Keith From Try Guys Eats $209 KFC Pot Pie | FANCY FAST FOOD

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Here it is. Do your dance Keith. Do your chicken mashing dance buddy. Here we are at the Kentucky fried chicken. They have breakfast mountain dew you know ? What do you mean breakfast mountain dew? There's a breakfast mountain dew at Taco Bell They call it mountain dew anthems. Its for kids. That can't be real. That's so ridiculous -Hello welcome to KFC Hi there. May I please have two chicken pot pie combos? -What kind of drink? Can I get the, is that mountain Dews sweet lightning? Do you have any buttered peas? - Any what I'm sorry? No, that's it. - Come to the window please. Here's your pie? Yes sir. Here's my, here's your, now this one is, what's it called? A spork? -A spork yeah! Cause I got one from them earlier that really was a foon. There's no such thing as a foon. There is! I had one that was straight edge. That's a great fork spoon Ohhh! the straight edge? No I don't believe it. It was a foon. Fork dominated. The kids were, I was the weirdest. This Very Very odd ! Do you like just go in the middle or ? I kind of start on the side cause I liked the crust so much and also it's so hot. It's so hot. It's lava hot. It's also kind of like, I love the pot-pie, You love the Pot-pie. It's almost the worst thing to eat on a steam and hot day in Burbank, California. Yeah. In your car. If it's not clear by our glowing white bodies in the sunbeam, it's warm. In just a dirty White Nissan parked at a park. Oh God. Oh my God. How do you get that inside of you. It's so hot. You shouldn't have! Big mistake. I'm almost crying. Where do they keep these? So most fast food restaurants, they have, you know, a hundred things made at the same few things. Yeah! There is no other pie crust used. - No. There is no other peas used. - I don't believe there are carrots used. Not right, Like where are like. The potatoes aren't even the potatoes that go into the mashed potatoes. Noooo They literally did this because we've seen the same right in a video we've even talked about this in the past. Yess It's leftover fried chicken. that's being used in this, which is to say they were trying to save money. But then now they're buying all these carrots and peas and pie crusts and they don't advertise it at all. No. Most people don't know it's here. This exists. They have the KFC famous bowl, which is sort of like a bad version of this. Yeah! I will say though, this is such an actually good fast food item. How are you going to make it better? I don't know if we can make it better We can make some fancier lateral moves though. Okay. Start with chicken, chicken stuffed make really fancy, but we can get some like good heritage breed. We're going to fry it first. We're going to do a hell of a brine. We're going to get some really flavorful stuff in there. We can get weird with the broth that goes into the stock. Obviously I got a little idea. You a ramen guy? I love ramen I love ramen too I love ramen I'll take some inspiration for that. I love ramen We got to work it out for us though. Are you ready to get your hands dirty? I'm ready to get my hands dirty. Lets do it! I don't, I don't. I've- I've never fried chicken. So I'm excited to do it. We're, we're, we're going to do a lot of that. Cheers yeah to it. Keith we have to make a damn pot pie. - How do we do that? We were talking about one of the reasons the Potpie's so good is that it actually starts with KFC chicken. They use the leftover cheek, which that was, I believe put out in a Reddit thread and a bunch of people were mad. They're like, oh, you're using the old chicken. That's the way to go. That's way to anyone's environmentally conscious. When you think about environment, think about Colonel Sanders. Absolutely. You do. He was from Kentucky. They have an environment They sure do, - Uh- huh, - they sure do And so we're going to break down this chicken and then we are going to brine it, and in it makes sure of a bunch of other delicious things. These are the original 11 herbs and spices. I'm fully convinced. How do you know? there was a woman named Claudia Lennington who worked for Colonel Sanders, back in the original restaurant which you've been to Corbin, Kentucky. You've been to the hometown. I've been there. I've been to the first spot. Don't act so smart, Did you know, Di-d you know you act like you just won a beauty paegent I've, I've been to Corbin well I've been KFC started as a gas station and then it was a hotel. I still get my gas at KFC. Then it was a restaurant. Wait really? Yes. That's actually really cool. He was a entrepreneur. I don't remember if it was the hotel first or the gas station first, but they had a hotel and a gas station. The way he advertised for the hotel was by putting a dummy room in the gas station. So when the, the husband and wife came in, the wife would see the hotel room demo and be like, honey, we should just stay here. And then eventually he was like, we got to feed these people too. So he started making fried chicken. I just like to sleep out back at the Arco in Burbank. Yeah. That's