What Does A 300 Year Old Pirate Feast Look Like?

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/thissux2021 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Emily and Josh's chemistry. Emily is great in general.

That said, I wish they'd stop with the characters. It just doesn't do it for me.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Upbeat_Group2676 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
pirates pigeons pegging that's what we do pirates to understand the food of our present we must first understand the food of our past that's why we're recreating some of the most notable meals throughout history and today we're going back to a time when walking the plank was all the rage 2009 was a great year actually i'm gonna do that right now can you do it on my back don't walk my back i don't lock my back okay yeah no no get off get off get off why wait did you actually want me to walk on your back no okay it was more for the it's back there my back and my something in my crack i fit it in again yay don't say fitted in rejection it's time for meals of history all right emily today we are recreating food that pirates ate during the golden age of piracy that was like the end of the 17th century and right here we have an authentic pirate artifact that diagrams out one of the most famous foods of the time this looks like the same font that my mom used for a baby shower oh your mother is a privateer eh yeah i don't know this looks like uh but you know i i like the spirit of what you're doing this isn't exactly an original artifact wasn't a lot of stuff written down back in the pirating days but this is an actual recipe that was uncovered by historians from port royal jamaica it was a tavern that was very popular with pirates and they finally docked and so this is a recipe for selma gundy it was like the ultimate pirate feast they would start their journeys with it when all the food on the ships was fresh when they docked this is what they eat it was just a giant mishmash of all the chopped fish shellfish meats whatever sea birds they could find they'd chop it up hit it with spiced wine and throw it in a giant cobb salad situation so you couldn't take this with you on the ship this wasn't a to-go order this was not no this was like i'm getting hammered this port for the next 36 hours before i just have to go get scurvy and eat hardtack biscuits on a ship again that's what it was they were mostly eating dried goods right the life of a pirate was tough you didn't have a lot of fresh vegetables or fruits on there and you never really knew how long you were going to be out at sea and so when they feasted they feasted hard so we're going to recreate this summer gundy faithfully to this recipe we also got a couple other little things in store ooh surprises yeah they're not great because a lot of pirate food honestly wasn't that great i thought that food being eaten in the middle of the ocean on a ship was supposed to be delicious and fancy oh boy do i have a surprise for you you go get dressed up and we'll cook something together how's it about i like how you when you're talking get dressed this is my pirate boy well hello there mr no pants [Music] i have shorts on technically do i dress you as like y'all matey who'll be going there we're not doing any of that you know that accent you kind of hear whenever you watch an hbo show that's in like a fantasy world and it's like it's british it's australian it's irish it's all over the place yeah yeah that's what we're working with today what are you kind of sound like one of the australian contestants on love island i don't know that island but it sounds pretty good uh can i ask who who you are what's your what's your name what's your story i'm wavy maeve wavey man how did you get that name i think it has something to do with it i got a touch of the spina bifida yeah i mean that speaks to a good point right i feel like we romanticized the life of a pirate a lot you think it's all good times buried treasure drinking rums singing on a boat sounds like it was a lot of crippling disease and pain not for me i was actually pretty healthy just the spinach just a spider bifida you look pretty upright they fixed your wavy mave no it goes like this not like that okay are you an active pirate uh well at the moment i'm kind of looking for a new ship oh yeah yeah yeah between ships yeah you have a gap on that pirate resume well my i actually been sailing with a couple of ladies ah mary reed and anne they found me i was actually marooned on an island uh because the last ship before that i was on uh they found out i was a woman and then i tried to talk about like uh equal opportunity toughness get out of here yeah things won't change that much but yeah so uh mary and anne they found me and then they brought me on the ship can i cook you some pirate food oh great i was a cook on my ship really so you must know all about heart attack then when you're a cook on the on a pirate ship oh you're mainly just uh also a surgeon oh yeah we just uh we cut people's legs off that makes sense i think my hernia is back i can't help you i can't cut off your hair i just cut things off yeah i don't cut things out kind of similar to being a butcher uh well that's cool so we're gonna make heart attack right now you can't talk about pirate food without talking about heart tagging it's simple two ingredients flour and water all you do is just mix this together until it becomes a hard dough and then you bake it off the reason they would do this it's basically like the worst saltine you've ever had forgive me if i'm