Conversations with the Cast of BROOKLYN NINE-NINE

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everybody what'd you think of the episode I watched it earlier today it's a very good episode and is the show a testament that opening titles should stay in every show they have the best opening titles ever I love it so you're okay so we're going to talk to the cast you can ask them lots of questions you guys will get a chance to ask some questions so let's start bringing them out Joel McKinnon Miller Derk locker Melissa Fumero Stephanie be it trees Joe lo Truglio chelsea peretti Andy Samberg Terry Crews actually this is Andre Braugher and we got Terry Crews now Terry which of your 10 jobs were you coming from to get here I actually did another show that's boarding it up getting up with a show called traffic it's a brand new show it's a like three four hour long track this show is a miniseries everything well thanks for everybody for being here I want to ask you I guess a nd you'd be the one to ask this just tell me about the origins of the show again um you know Mike and Dan I don't know if they developed it with you in mind or when you came into the picture and just go through that real quick sure they had the pitch for a police precinct comedy and they called me and told me that that was pretty much the pitch and I was a huge fan of Parks and Rec obviously and I you know had known that Amy had done it based pretty similarly where they were like hey it's a Parks and Recreation office and you would be in it she was like okay um and that worked out so I said okay sounds great and they told Fox I believe in Fox was like okay and then and they wrote it and then everyone was like good it's good and then we shot it this is how a story is that easy because they had already made an awesome show and worked at a million other great shows and that's the awesome you know Easy Street Road they stood to walk down why does a being a fan from the beginning it's one of those few shows that just seems so solid right from the start and I'm curious if you all felt the same way did you guys all kind of gel right from the start as a cast if anybody wants to talk about that yes we talk about it constantly you guys why are you clamming up now we're always on set going I can't believe it we love each other it was like the first day we were a family anybody else to give me your take on everybody starting out in the beginning of the show well I feel like we just proved we don't have good chemistry I don't know it's hard to talk our way out of it I know we love each other we do like family-style lunches pastas not true so many tapas fish all right office I'm gonna say it I was you know we we really are a family I know family I got five kids and you know one thing I know when I when I leave my real family I come over here it's just the same feeling it feels like we've been working together for the last ten years I swear it's really a wonderful experience every day and can I borrow some money we do let's wait the foul that's family you know what hold on there you go that's Bailey are you ah that was like the best joke we've ever done yeah that was a bundle of 20 that's what family I don't expect it back the Warbucks family it's from a musical called an eon yeah well if this is a family is it safe to say that Terry's the dad because we're kids getting hit up for money or is there a parental kind of system eh yeah ah Dre hi everyone I have nothing to say thank you just like dad so dad move so dad party that's pops is there a mom or somebody that's just super nurturing that takes care of everybody I guess that would be me Joe you're the mom right sushi fish um tell me tell me of the cast because you guys obviously are having a good time together who's the easiest one to make laughs and who was the toughest to make laughs when you guys are working well he used to be no but that's all right you know it used to be Andre never used to laugh and the first season and then and then broke a couple times and then midway through this season he realized that he had already laughed as many times as he did the whole first season I remember you were a little concerned about that I have no more room for breaking up that's it I hit eight last season and now I'm at eight that's you're at eight so I'm holding off you know I'm loving you guys seven more episodes um yeah Melissa laughs a little bit oh I would say it's me I feel like I break the most out of everyone oh good yeah really brought the room down I will say though that the hardest I've ever laughed was when Andre and this beach house episode was supposed to be boring it was I couldn't do it and I feel like a lot of people had that experience like he was saying the most boring things and it's like when you're trying to look bored and it's is so boring it's the reason what someone's tell I don't know it was like those the and his name was blair Underwood the man I saw the supermarket was blair Underwood everyone's just like I want to ask about the beach house episode a little bit is that the first time you guys have all worked together in a hot tub I thought it was yeah absolutely tell me yes oh man we hated it so much hot tub bad huh yeah how was it I was a bad Andre well I mean I have experience with hot tub cleaning out hot tubs you know so what happened this is a very clean story I assure you like your own hot tub well yeah the thing about it is if when they sit there right and you go and you scrub out the interior of the jacuzzi you could take this too if you want inside the the pipes the truth and I rarely control the microphone you guys so um wow I'm actually going to follow through this so inside the tubing of the jacuzzi is all the stuff that was left over so you scrub out the jacuzzi and you fill it up with warm water