will always have the most and they have the most depth to them number two Space Marines are very easy to paint especially for new players when you get Space Marines you have a ton of variety of chapters and they all have a ton variety of colors and they're also pretty easy Space Marines are also very large or at least larger than normal so their canvas size is much bigger smooth armor much easier to paint especially their vehicles and the paint schemes are easy ultramarines blue white scar white Imperial fist yellow salamanders green it's extremely easy to paint Space Marines and for a new player I would highly recommend them for that specific part because the painting and building is a massive part of this hobby number three Marines are always getting new models they are always getting equal attention from Games Workshop even if they have just been updated they will get updated again and again and again and the Harlequins and Dark Eldar players aren't crying in a corner but we don't care about them because I got a new primary slew Tennant and he's got a skull shield I don't know they're always getting new models and while it might be a little excessive at times they will always be updated and your rules will always be changing and therefore it keeps it very fresh if you're interested in playing them number four you have a vast amount of data sheets and units at your disposal so you know codex you have a part after all the lore of it after some of the keywords and art pieces and stuff you have the datasheet section where it goes over all of your units and what they do and their stats and everything their special rules and so on and when you get to that spot however many units and Army has depends on you know how many pages of data sheets is it take the Adept disgusto DS they have a very small amount of units and their standard Codex of data sheets is only 11 pages long Sisters of battle however little more medium force they have 19 pages of data sheets the Imperial Guard they have a much much larger amount of data sheets because there's such a large army they have 39 pages of data sheets Space Marines 56:56 pages of data sheets for different kinds of units it's a little bloated at times because of the amount of characters and stuff but still they are all over the place their variety is endless and it is being even more updated and added as time goes on which brings me to number five and the most important of them all Space Marines use every phase of the game see in Warhammer there are phases in each turn we're just getting its 9th edition so we're getting something called the command phase soon which is fun but then we have the movement phase psychic phase shooting phase the charge fight and then morale phase now the last three are kind of all packed into one if I'm being perfectly honest but the main thing is that a lot of armies might utilize some of these phases a lot more often than expected grey knights are very big in the psychic phase because they're all cyclers and so they really have a lot there while tau don't have any psychos and they won't even use that phase but they've got really damn good shooting however they don't have any melee it's not gonna be using the charge phase whereas say Sloan Ash demons will use the charge of psychic phase plenty but they'll all be doing any shooting of like any kind pretty much the Marines they will use every single phase and you can't get good at the game and get good the phases unless you're able to use all of them and that's where space marines really shine you can play them however you want in any kind of role see if you are running let's say an Iron Hands or Imperial fist army these are both shooting based armies but you can still have good melee where if you wanted to play a more melee based army like space wolves or Blood Angels you'd still have good shooting units you could still do plenty in the shooting phase that's the most important part Space Marines will use every single phase and they are very very good at it so that is the main five reasons why you should be playing or at least you should try collecting Space Marines and I know I don't need more space marines and tournaments but it is the best decision they're good to paint they're good to collect they're always getting updated they got tons of units they use every face and you can tailor the however you'd like Plus and this is kind of down the line but eventually after playing them enough you might understand which army you'd want to collect second if you start clipping a little bit of Space Marines you start realizing oh wow I really think I'd prefer having more models on the table or I wish I had tougher models and you can go for tyranids or then a dentists custodians it helps you figure out your second army a lot better if you're a new player you want to get interested in it just do this go online get yourself either oh or check I bake because there's tons of offhand marine stuff on eBay get yourself a pack of intercessors or maybe a tactical squad I'd say intercessors because they're more modern they're newer and more meta and they're bigger for better paint canvasses put them together with some glue get some paint on them try them out and try getting into the game that way I think it'd be a pretty smart and a pretty solid idea to get