Recreating The Weirdest Meal In History

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Emily with Josh is pure gold, every time. She's the only person who can truly play off him, like not be talked over or out-joked. He gets away with nothing and it's awesome.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Terrible_Tutor 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

My Cousin Vinny reference! Love that movie.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ChwatBot 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
just try and follow kind of where mine's going here we want it to be a little bit circular well i messed that one up but i am around just so to understand the meals of our present we must first understand the meals of our past that's why we're recreating some of the most notable meals throughout history and today we're doing something that would break carol baskin's heart oh no is there a peroxide shortage no we are recreating a meal from the franco-prussian war it was cooked on christmas on the 99th day of the siege of paris where all the meat supplies were cut off and they were forced to eat zoo animals it's time for meals of history and before we get into the meat of this episode good joke this is gonna be the only new video on the channel this week because we are doing an all day live stream on thursday with threat and link on the good mythical morning channel uh you'll be there yes i wouldn't miss it this is a fun time check that out and then next week the only video we're gonna have is on tuesday and then a new podcast on wednesday so check that out as well all right you gonna check it out do you listen to the podcast all right so emily the meal that we're recreating today this is from christmas in 1870 this is the 99th day of the siege on paris by the prussian forces that was led by the iron chancellor autobahn bismarck they had surrounded paris there were a ton of different crazy political things that went into this french government was sort of on a decline napoleon iii on the way out a new republican pseudo-democratic government coming in but paris was under siege during a particularly harsh winter and so they had already been eating horses for a long time to sort of just get a cheap source of meat but then by this time all that meat had run out and so they had to turn to zoo animals but the aristocracy was still such a big deal in paris that these restaurants were still serving these lavish meals so here we see a full tasting menu with zoo animals this is one of the craziest artifacts of history you see you got your typical stuff you got radishes butter you got sardines and then you got a full stuffed donkey head because that's just what they were doing so we are actually gonna be making some of these we're not gonna use any of the animals that are like illegal or like super messed up to eat but there's someone here that are commonly eating other cultures like you see you got the roast camel you got a kangaroo stew and so to me this is like one of the most fascinating times in history and it shows what people can do in times of great strife i see the elephant which is elephant with a d in front of it yeah that's john france the animals that went first were the ones that are similar to the animals that we had yak and antelope and the kind of ruminants but eventually they got down to elephant including two very famous elephants that would parade around the luxembourg gardens named castor and pollux and they too were eaten for meat again war as hell this is a dark time in history come on folks it's survival of the i don't know i'm the frenchist yeah the frenchist is the right yeah yeah you see this is a full tasting menu you got your little salads here because they still have the gardens and again they're french so they were drinking wine and eating cheese with every single meal and the siege would end up lasting for five months because basically the prussians didn't want to waste their artillery going after the french and so the parisians were really just locked in with nothing to do no information in or out all they had was just their french culture and their zoo animals to eat i'm gonna try to get excited about it maybe the um coats do doors roadies cool i'm guessing you're not a french speaker i took it but did not retain it well you think you can sort of cobble together a character i imagine you got a whole like dramaturgy written up this may be my greatest challenge god i can't wait i'll be right back uh uh bonjour parlez francais hello to you sir uh i bring you some meat that is different okay may i ask what's different about it it's camel it's camel is where did you get the camel meat that's not important so you were the one who was wrangling up the meat also can i ask you are a uh a rat yes i am right thank you for noticing that i'm not a mouse uh this seems maybe derivative of a certain uh disney property oh yeah yeah yeah i am the rat that that is based on okay i am not remy my name is lenny so yeah i i started working in kitchens around the time that we're going to be discussing today great uh so i mean do you want to like do you want me to pop on a hat and you kind of hop under it oh no