Recreating Elvis' $23,000 Wedding Cake

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Emily is seriously the best - her and Josh are such a bomb combo and this segment has me dying every time! LOL

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NepEnut ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Emily Fleming needs to be in all videos

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/aerynea ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My favorite episode so far! I was a crash landing at the end! Which was just so much fun. Had me laughing out loud at 630 in the morning. Doing it right!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Thundapainguin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone know where I can grab that sweet Kobold to Swobold shirt Josh is wearing?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/oninotalent ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Oh, I broke glass. Yeah, yeah it shattered. To understand the food of our present, we must first understand the food of our past. That's why we're recreating some of the most notable meals throughout history, and today our time traveling taste buds are in search of a very special cake. Correct, my ninth birthday cake. It was pink Power Ranger cake and it was at a bowling alley. Great party. No, we're making Elvis and Priscilla Presley's wedding cake. Oh, well then I guess it's time for- Meals of History. All right so today we're shooken things up and we're going back to 1967 for the wedding of Elvis and Priscilla Presley. It was a super controversial wedding, which is why Elvis' has manager, lovingly known as the Colonel thought it would be a good idea to invite press and business associates to actually have a media conference at the reception. And then they had a lovely morning ceremony with friends, family, and associates from RCA, WMA, and MGM, all in attendance. A wedding brunch? It started at 9:00 AM and they had the whole brunch spread, right? But to me, the most interesting part about this is the wedding cake. They say it costs $3,200 in then money, which is $23,000 in now money. It was a six tiered yellow spongecake filled with kirsch flavored Bavarian cream and apricot marmalade decorated with fondant roses. It's like the size that Chewbacca, so I definitely get it. Chewbacca was big. That dude was like 6'8" in that suit. Anyways, we're gonna, we're gonna make this today. We're taking on a massive challenge that we've never done before. You ready? I'm a little scared. Emily since I am acting pastry chef, do you mind being the guest of honor? Uh-huh. I'll be right back. Cheese and rice! I smell a camera and there's only one heart throb allowed to be in front of this camera, and that is me, so you better get lost. To be frank, you look terrible. What has happened in your life? A lot of success. Too much success I'd say maybe. How much is too much? I thought you just had a wedgie? Well, you know what? I might for the whole entirety of this. We put this shirt under here, cause it was very low cut. And then we forgot that these are see-through pants. So everybody gonna see something today. So the first step to this cake is a very standard yellow cake recipe. We just have to make a lot of it because the cake was like 24 inches in diameter on the bottom layer, but we're gonna start by making our middle layer. So we're doing an 18 inch cake which is a massive, massive undertaking. So we can start by creaming some butter. So I'm just gonna take this here hand mixer. I need to preface this whole episode. I'm not a baker. You're not? So we're gonna cream together all the sugar and all this butter. And then we're gonna start adding our egg yolks into it. You'll see. Okay. All right, so now we just gotta continue to mix. I'm gonna let this work for a couple more minutes, and then I'm going to start putting in egg yolks. God I wanna squeeze that sugar butter! Squeeze that sugar butter! You can do it. Reach in, squeeze it. I've got to take off my rings. You got so much more ornate later in your career. Oh yeah. It almost seems like you're compensating for something. Oh, for sure. Absolutely. I was a sex symbol, and then I got kinda, not that good looking. Not that sexy later in life. For awhile. So it's like, let's kick real high, so my legs look long and I look thinner. If you can't be sexy, kick real high. Kick real high and then if you're, if you're conscientious about your gut, you can just take the cape, bat wings, bat wings over the gut. All right, I'm gonna drop all of our egg yokes into here. No problem. I didn't get to squeeze! Squeeze the outside! โ™ช I like to squeeze โ™ช That squeeze. We're gonna write a million dollar hit right here. It's hard to sing like Elvis. Like it's very hard to figure out how to sing like Elvis but- It was a drawl. It was a drawl singing. We have to return this costume after, don't you get that stuff on me. All right so now I'm going to start mixing in our dry and our dry and buttermilk ingredients. So we're gonna add baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Oh yeah, it ain't coming out. Sure