someone new into the Hobby and Space Marines just really are one of the better choices right now okay cool now that I'm done sucking as much marine dick is your brain let's move on to the rest of the armies and my personal favorite army at the current moment the Imperial Guard or the estimate is [ __ ] the Pierrot garden the Imperial Guard are my main army they are what is known as a gun line horde army whereas orcs and tyranids have a horde army that has shooting what's more melee based the guard is gonna be running sixty to a hundred infantrymen support walkers on Tillery batteries aircraft drop troops tanks bigger tanks the guard is all about just blistering firepower now however the downside to this is that the guard while well-trained are only for up well trained they hit on fours and they also do not have a very good survivability guard stuff tends to be rather fragile they very rarely have any special saves to keep them from taking any damage most their stratagems aren't based around survivability but in fact more firepower guard don't shoot amazing with therefore up accuracy but they make up for that with just shear amounts of numbers of shots I don't care if my tank hits on fours what I've got [ __ ] three of them if the Marines are like the pristine Swiss Army knife for the can do anything and they have a little tool for every situation guard like a Swiss Army knife that's about ten times as big and attached to a big wooden stick that you just beat the [ __ ] out of people with your units are squishy they don't hit great but you've got so many of them that you just take people out by drowning them and gunfire as we're collecting the guard it's a little bit of a mixed bag their models are a bit older than I'd like I personally think that they could use a decent amount of updates they do get updated plenty rules wise but since I've got so many different kinds of units and so many forge world options a lot of them are a bit old and are showing their age as we're collecting them in the money side they're pretty expensive you're going for a horde army so you're gonna have tons of models on the ground the playing field that being said I still do love them I love their lore and their design I love the large swaths of infantry and I personally think they are pretty fun if maybe not the greatest army as a main army the Adept dismiss are the war cult of Mars they are very weird and I've been over how weird they are plenty before but they are probably one of the wackiest armies in the game maybe along with jeans steel or Colts the identity mechanic is have a lot of really weird back and forth styles when it comes to their gameplay they're mainly a shooting army I'd say they're about 75 percent shooting 25% melee however they do have a couple dedicated melee units that can't hurt pretty bad but they're much lower on the tearless compared to the amount of gunfire they can bring they hit pretty well they generally hit on three sometimes four depending on out there using mechs or their own current bionics but they do definitely have some of the wackier stuff the entire army has a 6 up invulnerability safe so occasionally you get some pretty clutch moments when you start taking damage and your rolls a couple dice to get a couple sixes and you can shrug off like full-on missiles and stuff so that's pretty cool like one of their base weapons is a really regular kind of crappy carbine but if you roll a six forward it does double damage which could actually be ludicrously powerful at times then you've got the weird robots that castellan robots that there are these giant like world war 1 mech dudes that have a refractor field so if they block off shots with there well you know reflector and vulnerable say it'll launch back damage towards the enemy which can be kind of crazy there were they're very strange they definitely are quite strange much more shooting over melee and definitely fun and has some great looking characters Belisarius called might be one of the best models in the entire game super cool looking to a [ __ ] to paint though oh my god and that does lead me to the collecting of the ad mech part in itself they're actually getting a lot more new or updates lately they're actually one of the newest armies as well they came out only a couple years ago all their stuff is in plastic and it looks really damn good I personally think that they have some of the best aesthetics in the entire game the only problem is that painting them is gonna be a real [ __ ] I would recommend trying to do some of the simpler stuff like we were the doom crawler before you get into things like call or a tech priest dominus because wow is painting that going to be really damn horror cost-wise they are getting a bunch of new units which is great but generally when you get new units they're very expensive and whatever new stuff comes out it tends to be a bit expensive the army isn't a horde but it's also non elite army so they're probably in the mid ground when it comes to price range however I would recommend them to people who like some kind of wacky antics and some weird abilities and weaponry because add mech has been getting better and better as time goes on and they're pretty dang cool to collect so mid tier price may be a little bit more expensive but their scopes look