so very much like crafting a roll and cleaning out a jacuzzi isn't is an intricate and intimate exploration of pipes that was amazing oh well tell me about everybody basically getting you know shirtless or in your bathing suits on that and working together I'm sure that didn't happen quickly probably took a while to shoot right the water had Giardia in it they tested it later and found out that was one thing um but yeah I wish I wasn't in the hot tub I mean I wasn't in the hot tub so I missed out yeah yeah we're we're not weird out the beach together good track setting kind of in her speedos frolicking in the sand yeah it didn't they never showed it no no Derek what'd you think about it oh I I I have two mics and I have a bottle of water it doesn't work that way ah hot tub was well they pretty much said it it was it was challenging you know it wasn't it wasn't as much fun as it may have looked but I think we all established that none of us would probably go into somebody else's hot tub if we didn't have to but it was a bonding experience it was a bonding experience that's what family does that's right Oh water okay well yes Tomatoes who is the most like their character who is the least like their character least like it's Stephanie for sure yeah yes yeah definitely do you agree with that Stephanie yes I agree I will heartedly endorse that statement yes I'm very very different than Rosa very very different so who is the most like their character yeah I think I am oh I will put it out I think I'm a lot like Terry Jeffords because my name is Jerry right Frank Jerry yeah talk about that he's very strong and I'm very strong and I loved everyone in the precinct and I really do love everyone and the free thing so I mean they really based a character on me and it was written with me and mine and every step of the way it was you know Dan gore Mike short just said this is you we were creating this around you and it was the first time I ever had anything like that happen in my whole career I've been acting over 15 years and to have a character that was just based on me I mean they were literally I mean I have a white minivan and they put the minivan in the show you know it is crazy so it was an awesome awesome experience I actually want to ask a little bit about that because you know you work out we can see that yeah see there we go there we go don't make me get shirtless man I'll tell you I will do it has a lot of buttons but I got time no yeah definitely do it Terry yes definitely disrobe her at sag do it do it Terry that's why we all came I couldn't wait for the hot tub I couldn't wait for the hot tub I wanted to show up exhibition is trust exercise trust exercise well in the payback episode Jake and Terry workout together now I'm curious in real life have any of you ever actually worked out with Terry Joe have any of us worked out I didn't really work out with him I watched him he was there we were there together that's bad room we were there I was spotting his body hairy bike and you're lifting 400 pounds let me go through some of the storylines just first of all Dirk and Joel I want to ask is there anything they've had you guys say or do on the show that you just couldn't believe you were going to have to say or do or because it's pretty crazy but it's great stuff no I think you know kind of the joy of what we all of us do is the you know the willingness to to go with it and and and you know and and the writing is just so good that it's not like you have to spend a whole lot of time figuring how am I going to make this work I mean we've all done shows that you know we had to do that and luckily on this show we have such good writers and if it's not absolutely perfect there on the set or Andy's out there giving us other things to say and do so no I I mean yes they give us very bizarre ideas to action to put to action but it's just a blast I think every script is like a little present so and we're all excited to do the read to look it over quickly before we do our read-throughs and it's always a treat everybody is always looking forward to seeing what they're going to come up with next so yep a lot of fun yeah well one of the big romances this season has been of course Jake and Eva Longoria's character which we saw kind of maybe come to an end in this episode that we just watched it's shocking okay could you talk first of all just about I mean you guys have a lot of guest stars on the show now especially this season and they seem to be woven in very well the writers really know what they're doing but talked about having to Eve on the show and I was just what's coming next for Jake as far as the romance department um Eva was great consummate professional quote me on it it was really fun it was fun working with her you know we've had really really good guests it's been crazy um pretty much out of the gate you know I think again that's Mike and Dan and the cachet that they come with if that's how you phrase that but yeah it was fun really fun working with her and it was a you know a good dynamic for Jake I think to have somebody who is smarter than him and challenges him and stuff I'm being pretty articulate I think right now and just lose all steam in that moment um yeah thank you Thanks thanks guys we're family etc yeah future um you know we don't really know we're actually not that far ahead at this point you know there's not a ton of episodes left so you know hopefully just tons of boning well cuz some some would wonder if maybe the Jake and Amy thing would get revisited just because it's been kind of quiet for a while any thoughts or wants or desires um we also are interested to know the answer to that question yeah I kind of like how they both acknowledge it though now that both characters just kind of acknowledge that they like each other