Cooking With TikTok's Worst Food Crimes

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Soooooo happy to get more Nicole!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/insubordinance 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nicole was beyond annoying in this episode. Josh's "Jeffrey Dahmer of pizza" was a sight to behold though. It was a beautiful monstrosity.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pyaravonfuzzybutt 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was tough to watch. Too many cuts.
EDIT: I stopped at 8 minutes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
okay ready oh i thought you made my eyes just as victorian england was a hotbed for mustachioed serial killers the internet has become a hotbed for a different kind of crime a food crime the world wide web has hosted a variety of monstrosities but today we are focusing on one of the worst tick tock foods out there pizza i was gonna say the pizza i wanted to do the iron chef pizza you gotta do the iron chef thing now the pizza pizza pizza spice bell pepper yeah so that's uh that's peeps on a pizza yeah it's horrid you know me though yeah i do i believe that all foods deserve a second chance at life that's nice i think you and i can make a really dope iteration of this it's got the creativity it's got the the cheese and the peeps i think we can work with this will this be a food crime or a gosh darn good time let's get cooking the pizza it is a simple dish it is a noble dish there are two ingredients it appears to be a medium domino's pizza with melted peeps on top we don't know if those peeps were melted from the latent heat of the cheese or if they were popped in an oven or whatever it is it's gross but this actually started as a viral twitter image and then that of course migrated its way to tic-tac-toe even went so big that there was a video of martha stewart and a bunch of food network chefs tasting this being horrified by it i've never personally had it if martha stewart can eat it i can eat it i'm a garbage person this is a bridge too far for me yeah me too trash raccoon well hold on oh my gosh he likes it it's a textural sensation that i've never had before god he likes all garbage food flavors you get that little chemically marshmallow bite because marshmallows are just sugar but they have a particular taste to them from all the like corn syrup and cream of tartar and gelatin added to it like he's had a wine tasting it's not about sweet and savory he can work together on pizza also i forgot how much i love dominos all right what a strange okay now he's not liking it what a strange sensation going on inside my body last time we did this nicole she went like a little bit far afield on this she lost sight of the snickers and the pickle i think she's gonna lose sight of the peeps and the pizza he is so obsessed with me so i'm pretty much just gonna try and recreate this but as our teasing as possible and the way we're gonna do that we're gonna start out with our sauce right here we're making like a red wine bacon and peeps jam to go on this pizza because sweet and savory can work on a pizza it's just with this there wasn't any craft and attention that really went into it oh that's super artisan old peeps and bacon jam what i'm going to do is i'm going to start sweating out some bacon and i'm going gonna get that with some onions i made plenty of bacon jams on the show before i'm a big fan of it it's like one of my personal favorite little condiments and sauces to go on things he always talks about expanding your horizons trying new things you're just doing the same old thing you always do man adding bacon i want that bacon fat to really lube up the onions then we're going to add some other like sweet components to it so we got a cinnamon stick here we got star anise artisanal baby eat that peeps and then we're going to add that to there to sort of like sell the sweet savory profile along with the tomatoes and the bacon and then i got this giant big ol party jug of wine right here you ever play slap the jug never played slap the jug but i am open to it all right we also got some heirloom tomatoes because again we're going artisanal with the peeps pizza just gonna cut these up real quick get them into nice big chunks those tomatoes do look gorgeous there we go there you go have fun why did he do that i really love pizza i know peeps are a very divisive topic um i don't think they should be they're great they're like all the best elements of stale marshmallows plus all the beauty of food dye beauty of food died that's my next novel uh in high school during track meets in between shot put throws nice josh is talking about shot put again love when that happens i would just eat peeps to try and keep my energy up and then also i looked like a psychopath so people were intimidated by me because of 270 pound monster covered in blood and chalk and i'd just be eating peeps if you ever want to intimidate people cover yourself in blood and eat some peeps next to them sounds like my next easter plan marshmallows pretty much just like a bootleg meringue in a way i know they're a little bit different but i think a meringue is really gonna elevate this i'm gonna try and do like a pizza spice meringue did he say pizza spiced meringue to go on top of my bacon peeps wine jam what's going on in this recipe gosh you're kind of weird bro i think we got this one i think we got this in the bag i don't think you have anything in your bag your