great and they're very new and I would highly recommend them next up you've got the adept us Aurora toss or also known as the sisters of battle my second favorite army though I will be honest they are really coming up to overtaking the Imperial Guard I love my guard I love my love my k/d ins I love my mymy Tempesta scions but the sisters of battle they're really cool not only from a lore perspective they're just insanely religious zealot uh stunts that already is just really Dane Cole as for the tabletop they're one of the closest range armies in the entire game that isn't a full on melee army and they're a slow-moving like advancing gun line army with some actually horrifying melee units and just some like ridiculous close-range fire the sisters are probably one of the top three hardest armies to play I'd say they've got some really weird antics as well kind of like ad MEK maybe not quite as wacky this army can be played in almost any way as well you can do this a full gun line army or a full melee army or 50/50 everything is viable they do require a lot of finesse and manipulation because these are all low toughness sisters that do have good armor but when you've got a low toughness like they do and they're not necessarily the most powerful when it comes to the actual punching they can actually be shot off pretty quickly so you need to be really smart about how you maneuver them because you've got a super short-range kind of squishy army at times that can be a little bit challenging to get through that being said people are sleeping on the power of sisters let me be the first one to say it you are all sleeping on how strong this army is this army if played well by a smart person will crush you as for the actual collecting of the models sisters are the most recent army at least as the time of making this video who had a complete army overhaul for a while there were no plastic sister models whatsoever but the entire army besides I think one unit got a full overhaul of models everything is brand spanking new and they probably have the best looking models in the entire game in my opinion they look incredible that crazy gothic kind of Catholic nun look I mean come on they're their tank is a pipe organ missile launcher it's a pipe organ missile launcher sisters are one of the coolest looking our ways in the entire game they are a bit expensive though that's the one downside is that because this entire army is brand-new it is brand new with a brand new price tag so I personally love oh they might soon become my favorite army I can't quite tell yet they look great they're a little expensive to collect they have lots of different kinds of abilities both melee and shooting no psychic face but they do have some shenanigans to stop other people from using the psychic phase they're pretty cool but they are really hard to play and they take a lot of practice so kind of up to you I would say not a very good starting army but they are pretty neat all right gray Knights I heard you like the psychic face if you like the psychic phase this is the psychic phase for you gray Knights are Space Marines x2 they're super mega duper elite Space Marines that are all sigh kurz they're nuts grey nights are insane they are very very elite however you have probably like me 40% fewer models than an average army we'll have all of your dudes however are scary in their own right they all hit very well on threes minimum they all have great armor since they're all cyclers they're really good at dealing with other psychos they also have great shooting and very strong melee all of your guys have extremely powerful melee weapons the only downside of grey Knights is that any anticyclone anagen scan really harm them and you are running an elite army with very few models when you run very few models that means every time you're rolling and you roll those ones it hurts that much more great and so they have this awesome kind of old-school Knight roundtable aesthetic with them all carrying things like Hal birds and FAL shins they've got as hell holy text in it they carry books around and flags but they do get to use every phase as well lots of psychic and then they're shooting in a ton of melee as well mainly psychic and melee in terms of buying them they're not too bad actually they're probably one of the cheaper armies as well because when you're running in elite army not as many models on the tabletop so it's a lot easier to fill out your entire army by only purchasing many there are fewer boxes than normal as for their scopes I don't know exactly how new they are we don't call them very new I call them like middle ground when it comes to how old they are not super old but they're not so super new either that being said if they are safe medium old or whatever they do look great I love the way the plastic models look at them they look fantastic and I would recommend trying them out if you like a psycho a heavy Space Marine thing you play Space Marines and you're like wow I like the psychic phase grey Knights no competition infantry is for losers it's a big mech boy time I'm I'm being honest though the Imperial Knights I wouldn't recommend them I'm gonna come out and say it I don't think Imperial Knights are a very good army for a new player they are one of the cheapest armies you can buy because