a good way to do it. Yeah its kind of my hotel, sleeping at a gas station. So there was a woman named Claudia Lennington who worked for Colonel Sanders back in the original gas station hotel, I suppose. Yeah And she has a family photo album that has a scratch written note on it. That her great nephew claims are the original 11 herbs and slices. And I believe this to be true. It was published in the Chicago Tribune. And so we have basil, we have normal salt, which is apparently one of the 11. We have ground oregano here, paprika here, we got black pepper, we have Rosemary, we have garlic salt. We have brown powder. You look at that brown powder is, is that ground ginger? Yeah. Ground ginger. No, this is ground ginger we've got brown powder, celery salt. And then we got mustard powder and then white pepper. I love celery salt. I don't. What?? That's like, okay. It makes it taste good. It's just accelerates. I hate celery. Celery is the one thing that I hate. All right. So can you start mixing all those spices together? And put it in this? And I'm going to break down the chicken, put it in there and stir it together. And then we're going to add that to our Brine. And I'm going to break down this chicken. Ever broken down chicken before? Yeah I have. Because of, uh without a recipe or and just, you know, you're generally. Yeah, the rest that's actually, I just like breaking down chickens. Ohh. I would like to learn how to break down other animals as well. It did a little trial by fire where I got like a whole goat in a trash bag. Is that the best way to move a goat? I guess it is. No, like honestly . It's a really good, sustainable whole goat butcher out in north Hollywood. They raised them locally. I think in. And I went there and I bought a whole goat and then he just put it in like a glad trash bag, not a sponsor. I broke down. And what are you doing? I think I mixed everything in, but I keep just grabbing random bowls and not going in any order. So I have no idea. Let's get, wait on, get a good lustre. Yeah, I feel like this one probably I hide this one behind like the mountain yogurt, because we want to add her to that. We're trying to get a sponsorship from the Bulgarian tourism board. That's what the Bulgarian yogurt. Bulgarian yogurt. I mean, that's again pretty good. I'm sure it's good. I mean it's spices. Okay. I've kind of said this before and it's like a really ignorant thing to say like most spices kind of tastes the same. Like you added a ton of them, do your things and it tastes good. That's potent. There's something very cabinet like. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It's like, you've emptied out the whole thing. It's just like a cabinet, but no, it tastes like there's wood. Well, no, it's one of your spices drop onto the wood and they kind of age with it. Yeah And then you scrape it out and your soup. I was 22 and we were very poor when we were hungry late at night, when we were drunk, we would just eat spices. Wait, is that real? Yeah. No. Coz really you just want a flavor. Right What? no We didn't have a lot of food. So we would pour spices on our hand. Ramen costs like 12 cents per a little brick. If you were seeing the spices. Yeah. We ate the Ramens packets too WE ate those too. Once the ramens packets are gone, you just went for the paprika? Yeah we'd just run for the spices. I've had a lot struggle builds. I talk about them a lot. Like I was a ketchup sandwich kid. I've never been to the point where I was just eating oregano. I'd give it a shot. I'll give it a shot. Put more salt. Alright. So we're adding goat milk. Why are we adding goat milk to this? Well, go milk has a special chemical in it. It's called Goadiez. And what it really does. It's going to break down that chicken. Oh, and I didn't talk about the chicken. Keith this is called a green circle. Chicken. Why uh a pass. It's a heritage breed chicken. that is, you know, dogs come in different types. I sure do. But cats there's like three bit barely point is like, you can get Wagyu beef. You can get all these types of breeds of pork. You can always buy a certain kind of cat We've kind of exchanged our sketchy meat habits. You want to grab that whisk and start whisking stuff up. I'm going to add a bunch of our 11 herbs and spices in this Brine. This is going to do like a bulk of the lifting. And then we're going to add some of Keith's chicken. Keiths chicken sauce, and not too hot sauce for chicken and other stuff. That's okay. It is going, gonna add a lovely little hit of acid into there. I love brining and hot sauce. There you go I love brining. Ya'll brining your turkeys for Thanksgiving, you gotta. You sure as, as should you gotta and Basting. I thought that was a myth. I don't baste at all. Just brine, baby Do it, you coward. I can't, I don't like to open the oven We got our chicken brining We're going to let that sit in the fridge for at least 12 hours, then I don't know we could go sleep behind Today. Yeah once you are hard out 1230. Well, I really actually, I, well, I was supposed to do something with Terry Cruz this afternoon and he bailed, but I understand