Andy Samberg talking about Joanna Newsom for 10 minutes straight

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it's nice your fourth anniversary yeah with your lovely wife to win a new set schedule a thank you very much very nice yeah you know the first three anniversaries were very lavish you like what would you do you would take her out to a great meal a fancy dinner a nice restaurant huge you know think of flowers yeah Dazzler got dancing probably yeah and then we got the baby now so this year I got home I picked a single flower out of the neighbor's garden I walked in and I was like happy anniversaries just like thanks and then we both passed out on our faces together I want to say what I want to say five years five years and then now married - yeah yeah okay do you remember your anniversary I do I've we've had two and I remembered both good and we did the thing where you do the gifts where there's the thing it has to be made of for the year right and the first year it's paper right and the second year is cotton cotton yeah so cotton I got her grandma got run over by a reindeer sweatshirt uh-huh and paper I wrote on a piece of paper we can buy that table that you want that's really exciting though yeah it's great it's been we met at Joanna's Show and you and I isn't there some story like you hadn't heard her and then you were like I love this person have I made that's very different no I was really a big fan of oh really yeah and I went with Fred Armisen mm-hmm and my friend Matt Murray was a comedy writer and Fred had met Joanna and her friend Jamie and some of her people at a festival like a year before so he knew them and I have cool part of the story as Mike Myers was there with his lady and he's a big fan of Joanna as well and we were sort of sitting in the same area and then show ended and we had already talked about how we were gonna like say hi to Joanna and meet I was gonna beat her and everything after the show and we were chatting with Mike Myers cuz of SNL he saw us and said hi and he was we were like are you gonna stay after and like say hi and he's like oh no I don't really like to do that are you guys and we were both like no and anyway we're just gonna pay our check though cuz we haven't paid our check left and I was like we're still gonna stay right he was like yeah I was like cool cuz I really wanna meet her that's great so yeah we met and became buddies and then like Oh chummy first chums first yeah like Chum hangs more like text friends and then we'd like to see each other here and there and say hi and but like that night we went out with her and all her friends and had a blast and hit it off yeah became you are being a night owl and she's a night out the biggest she makes me look like you just the dark time it's crazy when we were living together in New York I'd come home from SNL at like 6:00 a.m. and she'd be up just like watching TV no way best concert I ever went to was that's tough probably joining us in my wife very very talented musician yes and so I'm figuring if you if I visited your house had been invited but if I went to your house probably great just musical instruments all over the house I'm imagining right cuz she plays you any instruments piano and harp especially oh really yeah we have multiple harps in the home she plays harps that's yeah yeah yeah yeah that's so cool like a champ she plays them she has her own thing has her own thing yeah and it's separate but somewhat similar separate separate but similar we definitely can relate a lot about work stuff yeah um but you know we also both are like I should work less it'd be fun to hang out more right you know right very right um but it's it's you know what do you do when you're kicking it I have to assume it's like all of us and you're just watching [ __ ] movies and watching a lot of movies watched a lot of TV good we like going out to the nice restaurants and stuff yeah it's a real treat yeah yeah oh you food people yeah we listen a lot of like old records really yeah that's me yeah we're madly in love great it's the best isn't it great it's the best thing of my life yeah how long you've been together eight years you got all these harps in the house does she does she play the heart before you plays well not for me but she's you know she's a pro so she plays all the time to practice and she's writing and stuff and before we ever met I was a huge fan of her music so now it's incredible for me when she plays I just sort of go and lie down on the floor and just Zen out while she plays it's really great who's your best friend Andy my wife yeah Oh get married it's easy cuz you have to say that I mean everyone who is aware of her and who she is both like professionally and personally loves her think she's the best of all time that's kind of how I feel about Valerie did you ask her like look check out this person everyone she meets loves her yeah and then you're just all I have to do is not [ __ ] it I feel that way captain there's a lot of that like a lot of people who only know her you know from the outside looking in at her art there look there are like why would she be with that guy yeah just because a lot of people take what she does really seriously rightfully so cuz it's like intense beautiful emotional stuff right but she's you know she's a very fun like silly person sometimes like that's a big part of her yeah I always say it's kind of like a Roger Rabbit situations thank you he makes me laugh I have to zoom you god that's an obvious question but it you laugh like Valerie and I laugh that's such an amount think it's all we do and of course my beautiful and incredible wife Joanna who I love so much thank you she's a musician her name is Joanna Newsom she's actually been on this show before she plays harp and sings and she's incredible and I love her and we're very happy did you a big ceremony a big honeymoon a big something-something yeah we had a great wedding in Big Sur California and we actually just got back from our honeymoon where'd you go we had none of my business we went to the Maldives okay my pose is hide behind my wife who looks fantastic she's in a beautiful teal and a crown she looks great yes the best accessory as they I am hers yes my wife has told me that there's whispers on social oh up and bring up the globe I mean we're both into one another's culture and it's not that different we're bushi we're northern Putin of both Northern California yeah so that's like more than more than anything else yeah yeah that's how I feel that but what she was and raised religious I've never asked her she was a little bit what kind um I don't know that it's mine to tell yeah that's fine she's a I thought this was just like surface level stuff I forgot that she has a rabid fan base yeah I do I feel like I a lot of times she's a very specific person and handles how she does anything public as far as you deeply emotional they can just think about joanna married six years together almost 13 yeah and what would you say the secret is because a lot of people want that type of relationship and they don't know I can't believe she wants to be with me that helps and he's self-deprecating and cute and it's very odd trust me for people who know her and know her music and everything she's about everyone knows I hit the jackpot it's crazy my wife bought me a cell animation of Princess Mononoke does that count it definitely does that's one of my most prized possession best person to be stuck on an island with my wife she's a musician uh-huh her name is Joanna Newsom she plays harp and piano and sings and writes songs Wow she's fantastic a classical musician it's kind of she's got classical influence but it's generally categorized more as like folk singer-songwriter but it's not I mean I wouldn't put her in the same category as most people who are called that it's very unique Wow yeah so you have that in house she's the best it's crazy her musics incredible Wow I can't talk it up enough I met her at her concert I haven't missed superfan that's nice yeah nothing's gonna be good yeah I'm very happy that was your wife at you too she's a musician though so it doesn't matter that's a good point okay so did you have a Jew are you gonna raise your kids Jewish how do you decide what's gonna happen with that we haven't figured it out totally yet I think it'll be does she know that you're Jewish I mean all she has to do is look at my face you're pretty jewy-lookin I'm pretty doing a my last name Samberg yeah did she change her name to Samberg yeah but for her for her records and stuff I think it's gonna stay the same why she doesn't want to Jewish last name her cell records no I think it's just cuz she already has an established fan base and stuff you don't think she wants the last name Samberg I told her not to yeah don't ruin your cool name he's great at music
Channel: g
Views: 301,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #andysamberg, #joannanewsom, #newsomberg, #sevendrinkamy
Id: r5DbvRVLy28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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