while each night in its own right is very expensive there you only need three or four to fill out an entire games worth and compare that to a full army we're actually not too bad like price-wise they're promised nice is that as cool as they are they wanted to use the psyche phase they have plenty of shooting though plenty of shooting and they can have some really great melee but when you're playing Imperial Knights you're not really playing 40k a great friend of mine said if you're playing a pea réalité you're playing chess but you have about six Queens against a normal enemy chess player if the enemy chess player is smart they could easily beat your six Queens I'm sure it'll be pretty simple for them to use their full arsenal to beat you but if the enemy chess player is a noob for instance there's a good chance that they're not going to be able to wait and you'll just kind of new stomp them and that's what Knights are Knights are generally noob Stoppers or more like a just a middle tier army they're not good for new players because they don't really teach you the game and it's not the way the game is really I don't know how to say it meant to be played so to speak I don't think against Knight players if you're a knight player it's totally fine if you run a knight valiant you have nothing but my respect all right get that Knight valiant to up armor for up in ville traitor spire oh yo you can't have both just have traitors pyre the coolest weapon in the game alright but honestly just for a new player I would not recommend Knights they are cool they're great painting projects however I if you would just want to paint something definitely pick up a knife for that it'd look great you're not really playing 40k when you play Imperial Knights you're playing a kind of a weird hybrid of it if anything get a normal army like say Imperial Guard or maybe some Space Marines and then buy one big night and throw it into your army as an ally that would be the way to do it I'd say I think they're better as a supplementary character as opposed to a main army or force this is also same for chaos Knights as well they do look really cool though they do look really cool golden boys golden boys a deputies custodians are the elite of the elite this is probably one of the most elite armies you could possibly play these guys are nuts they hit on twos or higher shooting and melee they have triple the health of a normal Space Marine they have a better Armour save than a normal Space Marine they all have invulnerable refractor fields around them which most armies do not have they're tougher than Marines they get to re-roll ones in the shooting and melee phase when a certain captain is near them which means they're hitting on twos re-rolling once you absolutely murder people in melee you've got some okay shooting you're shooting is hit or miss but your melee is insane and you use about 20 models they are literally the definition of Chad Thunder [ __ ] okay Chad Thunder [ __ ] if that was a human being it would be a custodian okay the problem is that you only have 15 20 25 models in your entire army is absolutely crazy how powerful these guys are but they do pay the price for it that being said when it comes to collecting them they are one of the cheapest armors you can buy because they're so elite you don't need as many things to purchase you don't need as many models to have on the field so buying custodians is much cheaper than your average army it's an elite army and also they're much easier to paint in my opinion because they're so big because they're like two feet taller than a Space Marine lots of a big canvas for your painting and they're almost all gold gold isn't that hard to paint I wouldn't say so they're good for painting they're not very expensive I would say they're not bad at beginning our army if I'm being honest they're probably they're pretty cool they have a nice kind of power fantasy to them but as an elite army everyone new role it's gonna really hurt so that's something you should be worried about or warned about at least they are pretty neat though I'm not going to touch on the assassins Sisters of silence or Inquisition too much because they're not really a an actual army the assassins are really damn cool there's four of them and you get to pick one to add to your army as you see fit they all have different things they do and specialize in a sniper or horde clear a kind of confusion specialist and an anti-psychotic Eric they're cool their scopes are really nice and since they're only single characters not too expensive but you really can't make an army out of them they're more of a supplementary character the sisters of Silas just recently got an update to allow you to filled them with custodians we is awesome and super cool and is actually kind of a big part of them because the fishers of silos are big anti psycho but they only have maybe two kits three kits and their entire army that's about it they're not really worth collecting in their own right unless you're already collecting custodians and the Inquisition are a whole bunch of just little characters basically whole bunch of named characters are the cool abilities which are neat but not really signed that I would try to get a whole bunch of look at all three of those things after you're already