The Damocles Crusade EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the tau are a polarizing bunch no faction in 40k is more controversial than the bovine bold blue boys kind of funny when you realize that they occupy the tiniest bit of space can barely travel anywhere in the galaxy and have next to no impact on the overall setting but alas either it be their tabletop railguns being able to one-shot pretty much anyone their culture-involving elements of communism which as an american that bleach red white and blue i just cannot accept or the fact that people struggle to accept the reality that tower women are fugly and look nothing like the propaganda people have strong opinions i've literally read about multiple instances of people pulling out their tau army on the table top and their opponent will then just refuse to play them the tao haters will simply say your empire is inconsequential the imperium could sneeze and you would be erased from existence we are just busy with bigger threats right now and whilst sure we all know that the imperium could genocide the tower if they put enough time effort and manpower into it it's not as simple as sneezing after all the imperium did take a huge sneeze at them and they straight up didn't win that sneeze was called the damocles crusade and represents the first conflict between humanity and the tower a conflict that blew the tower's little naive brains wide open whilst also showing them as a force to be reckoned with before we get started nobody wants to be ugly you do your hair dress up nicely and trim your neck beard well at least some of you do but what is the point if your skin is toast your slick head you ain't gonna cover up your dry discolored acne covered skin fortunately skincare routines exist unfortunately nobody tells blokes how the hell to do them until now geology is a brand which understands that dudes have no idea what to rub on our faces to make them look likable hence all we gotta do is fill out a quick survey and bam a custom skincare regime is sent to your doorstep with morning cream night cream eye serum face wash and easy to follow instructions all at the fraction of the cost of what you would usually pay my regime is focused around preventing and repairing sun damage because i live in australia which doesn't have an ozone layer whilst others could be more focused on acne reduction or reducing the bags under your eyes i was doing skincare stuff before i partnered with geology and i can say from experience that their skincare system is the easiest to follow whilst also being the most effective and well valued to help ease you into it geology is offering a massive 50 percent off their trial package which includes five items when you use my link below cheers to geology for sponsoring this video today i will go over the damocles crusade how it started the power of each side notable moments within it as well as who actually won let's get into it [Music] the tao had gone from infighting bonobos throwing spears and rocks at each other to a race of hyper-advanced enlightened people in a few short thousand years this was due to the fact that out of nowhere a bunch of elite tao called the ethereals appeared and they united the tao empire they had an aura of command and authority over the other tower lived significantly longer and appear to be much wiser there's a few theories about where these ethereals came from but just imagine that out of nowhere a bunch of immortal angelic beans descended on earth and offered a solution to all our problems it would probably unite humanity pretty bloody quickly this new tau empire was quite open-minded and flexible allying with and integrating various other alien species into its philosophy of the greater good a way of life which basically says that you should dedicate yourself to collective success with your peers rather than the selfish desire to get ahead this is where a lot of communism memes come from as such by the time the tao had laser guns spaceships and multiple worlds they were still a very young race by far the youngest in the galaxy as such they were very very naive they had no idea what the warp was what chaos was the nature and scale of the other races in the galaxy as well as just how violent everyone actually was something that held them back but also kept them safe was the fact that the tau have very small and subtle souls as such demons struggled to notice the tau and they also can't have psyches meaning no age of strife no demonic invasions or no [ __ ] psyches for the blue boys on the negative side they had no navigators hence struggled to travel far distances as they could not properly warp travel eventually the tau came into contact with humanity rogue traders and pirates at first but they soon discovered full-on imperial worlds in the damocles gulf the naivety here was cute some firecast tau which means their warrior cast wanted to go to war with humanity and conquer them yeah good luck with that one the watercasts discovered that humanity was actually a fuck-off massive galactic empire hence all that war was a really shitty idea in their own naivety the ethereals were like wait i've got it let's explain the greater good to them then integrate the imperium into the tau empire oh you sweet summer child to their credit the tao then proceeded to be pretty smart about it they sent watercast diplomats to the human worlds bordering the tao empire these diplomats brought gifts and begun to trade with these human worlds giving them significantly higher quality goods than what they got from the imperium stuff like more efficient engines better methods of farming to improve yield and way better hentai over a few decades these human worlds became disillusioned with the oppressive shitty imperium and they vibed a lot harder with the chilled out blue people that sold them cool [ __ ] as such they declared independence which caused a bit of a power vacuum which the tower filled and took over it was very cheeky and manipulative showing that the tau is selfish in their desire to grow their empire and power manipulating vulnerable humans in order to dispose of them or use them when the imperium went to investigate why the taxes in the area had mysteriously evaporated they discovered various worlds full of rebellious humans xenotechnology and tau influence the response was [ __ ] these guys hence a large imperial army was put together made up of imperial guardsmen navy and a bunch of space marines even some titans were sprinkled in the first few rebellious human worlds were easy to retake the tower presence was minimal and it only takes a couple space marines before people [ __ ] their pants and say sorry for being a xeno-loving faithless dog the imperium wasn't done though the tau menace had to be crushed hence they pushed into tower space and engaged in the first tau vs imperium conflict in the galaxy the