isn't. Ain't coming out. This one- Hang on, do you want me to do it? Yeah. Hang on, let me do it. Let me do it. Karate chop me, Elvis. A lot of buildup. A lot of buildup for this. Ooh, we gotta get Elvis to do a palm heel strike. Yes, oh my God. He would really like that. There'll be time. Don't you think he'd like that? There'll be time. All right, so I'm gonna start mixing in some of my drys along with my wets. Some of your drys with your wets? All right, Elvis, add some drys. Is the whole thing going in? The whole thing, yeah, yeah. Dump it all in. Dump it all in, we're gonna go. Yep, that's good. In theory the guy who made this cake was working in like a big industrial kitchen in a Vegas hotel. I'm gonna try and do a kick and make a big old flour thing happening. Do a flour kick Elvis! Okay. I'm gonna dump some cream of tartar in there. Hold the bowl up and hold it steady, so I can whip it. There we go. All right, we're adding the cream of tartar. That is to stabilize the egg whites, so were essentially making a meringue, and then we are going to fold that into the cake. Try and keep it nice, light, and airy, 'cause I want you to have a good wedding. I want a good wedding. Ooh, this is cool. My hands are cramping, I gotta switch hands. Would you like Elvis to do this for you? Yeah, yeah, yeah switch. Oh boy. I am excited. Keep the finger on the turbo button. Turbo button? Yeah. Yeah. Am I doing the hip thing? Do you want me to do the hip thing? Yeah. It was kind of like a- This was very controversial. It's kind of like a, like a basketball rocker step. Am I just going in a circle. Yeah go in a circle. Let's try and whip it up. We're looking for stiff peaks. It's gonna take about another 90 seconds. Once we got stiff peaks, we can add it to our cake. I'm gonna lose my voice from yelling so much. All right so now we're gonna take all of these egg whites and we're gonna drop 'em in our cake batter, and then we are going to attempt to gently fold them in. Did Elvis star in any karate movies? There was a movie about his own life and he starred in it. Really? Yeah, just the whole scene about, he's like "They don't like the way I move." "They don't like it. They think it's like evil." It was his hip thing, but really what it was is men just discovered that women like it when you know how to thrust your hips. Mm-hmm. Correctly? Yeah, I haven't experienced that personally, but I've heard. And they were just like, "he's the devil" and the women are like, "Oh my God, finally." I think that's what it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the 50s were one of the top 10 worst decades for sex having. Yeah I bet it was. All right Elvis, and now we got the cake batter all mixed up, we just got to fill up our cake pans, get 'em in the oven. And that's simple. All right. And then we just got to fill it with several different things we're making them scratch. And then we got to frost it. Then we got to decorate it. And then we have five more tiers. And then then we just got to stack all those, but after that though, we still gotta do a couple more things. All right, sounds good. All right so we got the cakes cooling. Now it's time to make our Bavarian cream. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna take a little bit of gelatin, and we're gonna add that to our milk. Did Elvis do cowboy movies? I just kind of assumed he did. He did westerns. That's a cowboy, he's a cowboy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but Morgan has informed me that all of his movies were the same, they just changed genre. All right so we have our egg yolks. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna heat cream, and then we're gonna temper it into the egg yolks, and we're adding a little bit of this really awesome German liqueur called Kirschwasser. It is made with black Morello cherries. Germany known for their dark cherries. It's a really, really fantastic product that I wish we could. Oh, hey Elvis, I dropped my phone. Could you help me find it? I'm coming. I gotta take off my sunglasses though. Where's the? What are we doing? Ooh hello. I'm gonna add about four ounces of our Kirschwasser in there. And then we're gonna stir this together and then I'm gonna crank this up. I'm gonna bring it to a boil. So now I'm just gonna, can you hold the bowl? I'll go backhand. Okay. I won't burn you, I swear. Ah We don't want to get sued by Graceland. Elvis does not feel pain. All right so we're gonna add, to the eggs, keep whisking it up. Don't want any scrambling in there. Were gonna add it back on the heat, and then we're gonna kind of bring this up to temperature. We're waiting for there to be a little bit of tension against the whisk. So it's going to kind of become a nice custard. Ooh, that smells really good. Yeah, give it a waft. Give it a nice Elvisy waft. Ooh. Did you have to open your sideburns to smell? Yes, the glasses have sideburns, and then the wig has sideburns, so it's just like, in case I lose these sideburns, boom! All right, so this is thickening up really nicely. We're just gonna add it back in there. You see it's getting nice and custardy