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[Music] [Applause] the rebirth of Brooklyn nine-nine here at [Applause] the executive editor of indieWIRE that's so excited a crowd to bring out the producers [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Rosa Diaz [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] guys you're here and really tell everyone off like you know but really turns out I really like working with you know just an nice no water exactly like their character [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] continue well this is what was the feeling did you guys who were you going to text change sort of being the ongoing conversation about one in a Cygnus you know while it's once we we've got the thing that it was canceled I mean you Dan Kennedy mailed everyone and we started talking to each other and it was immense sadness I literally didn't know what was up or down everything just started changing you started looking at your kids like that smart you know and especially since we've got to be really that ensemble works really well together and think that we're not gonna be losing you on that right but then the internet exploded immediately all up texting each other like JC's Twitter do you see this is so many people love our show oh my god just it was so validating in that moment and kind of if you know it so it went from like being so sad the show was over with oh well at least there's just amazing beautiful consolation prize that like so many people feel so strongly about our show yeah and then that snowball into the front of where this was going and did you who first got worried that this is first like to get word Oh [Applause] [Music] seven-thirty or smelling like I had been mad been texting with Andy and with the studio and the studio really everything everything they could that's it sending crazy ideas for racing which we do convince NBC to pick us up and then David Meyer into producer on the show was like hey go to sleep man East Coast everyone's nothing's gonna happen jokes on him half an hour later I get a text that says yes [Applause] I was hosting some guests so I was late to getting the message and I got a text from dancing did you read the even old question mark question mark I said lucky male and he's a creation now that's one issue boys the email and my guestroom language called on like something's happening and we got by NBC and my wife grabbed the champagne and it was a great party so now you guys are back and then what's the status in terms of when you get back to workers is that today brother for Roman are you in terms of scripts in the new season the writers room is up and we are five weeks into our third production we've got a bunch of scripts we've got a bunch of stories it's looking good guys [Applause] [Music] it was you guys that's a little bit of a cliffhanger in terms of first of all 14 Andre Braugher is not here would that have been a great question had that shall not continue either way in the in terms of whether or not he made it as commissioner and now does that change your plans or what happens tonight here I think you get what we did was this feels so much like a Senate [Laughter] we cancel change hand but I think it's very clear from its expression your finger was real chicken Amy make it yes I hope so you mean I make it my go all the way [Applause] [Music] it was yes they start out with a distracted childish robbery to distract each other's courtship to a distracted childish marriage so how much is a spirits gonna change to them we will they forever be sort of Jake and Joel what do you think [Music] [Applause] [Music] this relationship obviously I think the beauty of name is they really are friends and therefore it doesn't change it that much but it opens it up to just sort of new storylines to do with early marriage but I think the core is relatively I think the bigger question is the bigger question actually Joe is his for oil and how this marriage I'm not talking the writers but I think boil away for kids Stephanie great storyline the season obviously [Applause] shepherding them and it's really amazing yeah talk a little bit about that and in the writers as well about tackling uh well it was it was achieved for damn it's not only a brilliant writer but he's also a person who believes in equality and inclusivity and nash's [Applause] immediately when I started sort of coming to the writers room he asked me what I thought about it because he wanted we do have some writers at her gay I think a couple now but he wanted bisexual persons voice to be heard in that storyline in just so happens that the person that's playing the character [Applause] in a really amazing way and the way that we do what what I think Brooklyn is very good at and what I think is you that you guys really love is that we're sort of tackling these like issue things that aren't really issues that are just things that we are all sort of dealing with and navigating in our lives and we do it in this fun joyful way in this idealized world in which everybody is a feminist it's in dated Molony everyone loves their LGBTQIA like family members top circle in this world so yes very thrilled to be asked you have a voice in that storyline and felt that it really reflected at least for me a lot of what is reality of my own life that Stephanie be very involved and that would be a story that not only she felt comfortable with was really excited to say and there were so many things about it that work it's dry by the way but there were so many things that kind of surprised to shocked and like seven that we found out in doing the episode like apparently roses saying on camera that she was by and using those words it was like the first time [Applause] that wasn't a retention and yet was something we did and that's the next question or speaking of cliffhangers is that she is a super successful super busy history actress with a shorter of which is her everyone should also watch but we are trying to you that she is trying to do that we are definitely hopeful bit that our emphasis take five days to shoot and she was there for one day that was the only day that she was able to do it her schedule is so packed and she's like a friend of mine so she wants to come back so badly but it just is matter of scheduling so there's some other bad things Andros [Applause] she's gonna take a one-day vacation it's a nice story in Terry well it's a tearing [Applause] so we're great where is Terry now feel that where Terry is this season and then going oh I mean you know he's a mom appreciate this the basic thing because home is the death and we have these wonderful kids and you know the Terry Jeffords is me [Applause] let me say I get choked up thinking about these guys a lot because I want to see them win that's you know Nick with my own family you know and yeah it's real what you see with cherry Debra's it's his care their relationship with him and Jacob and when he went people Melissa made it to sergeant he wanted to see her win you know it's the proudest moment with with with every character brother but Chelsea came back that the joy that he had in his heart it was so many moments I was like that's me in the moment and I've never had a character that just synched up in my life like that you know I'm a super special obviously for example Chelsea what do you think I mean if she was in her edge or does she just finally have a winner dismiss ragtag crew she's a gentle spirit but she has layers like all of us do you know were multi-dimensional people and one minute was soft the next hard [Applause] [Applause] [Music] they're amazing when we started in the industry about four or five thousand years ago you know the only people basically being hired on television will write that and it's still the same but you know now to be on the show you know kind of Wiggly into our career we're making for you ways to go but you know again to have gay lesbian characters and integrated