that's one of the main differences yeah yeah yeah yeah he was in a tiny hat pulling the guy's hair around i was really in a guy's pants looking through the zipper also pulling a guy's hair to make him do stuff it's similar but not the same please don't crawl on my pants if you insist okay so uh uh this is camel and this is correct not rat that's what's important so we have a standing camel rib roast right here i don't need to tell you about that you're a chef of course no i mainly just find the meat um some but uh i i do a little bit of seasoning from time to time let's go we'll do it mostly it's like look over there don't eat a rat do you want to help me tie this up yeah sure lift up the camel me get your claws in there get your little paws oh it's nice also i was hoping you'd go way more like marissa tome from my cousin anyway you know keep it keep it lifting i am clearly a man rat you're cleaning sorry wait no keep keep the camel lifted keep the camera lifted lay all these on here so we're making what is uh uh which is roast camel in the style of the english i suppose well just keep it lifted and i'm gonna keep it oh i just got an idea about the mr 2ma thing good because it's like the beat thing it's like it's clock is ticking like yes is that good that was good though that's a good reference to a movie that no one watches anymore we're just gonna be cooking this like a roast beef essentially so this is like an english-style roast beef this was served at the restaurant vwasa on their christmas day 99th day the siege tasting menu this is one of the main courses so this is just cooked like in english roast prime rib whatever you want to cut how tight we think pretty tight because the goal is to get this as even as possible and so like just try and follow kind of where mine's going here we want it to be a little bit circular well i messed that one up but i am around so what jobs were available for rats outside of the kitchen uh there was a the poop ball gathering yeah i i got i kind of graduated out of that yeah you don't you don't poop all gathering no no no no it's one rat's job usually the one at the bottom of the totem pole in the kitchen you just gather it all and then roll it out yeah some would be concerned about the amount of rat poop in a kitchen well that's why we have the roller okay i'm so sorry we handle it we handle it i don't mean to come into india into your world well it's okay you don't know how my kitchen works i don't know how your kitchen works you don't see me making assumptions your kitchen might be cleaner than ours despite all the rats for being honest i'm just gonna tie this and i'm just gonna i'm not saying you did a bad job no no no no during the siege what else is going on i mean were you scared because like you were used to freewheeling paris as you know it you know but i mean during the siege normal days for you or what was going on well i was a little scared mainly because of the whole like people were like maybe we should eat the rats but um mainly it was just because the leftovers were like that the trash wasn't really a lot of food in there anymore because people didn't have food yeah so i was like what are we gonna do oh no and then i started like i'd hang out in the zoo sometimes yeah and then you started finding the zoo animals so that's well i like the zoo because there's like a big cat called a lion yeah behind the cage yeah well while most of the parisians were worried about like the political future of france and also europe from prussian aggression you were just more worried about taunting the big cat for being a stupid idiot behind the cage we're not political rats we're gonna be here no matter what that's true now what happens we're around just uh unless you eat us that is the main thing i think there's something beautiful and simple about that yeah but like good life paris is like the center of art and culture throughout all this i mean i mean did you see plays you know do you like architecture what's your thing i did enjoy the gas lamps that napoleon iii started putting up or or prince president as he called himself for a little while that's so funny you said you weren't political here you are rattling off napoleon the third fact he was a funny guy he was a little funny guy and he said weird stuff but he got all these gas lamps and that's why it's called you know the city of lights of course people burn them down yeah that makes sense paris went through a lot in like 100 years they were just bombed constantly siege constantly but still they kept just putting out food putting out art being the center culture look at them yeah they survived like rats the parisians are rats the comment section is gonna be rough so we've tied up the roast we've got this all salted again this is a very simple preparation this is lit to let the meat shine and camel is a meat that is pretty commonly eaten ish albeit for special occasions all across the middle east so this is going to be really delicious i think we're going to make a quick little jew right here we're gonna add flour so it thickens up to just some uh we're gonna call this antelope stock because they also ate antelopes i'm sure you are scouting envelopes i