wrong it would just break people's teeth when they'd eat it right oh yeah i'm one of the very lucky ones who has all their teeth that's good for you i always think that with my dental problems if i was on a pirate ship uh just could not survive it would just be a shatter tooth and then i'd be done then you'd just be like let me cut out your tongue maybe that'll help no i cut out your teeth you can't you just kind of cut your tongue i don't know i know the difference i don't know anything about excuse me i'm wearing a pirate scrunchie that was in the way is that the technical term pirate scrunchies yes yeah yeah there are many types of scrunchies there's a character that i'm playing we've got yeti scrunchies we got yeti scratchy we got rat scrunchies all right it's a heart attack it was literally it was just the most shelf stable thing and this was typically like if you were on a long journey right the heart attack was like the last thing left yes it could be months on end where all you're eating is hard tack and this is stuff that has like survived a multi-continental several month long journey so often they would just be like infested with weevils if the barrel ever got wet or anything it would just mold them up well sometimes you eat the mold yeah i mean you got to you're what else are you gonna do on a ship drink yeah that makes sense since seawater obviously you can't drink i don't know if you can you tried i feel like a lot of people would have tried i mean sometimes you get really thirsty and so then you just kind of give it a go yeah yeah you can't do it we've all been there oh most definitely we've all been there with keystone light at a party right we're like this seems like you should be able to drink keystone light ah he's a famed pirate of the of the beer pong ship i like that do you have any particular tips and tricks to make a heart attack more palatable not really um i was just kind of whipping stuff together i wasn't a very good cook you just kind of go up here's some seeds though it seems like you didn't have a the food was not very plentiful right no not really see yeah we um luckily there was like little mice and stuff that would get on the ship also it was uh we had a lot of pirates you get a lot of parrots yes oh that was a real thing you just eat the parrots sometimes we mainly use them for trade oh interesting we like to trade it was the the exotic pet game was very very strong that has survived in burbank big exotic pet stores around here oh really yeah i can show you something it'd be nice yeah all right hold on so we're just going to cut this into squares so hard attack not only used by pirates but also by like uh armies in the future so there's actually a civil war journal that describes the exact dimensions of hardtack and is two and seven eighths inches by three and one-eighths inches and then a quarter inch thick i don't know if in the back in the day times we use the metric system or nut but i'm going to pretend that i know what inches are for the sake of this i feel like you probably did are you british what what's your original i told you this is a standard hbo fantasy accent i'm probably from luxembourg or something right and if this actor was doing an accent in true blood it would sound like hi y'all i mean true blood this is how people time you know what's really funny though so like even if they're if they're showing like an old-timey thing if it's like an ancient roman show they'll still have the weird british accent i know and i thought that was weird until there was this movie with channing tatum about roman centurions and they all had american accents and i could not watch it for more than eight minutes i don't know did you see alexander the great no okay so like angelia jolie is an accent it makes no sense you gotta go just universal you just kind of kind of british half pirates kind of pirate kind of irish kind of australian we're gonna bake those till they're just done and there's no more moisture left into them then we're gonna shatter our teeth trying to eat them is that all we're doing a little bit for now okay cool can we drink where's the grog all right so i think i know where did you get was that grog it is groggy where did you find grog i always know where the grog is it was below deck would you like to go down there with me and get your own grug you say it was irish that time did you hear it where's me grog donkey ah groggy oh that's nice that's nice i found my phone all right so here we go just oh nice and dusty that's what you want you want the dusty hardness because again this is subsistence food this isn't meant to taste good the life of a pirate is rough none of you could read you know it was just who told you that we can't read where did you get formal schooling what was going on well i did because my father actually was a he was literate good for you we weren't rich but he was uh he was actually the local pustule popper these are the leech people were you a big leech family we did leeches yes but it was mostly like if you had pustules or boils yeah enhance them for you yeah mostly lance and just a little bit of lesion maybe we should charge people to come watch yeah oh i'll tell you sorry youtube channel doctor do you all know that joke that i'm making about dr pimple papa in a pirate setting god that is so scary i'm sorry so i'm trying to bash up this heart attack so we can turn this into porch because of course as you know people take the heart attack and be too hard to physically eat because i mean this is just really tough ow so it would boil it into a porridge so i'm