cart is empty honey bacon is all nice and rendered now we can add a little bit of red wine just for acidity i'm gonna take these tomatoes i'm just gonna crush them with my hands and just add them right to the pot there we go we're going to stir that around they're going to break up they're going to reduce get nice and jammy in there i don't like where this is going already pizza flavored meringue bacon jam on a pizza it's not making sense to me we're going to add the cinnamon add the star anise in there all that like kind of licorice the cinnamon notes are going to get nice tasty and then we're going to take a bunch of this carla rossi burgundy this episode is certainly not sponsored by giant jugs of carla rossi burgundy my 22nd birthday was it does taste like grape juice that you just kind of like left in your grandma's pantry since 1974. yeah that's why and you're like is that mold is that botulism nope it's carla rossi burgundy so we're gonna add this really sweet red wine then that's just gonna reduce gonna get everything nice and sugary in there and then uh stir this up and uh add your peeps other peeps there she goes have fun peeps this isn't a visual you'd ever see it cooking what's good oh come on man yeah this is a weird episode i don't know why i agreed to this but whatever here i am we're gonna let this boil out and then we're just gonna mash it up a little bit uh and i i i i sure think it's gonna reduce we'll see check back in a few all right there we go the marshmallows have been thickening up this sauce really nicely there is a chemical quality to peeps that is uh unmistakable we're gonna shut that off just let the uh the peeps do their thing and that sauce now we're gonna make our pizza spice meringue but first off we got a brand new super sweet part to our stand mix right here and that's thanks to chris stewart of british columbia who just saw that we were missing the gear cover to the kitchenaid and then like sent a whole letter about how he 3d printed us one including photo evidence that we were missing it oh what a cutie shout out to chris stewart for the really awesome uh new piece of merch really that was an awesome thing to do thank you so we're gonna add cream of tartar to some egg whites right here and then i'm just gonna stir it up with my finger and then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna add this to our mixing bowl right here and we're just gonna whip it until soft peaks form i think about this dish makes sense the bacon what is that for the wine you want to get me drunk before i eat this pizza because that's the only way it'll taste good probably so a meringue combination of sugar egg whites and cream of tartar uh which is it's you what you do is you take tartar sauce from the fillet fish mcdonald's you kind of dehydrate it and then you put it in stuff no i have do do you know what cream of tartar is half baking soda disagreed no no baking powder is half baking soda half cream of tartar yeah see you're right i believe i'm right i'm trevor i have a degree i have a degree in nothing literally me too no lift up lift it up josh all right so how are you in charge of me we're just gonna whisk this together uh cream of tartar is a stabilizer potassium bitrate apparently and baking powder is a mixture of cream of tartar and baking soda anyways all i know is it makes your meringues really fluffy and hold up well and then we're going to bake the meringue on top of the pizza just a little bit just to get it like kind of set almost like a lemon meringue pie because when i think of pizza i think of lemon meringue pie i think it's going to lend really well to this pizza so right now we just got to whip this up where's the like little thing that goes let's give this nightmare a try that's what all my ex-boyfriend said proud of yourself it's really freaking good i don't know how it's gonna work as a pizza sauce yet but i will say this does feel like a condiment that would come on a 14 burger at one of those really fancy bars that kind of makes you a little bit uncomfortable because like all the servers are wearing like fedoras and suspenders and you're like i don't know if i need to be here but i am josh is like obsessed with making restaurant concepts in his head he knows what the servers are wearing he knows how much the cocktails cost the name of this restaurant it also has an ampersand in the middle and has two words that don't really make sense sycamore in spruce it's like did you just google the names of trees pan and eagle cumulus and wolves sea and breem ducks and puddles water and worm hook and ladder hook and ladder would be a good one hook ladder that's me climbing a ladder i like that or it'd be called like buffalo wild wings buffalo and wild and wings they got the coldest three dollar coors lights during happy hour what more do you want why does he say coors light it's just coors light coors light this is great now we're gonna start adding the sugaring gradually keeping it mixing keeping it mixing because the sugar's gonna add structure to this dude he's adding that sugar way too fast there we go rain sugar in very gently this is a good i mean pizza is a pie technically speaking meringue goes on pies oh my god honey do your arms hurt from reaching so far pizza meringue pie something the dagger and puddle would have on the menu for sure yeah for sure oh my god and then they'd have a pizza meringue pie inspired cocktail that's really just like i don't know a gin with a peep on top of it if