Seth Chats with the Cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine After Its Series Finale

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Oh that's who the janitor was, the co-creator

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/StrongAsMeat šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 17 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

So many funny moments and jokes from this one.

One of the cast members yelling "BONE" when asked to do their Andre Braugher impression!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/akulkarnii šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 17 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

This was so delightful! Thank you for posting šŸ„²

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/shitdashit šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 17 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Love that Joe is wearing a tan suit and white shoes. He really is the one true Boyle.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/loudmime27 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

The moment between Joe and [spoiler] was pretty incredible. I think he was genuinely as moved by that as Boyle would have been.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/stormywhethers321 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 17 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Scullys lack of flat top is hurting me

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/misslteg šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
-Hello, everyone, IĀ“m Seth Meyers, the series finale of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" aired earlier tonight, and now weĀ“re so happy to be joined by the showĀ“s incredible cast. Dirk Blocker, Joel McKinnon Miller, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher, Andy Samberg, Melissa Fumero, Joe Lo Truglio and co-creator and showrunner Dan Goor. Thank you all for being here. Congratulations on the amazing finale, the amazing accomplishment of so many seasons. I want to start by a quick shout out to those who arenĀ“t here. Terry Crews can not be with us tonight. We did want to make sure his presence was felt. We do have a cut out Terry, and weĀ“re very happy with the technology that weĀ“ve used to make his pecs go. -Ooh. -Yeah, really good. [ Laughter ] Really good. And thatĀ“s all computers. It looked like a crew guy ran behind him, but thatĀ“s all... -Broke the bank on the seats. -Yeah, and we also -- Chelsea Peretti cannot be here, but she did -- she sent a video. So letĀ“s take a look at what Chelsea has to say. -ā™« My bags were packed ā™« ā™« I was ready to go ā™« ā™« JordanĀ“s assistant was going to take me ā™« ā™« He was at the door ā™« ā™« And then my son started puking for five hours ā™« ā™« HeĀ“s better now, but I missed the trip ā™« ā™« I bought a dress where the back wonĀ“t zip ā™« ā™« The website said size down because it runs large ā™« ā™« Not that large ā™« ā™« IĀ“m not leaving on a jet plane ā™« ā™« IĀ“m stuck in my [bleep] house again ā™« [ Laughter ] Well, good luck, everyone. Thanks for having me in this capacity. [ Laughter ] -They get a bomb shelter, I think. -What a voice. -What a beautiful voice. -I like that she didnĀ“t let television slow down her -- her pace. She didnĀ“t speed it up for us. -No, and we gave her -- She was like, "How long should it be?" And we said, "10 seconds, not a second more." She really took advantage. -But I should milk it, though? -So I think these, you know, obviously finales are incredibly emotional. Oftentimes, you see, you know, other shows that are beloved. You see films of the final table read. What was it like for you guys? And was it hamstrung because of this crazy era weĀ“re living through? -Well, it was quite hamstrung. It was on Zoom. -So, that was the final table read was on Zoom. -Last day together we were in the middle of shooting when we did it, so we were all in our dressing rooms on Zoom. So you could like hear people laughing across the hall and stuff. But you know, inevitably someone has like a terrible delay and it ruins it. I feel like, Joe, didnĀ“t you have like a major problem? -I had a major technical issue with my computer in that it kept dropping out, so we had to swap out a laptop with a -- with like one of the wardrobe assistants, came in and I was -- I was in a bit of a panic because it seemed to happen only on Charles BoyleĀ“s line. [ Laughter ] -And it froze on your face and you were like... [ Laughter ] Like, so upset about it. -Pure terror, IĀ“m sure. -I feel like we all heard you yelling in the hallway, right? [Bleep] -ItĀ“s out! We got a laptop?! -ItĀ“s the finale! I want to be emotional. -I was -- I was -- -Cold sweats. -It sounded -- it seemed to me like you were just making an acting choice, like a really long pause. -Boyle just flips out. -Yeah. -Dan, as like somebody who obviously knows, like obviously put all this time into writing the finale, you know this is, you know, the final thing everybodyĀ“s going to see, when you watch like a terrible, tech-laden you know, errors-laden Zoom read through, do you least think thereĀ“s going to be so much better when itĀ“s on TV? -No. Was instantly so depressed. I-I -- but also, it should be said, with the sole exception of Charles Boyle not really doing well, it was not that much of a disaster. -ThatĀ“s right. -And by not doing well, I mean, just technically. You know, IĀ“m constantly in a fetal position, pulling my hair out and convinced that weĀ“ve destroyed the legacy of the show. -Have you unfolded now that the finale is there? Do you feel like youĀ“re finally non-fetal again? -I am semi non-fetal. Yeah, IĀ“m not. IĀ“m not fetal. -ThatĀ“s really exciting, man. -ThatĀ“s hot. ThatĀ“s hot look for you. -Thank you. -You guys had, I mean, almost all of you had really emotional moments in the finale. You guys had an intimate moment in the finale. Are those moments -- does Dan writes specifically what he wants? Or do you guys, sometimes as actors, find your own way? -Anytime there is a Jake and Amy kiss on the show, Dan requests that it be tender. And itĀ“s the worst, and he knows we hate it. -Hate it so much. -He goes, "Just make sure itĀ“s really tender." IĀ“m like, "I want to quit the show So bad right now." Like, youĀ“re trying to act good. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -As a fan of the show, I want what the other fans want, which is a kiss that is tender. -[Sighs] -And I put that in the stage directions every single time. -I wish they didnĀ“t push it so hard in the promos like, "Tonight on Brooklyn Nine-Nine," things get tender." -Yeah. -Really a problem. -I feel like Dan paid someone off at promo. -Do you have -- do you have the sort of COVID police on those intimate moments? -Well, we hadnĀ“t until this last year, of course. But, yeah, we werenĀ“t planning on doing one. But it was actually... How did it go down? Dan wanted to add it on set. He did say he wanted it to be tender, if anyoneĀ“s wondering. But we werenĀ“t -- we thought we couldnĀ“t do it. And then he went to the COVID safety specialist. -Yeah, I said -- because we had written the scene, thereĀ“s a very emotional scene between the two of them. They are fantastic in it, and it felt so strange that we hadnĀ“t written that they should kiss. And I said, "Can we add a kiss?" And the director was like, absolutely not. COVID. They cannot kiss. If they kiss, they have to both -- We have to get it approved in advance, they have to rapid test and they have to mouthwash immediately beforehand. Rinse with Listerine, like a powerful Listerine, more powerful than normal. -Like Glycerin. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] And I was like, "Okay." And all of a sudden, the COVID guy, Sean walked up and he said, "They can kiss." And we were like, itĀ“s a go, and they kissed, it was tender. -And then it was a pretty massive breakout, right? You guys had to shut it down. -Yeah. -Yeah. -For sure. Took down the whole lot. It spread to other shows. It was [bleep] up. -First case of Delta in L.A. [ Laughter ] -Andre, weĀ“ve talked before on the show. The funniest thing that Andy ever told me was that he was going to be in a television show with you. -Yes, it was funny to me, too. -Yeah, it was funny to you, too. I can only imagine how funny it was for you. I was actually thinking about this when the the late great Ed Asner passed away because he played Lou Grant as his comedy character, and then he played it as a dramatic character. And obviously, you played a different character on this show than you did on homicide, but there was a dramatic police show and now this comedy police show. Do you feel like this is a sort of perfect bookend to these -- these two acts in your career? -I do feel that way in a certain way. You know, IĀ“d grown tired of playing cops. You know what I mean? I donĀ“t. My wife says, youĀ“re the perfect cop and I donĀ“t see what sheĀ“s talking about. But -- but IĀ“m often cast in that way. And this was the perfect opportunity to -- to spin it in a certain way, you know, and to explore something different. And -- and exactly as I had hoped, it was transformational. I mean, in terms of my career, in terms of my -- my acting skill, in terms of my joy, you know, in front of the camera. So itĀ“s been a great experience, you know? -And you know the other thing that was a very famous chapter of this show was that it was canceled