and it's kind of out in the open Terry help Terry help dad dad dying shirt off hot buttons set that way why stop at the shoot slip out of the skivvies slip out of this give you a great talk a little bit about working with the kyra sedgwick who we all saw again in this episode and uh you know I think like you a lot of people assume you're all dramatic like I think with Keira and I know you're not and Keira obviously knows for comedy you talk about working with her in these episodes um she too is a consummate professional um thanks you can quote me on it oh um she's uh you know she's a closer I mean she's always been a really so so you know that's a thing right I do I know that any is a is a thing - I think there's a movie out about okay so she's really good she's a lot of fun to work with and you know I've admired her from afar for many years and I get a chance to work with her and um and that's terrific that's it was this the same way that Joel admired Terri at the gym ah yes I said it I don't know exactly how he admired her but I will study that she's she's very good at what she does and we had a really fun time playing goofball characters who resembled each other in a certain way you know in the same way it mirrors a relationship that that even and and Jake have is that they're both goofy in the same way like you know they like their hot wings or the dolls freak them out or something to that to that effect they seem to be simpatico even though they're on opposite sides of the law and even though Kyra know even though lunch and Holt seem to be adversaries they share all these similar characteristics you know this robotic kind of professionalism and so is really a lot of fun watching that you know the edges come off of these characters who are very tightly wound and Stephanie got a little romance happening on the show right now oh yes sir Nick Cannon yes Nick Nick Cannon who used to be married to Mariah Carey spoiler yeah you know about where that story line might be going and um yeah I think I mean I think what's going to happen what seems to be happening episodes now is that the writers are continuing to explore roses sort of inability to have any emotion or connection with other people which i think is really exciting it's really fun to watch somebody that so I mean really down at the very base of it I would say she's really socially inept and she just found this really amazing way to cover that um so introducing a romantic relationship was like putting her in such a vulnerable place because she wants something that she can't she doesn't have control over whether or not she gets it right like you don't have control over another human being so I'm just fascinated by her sort of like kind of it makes me feel as the actress I immediately go back to being like 13 and really wanting a boy to notice me or like me in the same way so it's very fun to play that had that feeling happening in that sort of beastly show you know I mean I'm enjoying it I think it's going to continue to develop I hope the episode that we're shooting this week he's going to be guest starring in it so you will see him again well unlikely that she's getting advice from Charles he does sometimes my god I do advise him he's the best at it every now and then Boyle can throw something out there like I'm okay yeah that's that's somewhat wise and decent and not inappropriate yeah especially for for Rosa though it seems like they don't know well I feel that there's going to be any chance of Roseanne Charles and we don't know if there will be I think the first thing that needed to happen is that he needed to they needed to be on some type of equal footing and he can be so much of a lap dog and so we'll see but I think it's been nice to see have that relationship you know turn into more of a mutual friendship for sure we'll talk about Charles with Gina which was kind of a surprise at the end of last season but it's actually I found another mic I don't under mic I I personally really like it what does everybody think about Charles and Gino should we take our shirts off yeah yeah why stop there slip out this give me step amount this is like a groundhog day of panels just redo all the jokes over and over I'm called a callback shelf all right uh what how do we feel that how do you feel that I think it's good you know I created a whole story around you know because you don't see sometimes the tenderness between them it's sort of off-camera you have to assume so we I don't know I feel like what I've drawn from my past and I've decided that Charles probably cooks really good food for me I agree and so that that can be enough sometimes you know what is true because you get so good he knows what I'm talking about huh it's the weight of your heart you know it is trim and she slapped him around he talked to his hands are clammy and like how he's weird he backs up into her that's not a Turner and then it's like what what does he do and I think food is is has got to be in the mix and I think also probably we're like very goofy together you know when no one's around and uh you know I think like you know but you know look I'm not arguing that we should be together I'm just you know explaining what I think went down yeah they're probably great dancers really can dance like more dances I don't know if Charles wouldn't be my yeah like not a great dancer if I was not a great dancer baby he prolly took like tango or salsa like I feel like Charles would have a very specific dance school that yeah Don - he would he'd practice it on like ice to get better Justin ladies yeah they think that would be better you don't go on ice I'd be really good yeah that's like your date proposal I'm like can you just like watch TV yeah no okay Melissa I want to ask you something the beach house episode you got to