you you've had vodka so gummy bears weights like tell you about gin soaked peeps it's just instant vomit meringue almost gotten there it should it should look like shaving cream but not like the edge pro gel triple glide shaving cream that i use because that's just a blue goo that's the one david uses oh josh uses it too surprised and then it leaves a blue goo residue all over your shower and then your girlfriend yells at you can you stop using the same products as my husband it's getting very weird all right we're gonna keep this mix and i'm gonna toss a bunch of garlic powder in it that looks pretty good yeah and a little bit of parmesan cheese again we're going for a pizza spice meringue some oregano and then tomato powder we're going to pizza flavored pringles right i know what you're saying josh pizza flavor pringles ain't taste nothing like pizza exactly neither will this maybe but it should give a little bit of like savory influence to it savory influences my nickname in high school all right fantastic meringue's done so now i'm gonna do why doesn't he just take the top off he honestly kills me there we go there we go there we go i want to mimic the colors of the peeps pizza because to me that's what's so attracted to it like poison dart frogs in nature have bright colors to say don't touch me peeps have bright colors to say put me in your freaking mouth and so that's what we're gonna do i'm gonna take half this here meringue i'm gonna shoot it into a bowl and we're gonna dye some of it yellow and we're going to dye some of the pink and then i want a blue crust a blue crust you say i don't think nicole is going to have any of the shock value that my pizza has so that's where i think i really shine in this mine's going to have so much shock value because it's going to be shockingly delicious so we're going to take a little bit of pink food dyeing this one a little bit of pink food dye in this one and we're just going to gently fold that in if you're going to make it the color of peeps you got to make it more pink and now yellow food dye there we go oh where'd it go there we go now we have beautiful nice multi-peep colored meringues the pipe i don't know it looks like mustard to pipe on top of her oh god why are we doing this the pipe on top of our delicious pee pizza god no you're supposed to make the food crime less of a food crime but i think you're just making a new food crime at this point pizza all right you ever have an idea in your head but then it kind of doesn't turn out in real life how it played out in your head and then sometimes you like look before you and you have an immense sense of shame and doubt he's disappointed in himself yes now i wouldn't know nothing about that looking at all that boy these colors are jarring i feel like i'm uh i'm tripping right now because what the heck is going on it looks unnatural we got our blue pizza dough and we're gonna take this incredibly brown sauce and we're gonna put that all over this pizza dough yeah why did you make such a brown sauce what if you made like a okay if you made like an alfredo or like a nice cachio pepe sauce i could have understood because the colors would pop even more but you're just like uh making a poop sauce maybe that's enough sauce all right so we got uh i understand what kind of cheese gonna add is beef pizza normal so we're gonna take this cheese and we're gonna kind of uh i like doing it in blocks you know for like a usual pizza but also we're doing it for the peach pizza cheese bacon wine jam this is kind of a tale of two foods going on right now where i'm trying to use some traditional techniques that i would use for a good pizza then marry that with uh the aesthetic and incredible chemical composition of peeps so let's see how this goes this guy's hilarious dodge them around well no turning back now boys throw in the oven god bless and god save us all all right that's looking good we got some nice greening on the crust that's good the cheese is brown the sauce is browner than normal josh that looks really bad well all we got to do now is pipe the meringue on it what i would normally do is try and like figure out how each slice gets a no i'm just going to pipe it on let's figure it out i'm just going to go nice little rosettes i'm gonna alternate it oh my gosh is he for real why are you laughing i hear people laughing you're embarrassing this is serious cooking love that [Laughter] looks like unicorn poop nice little dollops he totally forgot about the yellow moray and then now well we're not done we're not you're laughing now because it doesn't look it's not done but we're gonna be oh my gosh he's honestly he's a little off we don't want complete marine coverage but we kind of do josh you're killing me again not what i expected not what played out in my head this is a literal food crime all right back in the oven it'll work itself out oh my lord all right we're just gonna toast up those meringues a little bit forget get those brown a little bit because everything else brown and then i didn't expect with this series that i could come up with a food crime worse than the crime oh my god this is like you know it's like a copycat killer who does even like more brutal stuff you know what i mean and that's me now this is like the jeffrey dahmer of pizzas beef peeps peeps is done oh my god let's see what it looks like that's the ugliest thing i've ever seen and i've seen lots of ugly babies there's a couple things i didn't adjust for one all the colors