and then sort of brought back by the fans. Was it exciting to go out on your own terms this time? -It was amazing. -Yeah. -I mean, I think we all really feel exceptionally proud of the work that we did this last season. And like with all the strange challenges and the, like, all of the challenges, the writing challenges, the acting challenges, the crew challenges, but it felt really, I donĀ“t know. Felt, like you said, joyful. It felt really joyful the way that we finished it. -Well, it felt that way to watch as well. WeĀ“ll be right back with more from the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." But first, Lin-Manuel MirandaĀ“s musical take on the "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" theme song. ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Everyone who sees this show ā™« ā™« Agrees it rocks ā™« ā™« ItĀ“s on NBC ā™« ā™« Ā“Cause itĀ“s too good for Fox ā™« ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Sad to see you go ā™« ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« YouĀ“re a good show ā™« ā™« Andre Braugher rules ā™« I love you. -Welcome back. We are here with the wonderful cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." Dan, IĀ“m wondering how you came up with the idea for the show and how you first approached Andy with the pitch. -So I used to work on "Parks and Recreation" with the wonderful Mike Schur, who you are very familiar with. -Yes. -And I was there for five years, and we decided we wanted to create a show together. So we had this idea and we were trying to figure out who the perfect lead actor would be. And then Andy, it turns out, had just left "Saturday Night Live" and he was in Los Angeles. So Mike and I in what is the most Hollywood experience IĀ“ve ever had, went to the Villa that Andy and Lonely Island weĀ“re renting. -ThatĀ“s right. -A villa... [ Laughter ] in order to record their third album. -I think I was at that villa. Was I at that villa? -You definitely visited said villa. -Yeah. -Yeah. -It was a real Hollywood villa. -Oh, yes. So, where did you take this meeting? At the pool? Where did you? -It was poolside. I brought Mike and Dan out by the pool. We had refreshments. They pitched me on the show. The character, his name was Jake. -IĀ“m so grossed out right now. -Why -Did you take a lot of calls during the meeting? -I took many calls during the meeting. All fake. -YouĀ“re so good at faking calls. Do one --fake one of your Hollywood calls? -Sorry, one sec, Seth. Hello. Oh, hi, Lorne. [ Laughter ] Yes. Yes, Seth is bombing. Yeah. Like heĀ“s never done it before. ItĀ“s crazy. Alright, see you at [indistinct] [ Laughter ] -Very good. -Thanks. -I mean, I believe it. If I didnĀ“t know, IĀ“d believe it. So, Joel and Dirk, you guys played a Hitchcock and Scully, and these were characters that grew, I think, beyond what any of us would have hoped over the years. Did you have a favorite storyline to play of the many that you were given over the years? -Well, I would probably say the episode where that resulted in us having a battle of the penis punch, 69. -Yeah, -It was probably one of them. -Yeah. -There are so many, really. -Yeah, but thatĀ“s an actorĀ“s dream. -Yeah, it was, indeed. And and there was no COVID at the time. So we were able to, you know... -Really get in there. [ Laughter ] -And by that, you mean punch each otherĀ“s penises. -Yeah, correct. -ThatĀ“s the acting. ItĀ“s an actor. -Sure. -Yeah, I love thinking about anyone watching this that hasnĀ“t seen the show And thatĀ“s the first episode-specific reference. -Who here, and other people can answer for other actors up here, who is the most or the least like the character they play on the show? -Least as easy. -Yeah, IĀ“d Stephanie. -Stephanie. -Stephanie. -[ High-pitched ] ItĀ“s me. ItĀ“s me everybody. IĀ“m the most different. [ Laughs ] -When you were on -- Stephanie, I will say when you were on this show as a guest, that was the feedback online from people. -Jarring. -Yeah. -People donĀ“t like it. They want me to be Rosa in real life. They are very upset that IĀ“m not. -They are definitely -- theyĀ“re thrown to the fact that they thought when you were here, you were doing a character. -Yeah. -Yeah. -Which is a comp -- ItĀ“s a highest compliment I could have as an actor, which is like, I donĀ“t like your real personality. I like your fake character personality that IĀ“ve known for eight years. But the real, you can suck it. ItĀ“s nice. -ItĀ“s really nice. Could you give us a little Rosa? -No, absolutely not. -That was it. [ Laughter ] Most like? I mean, heĀ“s not -- his -- heĀ“s not here, but Terry is pretty similar. I mean, he is essentially here when you look at the tech. -Yeah. Can we do the tech again? -Yeah. -ItĀ“s the scale, I believe. -Yeah, see, itĀ“s basically like TerryĀ“s here. Yeah, thatĀ“s all -- ThatĀ“s like Wi-Fi enabled. ThatĀ“s a bluetooth. -Bluetooth is control that. -ThatĀ“s running through firmware. -Does anyone here -- Obviously, that cardboard cut out is doing an incredible impression of Terry. Does anyone here do impressions of other people on the show? I mean, everyone kind of does an Andre. -Okay. WhoĀ“s got the best Andre in the house? -Melissa, -Wow. -Totally threw her under the bus. -You do an Andre. You start it off. -Good morning. Right? IĀ“ve done it on the show, though, because Jake does it. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Yeah. -Okay, everyone do your Andre at the same time, though. Ready, three, two, one. [ All imitating Andre Braugher ] -And that my friend is good television. [ Laughter ] -IĀ“m glad you guys didnĀ“t over rehearse that because it felt -- I know youĀ“re not going to believe it -- that felt like the first time. -Yeah, yeah. I would sometimes feel like this question -- Did anybody here take anything when they left the set for the last time? -Like drugs? -Yeah, did you like... -Oh,oh, take things from. -Yeah. -I was like, "Yeah, maybe some Ambien." -I did. I had a lot of props that I worked with all the time, and IĀ“m really having a hard time stopping, you know, with props. So I brought my selfie stick tonight. -But not your phone? -Well, I donĀ“t have a phone. -Oh, you just have the stick. -Very Scully-like. -[ Laughs ] -Yeah, I wanted to do a selfie with all of us with Seth. -Yeah. -But I got to find a phone. -You can always just use it as a back scratcher. -Thank you. -We -- we have another special message from somebody whoĀ“s been on the show. WeĀ“ll be right back with more with the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," and taking us out is "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" guest star Craig Robinson. -ā™« Yeah ā™« ā™« Turn my headphones up ā™« ā™« Come on, everybody ā™« ā™« LetĀ“s go solve some crimes ā™« ā™« Crimes in New York City ā™« ā™« And other areas ā™« ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Brooklyn Nine-Nine ā™« ā™« Pontiac bandit ā™« -Welcome back. WeĀ“re here with the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." Joe, your character was obsessed with the actor Dianne Wiest. -Yes. -Where did this come from? -Dan Goor and the writers. I -- I, you know, I donĀ“t -- IĀ“m not quite sure the obsession with that with Dianne Wiest. -Yeah, itĀ“s a pretty fun character trait. -I think that Charles very much enjoys theatrics and -- and great actors. musicals, and I think Dianne Wiest encompasses all of those things. -Yeah. Well, thatĀ“s a really nice message for her, and we actually have a message from her. -Wait a minute. -No, sir. -Hi, IĀ“m Dianne Wiest, and I would just like to say congratulations on your show, on your run. And I like to say especially to Charles Boyle, that you can wash my hair any day, and I will wash your hair right back any day. Thank you. Bye. -Incredible. -Oh, thank you. Thank you for mentioning me. Bye. -Oh, my God. -IĀ“m crying. IĀ“m -- IĀ“m floored. IĀ“m -- this is -- this is incredible. How did you... -Yeah. -What -- what -- how? -She reached out to us. [ Laughter ] She heard you were coming and she was like, "Can I shoot something on my iPhone and send it out?" I was like, "Yeah." She was like, "You can guarantee Joe will see it?" We said, "Absolutely." ThatĀ“s incredible. I am quite touched by that. ThatĀ“s amazing. -And itĀ“s really nice when you find out collectively that Dianne Wiest has a great sense of humor. -Yes. -I also love that she introduced herself at the top. -Yeah. -Yeah, we know, Dianne. YouĀ“re the best. -Hey, we reached out to people on Twitter. These are some, some cast questions. The first ones from LV824. "Would the cast be open to the idea of getting a tattoo like the Ā“AvengersĀ“ cast did to commemorate their eight years together? If so, what would the tattoo be?" -Ooh. -I think of it as more is what the cast of "Lord of the Rings" did. -Okay. -But, you know, for the youngsters, I guess "Avengers." [ Laughter ] Obviously, IĀ“m against it because I want to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. ItĀ“s very important to me, but... -IĀ“m trying to think of which is cooler in your answer so far. That part or the like, "IĀ“m a Lord of the Rings guy." [ Laughter ] -I donĀ“t know. I mean, I feel like some of us do already have tats. -Mm-hmm. Some donĀ“t. -What would it be, though, if you got it? -What would it be? -Oh, I think I know what it would be. It would be HoltĀ“s tattoo. HoltĀ“s tattoo. -Yeah. -Kevin. -HoltĀ“s. -Oh, and you got that for real? -Oh, yeah. Should I... Nah. -Andre is a method actor. -WeĀ“re