play drunk yeah at different levels of drunkenness is which is terrifying for any actor to receive a script and be like I'm drunk this entire episode awesome really excited / terrified let me ask you that the actor Lee challenge on that and how you how you did it you pulled it up very well I thought oh sorry um sorry for cursing uh thanks and and yeah it was you know I read it and I was super nervous about it and and did a lot of like thinking on it like actors do um but also just knew that I was going to be especially when you're when you're playing with this cast you can also just trust the fact that like great things are gonna happen funny things are gonna happen cuz everybody's really there for you and especially I mostly working with Chelsea for that episode I was like I'm not gonna overthink it because she's gonna throw amazing things at me and I'm just going to try not to mess them up um but yeah it was a super fun and we were up in Malibu shooting the episode and it was I don't know I just kind of like went for it and yeah I don't know I don't think I'm answering this question very well about it I'm nailing this panel and lastly tear tape Terry's been it's been revealed that Terry is going to be a father again on the show if you talk about what we'll see moving forward is that going to kind of unhinge him a little bit more we're gonna see that play into things you know I don't know and that's the best thing about it every time we see a script we have no idea what's going to happen I remember reading this and I was like wow he's having another child that's going it could basically send him all the way back um that's the first thought I had I thought he finally got over it he sees secured with his twins doing good and now here's another little one the vulnerability you know and you know that's that's I have to say it reminded me of even when I was playing in NFL because I had two little ones at the time and I was I remember I played in a game where a guy broke his neck and he never walked again not to be a downer guys please not to be a downer but not to be a downer yeah let's let's bring it back up no but I I was thinking like man I remember being on a plane on the way home I oh my god this is for keeps like you know this this you know my kids could really not see me walk you know and I can understand what Jerry is going through all the time you know cuz let me tell you police work is no joke and now he's back out there but now he's the Antelope you know he's the ebony antelope he's thinking he was the Falcon now he's the antelope so hopefully you know he doesn't go too far back in um Andre Rison holds significant other again anytime soon my husband yes her husband yes you see a minister I don't know why I said significant other the episode that I was just wondering if you knew something I didn't um yes my husband will be in this episode as a matter of fact we have an impromptu reaffirmation of our wedding vows yes and who prompted that to happen is your character or I was moved that's all you can say okay I understand that we do have some questions here I do I forgot to say the top of the panel here that the cast is nominated for Best ensemble at the SAG Awards congratulations I think we can all see that they should win just based on this this is fantastic yeah he gets it he gets it now we're gonna argue like a family out this is over so we do have some questions here from the group here Reuben where's Ruben right there um so rube wants to know what for anybody wants to answer what was the audition process for each of you any interesting or funny audition stories we first audition for the show well I didn't have to addition there's a little show called Saturday Night Live been around for a couple of years anyhow yeah but I did do chemistry reeds with a lot of those who we see before us and it was really fun that was the first time I've ever done that like from either side where it's like it was really cool to not be terrified the whole time that I also was like hyper aware having been on the other side of it of like trying to make people feel comfortable as much as I possibly could and be like because what they were looking for was hopefully that like this kind of vibe of like everybody like they want it to be the squad they all got each other's back and it's loose and it's fun and it was really cool how because so many really talented people came in you know Houston Jones to the casting and she's like a genius with combi casting especially and it was cool how the characters kind of just were revealed to semi Mike and Dan even more but I was a part of that conversation a little and it was like people I knew from comedy would come in and I was like that's the funniest person there's no way they're not going to be in the show somehow we're going to make it work and then you know people just won the parts it was just made sense it just you just saw it and it was it was like no no no that's that's Charles like no doubt about it you know it was it was fascinating for me to see it from that perspective I don't know if it was just awful for you guys it was it wasn't horrible oh you go first I was completely stressed how are you kidding me this is the biggest thing that ever happened to me ever ever in my life ever and then they were like so you're gonna screen tests I was like and at your screen test you're gonna be you're just gonna do a little bit of improv with Andy I was like a nice amber and he's Andy Andy like yeah you're just gonna improv with him a little bit I'm like cool and I actually I had to sort of test because I was also reading for the a me role which is clearly not you know and so like that that was really actually very lucky for me because I was able to go in and do do it once like basically I had like a run-through