and when this cools down, all the gelatin is really going to activate. All right so we're just gonna let this chill here for a sec, and then we're going fold in that whipped cream. So I'm just folding in the whipped cream. You just wanna keep some of that air. It's cooled down enough to where it's not gonna melt it, and then now alls we got to do is shlap this in the fridge and then it should set up. And then, God we have to build this cake. Just you and me together. Well it's not like we're building a house or an Ikea or a desk so? No it's worse. Oh no, are we gonna fight? I don't want to fight Elvis. I don't want to fight you either. You're like the only person I talk to, besides my boyfriend. I preserved the fighting for that. Well that makes sense. We don't fight here. Yeah I appreciate that. Yeah I appreciate that, I really do. All right, so we're gonna pop this in the fridge, and then we're gonna start building our cake. Okay. I don't know why I stopped here. I don't know either dude. I've, listen, if I knew more about cakes, I would do stuff for you. If I knew more about cakes, I would do stuff for us. Why are- Trevor's the only one that knows about cakes, and he's not even here. I know they left us alone in here. No one is here. I don't even know if the cameras are rolling. We have to flip this cake 'cause I think we're still making a cake to my knowledge. Why? I know. We got to get it out, we gotta trim, because if you were to stack this, it's all , it's convex right now. So we need to make it even. So we got to do is flip it. You wanna do it? I'm gonna need complete silence. Do it. I wanna see this happen. It's heavy. Yeah! Ow, my hand is caught. Okay, good. Look at that. Oh, it's so wet. Yeah, yeah, okay. That's a wet cake. All right now we gotta flip it black. Can I take that off? We gotta flip it back? Because we need to level this out and the bottom is the part that's convex, so we need to then flip it back onto this, and then we can expose the top, so I'm going to flour this again. What a laborious process? All right I got it. Wow. There we go. There we go. So now we have the top floured and the whole thing exposed. And I'm just gonna take this cake knife and I'm gonna level it off. I'm gonna go around the edge. I'm gonna try and get it to the center point, and then I'm gonna rotate it to you, and then you're gonna finish it once the knife gets to you. You want me to do it? Yeah, yeah you do it. This is very stressful. I'm gonna pull up the flaps. Yeah, keep going, keep going. I think- 'Cause you're literally doing better than I am. Really? Yeah. Okay. Did we go all the way around? We sure did. Oh my God, look how beautiful that is. I wanna wear it as a hat. That's exactly what I thought you were doing. Okay now we have to fill this, so we're gonna take the Bavarian cream. You're my jelly man, Elvis. All right. I'm gonna take a fair amount of the Bavarian cream and I'm going to dollop it in, and then I'm gonna try and create like a little bit of a well around the outside, because marmalade is more runny than Bavarian cream. So I'm gonna try and use the Bavarian cream to like hold the marmalade in. Could you put the marmalade on there? Yeah, not very good at- Just try and like- I'm afraid that these flaps are gonna get in there. Lots of, Elvis is just full of flaps. Elvis is such a danger in the kitchen. Flap, flap. And then flaps. All right, here we go y'all. Yeah spoon it on there. Spoon it. There it is. That's nice. Maybe a little more. The Bavarian cream should be heavy enough. This is a real. This cake is absurdly big. This is too big of a cake. I feel like we have more cakes. Yeah, let me grab another cake. Yup, I think that, do you think that this is enough? I feel like I've used too much. I feel like, I feel like you got it. I think that's enough. Okay, good. We got to get this on top of there. So you're going to have to really do it? So what I'm thinking is I can pick up both cakes and then I can kind of smash sandwich them together. I don't like that. No, no, no, no, no. No? Oh God. Let's see. No, no, no, so maybe just, I don't know. No, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah! Oh God, oh God. Oh, oh God. Oh no, oh no, oh no, back. Ha! Oh God, we almost kicked each other. I know. Okay so we have the fondant drying out, out. so we need to get our buttercream glue here. So what I'm gonna do, is I'm just going to spread out some buttercream, and then I just wanna get that sort of attached to the cake crumbs. This is gonna create sort of like mortar. Looks like just dragging a tail of- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something or other. In the new, open your mouth. Yeah this is a nice Swiss buttercream. Oh God, Oh God. Oh! Oh we gotta return the suit. I got it. There we go. Okay, I'm gonna spoony some out. Mm. Then we gotta go around the sides. Ooh, that's really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, we're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. What are we doing with this big ole- That's a big ole sheet of fondant. It's basically just like an edible thing to cover a cake. So that's what we're going to do. And that's what Elvis is, or your cake was indeed covered in. I didn't pay attention to anything you just said. This go on here. Oh. But this sticky 'cause it's made of sugar. Okay. So what you gotta do, give me your hands. Give me your hands. You gotta starch up your hands. Whack! Okay, so now you, we're gonna take, pick it up. Okay. Just try and pick it up from the end. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Then we're just gonna drag it over the top of the cake, and then we're gonna drape it, and then we're gonna smooth it with our fondant smoother. Okay. One three. One, two, go! Yeah, come on. That's nice. Elvis smooth fondant, man. Give it a couple of palm heel strikes and they're soft though. It's gotta be like real karate like. Do your karate Elis. Karate, the cake. That was good enough. So now just try and kind of like drop the fondant evenly over there, and then smooth it out with your hands. Is this just like layers of white stuff that we're putting on here? What is the difference between, why do we need this if we already have, it's white? This is white chocolate, which is our fine decoration work, 'cause look at this cake, right? This is the layer we're making. We got triangles. And then there's my hearts and stuff right now. I want to focus on the triangles. We got to make some fondant roses. Maybe we just have people help do that off camera. Yeah. So right now we're just gonna try and take this hot white chocolate, pipe it into perfect triangles on this. Then we're gonna pop it in the freezer, it should set up. It'll be perfect to apply to the cake. Are we going to do the bubble lettering that looks like a second grader on the top of that cake? Yeah, we actually hired a second grader. Due to Prop 22, it was like two bucks. All right, so I'm gonna take perfect triangles. Oh God. I'm so bad at this. I wanna try. Okay. Is that about the size that the triangle needs to be? This is very Illuminati by the way. Yeah, I don't like this, and I feel like Elvis would probably be in the Illuminati. Yeah, uh-huh. He was into some dark stuff. He was a fandom- I feel like back then everyone was playing around with Satanism. I'm just gonna do like an outline. Make it a little bit thicker if you can. Oh no. Oh gosh. Oh God. That's good 'cause it do need to be sturdy enough for us to like put it in the freezer, then the chocolate is gonna seize up, and then we gotta be able to like pull 'em off and stick 'em into the cake. All right, I feel good. We got a heart. This is not good. We got a bunch of triangles. Yep. I think we shove this in the freezer, start decorating, and see what happens. Elvis you big Southern Corn Pone and Son of a Biscuit, you ready to finish this cake? I am. What happened to your glasses? You're seem to be missing a layer of sideburns. Oh, oh the glasses. Sorry guys. Oh, okay, so these are beautiful. These are gorgeous. They are gonna be absolutely lovely on this white cake. Okay. So what we're gonna do is we got, I'm gonna take three of these. I'm gonna try and place them like front and center on the cake right here. I'm gonna glue it down with a little bit of buttercream. Just kind of put a little dollop. Well what's, so now there's another thing of white stuff. Yeah, that's frosting. Okay, I'm just not gonna ask about it anymore. You grab, you grab the roses. So the roses, then we have some beautiful, beautiful silver leaves right there. Those are very beautiful. Josh, we're not doing anything with the buffet, the breakfast buffet, brunchy buffet thing that they did, but what is your opinion on Vegas all you can eat buffets. Ah I love Vegas all you can eat buffets. You go for the prestige proteins first. You might wanna explain to people what prestige protein is. Oh prestige protein. Whatever the casino is making the most money off of. I have been asked to leave an all you can drink brunch buffet in Vegas. So Josh, these are beautiful. Uh-huh. And I'm assuming you did not make them. No, this is was mostly Trevor and Nicole off camera. Way to go guys. And we very much respect them and they do great work. Are you going to eat a whole rose when we're done with this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just gonna sit in my car crying eating fondant roses. That feels like something Elvis would do actually. I feel like he would have. I'm gonna try this pedal. Is that okay? Yeah eat the pedal. How's it taste? Fondant is kind of in that in-between stage of food industrial material in gum. I don't love it, but it's also sugar, so it's like, it's still, it's still sugar. This feels like the stress of when I was a kid and I was making a gingerbread house with my mom. Not a fun time. Not a lot of happy memories of the gingerbread houses? It's always like use some more red hots. I bought them for a reason. Because this is like, there's more layers, right? How many times do we have to do this? Yeah we got, so there's six total layers, but we're not doing that. We're not. No, no, no, we got, we got it, we got 'em. Oh my God. We've been working hard. You know? So we got some cakes. Hello. Oh my