just gonna take this and just really bash the heck out of it we're just gonna take it and just ow and just crack it into there and so you're taking just like a hard cracker and boiling in a porridge then they would actually flavor it with rum because it was just rum and everything y'all ate you all just were just drunk constantly right well yes i guess that's the way to deal with the anything in life that never changed definitely made you a lot more competent yeah in uh you know pillaging and such was that mostly what you did though pillaging no i'm more of a i don't know i don't really like violence i participated uh but i mainly just got things by asking nicely ah and people were were receptive to that yes after i told them that i like had a sword yeah like hey give me your stuff and they'd be like no and i'd be like i got us all right oh yeah i feel that i feel that if there was one misconception that people have about pirates today like you have an audience right now tell them what you want them to know about pirates big misconceptions number one we don't wear the eye patches because our eyes are missing it's hard to have depth perception in the dark i thought it was like nelly with the band-aid like just snilly with the band-aid you know nellie with the band-aid nelly was a pirate oh i don't know her oh you don't know her oh no no it was a grace o'malley fan gotcha gotcha shimmy shimmy cocoa what listen to him now that's what he would say when he would board people's ships wow old band-aided nelly that's a lot longer than shiver me timbers which we do not say where does that come from disney ah you're not seeing any of that disney money no i'm not nothing come on all right oh we just gotta boil this off a little bit more you see it's kind of looks terrible yeah it's getting there it's like cereal it's like grape nuts but on a ship i don't like what else are you gonna eat you're gonna eat your parents no i eat that i don't know i bet that they probably did that oh they actually keep the parrots though there was actually one family but he really had a pet they usually got rid of it they sold it i read a bunch of pirate manifestos they were talking about eating flamingos what yeah there was one pirate he would just go around trying to eat all the most exotic animals he could eat he was eating penguin eggs he was eating flamingos he ate manatee and then he did some other stuff to manatees and then he also was the first person to use the english word guacamole wow wow this guy would do very well in paris during the franco-russian war call back so if i'm understanding right your pirating strategy you'd go up to people in the villages and just be like hey it'd be pretty cool if you could give me all your stuff mostly we would go um find other merchant ships and we'd attack those ships and then you'd just be like take all their stuff ah ah and then they'd they just well we'd attack them and then we'd fight okay that makes sense yeah yeah so right now we're making like this is the ultimate pirate feast celebration this is called salma gundy it looks like salmonella hey you have salmonella because that sash or whatever has been touching all the directions that's a death sentence on a pirate ship they're gonna have to chop off all sorts of limbs you'd have to chop off your own yup but no sami gundy was like the big ass big why'd i say big ass out all of a sudden sama gundy was like the big meal that they would start the voyage with so this is basically whatever they had they would chop up they'd dunk it in a bunch of wine roast it off and then just make a giant salad out of it so that's what we're doing wow so pirates just weren't all right you want to take a couple hacks i'm a pirate who doesn't like splash that sounds like it'd be tough whoa wait don't get me a huge knife yeah yeah start start whacking with that hey josh why are there big butchery knives and then little butcher knives the little butcher knives are the ones stop shut the hell up stop freaking yelling i hate this this is a nice establishment we're at a chili's that's a great question wavy made so the small butcher knives so you can get in between the little joints are typically flexible and the big butcher knives so you can hack through bone okay yeah start hacking through them chicken bones really let's give it a big one what i'd say try and cleave this chicken in half right down the center make sure all your limbs maybe back up a little bit there it goes yeah you did it oh it wasn't in the middle you like really nailed it though yeah they yeah you kind of gotta like kind of hack through the the rib gate and then why played a little bit yeah we just got a lot of salmonella over here so yeah just gonna kind of give it a couple hacks just cleave it however you can go right through the spine are you in the splash zone no not yet not right now so we're just gonna hack out the chicken they just kind of layer everything in there you wanna splash the fish you want me to do it this is gonna be a big splashy one how do you okay i'm interested so it's a really interesting technique what you do so the way you cut a fish up you just kind of give it one of those there ain't no wrong way to do it you know what i mean we're actually following a recipe that we found from a port tavern in jamaica from 1712 oil it was port royal yeah yeah cool i googled that you're familiar i mean i hung out there yeah ah hang on i hung out there yeah this is like a literal recipe that was written down in a book about pirate history from 1722 the recipes from 1712 and it was literally like ham and salt pork