didn't know much about them i wasn't i didn't socialize with them a lot yeah i mean you haven't been outside of paris you hang out do you know what these animals are like did you think they were they were edible i i was friends with a few the hippo i really like that guy yeah it's kind of a giant rat that eats and molds people huh kinda he's we're adding worcestershire it's a spank you get on top of them and you're like hey how you doing and spanking the hippo is not a euphemism for anything no so we're creating the base of the jew here so this is a stock it's flour it's some arabs de provence it's some peppercorn take a couple garlics does a rat know what a palm heel strike is well i don't have much of a problem kind of like a tiny little yeah do that like you're like you're like clyde or something like yeah yeah no no dude i just realized that my rat scrunchie might be in the way so there we go all right all right let's try let's see yeah that's close that's close that's great you do good you crush the garlic we don't even need to take the skins off we're gonna strain this later okay and then we're just gonna pop that roast on there that's beautiful right i think it's gonna be really good oh that smells nice and the thing about this is like only the aristocrats are eating this right because like not the aristocats by the way that's triggering for you and i understand that i do love that movie even that couldn't shake you well i mean if cats could sing i wouldn't mind more jerks they're the good cats but they're not they can't even sing i'm like the only animal i know who could talk wait so none of you i'm sorry none of the other rats talk you the only talking rat yep that's kind of how how did this happen i don't know i just started talking i guess but only in english and only in a brooklyn accent have you ever been to brooklyn do you know what brooklyn is i've been to brooklyn paris we're gonna bop this in the oven we're just gonna let it go we're gonna revisit it later i'm gonna attempt it with foil just to get the temperature up and then i'm gonna take it off blast it to sort of crisp up that camel fat cap i cannot stress to you enough this is a camel and i've never eaten it before but i'm pretty excited about it they're jerks they're jerks yeah they spit yes screw them i'm a tiny rat i can drown to all the camels out there watching don't spit on rats yeah she just wants to talk on someone your own size fight the hippo all right we're gonna pop this in the oven oh nelly all right now we're gonna let that go and uh speaking of kangaroos huh you can find me one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah lenny what's up you got me the kangaroo did you strip the meat off of its flesh yourselves with your tiny razor sharp claws no i just know a guy you just know a guy uh well do you want to butcher this down for me do you want to cut it into like large stew-ish cubes so we're making right now is called cived gangahu which was on the actual christmas day menu yeah there you go uh at restaurant vloasan cive actually means relating to chives which is why we have a bunch of different alliums here this dish was typically made in the spring and it was also typically made with a wild hair or a liebre religious symbolism of this dish is that it is thickened with its own blood so we also have some blood uh you you did though leech the kangaroo of its own blood i told you i know a guy i don't do that kind of stuff i just go hey kill that thing i believe you're not me look times were tough back then you had to do what you had to do you know i know i know i know so this is for christmas yeah this is the christmas day menu rats they celebrate christmas or are you jewish coming from brooklyn i celebrate everything i like all the holidays but this feels very pagan yeah it sure does well i mean god a lot of these rituals were from paganism but like this dish it was for the like springtime sort of easter you know resurrection of christ and the blood was used to thicken it which i'm really interested in because it's a very cool culinary technique called liaison de sang which means like a blood thickener in a stew so i'm pretty stoked on this can brown the meat first you know what yeah start tossing in the pot toss it in the hot lard i'll salt it and pepper it and then we're going to remove it and i'm going to start sweating down all these alleys you seem to know french pretty good i actually took five this meat stinks uh you ever eaten kangaroo before nope no me neither me neither no it is really popular in australia though there's actually a big like government mandate because kangaroos are such an invasive species in australia and so there's like this marketing competition to see who could have the best idea of what to call them to put them in stores so now you can't actually find kangaroo in australian grocery stores and a lot of high-end australian restaurants so that's pretty cool so we're gonna get a taste of like old country france as well as modern-day australia interesting i wonder what like i've seen the videos of the kangaroo trying to take a golden retriever into the woods well and the owner like fought the kangaroo and got his dog back but