he's a busy man. Oh, we know him. I fed him Turkey Did you? Turkey testicles yeah. We got the chicken. That's been brining. This is actually we, we fully swap this out. This has been brining overnight. Yeah all my work is pointless, For show, its for show, If you would've told me that I would've done something different House of cards, that's all going to come crashing down one day. All of this is an artifice, honestly, though. You're not going to use this flour. I dont think Go shake that Brine off, pop it in the flour, give it to Jimmy, and then put it back on there. And that's going to go back in the flour, back in Brian. And then meanwhile, I'm going to sit here and look at this. That looks like it says. This is fat. Yeah. This is our teasingly fat well up in the Breckenridge Colorado region of Breckenridge, Colorado. I'm going to start right here. You do that. We're going to get a little like double, double dip, double dip action here. I'm going to double dip this in the brine. I like that we're frying this, just to then break it down and put it in a pot pie. We kind of forgot about that. But no, that's how they do it. and I think there must be something secret with how that works. We've seen the whole process diagrammed out on a video, right? Like they literally just shred it and put it into a ziploc bag. Would they do that? I don't think they should do, is they take the skin off of it. And I'm pretty ethically opposed to that because I think we should leave the skin on Its looking so good. But I guess it can get like chewy, you know, in the, in the suit I want the chewy skins in the pot pot. This is a blank slate. Big breasts, right? This is really, really large. This is going to take a minute to cook, man. Well, well, the good news is our duck fat. We we're all. So we're, this is duck fat. We made a lot of jokes about it. We've got to tell you what the product is. It's called duck fat. It's the fat of a duck. It's not from Breckenridge, Colorado. It does have a penis. And it actually has like a, you know, about duck penises. - Yup, - yup. Yup. We have the same knowledge base. Yeah We, we shouldn't have somebody else on here. cause then they can compliment each other. You know what I mean? It's nicer to hear the same thing twice. You want to hang out with Nicole because duck fat duck penises, they explode Right? I guess I'll hang out with Nicole. They're like a curly Q, Nicole, How much do you know about? You're always very tempted to just fry your fingers at this point. Always wait. It must, you're like whatever is done is delicious because someone always stops me from doing it. But I think we should. What's the hottest or the least hot oil can be to fry and not burn you. Like what do you mean? Like 103 degrees. The frying is like what? The frying is like what burns? That's the point. Look at you, Look at you, what a dangerous life over there. Yeah, I mean, what? You can do it, man. I'm saying it can't be done. And I think people are cowards. You're a kitchen guy, Yeah! You're in the kitchen. Huh? Its your house. I really do. No, no, no. Yeah. We know we have a cot over there. A cot?` Yeah, yeah. We have a cot. Well, it's not a cot. It's more just like a kind of bundle of like, it's all the lint, the lint roller. And we've kind of like put it in like a Ziploc bag and he uses a pillow. Environmentally friendly. Yeah. Alright. So we got, there we go. Perfect. Wow. We got a whole pot full of chicken . Crowd in the pan over there. Huh? Yeah. You know Crowd in the pan Chicken fan don't you come in here and criticize my cooking chicken when you fry it, You're probably not gonna get a lot of steam off it because the flour is going to caramelize and crisp immediately. So I don't mind crowding the pan. Also the oil temps is going to need to drop about 3.25. That's the optimal chicken frying temperature for me. It is. Anything above that, I think you're going to burn the outside. Especially accurate that breast code breast. We're going to try and get to an internal temp of about 147, 148. That way when you pull it, it's going to get it from 160 and then thighs and legs. I like to leave in longer. Get it all the way up to 185. Really? Yeah. People always say chickens cooked at 160 and that's true. But I think thighs are actually better once some of that interconnected tissue has a chance to break down. I do agree. I think you can really cook the heck out of thighs. You can't ruin them. It's the only meat you need. Can't ruin 'em. You can't ruin 'em. You try I dare you, I double dare you. Shut it down. Six days. You're gonna start hacking those chickens down? I guess so Yeah. Do it Just bash them. Just any ol' way? Yeah. Now harder Keith harder. Do it like you mean it. I gave it like a strong bruise. I feel like I should go for the joints Nah, I would've gone through it that way. Well, you know, I should do it the way that like Northern Chinese food is prepared where the chicken is just cut higgledy-piggledy Dude. I love that. No, no That's my favorite cut of fried chicken Higgledy-piggledy. Higgledy-piggledy fried chicken You might get a full piece of fried bone