tower fleet they engaged was practical long-range torpedo and bombardments whilst using escort ships to fend off imperial bombers however practicality in the universe of warhammer 40k is not enough a space marine strike cruiser was able to slip into the tower formation and was gleeful to discover that the tower ships didn't have broadside cannons i mean why the [ __ ] would they this isn't the 17th century broadsides were so impractical and outdated yet the space marine strike cruiser had it and guess what that strike cruiser was now broadside to the tower ships one torn [ __ ] later and the tower retreated suffering significant damage in the process as they got their first taste of how did these retards beat us their weaponry and tactics are so primitive i guess now they know how the elder feel the first tower world to fall was its orbital defenses were quickly overtaken and whilst the tower military put up a good fight on the surface they were overwhelmed the tower withdrew their important citizens in technology however millions were left to die from here the imperium was ruthless orbitally bombing a tau ice world causing its colonies to flood and be destroyed whilst the main fleet moved onwards and finally encountered proper resistance the tower used their fleet alongside layered ambushes to take out numerous imperial ships although the damocles crusading fleet would come out victorious in this conflict they suffered a solid pounding and they've begun to take the tower seriously for the first time they almost consider withdrawing but then they realise how much [ __ ] a bunch of neck-bearded anti-town warhammer fans would give them hence they decided to push on they invaded the tower world of defeat prime the first proper tower world so far and engage in epic battle the town use everything giant manta ships stealth squads with jump packs big titty tau girlfriend propaganda and it worked pretty well the imperials were hard pressed with even the space marines having a tough time of it however to the tower's horror imperial titans were deployed the tower watercast had been investigating humanity for obvious reasons and they did find pics and posters with titans on them but they just assumed this was propaganda surely no one would be stupid enough to invest the time resource and energy into creating gigantic walking fortresses surely they'll just make a bunch of ships or tanks instead well the tower once again fatally wrong as these mythical titans strode forth and gave them a spanking throughout this the imperial crusade had gained a level of respect for the tower they fought hard tactically and with honor so when one of the inquisitors attached to the crusade was like [ __ ] this let's just exterminate us the planet and move on the crusade commanders were like how about you go eat a bag of dicks [ __ ] the imperials began a final offensive using tactical genius to suppress the tao air power and neutralize their long-range weaponry by the end of the day the first tau city under siege was pushed back to its last line of defense and the imperium had secured the star port this was good as the imperial commander wanted to withdraw his fleet had taken a beating his army had taken serious casualties and if a tower fleet arrived in the system they were all doomed a few inquisitors tried to protest the withdrawal but when an astropathic message arrived from the very controversial inquisitor cryptomin which basically said that a massive tyranid high fleet was on its way as tyranids are a bit more problematic than a bunch of diplomatic aliens with vaginas on their foreheads the crusade fleet withdrew back to imperial space after negotiating a truce with the towel now the towel could have easily harassed the imperials as they retreated and potentially even trapped them with a fleet and crushed them but mutual respect alongside the fact that the tower recognized the potential for a future alliance stopped them from interfering as such the crusading fleet was able to withdraw from tower space completely unmolested quite rare for warhammer for things to go that smoothly while this imperial fleet only represented a drop in the water compared to mankind's overall military might it was still solid with 500 space marines 19 regiments of guardsmen and a large imperial navy fleet not to mention titans and with all that might all they really achieved was retaking a few rebellious colonies purging a small town agree world decimating a small town ice world population and taking half of a tower city on one of their outlying worlds not a whole lot since this conflict the tower have become way more powerful which is reflected by the fact that future tau human conflicts have seen significantly larger imperial forces attacking the tao empire and still getting fought off for the imperium to genuinely genocide the town now they would need to muster a significantly large army multiple space marine chapters millions of guardsmen with hundreds of ships led by giliman himself they would suffer huge casualties and the impact from drawing so many resources away from the imperium's other enemies would be devastating hence why the imperium hasn't done it it's not even remotely worth it especially since the tau have been shown to be a solid ally against tyranids as well as the fact that they cannot be corrupted by chaos for the tao the damocles crusade was a huge wake-up call one of the space marine dreadnoughts they defeated and analyzed shocked them it was older than their entire civilization they thought they were big fish in a big galaxy but it turns out they were a speck of dust in the wind overall despite the stalemate ending i would give the tower the real victory they barely lost anything and they retook what they lost when the imperials withdrew they earned the respect of the imperial military and was seen to be a force to be reckoned with not just a bunch of pushovers that the imperium could bully they learnt a lot about the galaxy and how they scaled up to it the crusade also ended in a mutually respected truce and pali setting the groundwork for future cooperation despite how much war the two races would engage in the damocles crusade was a brief superficial conflict between two powerful races their future conflicts would be significantly spicier so if you want me to talk about them in future videos then share this one around if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one developer might give you access to a boatload of naughty ass pictures of art it is art okay hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more damned content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one [Music] to peace
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 417,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 9t3JNYP2FT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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