starting collecting another arm and you're like hey I kind of want an assassin throw an assassin in there unless you're playing custodians then check out the sisters of silence because the custodians biggest weakness the psychic and the sisters do a great job of cutting that down all right let's move on to chaos so we've got the chaos demons to start off with chaos team has fall one of four gods corn zinc nurdle or so that's big titty with / big titty you're going for melee and fast you are all melee you've got no shootin yet good psychic spells but you're running in there and Mach 5 pappa Nergal poppin herbalist slow but tanky as hell zishe a little bit in between but tons of psychic spells corn no psychic melee hits like a truck pretty much all of the chaos demon factions are glass cannons and very heavy into melee you've got some good size for a law about three of the four cuz core Alan Thicke has any so there is still plenty of variety in there but what you're doing is you've got a whole bunch of big glass cannon demons that run up and just break your face that's cast demons in a nutshell they all have their various traits lech as fast and hits a lot of times nebulous tanky is the ancient psychic Orin hits really hard pretty simple in that sense but overall Cal's demons to collect them the dress slang you would really collect by themselves you would Ally them in with things like hail Space Marines which we're gonna be talking about in just a moment but as the army in their own right don't try to make a demon army I wouldn't say they don't teach you a ton of the game and they're a little bit limited because you have to stick with one cast faction normally if you want to ally in multiple things you're probably going to need some chaos space marines to go along with it and with that let's talk about that Cal Space Marines you're kind of getting the butt end of Jade Games Workshop they don't really seem to like you chaos that much I don't know why a lot of your models aren't very new and a lot of them are expensive and your rules aren't that great most the time with the exception of something that happened in 7th edition with chaos demons apparently I heard it was a very very strong codex chaos space wings are very similar to regular Space Marines but they're much more focused on melee combats you still have shooting and depends on which faction you're going through as well but while you do have your shooting units it is generally more melee based I'd say demons in their own rights and chaos in their own right once a run in there and start breaking face that's generally their MO as for chaos space marines it depends on what Legion you're joining but overall there are a ton of different ways for you to go ahead and get about completing your objective the death guard and the thousands sons I believe with the most fleshed out they both have their own codex's they will have their own special units especially death garb death guard is very recent and both of them allow you to feel the prime mark which might be one of the coolest parts about them you can run more Terry on or Magnus the red both gigantic beautiful models that are just awesome show pieces to have they get shot a lot but there once they get into combat whole man do they cause problem as stated before you should be building what you'd like of course what you enjoys the most important part of it but as for chaos it's really you gotta like melee combat and you gotta like different kinds of ally in probably I'd say demons aren't not demons but chaos in general isn't a great faction to start off with as a new player because you need to understand the intricacies of how to do army building and knowing what you're running a little bit more prevalently and so I'd wait on doing anything coughs related at least until they get assault updates or someone teaches you or you get a little more into the Hobby with the exception a death guard I think death guard is in a good place for a new player because death guard is pretty cool but besides that they're a little tough okay let's talk about some Zeno starting off with the space Elves the Eldar so the Eldar are definitely a more glass cannon II kind of style group they are the first dinos very talking about and there are a couple versions there's also the Juke re and Harlequins however the Eldar they are strike hard strike fast and get out there immediately so the thing about Eldar is what would happen is they would fly out of somewhere immediately gunned down with extremely high power weaponry hitting on threes with some kind of BS stratagems if I'm being honest and then they can zip back into cover and really annoy you honestly Eldar probably have some of the more powerful shenanigans when it comes to the game they have lots of weird rules it's their stuff hits extremely hard but of course once you fire back at them if you live they will crumble under a slight breeze to an extent if you play it Eldar you won't be making a bunch of friends if I'm being honest I'd say Eldora top three most aggravating enemies to fight against people don't like fighting Eldar a whole lot myself included I find them to be quite aggravating but if you're that kind of person who likes zipin zipout and be all kind of trickery and sneaky they're definitely the army for you they're