with all the heat now it's just brown so it kind of looks like someone just spray farted all over every pretty colors oh my gosh josh hold on well no there's some garnishes coming so we're going to take some yellow sanding sure oh no it's making it worse again what are you doing well yeah well hey we go we got some more stuff though i'm going to take a little bit of gold powder because i want it to really shine no no please no we're just gonna kind of take some edible oh no like the fairy of death and that's got that on that now and then um horrible i don't know i guess i'll take a basil basil because it's pizza in the end so we're just gonna kind of put a couple strings of basil this is really like just uh i don't know putting gauze on a decapitation wound of all the things support you put basil honey we have tarragon it would have definitely worked a little bit better um and there you have it yeah that's it i did it oh gosh well let's look at the original josh this is really bad yeah wow now that one's way worse well we've officially out food crimed the food crime but hey maybe it tastes better it won't but that's okay oh you're going down buddy i don't even have to try that hard beat that josh just did the most unfathomable thing i've ever seen on a youtube cooking show thank you he'd made a food crime into a worse food crime but i'm not worried about that right now i'm gonna try to enjoy this uh thing okay there we go um do i need to put it back on put the peep back on nicole can i just kind of dip in it okay wow this is she totally microwaved the pizza before she wanted to eat it own apple teep apple poop it was kind of good so uh remember when you used to go to like a birthday party and like there was a big bowl of like chocolatey snacks and like desserts next to the pizza i think nicole liked the pizza more than i did which is shocking that kind of what it tastes like so i'm gonna take inspiration from um the people of georgia not the georgia and america actually the country of georgia oh she's making khachapuri i know she's making it we're gonna make a kachapuri which is an amazing cheesy bread boat filled with delicious things we're gonna put some eggs in there we're gonna put some other stuff in there but first we gotta make our dough she's saying that what i did is a food crime she's combining peeps and eggs like a runny yolk running over peeps no one wants that nicole so i'm gonna start with some bread flour nice some softened butter sugar salt and instant yeast so we're going to let that go just a little bit and then i'm going to slowly stream in my milk so this is kind of like a pizza dough but it's just enriched it's a very dairy forward dough and kachopuri is a delicious delicious thing that actually a lot of people in armenia enjoy as well nicole looks really confident in this recipe which i respect because i also went in with hyper confidence that then my confidence was immediately crushed when i saw what was happening i think the same thing's gonna happen to her so i'm just gonna let this dough go for a little bit did you guys see what josh did that was crazy bro i'm gonna start crazy rumors about nicole just to destroy her confidence right here uh nicole's hair not real that's a wig nicole didn't actually grow up in beverly hills she grew up in picoima nicole's not actually married i've never seen her husband you've never seen her husband we don't know if he exists so i'm going to let this hang out in a bowl for a few hours i'm going to cover it and then by the time we're ready to build our kapoor it's going to be a beautiful soft stretchy pizza-like dough i never grew up celebrating easter but i've always been fascinated by the concept of easter because you know people get around their families they eat honey glazed ham they eat peeps they hunt for eggs and they find i don't know candies or money in the eggs yes there's a large rabbit that poos out eggs and the children must go hunt for the rabbit poo eggs filled with chocolates i always wanted to do that but i never did so i'm gonna channel all of my sadness of never experiencing that into this kachopuri i'm making an easter themed kachopuri nicole's immediately out of her element she's going easter themed republic of georgian dish i don't know where this is going so what's a better way to glaze your honey baked ham than with peeps am i right yeah i know it sounds kind of depressing but i have a feeling that the sugar content and the peeps are going to be similar to what's what's the company that makes the honey baked hams what are they called honey baked ham who makes the honey josh who makes honey baked cans it's literally called honey baked ham that's the one yeah what are you talking about it's in the name i just never grew up having it and i always wanted it and it just looked like in the pictures like the big ham and everyone like sharing the ham and i just wanted to share the ham with everybody but never really had that experience but it's okay because i'm going to relive it now with you all at home i've shared a lot of hams in my day go to to find out what i'm talking about i'm going to melt down the peeps in a little bit of water this is a solid cooking technique the peat glazing on the ham but it's very similar to a honeybaked ham i think this is going to work out i'm gonna melt down my peepees in the water i'm gonna put them in a little hot tub take the peeps to the korean spa nicole has talked about korean spas every single day for the last year and