and be like, Hmm. I love that when you suck the batter of the bone It really splashes when you chop it Yeah yeah, then bash it harder, it won't splash It really needs some open handed swifts, coz now you really just kind of mashing at it Do your dance Keith, Do your chicken mashing dance buddy There's just chicken juice flying everywhere. Yeah, Yeah I don't know There's a whole world infected. It's fine, it's fine. No one's ever died from salmonella. Someone fact check that lots of people have died from salmonella. Sorry. All right. So I got, I got leaps onions and carrots, we're making broth now, if nobody can tell. We're making broth We're making broth, having a good time. Dude there is room for a spinoff brothfest? Brothfest I think that'd be swanson. So today we're making broth. And tomorrow we make more broth Broth brothers. Yeah. We got two episodes in us and then Roasted expensive broth. We'll make veggie broth, chicken broth, beef broth big broth. Female spinoff stock sisters. Stock sisters What's that, that's written me. So, so wait, I should explain what we're doing. What are we at? What are we doing? Yeah, so broth, we're the broth brothers and they're sock scissors, but we are making essentially a Tory Python broth. So this is actually my favorite Tory python ramen is my single favorite style of ramen. It has that cloudiness of like a tongue coat-soup broth , but it's made from chicken. And the way that you do that is you take chicken and you cook it to hell for like 24 hours. We're using a pressure cooker for about an hour and a half to the point where the bones actually get so soft, you can blend them. And so we're going to blend the bones to extract all the marrow out of them. And we're going to add miso we're also going to add a little bit of a moose de canard. There's just a little bit of duck liver mousse right here, the legal stuff. You don't mess around I didn't say anything with interstate laws over here, but we're going to blend the bones. Then we're going to strain it. And then we're going to add miso and a little bit of this delicious Soto, unfiltered Saki right here. Add a little bit of complexity. I'm going to de-glaze the fat right now. I've really made some damage on this cutting board. Yeah man. Yeah. It's fine. We'll get a new one. Look at that I'm not going to lie, man. One time we made like a $300 burger and I just hacked the hell out of the cutting board. and I got like a bunch of splinters and this really nice beef and we just ate it. Dude. We just ate the splinters You can eat trees. You can eat tree trees. You can digest it. You can eat it. That's what I was saying You wanna a bite? What is, No, Oh yeah Duck liver mousse, It's nice. He didn't touch the spoon so I can still eat it. As long as you kind of donkey little bit so much flavor this early in the morning. It's good, It's nutrients It's going to be really nice. Cause it's gonna make the broth extra rich man. It's good It's good, I mean its good that duck liver mousse Holy cow. So that's going to end up in that gravy. You want me to toss all that chicken in right now? Yeah. Just slap it in, man. There's no wrong way to do it. I have a single garlic clove. That's really going to go. Hey, where'd the KFC spices go. All right. We're going to add some of the last of the KFC spice into there. It might save some for dusting later. You want this all set of two chickens. Yeah why not mate I'm really trying to not drop it in the water. the water's going and we can pour the water in So I'm going to touch it. Just touch it with your hands. Yeah. Yeah, no. I touch everything with my hands there. It's like pretty upsetting. I was diping in the oil Yeah. I saw you. You just put your hands right in that hot oil. Yeah. The oil is more afraid of you than you are afraid of it That's what I believe I just toss that whole thing in there too. I mean, we got some dogs are more afraid of you than you are of them. Other dogs. Aren't. Fearless I'm afraid of dogs Some dogs are scary. They're big. Alright We're going to pop the lid on this. Then we're going to pressure cook it like it. Now we're the lid go. Welcome back. Stupid idiot. That's not a hat. You absolute moron. So. Don't be a strainer. You got to get the reference Be quick, but don't hurry, man. There it goes. That's about what I expected to happen there. There you go sir. Now it's going to be a disaster. This is going to be a disaster. And we're just gonna turn on. See what happens. What? Ooh. Oh, who's protesting? You protesting makes me want to do it more. Keith what do you say? I think you should do this on low. It's going to go. It's on low and it's fine. And we're going to blend the bones and nothing bad is going to happen. Oh God, the bugs are blending. Now we're just going to pour this in there and then we're going to got to mash it with hands. It's about to get heavy. Cause that's a lot of chicken bones. Some of the chicken bones got in my throat I'm going to take this. I'm going to kind of hit him with one of these and then we're going to start a fire. It's can take a long time. It is Yeah. Well how is your forearm feeling? its