definitely more shooting and psychic based that's the two main things they've got some good melee but mainly shooting in psychic base that's for collecting craft world Eldar I'd say there they got some good sculpts some of their models look pretty good I got some nice plastic a few of its a little bit of older but you don't need a huge army so when it comes to the money side of it not too bad I'd say the financials for it are pretty dang solid and I wouldn't call them an expensive army to collect at least not from my knowledge the Dark Eldar or the Juke re are like Eldar cranked up to twelve they're faster they can hit harder at some points and they have really good melee units there melee units can actually be really scary but they are also doubly made of paper they're also a lot harder to play they're probably top three hardest armies to play along with these Sisters of battle and that actually goes under the Harlequins as well Harlequins are an army that just don't collect Harlequins I'm being honest they're not a great choice they have barely any models and they're really weird and they've alot should anagen do you want to pull them off if you're a new player I would not recommend Harlequins at all Dark Eldar Eldar and Harlequins speedy made paper hit like absolute trucks and not too expensive I wouldn't say Jakari I think is a little bit more expensive than than the other two but not too pricey because you don't feel a ton of units in your Army's moving all we got tyranids bugs yeah got bugs bugs bugs you gotta love those bugs so many bugs that tyranids obviously are a horde army should be very obvious they are also a melee horde army whoa I know call the presses you are mainly spending your time in the melee phase as well as some of the psychic phase you got a lot of good psychos in the tyranids army funny enough you've got some pretty involved in advanced bugs and your melee phases is as it seems you have really gigantic gargantuan creatures that eat everything alive or you've got 40,000 little boys that everything alive you do actually have some somewhat good shooting tube with your exocrine and your hive guard you can put on some pretty decent shots they are definitely the kind of army you run if you want big swath of just these angry little running bug dudes I just swarm on your enemy it's literally called the tyranids swarm as for price-wise though I'd say they're actually very very expensive to collect their scopes are some are a little bit older but not all of them they're a little bit in between when it comes to the actual date release for their scopes I said they are a bit older though they are expensive they're expensive and you're running a horde army so that's definitely one of the top our top more expensive armies to collect because come on tons of bugs tons of models and older scopes can be a little bit of a challenge gene stealer Colts you want to play bugs but you want to play human bugs with scrotum heads geniuses are Colts are a very new addition very very new and they run this almost as weird as ad mech style army they're very fast they hit really hard and they like dip underground and crawled from our ground it hits you with very powerful short-range weaponry and super strong melee attack it and they kind of run away and they like zip hit and run hit and run tactics it's probably best way to do it hit and run tactics that come out of the ground they they spook you they do a bunch of damage they run away they got some weird psychic spells here and there they run these like makeshift Mad Max trucks and stuff they definitely have a unique play style they deploy strange like to zip around the place kind of strangely and they definitely are one of the more unique armies there are what I recommend collecting them know they kind of fulfill a niche but they're not that like overarching ly special and although the word is exactly but they are a very specific play style for a very specific player if you're running tyranids you might consider doing Jean stealer Colts but at that point you already kind of know what you're doing so I don't think I recommend this to a new player to your Jean sitter Colts and tyranids both a little bit rough to recommend to a new person because they are very expensive both of them and while the models for jinx Dora Colts are definitely a lot newer that's much nicer they need practice they are definitely a harder army and I would recommend waiting on those if you're a new player looks orcs orcs orcs orcs now orcs I would say orcs are great if you like the Horde army and you like having RNG dictate your life so orcs head on fives as I mentioned in my last video however if you roll a six you get to make another attack with the weapon everything from the little pistol to the giant rocket launcher you can have a rocket launcher that fires three times and if you get lucky enough you can have a fire five times cuz but the main thing that you're probably gonna be jumping with orcs for is the giant green tide because they're melee ability is pretty humongous they have very weird gunfire they got their weird weapons and their strange rules the dakka dakka dakka rules to allow them to get all these extra shots and they can even have some pretty dang good shooting with things like shark attack guns and daka jets and stuff