a half i'm just glad i know what to get her for her birthday i have no idea when her birthday is oh she's a gemini that's like may june did i miss nicole's birthday this year this is responding differently than i hoped that's okay go to sleep little peepee peepee oh this color is looking really good too i don't even need to supplement it with like any food dye which is really really nice also it's a pizza so the za the pizza part i'm also gonna put some pizza spices in there too like worcestershire sauce oh you know the worcestershire pizza that they eat in worcestershire land i'm just gonna melt these down a little bit the these peeps the pink ones are a little bit more stubborn come on i think if we get enough georgian people in the comments mad at nicole for desecrating their national dish then that can sort of cancel her and then give me the victory now i'm gonna supplement that sweetness and that honey baked glazed ham situation with a little bit of sugar just to kind of help the process along nicole steals office supplies i saw her put three staplers and eight protein bars in her backpack before she left yesterday now i'm gonna add a few dashes of worcestershire sauce in both oh gross oh a lot of worcestershire and peeps a nice sprinkling of oregano oh i can smell what's in that pot and i do not like it the littlest amount of tomato paste i don't want to be overbearing with this you know josh always likes to make fun of me and say that i don't attack the food head on it's like yeah because you're making me make food crimes taste good you fight fire with fire you fight food crime with food crime don't run from it nicole and now i'm gonna take my ham cubes and i'm just gonna let them kind of hang out in this glaze and let them get all nice and glazy get nice and tossed in there and i'm kind of just gonna set it and forget it while i work on my filling but over time the glaze should kind of cover over it and make it really nice and thick and really nice and glossy the look of nicole's eyes right now is the look of somebody who knows they're failing and i know that looking nicole she's trying to talk confidently but her face does not lie now let's get to the good part the khachapuri filling basically just a crap ton of cheese that's all we're trying to do here put in your mozzarella your egg your ricotta and your feta ah you know what's bad though when i'm sitting here like can't wait to eat nicole's i'm just gonna let this go fold it in i love cheese my name's nicole and the best thing about my personality is that i love cheese great so i'm just gonna let my ham bits get nice and glazy and then we're gonna start to assemble our beautiful kachopuri are you excited to get beat josh now i'm gonna take my beautiful kachopuri dough beautiful dense baby i'm gonna this actually makes two doughs but i'm just gonna make one the only peep element she's got going on here is his peep glazed ham to me that's not enough i'm gonna flour the bottom right here and then this is a very unique shape of bread that we're making we're going to make a boat she's like the chopped contestant who just took the last ingredient is like and we're just gonna sprinkle a little bit of the goat testicle on top no nicole grab the goat testicles by the testicles of the goat testicles so i'm just gonna roll this out i know ben i know i'm sorry it's another dopey i know you don't like these but i have to do it i'm sorry fun fact ben hates dough it's fun ben deal with it dough exists okay now that we have a general canoe shape gonna kind of push it out like this you're a general canoe shape i'm sorry i didn't mean that i didn't mean that nicole i'm gonna transfer this over to here and now we're going to roll i noticed that nicole generally takes her time to make things look good and presentable i disagree with that strategy in general i think you just gotta run full speed ahead like you're a kick returner that weighs 160 pounds and you're afraid that you're just going to get concussed that's my cooking style undersized kick returner kind of tuck it underneath like this oh that's looking pretty good though that's this is going to be good though i love kachapuri or ajar ski a darien whatever you want to call it uh this is going to be a tasty dish so now we're gonna take our beautiful cheese filling that's a big piece of feta the big boy feta oh that looks good though can i have an egg yeah get that egg lord have mercy happy birthday jesus nicole i had no confidence her catching that okay crack my eggy egg put more peeps on it why isn't it more blue and now we're gonna sprinkle our ham bits over that oh and the blue ham okay that's giving you some nice color shocking right there you know i'm worried about the color leeching just a little bit but i guess i'm just gonna go with it right because you can't control everything in your life she's not getting a ton of peat flavor in there because it's only in the ham whereas mine is woven all throughout but this is gonna be a good tasting dish so now i'm just gonna go ahead and egg wash the outside so it can get a beautiful shiny exterior this is also nicole's skincare routine she just brushes her own face down with egg wash and then what she does is she goes and lays down on top of her car in the parking lot with a piece of tin foil in front of her so it bakes it on that's why your skin's so good now we're gonna throw this in the oven but wait i know what you're thinking nicole why is there nothing in the center i'll show you in