audition for the aiming role and then I got to come back and do the Rosa and so by that point I had a little baby leg up because I was a little more comfortable I'd already met Andy like and that was really that improv was really fun but extremely sweat just like flop sweat and you like they didn't show you were - oh no thanks buddy stuck the landing kid thanks man home run stephanie is pretty fearless in the audition I auditioned with Stephanie once and walked in and there she was she's just sitting there like hi I'm Jose like I'm Stephanie and I didn't so it was a great start you know no but likes definitely really kind of just like one for it and just it was like in my face and it you know as Rosa would during the scene and then when I auditioned with Andy it was nice because I had known Andy for a little bit and then we just had a really good improv and I remember just one bit of one thing where we're the improv were in a car and I'm talking about a kid on a skateboard that hit me with a skateboard and I didn't want to arrest him and it turned he kept hitting me and but I'm just like I he's a good kid though and like it started and like I got him a hot dog and like it oh you got my hot dog water so was it that was kind of a fun little moment yeah it was already there remember that it was there it was there the vibe oh I thought you I thought you said like I was already there I was there I know what you're talking about oh that would have been a heart back Kevin yeah Joe I know man I had the other part of us in the air Reuben also want to know Andy any plans to sneak Lonely Island in for cameos well keep in your arm of both directed episodes so that I think counts I don't know where we're trying we're trying to work on a movie right now so it's the sched is packed but hopefully yeah yes thank you guys I've got a question from Jeff table where's Jeff hey Jeff for anybody wants to answer and Stephanie brought up improv is there improv when you guys are working is it pretty tight to the script or can you guys go loose a little bit I stick to the script I didn't I do as well not always not always no Andre will throw I like crazy at a left-field improv at you at the end of a scene and just destroy the crew goddamn was in from scratch is really wonderful so I just stick with it how about the rest of you somebody that just gets off on improv a more than the others yeah these three right here well there's added reputation as uh but Miami but McGee Zenon I've ever seen sometimes I can't just let the moment sit I just gotta like put a button on it like this ever I'm not aligned just one we're comment it's so it's a lesson find it I need to learn time he does it cuz will you like always add stuff with the end of scenes that's where you like sneak in some weird extra joke and a lot of them do get in with joke you just you feel that moment like in your mind editing wise of like and that's the scene and then joe says one more thing there's like oh and they'll come up sometimes and I know what they're gonna say so like come up and I'll be like no but McGee okay no but McGee it's not even that they're not good jokes it's just it's a meme clearly as in you need to clean a crayon that's you go out back then we're gonna go and get them and also what so let's get out head out we will you'll need it don't need it Andre and I we worked a little improv but it was without speaking we had our eyebrow moves today remember that we had we were to do eyebrows was down and then it was up and then it was down Wow and it won't make it into it at all Ahmad dudas hey there's a mom question for Terry you always seemed really positive and full of positive energy what do you do to keep your spirit bright in an industry that can be tough to break in wow you know again I always consider myself I am a an incurable optimist I always see the good I love to see the good in people and I see the good in events I see the good thing and if you knew where I came from you'd understand again I know I don't have so many friends that are not here that are in jail that are gone that are living way less and then they ever thought they would and to be here to be doing what I'm doing I mean I wake up every day and I'm just like my god I can't believe this I'm super super thankful um and it just gets better I don't know what to say I mean I can't look at this thing I can't see anything negative about it anything that's even hard about it makes you better you know that's what the thing is it's kind of like when it's really really challenging you find out you can do it and and I want to tell that that I'm not any different than anybody in this room I don't know if you're actors or in the business or whatnot but it's one of those things where you find out that it is a skill you know it's not you have it where you don't because that's what that's a lie I've learned it was a lot I'll have people tell me that a lot of times where you have already done whatever and that's a way of excluding you but if you work on it and you just keep going and you never stop you will get there your desire will get you there and it makes you happy that's the best and I'm I'm that guy so you know I'm the guy who's in there in there and I annoying my wife big-time um you will be like God will you please all right it's raining I know but the flowers are growing just me the rain like shut a hell up but I can't help it it's the way I am and up it's you don't want me you don't like me if I'm angry you really would not like to see me so I have to be happy hey sweet baby is Terry the Hulk that's exactly when I saying that in and by the way I'm the Hulk all right stay positive look at the flowers stay positive well Terry in your opinion how's this how's this going tonight in your opinion oh this is awesome see oh this is