if it works it on fives and shooting they hit like threes and mailing orcs love to beat the hell out of each other so it's very obvious that once again the melee they'll just start pounding on you because they are really good at hitting stuff in fact I might be speaking a little bit to hyperbolically when I say RNG controls your life with orcs or RNG controls your shooting but your melee it's actually pretty dang good they've got a special ability called here we go which allows them to reroll their charge dice which is a very rare thing and extremely powerful buff getting in the melee has never been easier if you're an orc as for collecting orcs expensive probably the most expensive horde army there is probably more expensive than tyranids or guard or anything between they have scopes that are sometimes new sometimes very old you can have cool new models like Gaskell throk but then you got a whole bunch of really damn old orc models because it works have been around forever their codex and their alright is pretty pretty neat and there's some pretty good models in there but orcs just they're showing their age and you need a shitload of them and they are very expensive for that reason so they're expensive to collect and you need a ton to collect a good sized army but playing them if you like melee with some really fun shenanigans and a bit of RNG I can see why someone would like works because their orcs come on they're just they're great let's talk necrons so the necrons if I had to pick a xenos army I play necrons honestly necrons but this is so cool undead Egyptian skeleton robots that carry enslaved gods into battle how is that the coolest thing ever so necrons are fittingly named Baba necromancy but not like the undead homina homina homina necromancy but like necromancy through metal so the way necrons are is that they are kind of a slow-moving at least some of their you as slow-moving gun line with some mixed in melee units now all their army is melee but they're melee usually they have her actually like like really scary but for a while that girls are kind of slow-moving Terminator style guys they just blast you away a distance with some very powerful weaponry they kind of have Space Marine stat lines actually they run about as many models as Space Marines they got similar stat lines and similar weaponry I say that they are actually quite quite similar to Space Marines in the terms of how they play but they actually do have a lot of weird shenanigans that make necrons their own for instance the main thing that you might want to pick necrons for is their reanimation protocols special ability that let's say you've got 10 units of your base nekron unit warriors for instance you got 10 Necron warriors your basic troop choice you're an opponent feels like it's a 7 kill 7 of them you got 3 of them left their turn ends your turn starts you then roll a dice for every dead model so 7 models seven dice and for every 5 or higher you automatically get one of your models just stand right back up your neck runs goes like your vehicle's regenerate health as time goes on you have special abilities to maybe make your neck crowns come back on a for up instead of five you can reroll your ones for it it's all about getting your units to come back up and being like if you're fighting necrons you better kill it because if you leave it wounded it's gonna repair itself and that's not a very good thing that's the idea of necrons I got good shooting they got good melee and honestly now is a good time to be a Necron player they are getting a massive update right now it says right before 9th when this video is coming out and they are getting huge new model ranges a ton of just new units and general massive updates rule updates necrons are getting big big additions and I think it's gonna be super great now is a good time to being that crown player the new stuff might be a little expensive to collect because there's new stuff that being said they're not an elite army a but they guess they can't be played only the arm if they wanted to but they don't have a few models they don't have too many models they're nice in between and now is a damn good time for it last but not least we have the tau empire tau empire is for people who want to gun their opponent down with the most sci-fi hardcore Gundam giant mech stuff you can think of you want to have your entire enemy obliterate off the Borum through just the unrelenting volley of railgun shots and rail rifles and fusion blasters you will look up and you will see missiles giant homing missiles blot out the sky as it rains down your army because the Tau players got 40,000 missile pods and all of his characters he's got flying drones to fire laser sights to mark them to have better accuracy to block shots and you know your big battle sue will be rolling up and then a drone will coming in and block a missile from it the tower definitely more of an Eastern inspired definitely a Gundam kind of look to them and they are just ludicrously powerful in shooting things and they also have tons of special abilities to stop opponent from getting to you in the charge phase the Tao has no melee their melee is straight garbage when it's how infantry star punching it means they've lost and you I think to yourself wobbler ki this sounds great and