on late. WeĀ“re not on that late. -Little tramp stamp. -Alright, guys. HereĀ“s another one. "If you could meet your character, what do you think would be the first thing they would think of you, You, the person, without knowing you play them?" -ItĀ“s a very. really, Zen question. -Yeah, Rosa would think I suck. -Yeah. -She should straight up say it to my face. -Really? -100 percent. And then then weĀ“d become friends because sheĀ“s a real softy. -Eventually, you wear her down. -Yeah. -Three seasons. In three seasons after she met you, youĀ“d be friends. -ThatĀ“s right. ThatĀ“s it. Not right away. Right away, you suck, immediately. -Spin off show. -Spin off. -Amy -- I donĀ“t know if Amy would like me. Maybe be should would. I donĀ“t if I would like Amy. She feels like sheĀ“d be a lot of energy, a high maintenance friend. -I feel like Jake would be pretty hyped. -HeĀ“d be like, "YouĀ“re Andy Samberg." Dude. -"Lord of The Rings." [ Laughter ] "Lord of the Rings" through the cemetery. [ Laughter ] -HeĀ“d watch this. -HeĀ“d watch this. HeĀ“s a big fan of this episode? -Well, I mean, he watches this show. -Right. So... [ Laughter ] -HeĀ“s like, "WhatĀ“s Seth Meyers like in real life?" -Dude, Lin-Manuel did that thing. [ Laughter ] -Alright, guys. This is -- I like this question. "If they had gotten Bruce Willis, did the writers have a plan for what they would do with him and what was it?" -Dan? -Well, there are always pitches from a writerĀ“s room that are like the whole "Nine-Nine" is called out on a on a big case and then he walks in and heĀ“s like, "Hey, is there anyone here? No, I guess not." And then he walks out, you know, like a total [bleep] -Fairly. That would have made it fairly easy. -Yes, it would have. -I always just assumed he would be like, Jake sees him on the street, loses his mind, right? HeĀ“s like, Hey, how you doing good kid or something? -I think thatĀ“s a good way of looking at it. Okay, so these are -- this one is from notandysamberg1 is the name of this Twitter account. -Okay. - IĀ“m just going to come right out and say I think you wrote this. -WeĀ“ll see. -"This is actually a question for Seth about Ā“Brooklyn Nine-Nine.Ā“ Seth, would you agree that Ā“Brooklyn Nine-NineĀ“ is a great show and also that your dog Frisbee is another ugly piece of [bleep] that looks like a rat skeleton that was puked up by an acid monster?" [ Laughter ] Right. And you think I wrote that? -I do. I think that you sort of pointed towards yourself by making the fake account notandysamberg. -The handle says itĀ“s not me. -Alright. -By the way, notandysamberg was taken. I had to get 1. [ Laughter ] ThereĀ“s still out there not -- not me. -Beat you to the punch. -Snatched it up. -A lot of people not you, donĀ“t feel bad. Finishing secondĀ“s great. Alright, so I do -- I want to take a minute. Obviously, I know where you land on this. I would like to ask the entire "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" cast, will go down from beginning, Is Frisbee a good dog or bad dog. Starting with you. -Oh, FrisbeeĀ“s a good dog. -Very good dog. -Good dog. -Good dog. -Great dog. AndyĀ“s always wrong. -Great dog. -Ehh. [ Laughter ] -And, Andy, final thoughts. -Steaming hot pile of [bleep] [ Laughter ] -WeĀ“ll be right back with more from the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," but first, hereĀ“s Fred Armisen. -I always thought that the lyrics to the "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" theme were... ā™« ItĀ“s the game of thrones ā™« ā™« White walkers are coming home ā™« ā™« Lannisters on the phone ā™« ā™« You know nothing Jon Snow ā™« ā™« Jake Peralta likes to hang in Westeros ā™« ā™« ItĀ“s the kind of thing you see on HBO ā™« ā™« ItĀ“s a game of thrones ā™« [ Laughter ] -I want to thank my guest Dirk Blocker, Joel McKinnon Miller, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher, Andy Samberg, Melissa Fumero, Joe Lo Truglio and Dan Goor. I also want to thank Jose Medeles and the 8G band. Stay safe, get vaccinated. We love you. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine!" [ Cheers and applause ] ā™«ā™« ā™«ā™« ā™«ā™«
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 1,093,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, Seth Meyers, Chats, With, The Cast, of, Brooklyn, Nine Nine, After, Its, Series, Finale, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, SNL, Andy Samberg SNL, Brooklyn 99, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Jake Peralta, Jake and Amy, Amy Santiago, Saturday Night Live, Palm Springs, Rosa Diaz, B99, Rosa Brooklyn 99, Ice Age, The Lego Movie, Andy Samberg
Id: Tq610t8XHEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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