about eight minutes let's see what we got going on let's see nicole show me that pipapoori not a lot of leakage which i'm loving needs more peeps i'm gonna crack an egg right in here where's the peeps i thought this was a pizza challenge and then i'm gonna kind of move this over a little and make a little hole for my egg to go it's gonna be good though the sweet ham it's kind of serving me like denny's grand slam vibes with the egg on there and then we're gonna continue cooking this we're gonna have a beautiful soft boiled egg right in the center and whenever we take a little piece of the bread and pop it it's going to be delicious oh my god just give me like two more minutes okay i think i'm gonna get her with the creativity and the fact that if you say mine doesn't win you think i might be a sociopath so sopa sociopath mean a bit i'm not a sociopath okay ready oh i thought you met my eyes okay let's see how our egg looks [Music] okay i'm really excited about this i'm really excited so the top got a little bit caramelized but i don't care a little burnage that looks good i'm not even gonna lie on this one now we're just gonna take some parsley and some tarragon ever heard of it josh she dogging on me about tarragon and then in classic georgian culture we're gonna take a pad of butter and we're just gonna tuck it in she's hiding behind butter cheese and eggs whereas i looked the peeps full in the face and there you have it easter catcher poori you're going down josh sharer i don't know who's eating this but i am jealous of you okay mike's got a mullet and i feel like a person with a mullet would be more likely to cook this isn't what i expected oh i've never seen a pizza i can imagine what a peeps is it's worse than i thought yeah it's bad and not just literally some freaking garbage bird marshmallow on a perfectly good slice of pizza i love mike paisley i miss mike i feel really conflicted immediately because i love pizza and i hate peeps and i'm very picky about my pizza toppings but i'm gonna have to peeps down on this is he eating it with a hand behind his back because he's a gentleman oh cool yeah it's not the worst but it's pretty gnarly it makes you chew more than you want yeah no that's true it's like you're eating the dessert pizza and the cheese pizza all at once oh man you're gonna get it because he said dessert pizza that's gotta be josh's what do you say that's gotta be josh nicole never do that yeah so well you're right also josh knows what i like more oh my god what are you doing you know i'm gonna cut right through that egg i feel like i have to right he's not always eating it like a pizza okay i'm not even using a fork you don't use a fork with pizza there's a way to eat things oh hello hell yeah also josh never texts me back i'm sorry i don't text anyone back you never text me back either it's fine but i also know he's a tremendous chef and i love him i answer your text in the morning when i show up in person you mean by speaking yeah why is it blue you just made the crust blue because of the piece got dang right mike where's my flavor daddy he likes your pizza he knows my palate man process works trust the process i like how he turned the peeps into like a bird a proper culinary term josh if you served me this at a restaurant i'd be fine with it ma'am no oh my gosh no way i don't know what to do right now there's not even peeps in there but i know there's peeps and i love it you're ready for the peeps yeah right i gotta give it to josh i gotta give it to this pizza i hate you i'm still gonna buy this one though it's so good like this one i want to eat i just think the other one's more like pizza mike i promise to text you back buddy sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry don't eat my food don't invite me to your wedding sorry i love how mike used this opportunity to just get really personal on both of us i don't text nicole back either i say all my texts are in person in the morning you know what you made it personal when you made me eat this why'd you make it blue yours is so good you should have just made it blue she ran from the peeps she ran from the peeps and she got punished because of it what are these those are peep hams those are literal nuggets of peep they're peep glazed ham i hate this game but like that's magic this is like i saw us i'm like well that's going to be good i mean they're going to be gross i'm still going to like it and i was right can i go home now you have to use a little tarragon ice cream thank you so much for judging right now two for two on food crime battles nicole you got more opportunities in the future to get me back you made a lovely dish you tried but sadly you did not have the skills the confidence the interpersonal communication or really anything to beat me on today thank you so much for stopping by the mythical kitchen we got new episodes for you every week we've got new episodes of our podcast uh where she's gonna give me the silent treatment for the next couple weeks every wednesday wherever you get your podcast hit us up on instagram at mythical kitchen pictures of your mythical dishes under hashtag dreams become food show me your pizzas is a thing you shouldn't say to strangers see y'all next time get as messy as you want in your own kitchen when you have the mythical kitchen towels available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 446,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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