aggravating yep that's about right that's how get a lot of [ __ ] some of it warranted some of it not so warranted the models in their own right definitely don't fit very well for TK they're much more of a sci-fi Gundam style thing compared to a gothic grimdark sci-fi fantasy however I do think they do look pretty cool in their own right it's just kind of weird in this universe but when you've got an entire army whose whole job is to blast you away from a incredible ranges across the map and every time you even try to retaliate well they either gun you down when you try to charge or they block your shots with drones it can be pretty aggravating that being said there are really cool new ways to play tau like close range attacks with cold star battle suits in the farside enclaves which by the way if you ever use a cold star battle suit or a co star commander I suppose or a you've ara you have my respect so you do have different options when it comes to talents that just sit back and fire but you definitely don't got much melee it's you definitely don't got much melee you suck at melee but if you just want a gun people down and the only phase you care about is the shooting phase you don't care about psyche you don't care about melee you just want a blast people tau is definitely for you as it comes for collecting them their scopes are pretty good they're not entirely super new but they do look great they have a whole bunch of different kinds of mechs big and small they got drones big and small I got infantry units and everything they do look solid high-tech and their scopes do look nice they're also I'd say not too expensive you don't need a ton of them and the bow suits themselves are expensive for each box but you only need so many of them because they are very expensive when it comes to the point's cost in the game so tower on the middle level of the expensive tier whoo that was a lot of talking right there that is covers it though that is every Army in 40k for you trying to figure out which army you want to play I will reiterate Space Marines they are the best I know it kind of sucks for some of us but trust me they are the best I would highly recommend you're trying to get into it get about some intercessors check out the rules hang them up maybe ninth edition is coming very very soon it looks extremely promising and I think now is probably the best time to be jumping into this hobby I want more people to be a part of this community to be a part of this fandom I think it is exciting I think it has a little something for everyone and I don't want anyone at all to not feel welcomed not on any basis not on basis of age sex gender race I don't give a [ __ ] okay I don't care who you are I want you to at least give it a shot and be a part of this group with me because I would always love new people and honestly there's no reason why you shouldn't have a good time along with the rest of us so yeah thank you so much for watching this video everybody it was a pleasure having you here check out this plate in the description please they are the wonderful sponsor for today's video and they were actually quite wonderful to work with as well and plus with so much more hammer stuff I'm sure you can find something that you can definitely decorate your wall with for a decent price as well as for me mine hasn't been bricky I have a patreon if you'd like to support me as you can see all the names flying up on the screen right now these are all the people on the $10 or up tier who decide to help support me on my videos you are all absolutely wonderful and I want to give a special shout out to my top 3 patrons currently which are big Papa nerds which is so fitting for today Drunken legends the absolute crazy Texas man and of course Krieg the psycho which is a wonderful Borderlands reference three of you you are on the top tier for patreon and I really do appreciate it I wouldn't be able to make this many videos without you guys and it is wonderful having you here and I see you on the twitch team all the time so I know you I know you guys I know you around it's good I'll see you besides that if you want check out my twitch stream i stream multiple times a week is in the description I would love to have you there we could talk a little bit Warhammer or anything in between just play some games and finally if you're interested in copying some merchandise like the one I'm wearing or maybe just get a little bit of B stickers up in your world check that out too alright I don't know what VM we're making next might be a league one but I might hop onto more ninth edition stuff when ninth edition comes out perhaps I'll even make a video on how to play but until then thank you so much for watching - and bricky and the Emperor protects bye-bye
Channel: Bricky
Views: 1,169,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer game, warhammer 40k, warhammer 9th, warhammer 9th edition, wh40k, wh40k game, wh40k 9th edition, warhammer army, warhammer collecting, best warhammer army, best warhammer faction, warhammer strongest army, warhammer for beginners, warhammer for noobs, warhammer 40k best army, warhammer 40k guide, bricky, bricky warhammer, bricky warhammer 40k
Id: RlL7SR8hv0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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