awesome always wonderful I'm a little hungry but it's okay it's making me better well and obviously they do write in a lot of that with your character Terry if you have you guys found that since the beginning they are writing a lot closer to who you are as the writers are going to know you better how do you feel about that yes for everyone I can say that with full authority the more the writers get to know us and the more we throw things into the mix and and sort of the cross pollenization of creative styles it's things come back in scripts that we have said that they don't know we've said but it just seems like us because it is us like it's trippy sometimes but also our dressing rooms are miked yes I knew it all right Jordan Embry hey Jordan question for Andy for those of us who aspire to be multi - its actor producer writer director do you think we should specialize in one first or approach all at once and why first off I want to add frappe er to that fake rapper I would say I have no idea really how to answer that question I think for me I was just I always wanted to do comedy and I didn't really care how so for example I went to film school even though I wanted to perform comedy so I could write stuff for myself to act in and know it would happen but I also would consider myself not a great director and that's when I like started working with Kiva Norma got way better and up being a producer is something where I mean you know you fall into producing if you have good stuff going on I think more on the other side of it unless you're someone who you're like I'm going to be a producer and you work your way up through producer channels I think that's a much more specific road but yeah I mean the short answer is whatever the thing you're most passionate about I have the only advice I ever give to people is just do it and do it as much as you possibly can if you have to work a crappy job do it when you don't have to be working that crappy job that's what me and my buddies did we worked at nights and we worked on weekends we worked at work which was not really cool but we did it and you know we wrote and we wrote and I did stand-up and shot stuff and just do the thing you want to do specifically that thing as much as you possibly can and the other stuff will sort of form around it I think if I had just add something real quick also I had a similar experience like Andy with working with the group of people I would add you find friends that you the same sense of humor that you have the same passions that you have whether if it's comedy great if it's making horror movies find the people that like the same horror like get see their safety in numbers I think and they'll also help establish a work ethic for you because sometimes it's easy to or hard I should say to work on your own but if you have other people there that are kind of taking you on saying listen we got to get this done this weekend let's make this short it helps create a work ethic for you too last one from semi Anthony hey this is for Terry but I think a lot of people could probably weigh in on this working in different genres you know television shows movies is is can you guys pick a preference or is it about the roles how do you feel because I know a lot of you do different things I start out because I've been experimenting with other things is hosting and doing all this stuff but and I find that um I always like to try everything to see if I like it and what's happened is I love it all I do entertainment is that I for what I get just as much satisfaction off a very very small dramatic thing I'm average I did a movie with Christian Bale called harsh times it was I was in there for like just a scene and it was so satisfying it was such a dramatic piece but I was like wow this is the best that feeling ever and then when I do this show it's the same feeling because you're taking you as an entertainer my job is to please the director the people who are putting it together and make them happy and when you do what your job is and it makes you it makes you very very satisfied so if it's hosting for me if it's drama if it's comedy I don't really have a preference my but my big thing is to be what they need like to fill that gap and be that guy you know one thing about this cast is that everyone here we never is no one steps on each other it's like we have our own lanes and it's a wonderful place to be because we can just go full-speed where we are and we never cross and it's a it's a beautiful thing and we only make each other better that's just my thought about it anybody else I mean I think I mean it's a very very hot topic of conversation right now it kind of doesn't matter at this point I think with the way media works if for me it's just whatever the thing I'm working on that I'm excited about and I think it's funny in that moment Chelsea how about you stand up Twitter TV yeah I'll take a mall thing thank you my point exactly I choose yeah and also cuz everyone's watching them all on their phone anyway yeah all right um Brooklyn nine-nine has all new episodes this month the season finale is in May and good luck at the SAG Awards guys thanks so much tonight so make sure I have enough thanks for coming awesome you
Channel: SAG-AFTRA Foundation
Views: 451,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andre Braugher (Film Actor), Foundation, SAG Foundation, Terry Crews, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Award-Winning Work), Melissa Fumero, SAG-AFTRA, Screen Actors Guild Foundation, Acting, Stephanie Beatriz, Joel McKinnon Miller, Chelsea Peretti, Actors, Andy Samberg, Dirk Blocker, Joe Lo Truglio, Comedy (Theater Genre), Q&A, Interview
Id: ruFE0EnB9jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 13 2015
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