gosh. Trevor. All right, so just put that. We're gonna try and lift this, this little cake onto there. My idea is we put shot glasses at the edges of reinforce. Could you find a clean one? Good God. What? Look at that. That is gnarly. Are we taking a look everybody? Absolutely not. Emily, I think we just have to do it. I'm spotting you. I'm wanna kick the table forward. Oh, balls, okay, okay. Here I have the back third. Okay. And then lower on three, one, two, go. And then we're pulling out the cups? No, no, no, no, the cups stay. The cups at this point, it's just a cupcake. Okay, well it looks like the cups are sinking into the cake. Yep. We can cover it up with a rose. Yeah I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do. Just put frosting. We can put frosting over the cardboard. Well can't we take the cups out, no? I think if we just put some frosting on the cups. What? Just frost, put some frosting on the cups. It's gonna look like cake. Well, where's my thingy? This is good. It's holding Literally, yeah. The cups, the cups are sinking into the cake. This is so ugly. Ah no, no, no. I think it's beautiful. Just a little bit, ladder! Do you need a step stool? Oh God, yeah. yeah Chris. Put it there, put it there, put it there. Put it there, put it there, put it there. Ask for it and then they brought it to you. Start doing the Dunkaroos. Emily, Emily, I need, I need, I need more of these. Two more, I need you to dunk them in frosting, like Dunkaroos. Oh God. We're supposed to cut into this and eat it. Any pressure on this is gonna 'cause it to collapse. Josh, you gotta move fast. I'm going. And smart. How many, is this the last layer? Oh my God. There's two more. This is kind of shifted to the back. We're okay. If you see the cake from what I'm looking at it, here's what it is. No from my angle it looks perfect. Anyone else sweating? And so on Elvis' and Priscilla's wedding cake, the pastry chef actually written Priscilla - Elvis. Let's see how Trevor spelled Priscilla. Oh God. What are those pagan ruins? Oh my God. What is going on? It's puncturing the cakes. Come on. Just get it up there, boy. Oh my God. Elvis, this is your six tier yellow spongecake full of Bavarian cream with Kirsch, a little bit of apricot marmalade and lovely fondant roses. And it only took us three whole days of four people doing labor and it still looks like this. I'm so glad I hired a professional. To make my cakes. Yeah, you shouldn't have gone to Craigslist to find your cake guy. Can I let go? No, I'm gonna cut us a piece of cake. Hey Josh? Yeah? Can we not wheel this over to the booth? Can we stay here? 'Cause look at the jiggle on this thing. Way ahead of you buddy. Like the jiggle is real. Like we can't move this. Yeah, no I got you. Okay. All right. Oh, okay. There's your cake. I'm gonna let this go and hope- Cut one more. No, no, no, no, no, no Hold on, hold on, hold on. No, no I can't do that. Hold on. I'll cut another cake. Yeah, I think I cut out too structurally integrity, oh-oh, yeah, one of the cake stands fell. The cake stand? Yeah I cut right underneath the cake stand. Dang that looks amazing though. It does look like a meringue. I gotta be honest. It looks very moist. I love a moist cake. Are we going to eat this? Yeah, of course. Okay. Oh my God. That's a really good cake. It's a really good cake. You have to tell us if it's happening. What? That's fine. Let go. Live a little man. Okay fine. Should we say a vow to the cake that is about to die? Yep. Cake. For better or worse, through sickness and mostly sickness. And it's gonna freaking fall if I don't. It's gonna fall if I let go. What do I do, what do I do? Don't let go of it, 'cause I, can I please karate the cake? Gotta say it as Elvis though. May I please Karate your cake? Yes, you can karate my cake. You think I can make it? Oh God! Oh God, oh God, run! Wait, wait, wait. Okay, hang on. Gotta move it. Gotta move it. Karate it Elvis! There's so many knives around here. Elvis karate the cake! Why are knives here? Okay ready? Karate it! All right, it's gonna be at you. Hang on. I'll catch it. Rock and roll! Now you gotta get this. One more layer, hang on, hang on, hang on. I'm gonna do a sweet kick. There's glass on there! Are we making entertainment for the people yet? My search or about my boy! I'm going to sleep. Oh I broke glass. Yeah, yeah, it shattered. I broke glass. Yeah it shattered. I'm sorry. Well thank you for stopping by Mythical Kitchen. We've got new episodes out every week. We got new episodes for our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" app. Every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts, you know hit us up on Instagram at Mythical Kitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes, and our #dreamsbecomefood. See you next time. Oh God. You got me in the eye with the, was that a, talk about kiss from a rose. Get as messy as you want in your kitchen, when you have the Mythical Kitchen Available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 637,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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