i'm like what did kangaroos eat kangaroos i i think just eat uh uh like leaves i'm breezy they're not i was gonna do something with that dog we don't know what i was gonna do with that dog maybe him and that dog were you know i'm gonna take this meat it's nice and brown i'm gonna remove it and then once i get all this meat out just start dumping in all the vegetables it smells like beef it does it smells beefier than beef which is crazy and the funny thing about this dish is that like you see the care that the restaurant kind of took in actually crafting these dishes because uh rabbits and kangaroos i believe are both in a similar way what are they called species or whatever what are they called not pachyderms that's an elephant well i always thought that rabbits were rodents i think rabbits and kangaroos are related someone fact check me rabbits and kangaroos kangaroos are is it the marsupials the marsupials so i don't know i don't know they're big rabbits that like to box people also they're buff and sexy wraps lord what did you make this as what is this what family is this in i'm going to start dumping in the onions we got our green onions in there we're going to take our chipolini onions ooh those look good some carrots and then do you want to start chopping up the rosemary and i'm going to strip the time should i do it with this knife though yeah it's all getting cooked in the same thing also you're a rat in the kitchen you're worried about that's right health codes listen i don't care about my health i care about yours did they have health inspectors coming into the restaurant because that's the only one about that in the morning yeah we had them what did you do to them well we didn't do anything to them i just would like stack myself on top of the rats wear a little trench coat like hide out in the back that's smart nobody asked any questions like like a silly 90s kids movie you weren't there the kids took it from us i'm adding the meat back to the pot it's going to get that nice and brown the stew is coming together this smells good jumped out and trash dump that so you run a lot like eat at the restaurant that you worked at no they wouldn't let us eat they also like when they got like their best wines for the dinner for the christmas thing they got like all the best wines and stuff and then they wouldn't let any of the rats like that's a shame yeah i got a present they'll cook us in the water christmas heaven forbid they let fifo get blitzed [Music] i want you to get blitz off this wine after i dumped something too because that was a really cool thing right is that in paris you know it was all the fresh meat that they really struggled to get and all the fresh produce and all that yeah like people still had their gardens they still had a giant stockpile of the best wines in the world and so they were just hammered through this entire siege which is how i want to go in a siege i'm just going to be rocking the high noons and white claws all the way through white claw that's kind of like i've got those it's like a wine but for uh frat bros oh you know what i think it's the frat bro the animal kingdom with kangaroos really problematic bros they're not like bros of the heart of gold they're the problematic brothers i mean have you seen them yeah they they're always coming at you like it's a real like jim tan laundry kind of okay nobody like all right so the wine's reduced we're gonna add some stock and now we're just gonna cover this let it go and then uh we actually have a really cool condiment to go on the stew and then meanwhile fievel have had it kiddo i've been west but i'd like to go south [Music] oh my back my neck lenny the stew is boiling how does it smell to you liz use your rat palette to inform what we need to add to it yeah yeah that's good it ain't trash you are hanging out in a man's sweaty pants all day though has that affected your sort of olfactory senses no actually i think it's better for my ph oh god that's great live amongst the musk i love that for all of us thanks war really is a hell so is living in a man's pubes so uh as long as it's warm so i started hacking up those herbs if you want to pick off the bigger part of the stem so again we are making just a simple like herbed mayonnaise it's kind of like they would add a uh what's called a rui to like a bouillabaisse or certain stews that's very common in french cookery something like pick off some of those herbs you just kind of take it and just rip it apart particular about the stems pop in the blender we're gonna blend that out what i'm making is called the liaison de sang which is a blood thickening agent that we're gonna add to this along with some burnt bread crumbs and a little bit of this giant jug of wine that we're gonna get through before the end of the siege got dang it lenny just you and me lenny just like it's all this man and the lion which uh apparently they just couldn't figure out how to kill they would have eaten the lions and tigers if they could have figured out how to kill it with 1870s technology but they could not so i think it's hilarious that they were just spared they ate a lot of horses before we got to this point they bled a lot of horses to