cast you know it's pretty amazing [Applause] [Music] I think their words thank you everyone for being here this show is so important and at this beautiful shortest cancellation in existence thank you giving voice now 80 characters and also just as you can main course itself of us at the Athenian victory thank you for your part of me too [Applause] [Music] thank you ah so my question is for everyone what does it mean to you to be a show that's so weird that doesn't that was all I know about it is that there are different factions of Fox the people we dealt with there I truly believe really loved and supported our show I don't know what they would say publicly about the Fox News Wang the Fox [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] because it just means so much to me we get to see not only one but two beautiful and strong [Applause] Gina's character is so hilarious it became a relatable me realizing that I was not the same as all the words that I really have for it when I was like you know little because I knew that something else was going on because I could feel my body reacts my brain [Music] [Applause] you're feeling like seen in the world so that the rules and I've talked a lot about how we were growing up it was hard to find ourselves for television we felt really invisible we felt like my desk assistant for me this is like thing whatever this world is happiness is about Brooklyn nine-nine account it's really shown us that families belong together and that families belong on free [Applause] lots of my family and my family so I'm wondering for all of you what the stories and that the development of your characters have meant for your understanding of community that's the best part of a workplace comedy right but you can get that right yeah well I'll just add that yeah when you when you work at a play like that our characters work at a place where there's so much stress and turmoil that you need that kind of love and support and that's not just true of these characters but it's true for people and where they work so I think it's important that that you have a show that can kind of show them I mean for me for my character Boyle I mean Boyle just loves people so much and isn't afraid to like show unadulterated like compassion [Applause] just loves the whole squad and I think that's that's what I've heard about playing oil and the world young twin daughters were exactly the same ages Terry Jeffords young my daughter's in the show and so I read a lot of it pushed a lot of stories that come right from those experiences and then I get to watch on TV is I'm played by Terry [Applause] well thanks next question please hi I just want to say first off I'm a huge fan of this you know it's been like something that's really helped me the last couple years so thank you to all of you [Music] Twitter and your whole Twitter fan the ones that published trend for Oakland 99 you guys have a roller coaster and we were all wondering you guys have great representation on the show but we were wondering if there was any room for mental health representation has some OCD and Jane has abandonment issues any mental health representation yes yeah I think that you know it's yeah that we're always looking at every character and every story and trying to be as inclusive and etc it can't be and I think you know that's something we've thought about took us a long time to figure out for instance Rosa coming out story and so it's sometimes it's easy to say like yes you know but it's hard to actually come up with a story that feels satisfying or whatever for us but yeah it's we're we're excited also that people feel that representation whether or not it's about Adrian pimento I mean I would say one other thing to that which is any time when we tackle something that is tricky like that that maybe doesn't have a lot of representation especially because we're a comedy it has to be the right stories so we are walking the line correctly and it doesn't come across as us making a joke out of it and giving it because if you it up so I think not to speak on behalf of the writers but I think track record is ruin that we are open to all of those things it's just got to be the right story and us feeling like we're gonna do it justice if the show did was canceled and did n-word and how would each of you have wanted the features for your character or the conclusion for it to be like what would we want there like arc to be like through the episodes we wouldn't have gotten the scene yeah like what would you like Jake would it just became best friends with Bruce Willis [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah Amy would have become before Terry [Applause] Hitchcock woulda taken over Shaw's bar [Applause] all right another question please all right I'm gonna keep it quick and light but first Scully Hitchcock you guys are super underrated but you guys are we gonna see Doug Judy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] versus them or is it just [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's gonna help and it'll be you guys against these guys a dream permit restrictor fighting bears here name one New York neck the Jake is enhanced [Applause] [Applause] a medium [Applause] [Applause] this what stage who is the only celebrity that amy has ever seen in person experience exhilarating that's a season it was private once the name of scrapbooking keeps your hope remember that there is their work their work its heart is there a lot of jokes convention both look at Greek dipstick is full fat Greek with identifying I'm turning 36 [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] pretty sure [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my questions for Melissa and Stephanie's so you guys were on Monday the time well you said it was the best experience and so different from how we shoot Rocklin and it was like exciting like to be good should we do both like it was just really different right but yeah it's hard to compare they're two totally different worlds seems like you did compare though this joint is joyful and fun it's really fun to have a live audience there it's fun I hear their reaction it's for me it was like a master class because Rita Moreno is just like and it was like one time I gotta laughs there was a huge reaction on audience it's real like this is the upstate [Applause] Samberg does that sometimes right [Music] [Applause] [Music] no but it was because we got to all go and hang out at the beach in this big beautiful house it was it wasn't really on enough in the show that it was a bonding experience we cast a lot of down time and the house was far away from our base camp where the trailers are so we really just kind of hung out or chatted and got to know each other it was really fun experience I also remember the party the party was a great this is videos we're gonna do something very very inappropriate you know we were at his house and that was like the first time we were all together yeah the whole town for the party who's that they were all in Holt's clothes was fun - I just remember that night singing the friends theme song I think didn't chuck that whatever epic like where she just laughing - surprise you can all say one at the same time [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] so if all your characters wearing a Hunger Games gonna be a character well I can tell you moon would be the first to go would any of us besides Terry Travis [Applause] [Applause] I've let everyone up here and everyone works on the show to thank all of you for all of your support online and and watching the show and everything it really means the world all of us and I really don't think we'd be up here if it weren't for you so thank you all [Applause] [Laughter]
Channel: fandomnessa
Views: 299,817
Rating: 4.9677281 out of 5
Keywords: brooklyn 99
Id: OWcmDEUeZew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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