not good, but They're going to have to, Are most of the comments like man, his arms. Yeah. By design. If you work on your arms, you don't have to work on your personality. Now there's bones in the soup. Are you happy Keith? That was you. Uh-uh, That was us, you and me. The broth brothers. Proper. This could be like a professional wrestling team. I kind of work better when it's silent. All right. So we're, we're heating the duck fat. We're making a duck fat river here. Put that in there. Yeah. Yeah. This whisk is too big. What's really streaming. Yeah. Well I need it now. I'm still going. Follow me. Just follow me. Just follow me in this. I can't do it with one hand. You guys, How cold does this feel? The pan's been on for 20 minutes. How cold does this pan, what's going on? Kind of looks like so many different kinds of vomit. Like there's like recently eaten food vomit. There's like very digested No, no. You know what? This is. So every time I'm hung over, I really crave like Jewish deli food. And so you get like, you know, the Clippers and onions. You get the, the chop, the chop chicken liver. You got a Rubin. This smells like thousand island in liver. That's been thrown up with a little bit of fish after taste. You nailed it. Vomit sommelier. I'm a vomoelier Keep shaking that, about fifteen minutes, this is going to come together and do gravy and then we're going to make a damn pie. We'll be right back. We'll, just cut it. Just stop. Just end our misery here. You said he hadn't really eaten much today. Have a spoonful of gravy. All right. That'll lay a base. You need to kind of coat your stomach Hot as possible. Yeah. Oh wow. That's got some flavors in there. A lot of flavor. That's a lot of liver flavor, but I'm not mad about it. No, it's really good. I kind of love that. I'm going to hit it with a little bit more of our just delicious KFC seasoning. It could be a little sweeter. Berry savoury. What kind of gravies are you eating? I mean, just, I'm not saying like pour sugar in it. I'm just saying I'm putting the goldschlager in it. Either this or jaeger is going in it. would handle it better than that. We bought the fanciest liquor possible. This is goldschlager. It's got a real gold in it. I've never actually had this. Did not know a cinnamon flavored it. It Sure cinnamon flavored.. Cinnamon flavor it's really It smells like atomic fireballs. The candy that no one wants on Halloween. And so anyways, we're going to put it in our egg wash because I got it and I need to put it somewhere. And this is gonna represent 8 cents on the score sheet at the end. Like everyone says, when they get their eggs, could I have some cinnamon, - put some cinnamon there. Do you have any cinnamon for my eggs? Rip off that breast. Start cutting it with Their knife. I'm gonna take with my chicken grease hands. I'm going to take some of this pie dough and I'm going to just going to have a look at, imagine it. Just comes apart. It just falls apart. It's good. Well, we fried it and we'd kind of burnt it and messed up. And then we don't look at that side. Don't look at that. Side. There's nothing for you to. See in that side. Like don't, don't go behind the Arco. When I'm sleeping, I'm going to turm around this year pie crest and then I don't want it. Now that we're here. I don't want to make this no pie. Just won't eat that chicken and then have a nice bull piece chicken with a side of beef. Here's the, here's the question that I got. Why is KFC put peas in their pot pie, but I can't just get a side of keys. What are they doing with the rest of them? You ever think about that? Because here's the thing I'd love a side of hot buttered beefs, you know, to go with my coleslaw and then I'd mix it in with the sauce. So you get the cold Manet's with the hot piece. The KFC is the, got the buffet, the. Buffett. Oh, they're fine.- Where's the closest one to here. Just south. Not here at all. It's only white meat right now. No. It gives them dark, man. Get some dark thought. In here. It's kind of like, no, it's not garlic. All right, I'm going to start shocking. Shocking it guys. I got it. That was unbelievable. Credible. That's a again. And now I'm going to stop it and shatter it and celebration. I got this. This is Doug on beads. Some duck I'll put it. We didn't even show this. We honestly, we gotta, we gotta order some Doug. And he's like, I don't think we can put it in there. And we're like, they're just confused with KFC spice. Yup. Here we go. Does that? And they're asking me nice. We have some potatoes. These are fancy. Cause they're I probably from like a Ralph's yeah, that's a good store. They got nice potatoes. They had some peas, rainbow carrots. When you cook them, they all turn brown. So that's fancy. Hope just came out. What? Put it all in your mouth, but we're all holding it. Wow. Look at it. Go. I'm not going to go. Oh my God. Hands are governed juniors. We're going to pop bubble a little lid on top. Going around. Not a lot of places in LA to get a good gigabyte by Y. It's the Marcona almonds. It's a so. Oh God. drew bud to BS on it for the brothers. Keep what have I told