make their their blood into puddings but cars weren't around for like another 15 years so you're just killing your car nowhere to go that was literally the thing the prussian strategy they literally called it a war of masonry because the prussian strategy was just yeah this is the section where i talk about prussian battle strategy yeah so they literally had paris surrounded and the prussian strategy was just to wait because the french military generals they knew that if prussia attacked they would just burn themselves out waste their artillery attacking a city that like could not really be invaded and there was no reason for pressure to do so so you just waited that's why this siege was five months and that's why by the third month people got bored and they're like well let's continue making these classic french dishes for the aristocracy out of camels in kangaroos and rat i mean in cats yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're you're fine keep that under wraps rats wraps rats all right so uh i'm gonna take this is a typical way to finish this dish i'm gonna take a little bit of this red wine and i'm gonna add it to the blood to thin it out because once you add blood to heat it starts coagulating then we're also gonna add some bread crumbs to that and we're gonna stir that together then add it to the stew take it off the heat and the blood should thicken it nicely uh do you see let's go i was gonna ask do you know how they killed the horses yeah sledgehammer i do and i think that was a bad move brutal golly aren't like horses kind of helpful in battle you'd think yeah again what are they gonna do right out of the city there were some french generals that tried to capture outer cities because they were like we can inspire the french to rally and then they went out there and they tried and they failed people were like nah we're good we got our wine we're chill we'll wait it out yeah but the french were like all gung-ho for this war in the first place yeah it was napoleon the third's last stand pretty much yeah the people wanted to do it the people wanted it they were misinformed yeah you know all right so i'm going to add this blood and wine to the stew oh gosh there's the bread crumbs and then i'm going to take it off the heat and i'm going to kind of temper it in there this just looks like grass are you sure you're the one that got it you're just bringing grass into the kitchen you know i just want to make sure i did a good job it matters to me if you like what i do toss it in there doesn't it all right cool all right i'm going to dump in the mayonnaise add some of that in there this is fresh homemade style mayonnaise that i got from a jar sue me i can see how this blood's thickening it this is actually working really really well we don't have any lumps going we're gonna wait for this bread crumbs to thicken up let that boil off for just a second is this do i need to chop up some shallot real quick oh okay shallow's pretty common this is a sauce that actually like dates back a long long time uh comes from like an occitan tradition where they would just like blend egg yolks and oil and herbs into a bunch of stuff is this the chef who made all this stuff is this his famous sauce susan's famous sauce i mean back then the the french cannon of cookery was so like codified by that point and a lot of it was actually under louis xiv i mean you had you know the early people in the late 19th century like auguste escoffier but already by then i mean there was such a tradition among the french aristocracy of these insane stews like this stew would literally take three days to make typically because you had to marinate the wild hair in cognac you just had to like let it soak in there and i bet you didn't they didn't let the hair have any of the cognac you're more worried about the justice for animals in this and i just really think we deserve to be drunk gonna add a little bit of vinegar to this just to thin it out and then we're just gonna blend it up i imagine you didn't have vitamixes in your kitchen no no i just mainly it's kind of the same thing as the wine we just get in there and be like like on this thing we're chopping it up with that you would have just stomped on these herbs yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that for us gonna turn a nice beautiful green color i love that i'm gonna get a couple more herbs in there we got tarragon we got chives we got what else we got in here we got some fresh parsley it's just a weed whacker how what did you do is this how you prepped for the chef well most of the time i just don't like to be noticed by other animals or other people because they might go hey big rats let's get it fly by so i run out and i just under your hat sometimes there's a tiny beret but not for today and blend it up there we go that's the color that we want all right let's see let's let's get your tasting notes on this lenny okay curious that is adorable and disgusting equal parts oh i love it you love it i love it i got your approval it's tangy it's like got some tangy to it and now it's gonna kind of marinate you from the inside out so you'll be seasoned when the time comes i'm really committing to this