and like any type of fish that they had they would put shellfish in there and so it's literally a thing that was so popular on pirate ships black bart when he was captured was super hungover feasting on salma gundy when the british navy finally captured him so this was good for a hangover this is yeah why you got one i don't know just always looking for new tips and tricks my current uh hangover food is mostly uh salt and vinegar pringles and ginger i got bacon on my shoes i think it'll be fine i'm gonna be fine this is probably as close to a poop deck as it's gonna get yeah that's this is already fair we got a bunch of like whipped cream on this floor you did yeah yeah it's still sticky you can still kind of smell it oh you're right yep and so now we're just gonna salt and pepper this because salmon gonna be literally uh salad meaning salt and so it actually has the same root word as like salami because there's a lot of preserved meats they would just salt grab a swig of that wine and just like chuck it all over this this is what they do they marinate the meats and wine and then they would take any vegetable any sort of pickles any sort of dry sac why did you pick this oh that's actually my pirate name it's josh dry sack wavy mave and dry suck it's an ironic nickname because the socks always wet oh no should have called him moist sack this is looking pretty good though wait this is wine it's like orange it's so cherry so this is actually a fortified one of my favorite things just drink casually yeah that should be enough and this is literally just gonna flavor the meats but i already have one roasting in there we got some extra special treats in it oh when you say treats i know it's not a treat pot brownies oh okay oh it's a hefty it's a hefty platter um what is that yeah so this is a um so this is a pigeon this is just an honest to god pigeon smell it smells like wine that's adorable it's a lonely life we got it from uh we got a pigeon guy you've got a pigeon guy yeah i wouldn't call him a hunter he's more like a pigeon wrangler you know cause a hunter implies he has a gun but a pigeon wrangler just kind of runs around burbank with a little net oh a little neck i bet he's really popular no these are these are food pigeons these are squad these are wild hunted okay scotland and we got all the rest of the stuff uh we got our ham we got some other little tiny fish again they just put whatever in there lady said we have this actual recipe from 1712. we shall consult it add the meats to boiled chopped cabbage anchovies pickled herring mango hard-boiled eggs palm hearts onions olives and grapes add pickled chopped vegetables and garlic chili pepper mustard salt and pepper and serve in a mound upon a large dish we have our large dish all right we have all the ingredients let's get to doing it you gonna start chopping these up into smaller bits oh i'd say like you know hit this into thirds but i want to keep that head intact cause i'm eating that eyeball you're gonna eat that i'll fight you over the squab eyeball oh okay uh not a lot of detail in recipes from 1712 exactly but i'm guessing with the chili pepper the garlic and the mustard they're probably making some sort of like dressing so i'm just gonna like grate some of this garlic into a dish there it is really give it a hack really butcher of the seven seas even a lot of the explorers that we learned about in school like they were just actual pirates like sir francis drake and explorer was just an illegal pirate until i believe yeah buddy i'm just gonna put this in your pocket for you later i've gotten me birds yeah yeah yeah that's good bird a lot of pirates were going to these like exotic locales where they were only eating like british or western european food and then they were actually like you know dining on really cool things they'd never seen before it's like the word barbecue literally came from empire the word guacamole came from a pirate how though i don't understand like literally on sale so barbecue the term it's uh i believe uh barbacoa comes from an arawak word oh which is like from the the west indies in an indigenous language and so we literally turned that into the word barbecue and then over the next 500 years now you go to chili's and get your barbecued chicken sandwich so a lot of history was kind of formed by these pirates and again a lot of them were just like terrible people no offense no offense like you had a hard life you had a hard job you know i will and by the way i'm totally committing just to the the pirate voice now the other ones were too hard so we got vinegar we got mustard we're gonna make like a little bootleg vinaigrette so i'm just putting this in a pile you said uh well hold on and let me let me get some chopped cabbage down here okay it's gonna arrange the chopped cabbage around and then you're gonna use the chopped cabbage as a base this is just boiled and chopped but is cabbage like what is is it good for you is it i don't know congestion like why i like it yeah it's got fiber in it and it's cheap and it lasts for a long time so that's the thing like cabbage will last you weeks in your fridge whereas lettuce goes bad so hence pirate food cabbage okay hold on let me let me get some vinaigrette over this cabbage just pack up some more meats here we'll start arranging these spoons yeah we'll eat the bombs oh no i'm gonna start arranging all the insane ingredients there's just olives mangoes grapes bunch of pigeons there you go a bunch of hearts of palm like we're at the damn folk with the shells oh this looks just like the the tiny first mate