you? We got something cooler. We can put it on there. How. Could you possibly have some. Ye of little faith? It's not broth brothers. We're going to get sued, brother. Steve, we got a whole Finnish pot pie in there. Are you ready to see it? Burning my eyes. Gosh. Johnson. Trevor did it? Cause he's more better at those than I am really well done. Yeah. It smells so good. It's going to taste really look at the corners. All the bones are there and. Get, and they say circles don't have cones. I don't. Know if this is a Phantom gold Slugger smell, but I smelled the gold Slugger. Yeah. There's yeah. That's upsetting either way. So we got the original Casey Popeye. Let's just say, look at these, you know, to sort of compare, honestly, that's that's still looks you're. I thought I heard not what this looks like. And then this looks better than ours. And so now I'm mad. Well, let's see if we can beat it and taste. And I don't know that we can let's try it. Let's dig into the, to the KFC one first. Why I give you forced to dual wheels? Well, I can just go in here cause you see a spoon. This part's for stirring. That's right. Yeah. I actually tend to use only the little neck that dams. The Bulgarian way. Callback to me that it is a best. How do they do this? So good. I don't know. And like the big chunks of chicken, the pulled chicken. Creamy gravy in there. Yeah, it smells great. I don't know that. I can imagine a better Jason than that. And that was a problem for us because we put like a lot of stuff in there and their gravy comes from a packet. This is just it's powder mixed with water that they put in some like cooked vegetables with leftover fried chicken. It was the best tasting thing in the world. It's. Incredible. It has a great butter flavor. Dry ours, which is part of the triceratops you want, I'll go. For a leaf too. This is going to be too hot. Our crust. Didn't get as much color, but our gravy is grayer. Holy cow. And so I liked that. This, this bike big enough. Yeah. It's hot. It's too hot. It's too hot. It's too hot. You're going to burn yourself. Wow. This is a lot of meat. Yeah. I mean, whoa, there's a lot more dimensions of flavor. Oh doc. I was doing a lot of work. Pull up. I feel like I just ran just like my body was like oxygen. Now feel. The angina setting in. Yeah. Panting. This is really good. The Grady has a huge depth of flavor from all of that. Like liver in there. And then it's also super creamy without the addition of starch. So you're getting so much chicken flavor extract from that. The duck company is great. The chicken remains juicy by soaking up the gravy. I tasted cinnamon. No, we made this. We put a lot of stuff in it but much is the PI 209. No was from 70 cents. But there's a reason for that. Yeah. Well, if you think about it, we put like a lot of love in there. That chicken was really expensive because we got it shipped. $209. A month for a pie. That's too much money to pay for. Tell me if I was in a restaurant they're like this pie is $209. Like, oh, I'll leave. I'll leave. Then. Here's a three times markup markups. This would be a $600 plan on a restaurant. Cause then there's service. Wow. This is too much for a pie to me. The art does justify the price. I don't remember that. I'm really. Proud of what we created. I think we bonded art. I found out I like your burger shop. Yeah. Get a little, yeah. I, it, I do want to, like, I go crawl into bed. I'm going to make a little hole and. Then go, oh wow. When did he go to keep? Wow, that was good. You kind of buried deep in this little hole and I do want to get in bed. I'm a mouth and little keyhole. Put me to bed to bed. Buddy. We are. We're out pot. Ruth kept talking about that because I just see like a fake stone bench. We got new shows just like this one every day. But also. Other ones check out the backlog. I Have big backlog of content. Go look at that, check it out. We have a podcast now you and I, Nicole, you have a podcast. The other. People will. We have the. Broth brothers and the brown brothers podcast is coming soon. We need a sponsor bruh brothers. We also got an Instagram that mythical kitchen that you can talk at us near. Follow it. The more subscribers you have, the more money you learn. That's that's, that's amazing. What's your personal Instagram. That's at mythical Chef Josh. It's mostly shirtless photos now because I pigeonhole myself into a thirsty at the account. The dishes on your chest viewers find you, or you can find me on YouTube. Got gone size track eyes. You can find me on Instagram and keep tabs on. Yeah, I'm on one of the dry dyes. Oh and you, and you can check out, oh, mythical chef Josh over here on the, or without recipe series this winter. He's a special judge. I won't spoil how it went. It didn't go great for me. You think people type the full URL in, Hey, cook up your own feast while wearing the mythical kitchen apron available
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 2,021,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: FP1TlMchD9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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