we got the sauce there done we got the sive the kangaroo this is nice and thick once the temperature drops it's gonna get super luscious we're seeing it get there right now uh it's smelling really fantastic smells absolutely amazing i'm excited to know what's gonna combine together how it's all gonna be put together uh you're ready to feast ready to enjoy christmas dinner during this troubling time sure let's do it lenny i want to get in on the accent fun too [Music] lenny i imagine this is your first time at the dining room table how does it feel it feels very good so we have our chamois roti along les right here that's that rose camel the beautiful jew we got the bloody kangaroo stew but we also got some other things because again this was a tasting menu during christmas during the siege and all these restaurants that were catering to aristocracy they still have their gardens out there so you got your watercress salad your buttered peas you got your radishes with the butter some tin sardines they still had access to all the preserved food then of course your classic french cheeseboard i love cheese uh grab some cheese what do you want to dig into first what's calling your name right here which animal do you hate more i'm gonna have to go with the roof let's go with the roof let's try it the roast too all right here grab grab some of the sauce there i'm just gonna stick all right put the grass in yeah it's our grass sauce find a nice big chunk of meat it congealed really nicely with the blood i mean this is a fantastic looking stew right here all right cheers did you wash the the little hairs off your paws no that's okay that's okay i've just finished ball duty oh the poop ball not the i just said i didn't even mean to make a pun let's eat the kangaroo holy crap that is freaking packed with flavor whoa it's a really lean meat so it's like a little bit tough but that said the actual soup itself it's got the beautiful richness and thickness in that blood and then the green sauce just cuts through it all like a knife through butter hot diggity wow that sauce is really really good that's insane yeah they were eaten well i mean like not really because again this was a kangaroo from the zoo but given the circumstances i mean they were able to make really tasty food yeah wanted them crammed yes i got that oh i got you lenny you're my boy you're very generous to me you think we're gonna be friends after this i hope so i mean many people who say they're my friend end up just ignoring me after a while because i smell yeah i feel that too but me and lenny have something in common i can't wait to tell my friends and my family about your kindness all right dunk it don't get in the jew um i've never eaten camel before so this is exciting i have not either dig in wow mmm that's good though it's got like a more irony taste and beef to it i'm actually these camels have like more movement than cows there's a lot more blood sort of flowing through the musculature it's tougher but it's not like super tough it's like meat chewing gum it takes a while to get through the camel but it's definitely a [Laughter] the sauce is so good man you're real good at sauces josh i mean so are the french and that's why all this food is so freaking delectable and again this was only reserved for the aristocracy and the occasional rats that pulled their pubes to make the dishes happen yep well i mean we would go through the garbage afterwards there wasn't much left over but we got a couple little you know well i have another really nice treat for you i actually have a large wheel of cheese over there for you just ignore like the wooden structure and the metal bar is hastily placed over the top my very own wheel of chips your own wheel of cheese you are so generous to me no lenny come on we have a special bond here it is true i feel very bonded to you and i will never forget you i will never forget you lenny my family will remember your name thank you go get that cheese okay go scurry away i know you you love your bread lenny loves his bread okay yeah so we've yeah we've we've run out of zoo animals and uh now it's time to go for this for the wrap thing i gotta get under here what is this hey hey it had to happen i'm sorry lenny i'm sorry lenny the food's running low we got soldiers outside the restaurant we gotta eat the cheese is good though it's good cheese goodbye forever goodbye forever lenny thanks for the cheese i'll never forget you and thank you all so much for stopping by the mythical kitchen we got new videos out right here every week we had an episode of our podcast a hot dog is a sandwich every wednesday wherever you get your podcast hit us up on instagram at mythical kitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes under hashtag dreams to come food we'll see you next time was this supposed to kill me nicole get the sledgehammer no no no no no get as messy as you want in your own kitchen when you have the mythical kitchen towels available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 587,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: hIRKoR7k-C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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