and i had to help out one day i was like you don't need that and then i would be the one who had made the uh little fake legs for them out of wood i would fashion it i'd kind of carve it up i'd call it pegging oh yeah pegging no no that has that's the same as what it means today yeah yeah really they carried on my tradition you're pegging tradition yeah yeah oh that's great pegging is alive and well i like to peg yeah try pegging give pegging a try why not yeah all right i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with this this looks pretty dank all right can i take a couple swings here yes let me just start hacking up got a big old chicken breast right there there we go here we go just give it a nice little shweak we're gonna pop that back in there why not no reason oh it's not no reason we can't go back to chicken after eating that delicious we are pigeon pirates we're just gonna we're we pirates pigeons pegging that's what we do baby all right pirates camera's gonna stack that up on here they said put it in a large mound on a dish speaking of pickable yeah go ahead did you know that pirates were mostly gay no way they were a little a dabble a little of both yeah well i mean you know what gay straight it's all love on a boat baby manatee who cares right there we're all in there for a good time pagans just pagans pirates they didn't have labels back then they didn't need labels it's all free love man keep chopping up these meats oh no welcome to the cooking show but it's true i didn't really get to have a lot of boyfriends because they weren't really interested in me wait really that's like actually true though i found out that they were very open about it because you know it was something that was punishable by death then but so was being a pirate yeah so you might as well look there you're probably probably attracted a lot of people just like trying to you know find freedom of expression in many ways right that looks like hell i don't think so i think it looks pretty great man there's a i keep stepping out on a ship yeah put the floor ham on there oh it's got some hair there's hair on that i feel like we should garnish it with something well there you go there you go i have the salma gundy [Music] all right wavy maeve the pegger with spina bifida that bucket is used for other things where i'm from but okay no it was used for that too we just gave it a little oh boy it's the slop swap us up some of that hard tack and rum porridge you have that slot first i guess if it's like between this and just breaking your teeth on some gross saltines filled with maggots i'll take this it smells nice it's cooked in rum it still smells like rum so you can chew on your drunk this is like the vodka so gummy bears of the golden age of piracy i don't know what that is a time from the 1700s josh you want to eat this slap boy yeah yes i do okay let's uh this is real sloppy i'm very excited [Music] i get why they say that now it eats like oatmeal um and it's getting you drunk which pirates were all the time just to cope with the ptsd my god yeah this is problematic oatmeal well this is what this is uh we got bone soup oh cool after you ate all the meat with the salmon gundy they would just boil the bones uh they were way ahead of gwyneth paltrow on the collagen phase am i right yeah what are we using going on this oh i mean that's a oh that's a delight oh we're like halfway to flow i like that oh okay how do we eat the meat though can it's mostly bones and cartilage yeah yeah but it makes it pretty tasty and wholesome broth it is delicious and yeah we got beef jerky back there because once all the fresh stuff was gone mcgundy you were just on jerky beef chest but should we get into this now i guess so the way to eat it is you just kind of grabbed fistfuls of things you wanted do you want the head no you already said that you really wanted that so oh grab some oh god the sound this is the worst asmr it's roasty toasty you taste it come on okay all right all right what are you doing grab a little fish nugget okay i like it i'm gonna take a pigeon breast oh this looks really good yeah you got a fish watch out there's a lot of bones in that you're gonna want to try and bite off the fillet off the spine and suck the bones out of it okay a pigeon breast is really good i'm gonna go and get some egg and some pickles in here i wanna know this is how i wanna eat i love this cause it's like a choose your own adventure novel right let's do the real meat yeah i'm gonna go ahead and just suck off this sardine what well this has been great unfortunately i uh i would like to have your show please no come on i know you're all bluff i have a knife oh my mutiny did not go as planned mutiny scoundred that's not a word i don't care we've said it ah you win sir thank you so much wavy mave and the dirty boys for stopping by the show thank you so much for watching the mythical kitchen we've got new videos for you every week we've got new episodes our podcast a hot dog is a sandwich every wednesday wherever you get your podcast do you want the sword back really i'm just going to kind of stick this quit poking it around in there follow us on the instagram under dreams become food or at mythical kitchen or whatever it's been a pleasure aye aye hey you cook up your own feast while we're in the mythical kitchen apron available now at mythical.com
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 555,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: ywGjytAOnHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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